Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 40

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PAGE 40 WEDNESD AY Il Il Y 16 1996 WHITRY FREE PRESS FR*EE PRESS E M PORI.U M Emporium Ade wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. 7M TWO LADIES BIKES, $40 each, ROLLER SKATES- Nika, back. TV. stand, $15. Siareonstand, $25. nize 3$25, Dominion, whte, size HI-Fi record ployer, $50. 0011 aller 5 (ladies), $30. Fllty record 6 p.m., 6684032. albums, 1940-19508 music, nome closicol, $5 each. Phone 855- MODEL TRAIN SET. HO Gouge, 3266. 70 ILt rack, 4x8 table, angine, 12 cars, buildings, good starter set, CUSTOM MADE drapas, 2 com- $200 f irr. Oel 723-8969, aller 5 plte sais, $300 Phono 688-295. p.m. CUSTOM MADE cantemporory lons seol and lwo chairn, ex. cllant condition, cont $1800 sew, askiog $85. Wall unit, ose thon a yarold, $480 Ater 5 p.m., 888&2238 KLONDIKE lrepioce Inser wllh fan, good condition, $35. Km- bail eleotI4c argon with double keyboard end bench, $600. Com- binaion sirea and radio, $50, 66870. ROBERTBATEMAN poins, Idl. Mule Swans, muaeum rsmed, $750. Buffalo AI Ambaselle, $90. Phono 866428. GLASS and chromo coffaa table, 3 fier, $150. Dehomidifler, dark brows, $80. Wlckar cottes table, $20. Picloraoun face dlock, $25. Phono 427-8592. CARPETS, iwo 9x10, one 11o13, $30 each. Fotball halmel, $15. Fine gallon loh tank wllh c. cesonles, $23. Liquor bar for roc roore, $5. Phose 579-9167. SPANISH style chesierllald end chair, cusiorn made, ose ni a kind, $50. lmpored uropean chandelier, $480. 011 on canyon waii painting rom Mexico andi trame, $200. Cail 888-9288. FOR SALE dIsng rooro sute, solld walnut, epprox. W0 yeara aid, 9 puaces, table with soies. $Ioaln, buffet, china cabnet, 5Salde chairs and 1 arm chair, (corn- ptly reliniehet Includlng ssw uphoteeed cloth ses(e), prica $1.5560or Seat aller, Tel,600& 2461. 114IDE DOOR 28x8, Inciudlng hardware, $25. Insido door, 2880 Including hardwara, $23. Con- cro dura sep single rIser, $38. Fise 24x24 polio siabu, $250 each, Portable electic boabnard healer, $16. Platfarm rocker, golti selour, $100. End tabla, colonial styla, $25. ,Two nain bolhroomn laps, sew, $15 och, 1623-8770, ADMIRAL rldga and tone, goid, good condition, $700. Sold wood triple drsser wllh nanity section, $100. Two stael shelues, $25 each, 8884048. CHOCOLATE BROWN lunado style dblaiOn Skier solo bod, an- celent condition, $600 naw, socrîIIco $375 Soiid pine and pins eneer roll top denir, top con Sa ramoned for alflai surface, ex- cellent condition, sacrfice $400. 35 gallon aquarium, complais wllh 11gh, filaers, grasel, plane, llsh and sand, $90. Phono 728- 7744. BICYCLE - boys 3 apeed, ln ex- cellent condition, 20 loch wheein, sullobie forg yeor old, $W. Phone 888-9480. GRAIN CONVEYOR, Lilel Glani, 25 Il. on wheis, $895. Phono 655- 14 FOOT mshogany Fleolwlng salilSos, $45. Three Ion chain haisi, $10. Boit locher, $2. Lell-hand golf clubs end cari, $15. Waler .kili, $45. Barbeque, $15. Cent hook for rlllng loge, $30. Hoover, $3. Pick axe, $25. Phono 433489. Il DININO room chairs, excellent condition, $40 esoh. Rock maple ktchen sel, 4 chairs, $195. Cor- ner cabinet, $76. Solid wood dresser and mirror, $55. Oak rocktng chair, $50. Anique dlnlng room table, 2 lasses, $160. Bookehel, $15. Phone 683M3. UNIQUE ose of s klnd ladies 14k yellow and white goid dismond and ffpphlre ring, stuc 0, sl: uh ifl l etdîsmonse and 16ssp- phire, cas b wom se dinnar or engagement ring, appralsed $1.200, seking $90. -Aima il bought se engagement ring 2 epeoliiy made wedding bande Ibsi fit eliher aide of ring, $200. Phono 683-M5, Roger. -PLEASE READ- When tise advorlisod Item ix sold. dispood of, or unavailable for whaiover reuson, lise Item wiii be doemod 10 have been sold sod a commission will be cbargod based on THE AI)VEIITISEI3 PIICE as illusrated beiow, regardions if price Is stated with "boni offer. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposod of, the ud wli be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wilI apply payable ln advance of publication of the firsi ad. The abono minimum charge wili Se appliod 10 the final commission due. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail adver- tisemonis musi bo piaced on as exclusive basin with the WHITBY FREE PRESS bnd rus ut toast one monts if not soid. RATES (ifIarticle ls eld : 5% of advertiled prce ap te $400,00 2% ef balance oer $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed fr $1I0.0. Cmmissien due $7,50 t minimum charge la 87.501 Privato advertising onlyl Pionne noiify tise Whisiby Free Proms immediaieiy wben item la soid so tisai we may delote il frar tise folowing Issue. Ail adsnot fiiiing tise Emporium guidelinon wiii Se ironied end clsargeti par wek as reguior cîassified adn an a pre-paid banis sucb as: nervices, beip wanied, ciothing, real oniate, and pernonal message type ados, or ado not quoting prico or quantiiy. Private clansi(ied adn may appear ln tise Emporium section ondor appropriate boodiogs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 200 Whtby. LIN SSI If ln doubt catI: 668-6111 OR DEI 131 Br h THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. .IVER TO: ireck St. N. !blby, Ont. FOR SALE yoUr ~ I/A T CHILOS swimmlng pool, 2 fI.F 1970 81>10K Skyiork (pars) grill, deep and 8 Il. In diameler, pain- Furd . bumper, lalliens, cyl. heada, led gaivanized steel, drain pug, $220. Oshawa, 43-0280, safely caner, $99. Phone 888. 1784. L B B NEEDS TRUCK CAP for iuli alie 8 Il. 1948 PETER but coer elrip 16' ick-up, good condition, $100 or boat and moior, $1,000. 1970 besi citer. 868-770. Hardiop camper, aieeps 8, bas NAVY PREGO Pram, apron and _____________ furnace and add.a-roam by VhOO, basket, $50. Whie change table, $1,600. B cu. fi. Wooclgrein $20. Eeclric bole nleriizer, $12. freezer, $200. Pone68-2702. Girn 18 monihs te nue îwo MOTORS, Dodge, GM, Toyota, _____________________ cloihes, $3 euch. Botlie warmer, Honda and Ford, $150 @ech. Pour $3. Calil 688-0523-- gaad tirea, $256@ech. Excellent FOR SALE 1984 Banaire 1200, slaepn 8, alose, 2 cay fridge, tolel, dinlng shltor, campleieiy equIpped, immaculale condition, askIng $8000. Cali Bruce ai 888- 1965. 12 FOOT wooden seliboat roady for iaunchlng, $30. Phase 6e 2767. PRAM, Ibrea-In-ono, $120. GM loneseel, $40. Chango table, $40. Ail Ilke noe. Youlh bed, $80. Phone 4344947. HIGH CHAIR made ln ltsiy, oesai rectinea, $40.Cali l 6687269 onyime. CRIB, mettrens and Sumper pad, chute, $75. Plasticlo 10101rainer, looks 1k minoture lollel, $5. Chids cor snt, multl-ponitlon, gond (o 40 Ibo., $35. Chldn cor booster sent, odds 8' ln helghl, gnod t1070 Ibn., $15. Ail Items are 2W5 years aid ar1i'os and are ln excellent candition,non rpsaor leurs, solhlng Is brokan. Phase 888-5925. greenhause, 5 fi n 8hil, 4 ft o ô f, $45 es. Fine cars for paria, $260 *a. (75 Dodge, GMC, Cheny, 74 Dadgs, Fard Truck). Oeil Ted, 655- 4949, anyime. FOUR lmost 00W steel radîiale P20517R16/FR7616, $1W. Fins new Goodyear Wrsngter rdiais P15R15, $40. One 00W Edeibrock SP2P aiumlnum Inlaka manifold and kilfor emili Stock Cherolet, $20. Four simasi sec slumlnum star spoke eheuls, ô bail 10111fit Japanese trucke andi eame Chene, $78esech. Camploe used er clndow launera for Camaroansd Firebird, $25. Phono 6554266. 101 FORD 'h Ion, excellant 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, croise connrol, cap, condition, lady dr1505, 28,000 $5200 certllled. 578-8592. original mles, ounroni, radin, _____________________ nec paint, $2750.725-3744. 1981 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyi, aulomtlic, pse., pSb., excellent condition, $3475 cerified, Oel 433-1531, Oshawa, anylIme. 1950 HONDA CIVIC, sunroof, AMIFM Ieteroo, sel.a8S00or boat o(1er. 068.040, 1978 BUICK ILTD 403 engine, 82,000 miles, eleclrIc sonroof, loaded, $2995. Coul 57"-142, al- ler a pm. 1977 OLDS Culans Salon, con- sole buckels, good shape, easy to certliy, $1,600. Phone 868- 018. 1977 HONDA helchbaclc, as le, $1,000. Phone 668-8. 1977 0000E wlndow van, low mileage, good liras, loir body, excellent runner, $1,000 or boni reosonobie ofler. 578-8319, weekdoys ater 6 pm., weekends onytlme. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air cosdlioning, $800 or boul citer. Oel 855-3178, 1976 AMC GREMLIN, one owner, standard 8 cylinder, ran- omission, as sa $500. 888-0150, weekends onytlme, weakdays al- ler 5 p.m. 1976 D000E Club Cab, V4 ion heosy duly, aulornallc, gond shape, 59,000 original miles, bulI1 (or 5th wheel raler, crise con- irol, extra air compressor and tank for ires, extra gos tank, $3000. Phone 685-3008. 1970 PINTO 43,000orgnal miles, 4 cyl., 2 door, new brakes, cam sali and rockers, $260 or besi oller, 868-5080. 1975 CHEVY van 20, cuatomlzed, bed, icebox, caipel, high back bucket assis, AMIFMoi case elarco, mage @Il sround and new brske, flusand (relier hllch, needa body work, aoid ase la, $1,400. Oeil 433-1579. 1974 HORNET (or noie, han 1978 molor 232 (40,000 miles), rabull Irans., new starter, body mlif, gond running, Oas a$500. Phono 8689519. 1972 PINTO, cleen Insida, body good, noado minor repaire, $700 or beat 0(1er. Oeil 668-795. 196 CHEVELLIE, four new lires, and eaveral brend fl0w parle, $300,Phono 666-1965, ask for Dan. ;epCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seli;- and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months 1 A minimum charge applies to eaCh Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the fîrsi in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, 'but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $40; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do call 668-6111 and we'il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r1 have read the Emporium guidelines ahove and wish (o have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whithy Free I enclose $7,50 to cover the minimi Charge $7.50 (o my Visa accouni Card N. Naume please prîit Address City donu 1rforgel lu inclurle vour phone rumber 101 charge~ MAIL TO: I-sr 1dm WHITBY FREE PR1E P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St.r Whitby LIN 5W Pe.taî Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months, Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. I Advertisetl llrice- Up to $ 15(0 $ 200 j $ 30 $ 400 -I $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $8,00 $2,00 I $3,000 N. $4.000 ,si j $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 832.00 $52.00 $72.00 192.00 $100.00 c d ti fi s fi m

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