PAGE 6 WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS J.O. Ruddy. faces $260,OOO0 deficit year Havlng juat recorded a surplus of close to $M4,000 for thse fiscal year ending March 31, the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital'a director of finance ia predlcting that the hospltal wll run up a deficit this year In excess of *20,000. Accordlng tW Rlck Codpe- a nUmber of fac- tors, includlng inflation, growlng denaand for hospital services, up- comlng contract negotiations and depreclation expenses on equlpment pur- chase, bave ail com- bined W create the an- ticlpated deficit whlch constitutes ap- praxlmately three per- cent of the hospltal's groasrevenues. Thse money from asat year's surplus cannot be used to offset tise deficit, sald Cooper because it nmust be set aside for future capital expen- ditures. Thse province, thse finance director ex- plained, does not finan- ce equlpment pur- Chase. The hospltal must now appeal to the Mlnlstry of Health for addltional fundlng and Cooper and' bis staff are preparlng for that appeal. If tise province does not corne up wlth tihe extra funda, bospital administrator Jlm Miller snid they wlll have to i pare everything to the bone. " If the hospital ta stili running at adeflclt after trlmming any excess, Miller sald service wll have tobeceut. Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital recelved a four percent inflationary In- crase in funding this year from the province in addition to whlcb thse mlnistry provides growth fundlng to hospitals such as Whlt- by's whlch are ex- perlencing an ln- creasing demand for service. Miller sald, isowever, that tise growth funding - la minimal and amounts to ittie more than- "a littie bonus." Last year tihe hiopital oniy recelved $13,800 in growtis fun- ding from the province. 'I1t's not like It is ln business where you can expect ta bave more money comlng in when business plcks up. In a hospital when it gets busier there's an added cost but no added revenue," sald Miller. This year tise haspital la hoping Wo recelve some $55000 ln growtls funding, according. to Cooper. Apart for tise gr.owing demand for Ruddy's services probably thse blggest factors con- trlbutlng Wo this year's deficit, in Mller's estimation, are equlp- ment depreclation costs and contract negotiations. This year wlll be- the first time that the hospltal has bad Wo negotiate contracta wlth thse Ontario Nurses Association and the Canadian Union of Publie Employees. Brni)kl in Byliries By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cail 655-3679 wlth Items for this column FHome Satellite TV: 7The Greotest Show On Earth A ction-packed movies are just the beginning of the programming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: *More movie, sports, news, educational, religiaus, and children's programrming than is available from any *lO01-plus channels to choose trom, for about the same 5 monthly payinents as cable TV. e Free and legal reception. To tind out more about how home satellite televi- Sion workij ask us for a FREE eopy of Tuning In Home Satellite TV. But hurry-supplies are à limited. 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklln (1/4 mile N of Famlly Kartways) j Here we are barely half-way through July wlth another month of summer holldays lef t to go and already I'm sure there are rnoms who are beginning to tear their hair out as the kids complain that "there's nothlng to do". This issue is being devoted to the prevention of a whole generation of bald mothers. Tihe foilowing is a liat of local activities that hopefuily wlll prevent the kids from indulging ln their favourite holiday activity, namely driving mom around the bend, up the wail and into a padded ceil. Flrst of ail, the Oshawa-Whltby Fair begins tomnorrow with something to attract klds of ail ages includlng marna and dads. Starting at 5 p.m. tomorraw the Midway wil be open for business and continue throughout thse whole four days. There wll be Bingo for mom and a Bavarian Garden for dad to quaff a "cold one" as well as entertainment and the famous one-man band. The Demolition Derby gets underway at6:30. On Friday, the buildings wli open with their exhibits of handicrafts, baking, flowers, hay and grain. Special features wli be a cake auctian, thse tractor pull at 6 p.m. with modlfled tractors, trucks and ighway tractors. The official opening ceremonies wll take place at 7:30. Saturday promises a full day of fun starting with the baby show at 10 a.m., shows of dalry and beef cattie, 4H, heavyv horses, Arabian horses, a horse pull wltis commence at 4:30. Tise girls may be lured away from the mldway at 2:30 to watch tise dancing scisool demonstration wile tise wisole famlly can try their hand at the log sawlng competition. The demoition derby continues at 6:30 again. On Sunday, tise shows ta take in include tise sad- dlebred isorses, llgst isorses, open horse and ponles and the sheep. The klddies wlll be sure ta enjoy the sheep shearing demonstration and the Hoskina Stables "musical ride" wich starts at 12 noon. At 2 p.m. the flddie cantest gets under way and also the finals of the demalition derby. Yau can plan on taklng in ail four days for a nominal fee as children of. public scisool age and un- der are admitted free wiile studenta fram 14 ta 18 get in for a mere $2. Aduit admission ta $3 eacis or a pasa for just $7 gets you in everyday. Parking ia free. To find the fair grounds just drive east on Win- chester to Gerrard Rd. and turn south. LIBRARY NEWS Thselilbrary is offerlng a full program of activities gearéd ta thse klddles beginning wltis Park visita ail summer as foilows: Wednesdays - Asisburn, 10-il a.m.; Myrtie, 11-12 noan; Tisursdays - Spencer, 10-11 a.m.;. Macedonla, 11-12 noon. In the library itself, Monday, July 21, 28 and August 18 tisere wlll ha mavies frana 2:30 ta 3:30 and again an Tuesdays, July 29 and August 19. A stary hour from 2:30 Wo 3:30 ta scheduled far Tuesdays Auguat 15, 22 and 29. Extra speclal events will ha the Farmers Market an July 24 wisen the kida are invited Wo enter the, cookle baklngcompetltlan, a water balloon tosa, egg roling cantest and try eating Jello wlth "no banda". SEE PAGE 17 *~~.vBROkLIN FLOUR MILLS __ "Country Store Atmosphere"l PRALINES from "THE BEST 0F BRIDGE" flour )pped t' B BROKLIN CAs5kc LS RD E. lIngredlents and "Beat of Bridge" series avallable at the MiII, 655.4851 23 CASSELS RD. E., BROOKLIN 3 Tbsp. molted butter *4Tbsp. untroatedf *1 cup brown sugar *1 cup pecans, chop *1 egg * 1 tsp. vanilîa Mix ilI Ingrodents weII and drop lrom smaîî teaspoon onto greased sheet. Bake 5 minutes at 350 degrees. Remnove Immedîately. i2 1WHITBY Library roof Wiitby council bas approved an over- expenditure of $25,000 in tise Capital Grant for tise Wisitby Public Library for replacement of tise library's roof. In a letter to tise town, chief librarian Margaret McFayden said "...ta, date in 1986 we bave isad ta cail in (Foran's Roofing) five times ta stop leaks." Tise library board bas determined that the cost ta replace the.roof will not exceed $50,358. Tise board had also discovered that 50 per- cent af the coat for con- sultants and replacement of the roof are eligible for funding fram the Province's Community Fadilities Improvemnent Program. Tise tawn, in it's 1986 budget bad pravided an amount of $718,719 for tise library witis $2,5w0 af tise grant gaing tawards repairing the roif. But tise Library board requested the $25,000 ta, match tise funding by the province. Brealk-mn As a reault of a break and enter at Wbitby Toyota a 1905 Toyota van was stolen from the premises. Tise van la valued at $15,000. The theft occured hatween 6 p.m. July 12 ands8p.m. July 13. CHEVY DAN CHASE AYKROYD With spien like these who needs enemies? MW FORW DONA D.1 SO. "m 14 FMMHArTEN 156Wamet Home Video Imc. Ntoa atoig IsiueIc NOW AVAILABLE ON BETA & VHS 76 Baldwin St. 668Water St. Brooklin Port Perry 655-4229 985-9885 995 Myzte Rd. w. ÂSHBUMN686-1121 PRO SHOP SPECIALS OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE THUNDERBIRD II'S COMPARE AT $600. OUR PRICE $349 <ALL CLUBS il pc. SETS) WE CARRY BOSTONAN GOLF SHOES THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORM *y JACK NIbKLAUS *GOLFING SWEATERS REG. 830.eo0'$1.99 -GOLF SHI1 RTS (60-40 BLENO> REG. 11240114 POWER CAR SPECIAL *WEEKDAY5S EFORE 8 A.M. AND AFTEA 3:00 P.M. (2OAEEN FEES à POWER CAR> *WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS $36.REG. $43." AFTER 3:00 P.M. SAVE59 LADIES SPECIAL! 1 FRIDAY AFTEANOONS AFTER 4'00P.M. S3.00 LADIES GREEN FEES mulm"