WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JULY 23, 1986, PAGE 23 I CALL AI V ESSI il YOUR TICKET TO INCREASED BUSINESS BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-60ý74 H 214Duda .. 19eKig S.*W WARD MALLETT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS P.<). IJax568. IlOAslaStreet. W'iaiby Onaria !IN5I"i (416/668-5447 Accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting services. InoernLional\ Binder Dijkirr Que & C. SCARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 'Kiihens, Ceramic B CALL 668-4686 MOLLY MAID "Speciaahzang n Home leaning For Paricular People" 666-2144 DURH~ùAM REGION'S WOODI Harwood & Sot twood Lumnber *Dry Kilns &Dressng Facîiuties Including Customn Made Trim: Harwood & Marine Plywoods As Weil as a complete stock of Building Materials.N * a-ROWSLAND o o 725-4744 LAýQ 328 RITSON RD. N., OSHAWA. HWY. 40. BROOKS, WHITTINGTON Barri sters, Solicitors & Notaries Public Helen E. Brooks, LL.8. Robert G. Whitingfon, BA., LL.B. 101 Mary Strca' West Whithy, O>ntario LtN 2R4 430-1755 Repania&Pared for moatMaies 129 onhsarwodAve.,Aa 683-013 To n (JIVE 'WOUI1 BUSINESS ALIFTt! Adverlise your business under "Ceti A Professionel" end gel im. mediale results. The Whiiby Free Pressais read eech weeli by over 70,000 potentiel cust amers. _ Thinir about what we cen do for you . ........... hen clleus. EXGSII1ELL For walls, ceilngs & trîm, -every raom in your home. SMinrqe ~ Mooe& CENTRAL PINS PAiNT AND WALLPAPER 295 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA 728-6809 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Service avallabîs FREE consultation 723-5387. SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MON EV ON AUTO AND HOME INSURANCE PhidE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-972 <P ERMA PAINTING AND DECORATINO LTD. Resldential sinterlor 'Commercial *Exterlor eIndustrial .15 years oxperlence rReferences on request 723-2158 Barry Thompson 'Roc rooms *Foncos *Bathrooms 'TIling 'Garages * Dlshwashor 'Docks Installations 668-o8455 DEADBOLT SALE e KwiksetoWelseroWeslock Finishes avaliable ln poished brass, antique brass & bronze Instaiied ~ 4.84(each additoflal $43.84) Wide variety of patio Iocks *Locks demastered *Locks rekeyed *Auto @High security deadbolts *Keys cut & pick proof iocks - BUYING AN ANNUITY? it you are ai.d you wsh to secure a payout annuity fram your RRSP. calli HERB TRAN Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP FIVE QUOTES AVAILABLE THE FRAMING CENTRE 668-4521 BIG SAVINGS ON VOUR VACUUM REPAIRS OVERMAUL & CLEAN-UP ON LY .-29.9%5parts extra FREE ESTIMATES USED MODELS AVAILABLE NO WORK DONE NO CHARGE! - liDiDUNDABST. W. P ~ ~ ~ l w~i.a BLOCK W. OF BROCK ST., O~U5VIt5CUT WHiTrBV 668-1855 m --------------------------- - ------------------ arw L mé." - - - - la R-