PAGE 42 WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WIdeiy Read CLASSIFIFDAD i ~ TEN DERFSI CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JULY22 0:30 P.M. Three mlea east of Little Britain or 7 miles West of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Six place mapie dînette suite, b.d chesterfleld, modern dressera and cheat of drawiera, 30" yellow McCiarey eisoiric stave, wrlngsrlwaaher, oak bed, Iron bed wiih brase trlm, vinyl chester- field, portable color T.V., odd wooden kitchen chairs, Admirai air con- ditioner, chesterfields, wlcker fern stands, quantlty of modemn fur- niture, and tools. DON COANEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE URITAIN. 705-78&-2183 COIN AUCTION MON., JULY 21 7:00 P.M. Ai Orval McLsan Auction Cenier, Lindsay. Sslllng collection f rom asiate of laie HAROLD BOUCH, Lindsay. 242 Lots valusd ai approximateiy $50,000. Hlghlighis are - .1975 1laisof Man 6 coin decimai set, proof plaiinum; large quantlty Englseh gold soversigna, large quantlty Frankllx Mini gold coinage world wlde, 1977 British proof set In original case, quantiiy Canadien gold tr coins, mini producta and $100 gold coins, etc. No reserve, Estate sala, open ai 3 p.m. for prsvlsw. Sale 7 p.m. Terme CASH, CER- TIFIED CHEQUE or BANK LETTER Ã"F CREDIT. For catalog or >ýInformation cail: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS' 324-2783 - LINDSAY' CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FOI., JULY 18 ~60P.M. Thres miles sasi of Little Britain or 7 miles Wst of < Lndsay on the Lndsay Lttle BrItain Rd. The propsrty of the laie MRS. FRANK CORNISH of Lit- ils Britain plus others. Round oak pedesiai table, oak bow front china cabinet, oak hall seat and mIrror, bsd chesirflsld <Ilka nsw), 2 uprlght pianos, pins cupbaard boitom, wasatanda, prsssback rockers, manils dlock, aak wall teisphons, wlcksr fsrn stands, WaIiham pockei watch, Aillia Chamble B tractar with plough and cultivator, quaniity ai china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUICTION SALE THURS.,JULY17 6:00 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., WhItby, 1A mlfe east of Thickson Rd. The saai of the sate MRS. GLADY LUKE of Oshawa plus others. NEW FUR- NITURE: 2 pc. Skier chesterfleld and chair, chesterfleid and loveseai, varlous aize carpeis, 2 large coffes tabliis, bench, box apringa. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: excellent 9 Pc. oak dîner <aid), aid silles, large brown chesterfield, picturs, 62 pc. Helrloom sterling f laiware and case Jacgress and.,HFayes» chair, paintInga, 2 figure lampa, 6 po. mould wood bsdroom asuie, walnut ding room suite, 3 good used chesierfielda, aid radio, crib and hi chair, 3 po. maple drap leaf kitchen set, nesting tables, oak rocker, several aid chairs, Bam- boa cheatsrfieid, French Prov. caf les table, round mag table (oid), port dishwashe* dryer, 30" range, 5 po. kitchen set, dresser, wainut 3 Pc. bedroom suite, secionai chestsrfleld, Lloyd's sterea, vanity, severai good carpsts, 7 po. teak dîner round table, air conditioner, tub chair, ruby lamp <aid), carved parlour table, sîlver diahea etc., pois, pans, dîshes, plus many ather arilles. NOTE TIME 6 p.m. This la a very good sale of ussd and nsw furniture, antiques & collectable articles, plan ta attend, building cool. ROSS MOLEAN AUCTIONEER 57&650 or 8-3291 AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 19 11,00 A.M. Coasimeni Sale ta be held ai Columbus Com- munty Centre, Reglonal Road 2 et Village af Columbus. Inoludes: 1977 Ford Van, 1977 Dodge Van, GMC achool bus, 1982 Suzuki GS400T Motorcycle, 11100M2 radiai truck tires on rima, truck wlnd deflectors, iwo csramlc kMine, moids and pourlng equipment, 12 manie and walI dlock cass, canas, elsctrlc lghts, houaehoid ap- plances, fumIturs In- ciuding secretariat desk, TV's, 2 sets of Whlppie irees, rota tillera, lawn- mowers, 8 h.p. Fard rldlng lawnmower, Slm- plIclty 2 wheel garden tractor wih Implements, many more Items ta came. CanaIgnmenis welcome. Terme cash or chaque with proper l.D. Sale managed and aoid by: QARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS toiflai your sale cuit 416-55-4185 JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS Provide Janitorial Services for a 2 year period at the Driver Examination Centre, 67 Thornton Rd., OSHAWA, Ont. (Inciuding Grounds Maintenance and Window Cieaning) TENDER NO. ORI-86- 125 Seaied Tenders wili be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on WEDNESDAY. JULY 30,1986 Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Mlnlstry of Government Ser- vices, OrIlla District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillis, -Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarlly accepted. INX1 ov«mfma GENERAL CON!TRACTORS Upgrade Washrooms ln Building 20 at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. 11 TENDER NO. ORI-86- 128 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local tîme on TUESDAY. AUGUST 5,1986 Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Mlnlstry of Govsrnment Ser- vices, OrIllila District* Office, 24 James St. E., P.O.- Box 790, Orillila, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further in- formation regardlng the Tenders, pisese cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. oaro1 GEN AL CONTRACTORS Repair Stairwelis on Varlous Buildings at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 103 Sealed Tenders wil be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on - THURSDAY, JULY 31, Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Mlnistry of Government Ser- Vices, Orllla District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orlilia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice ai the aboya ad- dresa, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender fnot necessariiy accepted. SGoverment Services Ontario CONTRACTORS Chlmney Repaira at the . Psychiatric Hospital, Power- hous, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 126 Sealed Tenders wili be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, JULY 29, Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Mlniatry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. M3 6K7 Note: For further in- formation rsgarding the Tenders, pisas cati the Tenders Of- fice at the aboya ad- dreas, telephone 705) 325-7403. The ioweat or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. Onlatno Give _ UNICEF f gifts and ' cards Ia and help a child Contad: tatinaf Canaida ýV 443 MLI. @asnt Rd. Tomro,.OntM45 2LB O c&OUNiCEF Caada ItM frmi 1»2686M64ibBC-.112ZO269&364, StsamflIttor $1 3.22 - $1 3.56 per hour The MINISTRV 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, seeks an Individual la provide sklled maintenance, repair and general upkeep of steamihot water systema and associated equip- ment; Instali new equipment as rsqulred; adjuat, calibrais and repair hsating system controis 10 ensure predetermined temperatures ln living arasa; compiy wilh Ministry of Consumer and' Commercial Relations Bolier and Pressure Vessels Act and weling procedures as necessary. Location: WhIlby. Quallfications: Certif ication as a steamfitter; provan experience In the setup calibration of commercial contrai systema eneumatic contrais as appiied ta heating systema). Ares ai Search: Within commutlng distance of Whitby. Plama. amnd appllcationresum.e, quollng film HL- 26-341U, by Aug. 11, 1986 ta: Rognai Personnel Adminlatralor, Human Resourcea and Personnel Devhopment Branch, Mlnlatry ai Hoalth, P.O. Box 613, Whltby, Ontario Li N 589. Equallty ai Opportunlty for Employment Public Service POSITION BECOMING AVAILABLE EXPERIENCEDCOOK We are ln search of an enthusiastic, self- motivaied Individuai who la willlng to accept responsibiiity. Candidates shouid have experien- ce or knowiedge of purchasing, receling, Inven- tory control, cosi contrai, food preparation.and an innovative mmnd for new menu ideas. All interested Individuals shouid contact us for an appointment' at: 666-3070. PERMANENT PART.TIME POSITION NEED EXTRA MONEY? STERI VISION NEEDS VOUI We are looklng for sales orientated persoasta rent televisions ta patienta In local hospital, ap- proximsteiy 3 days a wesk, laie afternoon, early evening, weekend work Invoived. No experience needed, we wiii train the rlght persan. Ideal for hamemakers or retired person. Pisas cali: Mra. Mulder Frlday, Juiy 18, b.tlween 9 &.m. and 1 p.m. 728-7401 1. MAINTENANCE PERSON, reltable handy porion for main- tenance and generai repairaeet af. ics building In Oshawa, ful-tîme. SubraIt latter outilg experiance and reforancea la: V, P..Sox 206, Wtltby, Ont. LUN 581. A CAREER IN TRUcKINO. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now late lime ta train for yaur Clane A iconse. For preescreeoing Inter-' view and lob placement Infor- mation, contact Merv Orrea Tran. sport Driver Training, Brampton 14046.2ffl2. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Raquires Homemak- ara, H.C.A./Nurse Aida for privais duiy, Insiitutionai work, cholce of own shifts. Cali for appoinient, Monday to Friday. 433-1494 REPORTIPHOTOGRAPHEA Re- quired. Espetience In layout and deaign poeadures. Car essential. Satory and befl package. Chance for advancemneol. Appiy: Reporter, Sox 1629. Espanola, Ont. POP 1 00. SECOND PRES5MEN requir@d for busy commerciat web printing aperatlin. 0055 equipmenl, succetut candidates muet have experience In qualiiy colour prin. ting. Sand resumne with expecled saaary requIremanla ta McLaren %reaLtd., P.- Sou 10000, Bracobridge. PF051iCO. ULNLIMITED INCOME. Jain aur malt ordar pragram, work ai home. Fvr more Information aend $1.00 for postage end havdtlng ta J A E Enlerpria., Sox 39-P. Staion M, Toronto, MOS 4T2. THE 400 MARKIET. Veodore wan- ted, camne where the action la, over 25,000 peopte vieil aur markt every weekend, open Saturdays and Sundays, 01a apot 83». Fermer. hall prtce. 17051436- 1010. *IAUYSITTRR NEEDED part-lme tor 10 month aid baby ln Ftnch and Diole area, Pickering, 831- 8799. OVERSEAS POSITION& itun- dreda ai top paying poaitiona. At- tractive bonetlie. At ac- cupaloos. Free deata. Oversaa Empîvymen Servtie@@, Oept. CA, Sox 460, Mount Rayai. Ouebec tt3P207. 8300IEEK. Geverat help, fuît training provided. Catt Sue ai 434- ~ENCRIED TW TRUCKO:PERATORSE IREQUIREDI * at 68-6846 M Selcen 9 am. 64:30 p.m. For furthar Information. AUCONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTENDONETHIS WEEKEND! FROM PAGE 36 Bill 94 Rment ta assume full contrai of the health' cars syatem. This la not merely fanciful or paranola on aur part. Political scientisa, soclologlis, indeed any careful observer of the heaitli cars situations in other jurlsdictions where medicias lias become a state monopoly (wltmes Great Britain or Quebec), have recognized a common and recurring pattern. First the banning of "4extra bllIlng"l, then some form of limitation on the number of patien- ta seen per day by amy <physician, then a limitation on the num- ber of visita per patient p aillness, then the lmitation In the number and kind of laboratory testa permnitted to ssci patient or escli physician, then the limitation on the num- ber of doctors ailowed to practice Ina ay given location. The liat la en- cliss, In Great Britain somne patienta walt three ta five years for mon urgent hemorrhoid surgery, hernia repafrs, and gali bladder removals. More urgent cases aucli as breast biopsies may walt more than oms year. This la what state control of medicine means, and thia la precisely what we physicians are flghting. It la true that such provisions are not dlrec- tiy atated in Bill 94, but that these limitations on patient'. and, physlciam's needs and rights wll follow from: Bill 94 la as sure as nIghti fallows day. The" evidence la ail around us. if we, only, cars ta 100k. The "extra 'billlng'l ban la the firat step toward an Orwelliam nigitimars and It la my heart- felt 1 hope that aur patientï can amd wll ses beyondý what the strlke may be doing ta them, ta what the strike la hoping ta accompllsh for them In^ the future. Simcereiy, S.J. Stern, M.D. FROM PAGE 37 Autoplex I length with 16 tires on each of It12 ailes. The move invalved montha of planning, ac- cordlng ta Nick Hall of GM's public relations departiment, and so far lias been carrled off wlthout a hltch. 66When we plan somethlng we do it faultlesaly and ws've had lots of turne ta plan this ans," sald Hall..- The prsswasshlpped aboard the Stelanova whlch left Japan May 23 for ita long journey acrosa the Pacifie, ibrugl the Panamia Camai and up the Eastern seaboard ta the St. Lawrence Ssaway. Once it had arrived at Ita destination, a serles of crames were uaed ta transfer the crates from the shlp ta the land tran- sport crews. R'jeorkodmi'-