Sbasidized houaring..., Pro'po*saiflot dead yet Although the Durham Region Non-Profit Houing Corporation will flot be able Wo meet the province's August 1 project -committal deadline for a proposed townhouse development in Bluegrasa Meadows, the -Ontario Housing Corporation Winl probably b. prepared Wo day fia approval un- tiSepteber, accor- ding W the agency's programnco-ordinator. The OHC, which ad- minu8tera funding 'for the province's- sub- sidized housing program, wIUl begin reviewing the statua of ail applications for fun- ding Ausut 1, according Wo Heather Burke, but there will be some leewafin the process. "If there's a delay of only a couple of montlis, Ontario. Housing could iprobably wait until Sep- tember and review the proJect then,"1 said Burke ln a telephone In- terview laat week. .On Monday, July 14 the town'a ad- ministrative committee chose totable a site plan application for the 58 unit development despite being informed by DRNPHC generai manager Dr. Mofeed Michael that provincial funding for the project might be ot If the August 1 deadline for project conumittal was not met. Because coun- cil bas now recessed for the summer, the matter will not corne before the adnistrative commnit- tee again unti Septem- ber. Both coundil mem- bers and DRNPHC of- ficiais came under con- siderable fire from residents o Bluegrass Meadows Zho opposed development and last week committee, mem- bers chose to table, the application *claiming that "s9ummer is a bad time" Wt deal with the issue., According to DR- NPHC chairmnan Diane Hamre, the committee's decIsion 'was under- standable given the "politicai realities" of subaidized housing. In fact, Hamre said tabling the application- may help smootlh the way for future residents of the project if it is finally ap- proved. "Vie don't want to work against the host community. We could go Wo the (Ontario Municipal Board - the town la legally required to deal with site plan applications within 30 days) but we don't want to ha confrontational., It's- far better for everyone If we can corne Wo a satisfactory con- clusion," snid Hamnre. However, the decision does cause the DR- NPHC some "timing problemns", said -Hamre but she was confident that the province would extend tbe deadiine. "If this delay wiIl help us W ildentify smme concerna that can be resolved then I tbink it willi ha better If we can take the co-operative route," said the chair- man. In the interim, Hamre said the DRNPHC will ha busy tying up any louse ends witb the project. "lThere isn't enougb money Wo go around and if you aren't seen to ha doing everything you can to get this project built then (the province) wiil take the money away and give it to somebody else," said Hamre. Hamre said she was not concerned. Hanure said she was not overly concerned by the fact that a group of area residents have said they wil seek an injun- ction to stop the SEE PAGE 11 Riding high Stephanie Brown, 3, bad no trouble riding ti horse at the Oshawa-Whitby Fair'on Saturday. The young rider kept the horse at a steady galiop ali the way around. Freeress Staff Photo Gunman hits Whitby bank Vol. 16, No. 29 w Wednesday, July 23,, 1986 Hang on! Matthew Burden, Daniel Burden and Robbie couid be seen rid Senn hang on for their lives as they brave one of the eating carmel cor more thrifilng rides at the Oshawa-Whitby fair held the bavarian gai over the weekend. The fair provided attractions for. deserved rest. Tht ail ages including a demolition derby and horse more popular attr shows. The rain that plagued the fair on Thursday sheep shows, piesi and Friday,- stayed away Saturday and Sunday making the weekend a huge success. Children 28 Pages Iing on the many kids rides and m while their parents headed into rden for some shade and a welI ie demolition derby was one of the ractions and the horse, cattie and ised fair goers of ail ages. Free Press Staff Photo The armed robbery of a Whitby bank at noon on Monday.bas netted a* lone maie an un- disclosed amount of money. Durham Regional Police report a mnan en- tered the Bank of Mon- treal at the four corners of Whitby witb a ight blue nylon bag and produced a smali1 han- dgun. The maIe is described as white witludark skin, 35 Wo 40 years of age standing 5'6" W 518". He has a dark beard witb grey flecks and a mustache, black hair and wore clark sunglasses and a blue Extra stalled Some fancy procedural manoeuv- ring by Oshawa Mayor Alan Pilkey last week bas stalled yet again regional councll's effor- ts Wo expedite moves at Queen's Park to provide Whitby and Ajax with additional regional councillors. List Wednesday at the final meeting of regionai ýcouncil, before the summer break, council members voted 14 Wo 13 in favour of a motion supporting the additional represen- tation. With three of bis fellow Oshawa council members absent from the meeting, (Osbawa's il regional counciliors bave repeatedly voted in a block against the additional seats) Pilkey Introduced a motion Wo reconsider whicb, once it was carried, effec- tively put the original motion on bold until coundil reconvenes in September. According to the region's deputy clerk Pat Madil, a motion to reconsider requires council to bold the motion for con- baseball cap. Two other arça batik robberies that same ai- ternoon are being 1blamed on the suspect. Police report a- mati, fitting the sainedescrip- tion walked bte a Bank of 'Commnerce in Ajax and produced a smal handgun from a blue nylon bag. The man made off with an undisclosed amounit of money. A silver midsized car was seen driving away from the robbery scene.* An hour later a Royal Banik in Port Hope was robbed and the suspect made off with$30 again sideration at the next meeting of regional council. Because it only requires the support of one third of those coun- cillora present, Pilkey's motion was easlly carried. <. In an interview Tuesday mornlng Pilkey said hee bas two concerna about -the provision 0f 'additional representation for Whitby and Ajax. Fir- stly, Pilkey said regional council la afready too large and the province should devise a new formula for establishing equitable represen- tation on tbe coundil without increasing the size. Barring that, if the province la determined Wo address the problem by giving Whitby and Ajax each a new seat, then the legisiation sbould also provide an additional seat for Oshawa. "I acknowledge that there la an inequity in the representation for Ajax Énd Whitby but by addressing the present inequ4ity in this Way' they SEE PAGE il