The Whtby Minor Basebail Munns Pressa N 'i c e tndup DorSepe Wood, Jason Crossley, Kevin Beigrave and over the weekend in a tournament in Amberlea Commnunity Scott Bujrgess. In the second row are, Jason Price, Mark Park in Pickering. The tykes went undefeated In their first three Lanegger, Matt yres, Robbie St. Pierre, Carlos Roebuck, Dan- games before defeating Markham 7-2 in the final. They are, left ny Stevenson and Jason Peddle. The coaches are, back row, Ron to rlght In the front row, Wayne Guevara, David Jarnet, Jamie Lanegger, Bob Peddle and Ed Wood. I NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS 0F THE CORPORATION WRHM 0F THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM The Audited Financiai Statements of the Corporation of The Regionai Municipaiity of Durham fo r the year ended December 31, 1985 are avaliabie from the Regionai Finance Department. Anyone interested In obtaining a copy of these statements shouid write to the Finance Department of the Regional Municipslity of Durham, 60 Bond Street West, P.O. Box 618, Oshawa, Ontario L ,H 8B6. The foiiowIng financiai highights refiect the operations, assets and liabilit les of the Regionai Municipaiity of Durham inciuding the Waterworics, Sewage and Waste Disposai Systems and the Board of CommIssioners of the Durham Regionai Police. COMPARISON 0F CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (Ail amnounts In thousands of dollars) WHERE THE MONEY CAME FROM: Requsition on Area Municipaities Ontario Grants User Charges Other Revenue 1985 1984 34,372 46,194 37,573 13,448 131,587 126424 Wl-AT THE MONEY WAS 1985 SPENT FOR: Generai 4,874 Gomerment Protection to Persons & Property Transportation Services WaterWorks Sanitary Sewer System Other Environmentai Services Health Services Social Services Senior Citizens Day Nurseries Famnliy & Chiidren Services Planning and Deveopment 24,236 13,589 14,740 17,582 4,916 3,988 17,938 16,405 2,440 1,078 2,364 1984 5,173 22,716 12,864 14,143 19,031 4,182 3,809 18,262 14,841 2,201 YEAR END POSITION 0F ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Ail amounts In thousands of dollars> 31,820 1985 45,105 a Cash and Short Term Investments 34,643 33,598 e Accounts Receivabie 15,901 e Other current Assets *Restricted Assets *Capital Assets 18,653 2,107 3,118 70,828 1984 28,863 15,924 2,251 3,482 76,172 129,34 9 126,692 e Accounts Payable, Accrued Liablities " Other Current Liabilities " Outstanding Long Term Debt " Reserves and Reserve Funds " Fund Baances " Unexpended Capital Financing a Trust Funds Under Administration 12,917 2,121 70,828 33,751 4,685 5,047 12,435 2,039 76,172 26,972 5,812 3,262 129,349 126,692 1,342 1,194 2,244 124,150 120,424 100 metre event. He also placed second ln the 100 metre hurdles. At the Nationals, August 8 and 9, Wilson. wil be competlng In the, 80. metre hurdies, hlgh jwnp and relay. Welcome wil compete in the long juznp and the 100 and 200 metre events and Bateman will corn- pete in the 100 nietres, the 100 metre hurdies, the relay and one of elther the long Jump or the triple juzmp.' Also competlng with the Oshawa club in Win- dsor were: Esther Brown, second ln the girls under 15 100 metre hurdles and fourth in the 200 metres; Lisa Win- dsor, fourth ln the girls 17 and under discus; Yvonne Kurz, elghth ln the girls 17 and under discus, slxth in the shot- put and slxth in the long jurnp; Mike Corby, flfth in the boys 15 and under 100 metre hurdles; Karl Dyer, second ln the boys 17 and under triple jump; and Vagner Casthilo, sixth in the boys 17 and under 100 metres and sixth in the 200 inetres. FROM PAGE 19 Iroquois soccer Whitby Optimists... 5 Steve Ruiz ................ 2 Mace Sigsworth ............ 2 Attersley Tire Service. 0 Group 74...........O0 Consumera' Gas Co... Steve Kataikris Mario's Hari Salon. .5 Mike BrWlinger ............ 2 Bryon Kendafl............ 3 Sandoz Anca..... 6 Brent McKln Mark Vanderboo ...... 2 ChiliDewdney............2 Shutout: Derek Lopera MOSQUITO - Juiy 17 Perkins Paint ...... Group 74 ...........O0 Default.. ................i1 MOSQUITOS - Standings as of July 18 Mario's Hair Salon ......................... 18 PerkinsPaint .............................16 Consumers' Gas Co ....................... Sandoz Mica..............................10o Whitby Optimists........................... 8 Group 74.................................. 5 Whitby Mail Family Restaurant .............. 4 Bailey Pharmacy Ltd........................ 4 Attersley Tire Service....................... 4 PEEWEES - JuIy 17 Jeffrey ............ 3 Willow.............I1 .Michael Collins ........... 2 Michaet Lopers Michael Wolff Hutchison ...........O0 Pringle ............ 4 Brendan OmaUly Nicola Cavallari ScotEmneett Shawn Mille Shutout: Richard Gorden Garden............ 2 Midas Muffler ..O Shawn Axhere Ronny lameneco Shutout: Jason Wityszyn PEEWEES - Standings as of July 18 Pringle..................................12 Midas Muffler ............................ 12 Garden ...................................8 Jeffrey.................................... 7 Hutchison................................. 5 Willow ................................. 4 PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service Sa~ Deaer Parts & Service- Thursdays titi 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-3000 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS - BRAKES-SHOCKS- -TUNE-UPS- -COOLING SYSTEMS- S103 DUNDASST. E 162KNG STE WHITBY SHAWA FROM PAGE 17I Track and fieldi