PAGE 32, WEDNESDAY, JULX' I6ý 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Warrors' Day August 6 at CNE in Toronto TMm 19M6Warrlors' Day Parade wWl be held on Sattarday, Auguet 18, at> the Canadian National Exhibition, utartlng at 10:30 a.m. The guest of honour this year will be Mr. C. Den- nialynn, the Metropolitan Toronto chairman who sered overseas wlth the Canadian Parachute Corpsdurlng World War HX. Mr. Flynn wil be taklng the salute at the march-past of the veterans la front of the grandstand. The guest speaker atthe Warrior'se Day luncheon wll be the Honourable Harvie An- ds'e, P.C.,M.P. the Assoclate Minster .of Defence. Again, the distribution of the free fanily admission tickets te the C.N.E. on Warrlors' Day will be by mail. Individual vetarans must write requeutlng for tickets and enclose a stamped self-addreesed envelope te: Warrlors' Day tickets, Box 882, Station "KI', Toronto, Ont., M4P2EO. Appicants are also requested te give proof o f their mmltary ser- vice, personal number, and the naine of their unit. The tickets wlU be lssued only te Canadian and Alled veterans or members of the Canadian Armed For- ces (regular/reserves), ex-meinbers of the Canadian Armned For. ces, Allled Forces, wldows of veterans and their immnediate familles. There wlll te no tickets lssued at the C.N.E. on Warrlors' Day. Personnel on parade do not require tickets to enter the Exhibition grounds. BINCE 1874 We doflot wish to Insuit your intelligence wt pca hsadta WE PROMISE YOUtef@i@wing: *EXCELLENT VALUE for your money *Qulot Atmosphere eQuick courteous service * different every day *Elegant surroundings eLoadso f private parking WE OPEN il A.M. DAI LY To us, the above is flot a spociai, but the poiicy of CATCH 22 PLANNING A Wedding, anniversary, private party, business cohferenCe, orjust a good timne - CALL US, we may be able to savo you money. HAVE A NICE DAY front Management & Staffaif CATCH 22 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY CALL FOR A RESERVATION 666-3070 Ground Breaking The 'ground breaking ceremony for the Byron Estate Garden Home Condominiumis was beld lait Friday. Attendlng the ceremony were (left to rigbt) Don McQuay, Dr. Wilf Butta, a part-owner, Mayor -Bob Attersley, Lauren Sorichetti and Normn Grey-Noble, the archltect. Elghteen units will be built at the 100 Mary St. W. address. Freeress Staff Photo Carelessness can cause injuries Key Kids! GIVE MAN'S BEST FRIEND A BREAK! BECOME A WHITBY FREE PRESS CARRIER GIVE OUR CIRCULATION MANAGER A CALL AT 668-6111 OR COME DOWN TO OUR OFFICE AT 131 BROC K ST. N., WH ITBY and Commercial Relations. «'It's 50 easy to become complacent about using propane barbecues and other equlpmnent we bandle regularly, particularly in our own backyards," says Mr. Kwinter. "Un- fortunately, wben safety is taken for granted, the resulta are often tragic."1 The minister pointa to the higb rate of diving accidenta in Ontario as an example of how easily a moment's carelessness can spark tragedy. Careless diving bas been cited by mnedical experta as the most common cause Of quadriplegia and paraplegia in Ontario. Out of 70 spinal cord in- jury cases caused by dlving accidenta studled in the last decade, 29 oc- curred ln swlmzning pools. In some cases, the victima bnd been drinking. "I, urge everyone, especially families wlth children, to use extra caution around their backyard pools this summer," says Mr. Kwinter. "'Neyer drink and dive or swim. If the pool isn't safe for cllvlng, post signs as reminders to famlly and friends. Make It a habit to review pool safety rules witb your cblldren periodically." Remlnd tbem tbey should neyer dive into PULL CAPABILITY FOR PRODUCTION OF:* " LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS " QUALITY PRINTING " PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE CONTINUOUS COMPUTER - REISTER & DATA PROCESSING FORMS an above-ground pool or the sbailow end of an lnground pool. Make sure an aduit Ils always ln the area when cblldren are ln the pool. It's also vital Ithat youngsters are warnéd to keep away fromn lawnowers, gasoline cans, barbecues and other potentiaily'bazar- dous equipment. Aduits too should careftily follow safety rules when deallng wlth -volatile fuels. SOnly, use 'approved containers for gasollnè. Neyer use gas. as 'a solvent or paint thinner. Don't, leave any fuel sltting i the sun. Store It in a cool place away froin the bouse and any source of ignition. Neyer transport fuel ln a closed trunk. Ex- plosive fumes could turn the car ià to a bomb on wheels. Always lot the lawnmnower engine -cool down bofore fillng the gas tank. When any equlpment hs brougbt out of storage for the season, check It over carefully for slgns of Wear. and damage. Read tbrougli the operating manuels to review safety procedures. Propane barbecue cylindors sbould te in- pected for dents and corrosion - if danxaged thoy sbould te booked at SEE PAGE 36 ENVELOPIS -FLYERS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORÇS, RESUMES-IROCHURES CARIONLESS FORMS PROUAS-TiCKM COMPUTSRIZED TTPSETING DuNr 218 ARWODAV. S, AJX S OPNG PIMSII Some Ontario residen- ta are seriously injured every year whie engaged in common ac- tivities such as bar- becuing, diving in backyard pools and mowing lawns. "Although the type and severity of the ac- cidents vary, most are caused by carelessnes," says Monte Kwinter, Minister of Consumer [Flowers &Gifts9 IMore thn 1,,,Flower ShopJ ~655-3833 Dining Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-2222 CHINESSE FOOD MULTI PLATTERS 6 Different Items served f rom 12.8 p.m. Buffet Coming Soon SZECHUAN DISHES SIZZLI NG STYLE Peklng Beef served slzzlng & flamlng SEAFOOD DELUXE LEMON CHIOKEN r WE'RE THE NEIGHBOÛRHâOD Y PROFESSIONALS S149 Brock St. N., Whltbi GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 6862 WHIiuY EUT~uYI 1 ummaculate 3 bdrm home on quiet Cres. Near sohool & park, features remodelled Kit. f ln roc rm. SGWO to Ingrd pool for only $1 12,900.00 Yvonne Zolotucha OU-6221 or M6"989. PHONE 683-1968 .1. HARWOOD AVE., S. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 1% -- -