PAGE 16. WEDNESDAY JULY 23, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Jaycettes named outstanding The Whltby Jaycettes recentiy returned froms 'te organizatlon's national convention ln Edmonton laden wlth top honours lncludlng the Outstandlng Project Award and the Outatan- ding Unit Award. Two Jaycettes represented the Whtby unit at the four day con- vention in Edmonton - publigty dfrector Cece Wagat and president NancyMeDowell. "We just celebrated our tenth annlversary " lyear lon April SOand we've won somethlng every year," sald a proud Wagar last week. Judgng at the national convention la brokeii down Into four classe baaed on the size of the unta' member- slip. At this year's con- vention the Whltby unit, wlth 18 pald members and four lifetime mem- ber, was awarded the Outstandlng Unit Award, the Outstandlng Project Award and the Blue Clip Award, recognlzlng the club whigh'hban exhlblted the moot ail-round Par- ticipation i the Jaycet- tes' mandate. Wagar said the Whlt- by unit won the Blue Chlp Award the firat five years in a row after recelviglits charter whlch quallfled the unit to recelve the Gold Chip Award. Wth this year's Blue Chlp Award she sald the club would be looklng to wln another five consecutive Blue Chips. For the Outatandlng Unit Award the publlclty director said the club submltted an album documenting its activities over the pasi year and again was judged top ilta clasa. 11 thlnk we've nom~ won the Outstandlng Unit Award every year for the last ten - reglonally and nationally. But I'd have to check that," said Wagar. The Whitby Jaycettes were judged beat i their class for the Out- standing Project Award In competition wlth 14 other entries. The award recognizes the unlt's efforts co- ordlnatlng the live presentation at Henry Street igli School Isat October Of the children's television show, The Polka Dot Door. That project also won the local club best project at the Jaycettes' reglonal convention ln Tlmmins ln May. Wagar said the group lias juat flnlshed drawlng upIts agenda of activities for the comlng year. Included in that agenda la another live presentation of the Polka Dot Door and fund ralalng for Chriatopher Robin House and Fairvlew Lodge. The club wlll also be continulng its Bucle Up Baby program, a national Jaycettes program for rentlng out infant car seats. Wagar said the Whltby unit has some 75 infant car seats that may be rented sny time by calng Kelly Hewltt at 668-6619. The club willl also ho asalstlng the Whitby Jaycees organize the up-comling central reglon con- ference to ho held this fail. Students honoured Six Whîtby Durham alan of developing the Region Roman Catholic capacities of each Separate School Board student and bis or lier students have received will to use thern. the E.J. Finan. Award The Whitby recipients for outstanding effort. were Laura Brown and The graduating grade Shelley Pereira of St. eight, students were John the Evangelist, recognized for having Andrew White of St. demonstrated outstan- Paul, Aflson Watts and ding effort (but not Mark Basile of 9t. necessarily achieve- Theresa and Marion ment) in attaining the O'Neill of St. Leo in separate school board'S Brooklin. Junior Fireflghters Michael St. John is taught the proper method of weldlng by instructor Anne Jordan. One hundred and slxty-four kid are partlcipating i the Whltby Firefighters junior flreflghtlng course. Free Press Staff Photo FROM PAGE 10- OPEN SATURDATS *36mronthis, $1,000down Instock cars only O.A.C. GREAT N NTARIO PONY WE SERVICE SELETION OEVERYTING 0F FINE 496 TAUNTON RD. WE SELL USED CARS OSHAWA, ONTARIO 000000000000FuIy Equippod But we stili 7 Parts and noed J~ YService Dspt. TRADESI Neighbourhood whlch the program the boundarles for the helps reduce crime la watch are determlned through the resîdents (ldeaily 300-400 learnlng to evaluate homes") the blockr cap- their own home tains selected, and the security. Bevan takes petition signatures responsibbllty for this coilected, there la stifi training. the public meeting. Armed wlth this in- Sturgesa and lier cap- formation Sturgess, as tains had to get 75 pr- chairperson, went home cent of the nelghbours to to recruit lier block cap- attendsa public meetifià tains. She needed 12 wlth Bevan. (There la people who would ho extra police protection willllng to give out their for the neighbourhood phone numbers to on meeting nights.) neiglibours, and un- At these meetings dergo, along wlth lier, a Bevan explains how tihe police records check. watch works; the Kendalwood block cap- benefits -of a watch tains are responsible for program; tue respon- lo to 18 houses each, but sibilities of police, in~ many watch chairperson, block cap- programa captains have tains and neiglibours; 20 to 30 hours reporting how the conimnunication to thean. system works; and how Wlien she got her police response la based block captains, she and on priorities. He_ teils they stili had to get a how hi descriho petition for the program suspiclous persons or witli 75 percent of the vehicles to police and neiglibours' signatures. teaches the group "Ninety-seven per- enougli about home cent signed up ... Some security that they can weren't willlng at firat, evaluate their own but once they realized home. (the prevalence of At Kendalwood's crime) they signed," meeting Sturgess sabd she said, 150 people attended Since the beginnlng of from 131 homes, wel 1985 there have been over the 75 percent guidelines in force to needed. Bevan said whlch escli applying having gone tis far lie group must conform lias neyer had a group hofore Bevan can fail hi attend in suf- recommend town coun- ficient numbers. cil endorse it as a Having fulfllled the Neighbourhood Watch. guldelines, Kendalwood Once the crime got its endorsation and problem, or fear of it its signa last Octohor. lias been established, "From, then on, sort of Watch like magic, people star- ted notlclng thelr nelgli- hours," Sturgess said. "Some people put hi burglar alarma; some installed dead boîta. Some neiglibours have double keys (one for themselves plus their neighbour)...People got hi know their neigli- bours, and there was a better awareness of crime. We've had no bouse break-ina to date,' touch wood, but there have been suspicl 'ous characters reported on and followed up. "You wouldn't be able to tel lif ,someone la away i this neigli- bourhood. Every home looks occupled," she said. Af ter the watch was establlshed neiglibours took part in Operation Identification, a programn to engrave al valuables. Door stickers proclaim this has been done. Thieves, knowing engraved gooda wll not get tliem as higlia price, are incllned to go elsewhere. "Probably one out of three applicants quallfy for Nelghbourhood Wat- cli," Bevan said. c"ýNeighbourhood Wat- ch ln't a miracle cure. It's purpose la hi reduce crime," lie said. "There must ho crime already present, or the fear of it, and there must ho people wiliing to take part in the program."l Holiday postal service The Whitby Post Of- fice will ho losed and there wil ho no letter carrier service on the Civîc Holiday, Monday, August 4. The post office lobby lock boxes will remain accessible on the holiday Monday but wicket service and other postal services will not resume until Tuesday, AUgUst 5.