Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 41

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WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 PAGE 41 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY BREAD ~~~~~ FOR SSEA~FOS1ELE PAINN à DECORATINGI profesalonaf bonded worhman- ship, residonislI and commercil, .iree esîlmafea. Oeil 639-4277 or 0669712. REPAîRS fa ail malles and modols ai T.V.s, afereos, V.C.R.'s, etc., reasanabie rates, ires 5sf moles. Oeil 725-4926. PROP à SKEG raettrs- fast ser- vice, fiborgiass supplies - rmsin, mail, dlolh end acelano - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - mIrrar finish boat peint. Raypieo - Oshawa Glass - Fibre, 341 Durhama Sf. 579- 1433. GOING TO THE DOGS. Prafessionel dog groomlng dons rIghf et yaur doar $fep. For ap- pointreent oeal 262-0476. L8.L W1NDOW WASHINQ, afudent business, Ifi infresfed plamosem 03700or008490. IRNIEru PAINTING, exteulor, Inferlor, drywall, f re camafea. 433-70Wor 728-207. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candlewicking, Coun- ted Cross-stitch, Em- broidery and Crewei. We even do Needlepoint and Trapunto too. Join ln the fun. Have a Creatîve Cirole ciass ln your home. Teaching you ta stit- ch le easy. Book now and receive a Fris Gitt. Cail:ý Nadine, 6881490 "GRAMMER (or people wha haflo grammer* le the ideaf pochof r»forence book for business people. $3.95 per copy and avl abie at Dlcksan Prlnfing & Office Supplies In the Alan Plaza. DaIer Inquldes bavil d 6831966. SHORT INTROOUCTORY and ad- vanced compufor courses: Word Procesmlng, O-Base, Lafus, Basic, etc. 427-3010. TOTTENHAN Bluegrasa Feial a. Onfalos fop fainiiy festival. Augasl 15-17, wmeksn fickets Inofudlng camping, $16 par par- son advance by Jufy 31. Box 195 Toitenisano Ont. LOG 1WO, (416> 675-OM0 FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trsnt-Sevemn Wafer- Ney. Beauf f fl acenery, carotres relaxafion, privale mfmferaom, 4sf clous mals. Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7, >705)74"-66. 'ySAES FARD SALE Bafurday and Sun- Iay, Jufy 19 aMn 20, ait hindi 0i mouhold huéma, 9 amn. to 4 pe., QS Byroin 5St N., Whifby. FRDC01 à STOVE forsaile, vocado, MW0. Phone 0086. AIR CONDMlONER 500 BTI, horzontal, $125. Rota tiller, @am- fric, 3 hp., $118. Coli 061004 of- lersa p.M. MATTRESSES and boa sprlngs aI heif prico. McKeen Furnlure, 524 Slmcce Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GLAIMMCROME fable, 01x34, ufimble for office or home. Chrome chaire. Arborlfe caf foi ad andtaible.4»0118U4. STANDING HAY15oma bellWesît Whfiby. Col 068433X5. GEOTYPE proes-on iotlerIng naw la stock ai DIdhuan Printing & Of- f ice Supplies la the AjaShop- ping Plusa. Large soeîcf ion ai stylesend sueas. Why psy more for a smaiior shootf0ai telrng? 663-19661. FR10011à STOMEavocado, SM5 pr. Ham" duly casher & dysr, white, 8150 pr. Threaimtir chasiarflied, gold voivef, 812. RIochaWIUaivschair. md vaivef, $75. Occailonaf chair, rad and gaId darI pas, $W. Two coter soi- lai, champagne safin, 3$0. Tel: 0- 5, 416-400-0111, ext. 2501. Alersô 1188-2002. 11HEROESof th Bibis" calouring bock avallabi s ai DIdhean Prin- fing & Off ice Suppliles, Aia Plaza,683-1006. Demler laquirlos ainlBd. BUILDINGS - Special Clearence. 20x24 I. $2,300. 24x24 fi. $2,6W0. 26x36 fi. $3,900, 32x36 fil.94,300. 36x48 fi. 86,400 and 40a50 fi., $8,10. Coeil 95-793., QARDENINO: 10x10, grainhauma 140. 1000W moisi Haild $d 175. Plus 10000 gar- danfng producis. Grealprfcei. Bond 82 for info-pmc. Wstern Waler Farms, 1244 Seymaur St., Vancouvr, E.c. VOS MI). (004> 0824030. 0510 0151(5, files, sforags cabinets, elacking office chaire, steel adjustable shef vlng, store dspimys. Blairs Nec and Used, 21 Aea Ave., Woodbrldgo. Phono (416> 8518100, near Hwy. 7 and 400, Mon.-Frl. 9-5, Smf. 101. coucH à CHAIR good con. dIf Ion, $100, can deilver. 686- STEEL-ADEAL . Qoonsef buildings - 28% off - cave ihouaands - ws am n nraducfng new sfraighf.wali buldings speci aliinfrodocfory prIcaa limIfed lime offer. Phone Poneer Buildings Col foot (416>678-1565. VISIT 'aur used fumilure wrehouse by sppaintmenf. Big savings an dosks, chairs, fil ing cabinets, ec. Oelil Dichean Prin- ling & Office Supplies la arrange an appainîmonita view, 683- 1908. LIvESTocK: Onfarfo Paf lsd Hreford Club Sommer Sale 1 p.m. Saturday, Augusl 2, Peter- borough Exhbition Grounds. Contact Craig Lymbumer, R.R.1, Oeisfor Contre, Ont. LOR 1 BO, (416)Q957-3695. CHESTERFIELD cultee. losoafs, sectoass, lois ihan là prico. Large select ion. MoKeen Furiiore, 524 SImcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. SUMMER FESTIVAL à& Blmmen- tai Sais, Sundmy, July 20, 190. 1 p.m. ai Kldivin Simmenfaf s. 3 mulsa soufh faiGadsrlch, Ont. on Hwy. 21. 55 loti. Bull (breiding age>, cowlcaif paire, brid hefers, smbiyo transpane. Kldvin Simmental@, SutcIfl o slect SImmontli, Mipla Ayr Sîmmen- faie, Chlerry Lans Simmental@a. For Infonrmation and catalogues oeil B"rr Kedwaii (510> 027-3362 UMAI ICk U88SacrIfice 8SU buildings speclal aller. Pri ced faw for Immadlate cfaarance, 2604Dxl4 $3,11(0, 40a00x16 8,0,70xW4 31,300. Com- plat is sal farge doori. Otfs>r itesMa miiabie fa 120, wlda. Berlous boyers oniy. No prca shoppari. Gumrnlaid owesf pue». Cali frai 1400-387-8148 or (416>82"M20. TVITANIN PUCE 'Wo Soil For Le".oie"Wmvare FCmnadlanCompany sellingM Iqosi ty Canadian mode. C.E.* *JAMIESON prodct.Cali orM vlltus.WATKINS rdc1 avafimbis 260 BlenuUe ,, Ouas 0,1on. 726-4M0 MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDING $s.599. ô calours, 1,5W0In stock ....... .tram q. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $79 1,500In stock,......................tfram $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vînyl & Af umums$~f9 50 ln stock......................tfram $ 3 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP à EXTENSION 2507frsack ......................t ram $2 9 GARAGE DOORS Wood& SeeIn stock.........tfram $1 9@ REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vînyf & Afumnors$699. 5w ln stock ......................tram U q.ît. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricuf forai Seel 3~ q 4,00hotsln stock .........tfram$89q Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon Fr.(613) 475-0521 8-1 EARN THOUSANDS wiIh ypur ocn business, capital reqahred. O-KL write loday: Aaro, Box 2445. TANN Oriia, Ont. L3V7AM. Fi - CES ARTICLES 'FOIR SALE HARO WATER PROBLEMS? In- froducîng New Technoiagy - the simple solufiontlas bord prabloe - "saitfIraee -How fa salve bord wefer probîoms nofraiily wlîhouf chemîicae, or enorgy - use legs sogp, soter whîfer aundry, prevenf s scole formeltio, costs fegs then e oofîeaer, no repoîr taille. Fref lime offered ln Canada. Oel nos faîf-fros 1-800- 387-7537, youil ho gîod you dîd. Ares 807 oeil (416) 824-4344. A heaîfhy, economIcol, alternative loa eer sofiersîra POOL SALE. One of Onlrlos fergesi focfory oullefs hes lrge Invenfory ai ebovo, logroondo for f mmedîsfe delîvery. Compare us bfore buyîng. Guoronfood fawesf pricox. (416) 6236467, (613) 547-6434. GIVEAWAY PRICES. Muei b. aold. Invesimoni, nmfirommnt, Moska. 10-50 acre., orne on river, saalfng et 114,500, 9,000 down, SU6 a weeb, 8% Infernal. Jusi 20 mnutes norlh of OdIflia, 60 seconde off Hwy. 11. Excellent focat ion, 9004 raisol, 0w taxes, hydro, phone, gaad waier, &P. proved for builfding. Malle an of. fer (706) 687-2840. TROUBLE wreppîng coins? Wrop pennies, nickefls, dîmes and quer- fors quîckly, eeoîlyî Send $8.96 plus 634 fox la Penny-RoIIer, Box 405, Fart Erlo. Ont. L2A 5N2. ADDISON TWO colour pastie radios wanf .4, payîng U"0150. Phone colleof 416>1641-1420. NEW OWNERSHIP C.A. Coufoer Waas eDisposai LId. now owns Brookîlo Sepîlo Tnk Service. OeIlerîy for o dlean ouf. Wero one of ftheoatosln the number fwo business. 668-2563,433-8681. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomîng morrege. Miase viow aur sampes oaf ongraved weddîng lInieatons af pour flsure In aur AaPlaze otore. Dîcheon PrInfIng & Office Sop- piles, 663-1966. eý3ERE PREE INFORMATION pamphlet on hearlng lose and hoorîng aide af Oshawa Herng Aid Clînlo. 375 Sîmcoe Sf. S., Oshawe. Drop n for your frae copy fodey, 434- 3602. FREE. DrapInia 1the Olokson PrInflng and Office Supply solre n the Aax Plaza and pick up a free copy of the 1966 Maîrlo Caiendar. Prînled In fwo colours. if malles for handy reforenco. 6113-19W. CLARKE ROAD Fîeamanlçaf, 476 Clailla Rd.,,Londonfouastf011 h of Dundas>, Bafurday and Sunday, 1 a.m. la 5 p.m. (519) 481-090. An- fiques, caflecIbîes, fumîfore, plants, tols, bocks, recorde, I. ahiri prInling. facfory sfio ufîio, buik cookles, canned goada, prodoce, yamn, hardwase, pain. linge, ioilely fichais, pop ahoppe, snack bat. Fronti aru opon daliy " Sexcept Monday. NEW EXCMNG &IliCanadien networh marketingoapportunIfy. Emm big monsy on fins levsis. No sii(ng reqoIred. Sfamped en- velope fa: OMS. Maretling, Box 1483, Smaaoon, Sask. S7iC 3PI. TRAP DEALERS wanfed. Becam.e a dealer. Sai from your bosinessa or home. Lawess priesa. Fris whoissafe prlce fliat: Conibear, Longsprlng, CoffsprIng, Stapose. complsets supplsu. Freighf prspmid. Bell Trapa, Unît 5-4, 2422 Dunwf n Dr., Misaemuga, Ont. L5L 1.19. 1.416- MISERTRIM *Evergroon Prunng* *Nw Landacaping,M * Complote Lawn & Gardon Mintenance ogo I 10 Mobile Homes Ciarwafer - Three bodraom. Umobile homes. HeaBd poao,11 tefnnis. close fa beaches end m~aortractins, chIidrae1 wsicomne. lse than moiel roola>. 683-5503 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orano, Hwy. 35-115, Carke, 4f h Can- coosian, beaufiful campgraund, seasnn $65. Campgraund 1-786- 2562. Toronfto office 651-5754, DOCK NOW, westsf111havsef imiied opanIngu for Joly and Augosf.. ovsr 40 housekaiping cottages on 8Softh Lakes, inground and wBdIng pools for reiaxed axirs- ming, super piaygrond, babysif- fi ng, mini gailf, tennia, orgenized social activif les In Jufy and Augusi. For irm brochure ceiii-. 705-28&-2361 or wlfe HosiliIy Inn, R.R.1, Minden, Ont. KGM 2K0. TYPEWRITER rentai, many mahes end modela, by tho weskend, week or -manih. Discounfts aalmbie. idksan PrlntIng & Office Supplies ln the Alan Plaua. Oeil us for business mmchlne repairs. 663-1968. 1977 TOYOTA COROLA 4 speed, ommulls tersa, reaitable andcar- Ili id, 860.Pone05648.WS Help keep Red Cross ready. + *TRAVEL &TOURISM OCOMPUTERS *WORO PROCESSING *LEGALJMEDIÃ"AL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERCHANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZEI3 . BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTALCHAIRSIOE ASSISTANT -Fnanclel Assisane may be avalioble -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SOHOOLOF BUSINESS FRE,' 1986guide fa study-ei. home corrspondence Oloma courses for presfîglous careere: Accounfîng, Air condlfîonîng, Bookkeepîng, Business, Casmefoîogy, Electofonce, LegalMedIel Secrefey, Poychaooy, Travef, Greffon (5A) 263 Adelelde Wesf, Toronto, 1. 800-268-1121. BECOME AN Aucîoner, 85 hours oi Insfrucfion. Noxi close Aog. 9 fa 16. Contact South. wesfern Ontari o Sohoal of Aoc- f oneerîng, (519) 469-3936, (519) 537-2115, PO. Box 145, Innorkîp, Onf. N0J IMO. THANKU TO Sf. Judo for favoors refved. LOSERS WANTED: lose up f0 29 Ibo.. loches, cellule 1h18 monfh, docfor recommonded on TV., fast reexîf s, free ohpping. Oel (416) 745-4779. ê DATES GALORE. Foaelâes and unelleched. Thousende of mem-. bers anxoo ol meel you. Prestige Acqosînfences cail ftfit- res 11-800263-9163. Mure noan t1111a p.m. 1 NEED ýXTRA MONEV?l ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI., JULY 18 6:30 P.M. Manny's Antques presents a complote shlpment of Antique fur- niture, Accessories, Clooke, etc. At "KAHN COUNTRY AUICTIONS" locatsd 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399), on the Brock Rd., Pickering. Partial list to include soma excellent early VIc- torian furniture, out- standing carved war- drobes, many beautitul china cabinets, severai quaiity hallstands, various draw & drop lest tables, sets of chairs, bookoases, bureau desks, heaviiy carved sideboards, mantie and Westminister chime dlocks, mIrrors, china, glass, coliectabies, etc. Over 300 Items to choose trom. DON'T MISS ITI Terme cash or choque <with I.D.) No reserve. Prevlew f rom 4:00 p.m. 0GàH KAHN AUCTIONEERS 8830041 AUCTION SALE FRI., JULY 18 110100A.M. At Orval McLean Auction Conter, Lindsay. Seliing property of LOUIS TONN, Lindsay, plus estate consignments. Appliances, piano, fur- nIture, some antiques, 9 plece dlnfing room suite with ail glass china cabinet, Bentley piano, good chesterfields, con- trai air conditioner, rocker, beds, chrome set, wardrobe, baby fur- nIture, shutters, oid pic- tures, corner shelve, trunks, paIntinga, de- humidifier, parlour chair, electria iawn- mower, Frigidaire, solid cottes and end tables, crystal, glass, china, some collectibles, Royal Douton figurines, oll lamps, 1978 Plymouth Arrow, 550 Suzuki motorcyclo, propane pool heater, -cioset doors, tools. Prevlew Thursday 3 to 6, open 9 a.m. Friday. Sale at 10. To Ilit your salacaili: 3242783 MOLEAN AUCTIONS AUCTION JULY16, 23,30 WANTED for ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY - cansIgnments for aur monthly antique sales. FREE pick-up of corn- pias estatos In Durham Region -protessional service .appraisals. Modern Barn - cail 705-324-2783 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on thse first Visa card ready when calling. if billed - $600o for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies ta box nuxnbers, day of publication. The Whitby .Free Press will flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pubhication beyond thse cost of the space occupied additlonal word. such replies. We will fot be responsible for box nurnber by thç error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rlght to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject aIl advertlsements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 worda; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 434 per lino. <No word ads allowed>. ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You rnay charge your Classified BOX NUMIBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111

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