Residonts of Fairview Lodlge were vlslted are seon bore witb Anlk and Amber and. last week by members of the Ontario Worklng OWDA volunteers Carole Murphy and Jeff Dog Association and some of their charges. Blyth. Residents Mary Slblock and Jessie Gartabore FreePress Staff Photo IL WH1TBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY JULY 16.1986 PAGE 31 Council decision supports community maiboxes :Edwards Wbltby council bas turnod down 52 proposed communlty malbox sites lanowly devoloped plans of sub- division but bas endor- sed their use ln future plans of subdivision. "By dolng thls we are approvlng the concept Of - communlty mallboxes," said coun- cillor Tom Edwards who was the only coun- cillor opposed to the future use of the mailboxes. Council refused the malboxes use for the developed subdivisions because residents bad net bad any Input into the location of the boxes. The town bas therefore requested Canada Post provide door to door mail dellvery. But future sub- divisions are to have the conrmunity mallboxes deslgned imb the layout. In a recorded vote only coundlllor Edwards voted against the future use of the mailboxes. Councilor Joe Bugefil was absent. "I don't tblnk we should get sucked Into ,dolng Canada Poet's work," said councilor Edwards. Police notes by Const. Peter Bramma The community that I live in, Whitby, is blessed with a beautiful lakefront and harbour. In times past the port area of Whitby was a very busy place. [t was a commercial port sorving the farms- in the vacinity. Large'sailing ships would frequent the habour, loading Up massive quantities of grain that would be brought in by train and horse and wagon. I learned from one of Brian Winters' articles that Port Whitby even had a small commercial fisbing .1eet at one tuie. But as time "marched on", so, ;hese enterprises ceased to exist. When I emigrated 'romn England to this area in the middle 60's Whitby riabour activities were only a shadow of its impor- ant past. Just the emblenrs of the sailing sh.ip and iteamn train on the Whitby town seal spoke of the îarbour's past glories. But, again time bas changed he communlty. Whitby once more has a busy port, iltbougb a dlfferent kind of sailor and craft frequent lie harbour than lin tbe past: the recreational sailor. [ris transformation of Whitby harbour due to ~ecreational boating bas also occurred in ail the akefront communities un tis,.area. People are ~ealizing what a terrific asset it is to have a large ake close by, and are starting to take advantage of t. I arn no exception. For several years I enjoyed ailing my own Matilda sailboat, using the docking 'acilitios of the old Whitby Saiing School and then ho Whitby Marina. The marina is a good example df the town's comrmitment to an improved lakefront. E'be City of Oshawa obviously believes in the akefront's potontial. The clty bas done a fantastic ob at Lakeview Park creating a picturesque boar- lwalk along the lakeshore, wlth evon more plans In ho works. During the last several years It seems bat sport flshing is really catching (no pun inten- Led) on and at times they are 1'lined" up at the bar- our ramp at Whltby waiting to launch thoir boats. 'hings are so busy down there that tbe town bas had D instail a one way systemn at the dock complote rltb special parking areas. If you love to, watch oats, Whitby harbour is the place to go. I think it's great that people are discovering the otential doligbts of Lake Ontario again. lIn the old" days it was mainly the commerce, now it's .ie recreational value that draws people to tbe lake. b as become a "people place". Unfortunately as riore people use the lake so, the number of boating ccidents increase, and some become terrible -agedies wben a person is killed. Lakes, and Lake ýntario in particular, must be treatod with respect. ,ad weatber can summon up some awesome forces ut there on the water. Just tbe fact that tbe water is sually very cold can cause enoronous problems if ou fal in or your boat sinks (example: predicted irvival timne is about 21h to 3 hours in water of 10 L>grees Celsius (50 degrees F) when wearing stan- ard lifejacket and ligbt clothing). Caution and care re so important. Part of caring about your own life ,id your passengers' safety is to make sure your oat bas the proper equipment and omergency sup- ies. [n this weeks column I will briofly go over the luîpment requirements in the Small Vessel egulations deallng with the more popular smaller mseIs. Remember that these laws are for your vn protection and tbe protection of others. Vessels up to5.5 (18 ft.) must have: ....................SESPAGE36 EWING POOLS LTD".' q ~ .1 L POOL SALE IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION ALL POOLS 1INCLU DE: *14 Gauge Steel Vals*30 mil LintereBulinose Coping*Skimmer *Main draineJacuzzi Fi Iter and Pumnpe6' Divi ng board *3-step Ladder ,@Vacuum kiteMaintenance Kit@Com plete Re-soding Cernent deck 3'x3'x3'x3' (f ully excavated and installed) 18 YEARS EXPERI ENCE 1l251 SIMCOE ST.. Nu OSHAWA, ONTARIO CLIPTHISADAND AVE 20% ToaIl your2A N IT 13Y. 8 ROST STOM FRAMING C C U M CLV'p0 THISWEEK C sti ý^mjýg. etc g. ma na USTO RAM 1 ustomFramlng-Stretchng*Matboard*Glass Cu st' 01" WFHIITBY*82 FROSTeWHIlTBY 728al1113 1 t