Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 33

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WITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 PAGE 33 Reader attacks subsidiïzed housing seheme To The Editor: local politicians, -and Over the last two eve worse some of weeks 1 bave bad the Reglonal Civil Servant questionable privilege act more as diotato ofwatcbin some of our than representatives ROM PAGE 4 Residents "not pay tbe taxes la keep -AIL-levels 'of gover- nment la busineji arè fed up witb seeing the syatemn vaste our bard earned money botb by sheer extravagance Mnd worse by allowlng tbe very necessry Welfaro Programs - Including subsldlzed bousing - la, b. abuue by tbose wbo do not want la con- tribote la society. CDC Radio reJp3rted July 10 ..atrItrodu.cing In- spectors one montb ago la investigate the exlstlng welfare cases in tbe Province of Quebec ... one 0f every four reciplenta were removed from. the roll". Apply tis magnitude of abuse la subsidlzed bousing and, maybe Mr. lCnell, there would la *enougb homes already bult laous those wlÉo really need it and can- not find an affordable home laday. If CBC la not a good enougb model for you la learn, from, Mr. Knell, bow about tbe presa agency of Canada - CP. Also, on July 10 (Reported front page lead alary of Toronto Star) one la seven "poor" Canadian familles bave VCRa; 46 percent bave freezers; 24 percent bave disb- vwashera; 60 percent bave one car; 8.5 per- cent bave two cars; 87 percent bave a colour tele vision. Obvlously tbe concept 0f gover- ament asalatance, la- cluding aubsidized bhousing, now incudes* provlding cheapbhousing so tbat some recipienta oaa obtain their litxuries. ta, ors Sof Residenta Of B luegrass Meadova are i NOT part of the a "wealthy few" of tais 1country we are simply rthe bard working average family who bas become fed Up wlth being DICTATED la by politiclanswbo are lstenlng ltbte opinion and advlce of everyone except the average per- son. According la 1fr. Knell the " ..average man"ls "«'-ethe single mother, the pensioner, tbe working clan famlly, the handicap- ped..." Apart from the obvious blological lm- posibillty of a worklng mother belng an average man, accordlng la Statiatica Canada the average bouaehold in- corne was down 2.9 per- cent between 198 and 198 on an inflation ad- juated bus and the AVERAGE bouaehold income Included those incornes typically found la Bluegrasa Meadows. Mr. Knell would be well advlaed to take a good look at "Democracy" whlcb la the rule of the majority again accor- ding la Webster'a - the rnajority, 1fr. Knell, pay lomucb in taxes already and are not prepared to accept more and more rnoney being ploughed into a systern wbere there are Iliadequate controla over abuse. Nor are tbe majorlty going to accept the dictatorial methoda that bave been demon- strated up la now by those politiciana who bave little regard for the legitimate concerna 0f those wbo bave worked for wbat they bave and the people who elected tbemn and pay their salaries through an ever lacreaaing tax burden. I arn referrlng la the indecent haste and bi'gots"9 rnow wiab to simply en- joy the fruits of their labour. Nobody, but nobody, on Bluegrasa Meadowa denles tbe need for adequate, affordable bousing for thoe who are, la dlfficulty and who, for one reason or anotbe cannot manage on their own BUT even la the parable 0f the Good Samaritan, whlcb bas been quoted at us, the vlctim of robbery was taken la an INN and the Samaritan payed for bla upkeep (Luke 10.34) there la no comment of hlm. building a cbeap bouse for hlm la the Samarltan's backyard!1 Yours etc. Colin Duddridge. diaregard for existing legai agreernents that our government funded "'Region of Durham non-profit housing association" la demon- strattngln atternpting to 'force-fit' a subsidized bouaing developrnent in- to Bluegrasa Meadows, Whitby. In the case of Bluegrasa Meadows the community la now corn- pletely developed ex- cept for the one area, now wider threat. Every purchaser had to aign a legal covenant witb the developer, Markborougb Proper- tis Mt. (a aubsldiai-y of The Bay) and *every bufider bad to conformn with a legally enfor- ceable sub-divlsion agreement. This en- couraged purchasers and bas been a major contributor ln making Bluegrasa Meadows, a fine placetla ilve in this great littie Town of Whitby. What la happening now la that. the developer appears to want an easy profit and our region politicians are more than happy if Markborough Proper- ties Ignore everythlng Up la now and let the Housing Association bufid homes that do not conforrn la the varlous agreements. Specifi- caily the sub-divlsion agreemnent -probibits any homes except owner-occupied that are built la cettiain cheap bouses that do not con- form la speificationa ad are dagndfor rentai purposes not owner occupation. Their proposai bappens la in- clude subsidized housing units and now the residents are sub- ject alola journallsts commenta that are close la libel. 1 can only speak for myseif but MY message la simple - wben an agreement la signed and people put a large amount of money lala a bouse wltbln a certain area because of that agreement thenit Io not reasonable for any elected, or publicly paid, representative to ignore that agreement. I would also suggest It ls flot advlsable for the developer eitber - it la possible for a large number of Bay Credit Carda la be cut up and returned. By association I bave been clasalfled by one "Journalist" as a mddle clas bigot. The only bigotry my nelgbbours and 1 profess la, are the bellefs tbat made Canada great inthe first place - bard work Mnd the privilege of enjoylng the fruits of one'a labour. We aise bave bad a nagging feeling about the abuses 0f the welfare system and publlsbed reports by both the CDC and Canadian Press la recent days only con- firm our concerna. Tbe average person la over- taxed Mnd lao mucb rnoney spent on social programa la wasted on those who abuse the syatemn (accordlng to CBC reporta the Provin- ce of Quebec, ln one montb 0f case inspec- tion, found one la four were not eligible). We do not object to sub- aidizedhbousing for tbose la need but let'a make sure the systemn cleani' out those wbo no longer quallfy before adding more Mnd more coesaila la tbe systein whlch will only furtber increase our taxes. Legally, moraily and electoraily our local politiciens are on very thin ice aMd I atrongly recommend tbey read tbe US, definition 0f democracy - "Gover- nment 0f the people, by the people, FOR the people". Enougb la enougb - start acting as true representatives FOR AIL the people NOT as self appolnted dictators. Yours etc. Colin Duddridge. Extra ToVie Editor: Psut, 1Ibeard a rumor. Tbe other day I beard David Peterson la plan- ning on seizlng control 0f thbousing lndustry. As we ail know now we are ail entitled la equal accsu la the best possible bornes. Every arehlitect, draftaman, builder, brioklyer, Mnd plumber wlI answer dfrectiy la the premier. Thla new indtutry will now be known as the On- tario Houslng Insurance' Plan (011W NO. 2). We *ii not la able la buy a bouse privately. The next rumor I beard was that David Peterson la planning la, seize contrai 0f the food industry. As we allkow now we are ail entitled la equal access Ito the best possible- food. Every ýIfarmer, wholesaler, bakery, dei and restaurant wii an- swer diroctiy la the premier. Mhi new la- dustry wiii now la known as the Ontario Food Insurance Plan (OFIIP). We wll only la able la buy government food. Tbe rumor I heard niext was that David beilling Peterson la planning la seize contrai 0f tbe clotblng induatry. As we ail know now we are ail entitled la equai ac- osas la the best possible clothilng. Every designer, dresamaker, distribular and boutique wlll anawer diretiy la the premier. This new industry wli la known as the Ontario Clothlng Insurance Plan (OCIP). We will no longer la able la choose an la- dependent clothing store. Not one wlll exlat. Of course we ail know that wben these plana are fully implemented we will ail la living la sbacks, eating acrape, and wearlng rago. I wonder if we should la alarmed - remember years ago when I heard the rumor that we Were ail entled la accees la the beat possible health care, weli my mother la atili walting for her surgery and it has been four years now. Remember bow we aili helped the government seize control 0f our doc- tors. M. Wilson Pickering, Ont.

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