Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNESDAY JULY 23. 1986, WHITTY FREE PRESS MIXPIlOU kifohes sooi@set slfh ROLLER SKATES ika, black, stfrae under 2 banches, SUzS 3$25. Dominion, whuIa. sire covorori ln long w5511g OlefIn. 2 5 lianes>, $3. Fifty record ysaranea, $296.Phone43-106M. albums, 1940-1950 MUSIC, Bomne ciassicai, $5 eoch. Phono 055- MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Geuga, 3206. 70 I. irsck. 4x8 tabe, engise. 12 car, buildings, good sarter set, CUJSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- $200 fins. Cli 723-8969. aller 5 pefta sets, $30. Phone86080295. p.i. ______________ ION PEER buli Cadar trip 16' boat and moier, 1,00. 1970 Hardfop camper, lops 8 ha forasse and add-e.com by whaaI, 81,600.a o. h. Woodgrain f rezo, 82W. Phoe »2M02 KLONDIKE fraplaca Insert wlf h fan, gond condition, $35. Kim-. bail elecinix organ wlhh doubla koyboard and bosch, $000. Com- bînaion sirao, and radio, $50. 668476. ROBERT BATEMAN prnnl, Idia Mue Swan@, muasora iramed, 876. Buf falo Af Ambomelle, $M0. Phonese 0805 GLASS and chroma colfeo table, 3 lier, $15. Dohumidiiior, dark brown, $8. Wicker cofee tabl, $20. Pcluroos face dlock. $25. Phono 4276592. CARPETS, iwo 9x1, one M113, $30 oach. Fooballi haimol, $15. Fine galion 11h tank wifh sc- cassorios, $23. Liquor bar for roc room. $50. Phono 5799167. SPANISH style chesiarf lead chair, custom md. ose 0f a kind, . 00Importad uropeon chandelier, $46. 011 on cannas waii painting frais Mxico and frame, $200. Cmii 668&9288. FOR SALE dIsng maom suife,' -soaud walsul, appron. 60 years aid, 9 pèces, table with exten alan, buffet, china cabinet, 5 aide chairs and 1 ans chair, (cos. pliely rafllahed ncludlng 100w unholatsrad clou seto), price $1,560 or boat offer. Tel. 008& 2481. INSIDE DOOR 2806, iscludisbi hardware, $25. Insida door, 26n60 lsciodisg hardware, $23. Cas- crie dura siop singia isor, $3. Fine 24x24 paio siabs, 82.50 aach. Portable elecfric basoboard heaair, $15. Paffons rocker, gold neisur, $10. Esd table, colonli styl, $25. Two sais baîbrooro tap, saw, $15 each. 1462346770. ADMIRAL iidgeanad tone, goid, good condition, $70. Saiid wood triple dresser wiih anity section, $100. Two steel ahoies, $25 oaci. 608l44. CHOCOLATE BROWN tuxedo styla dbimfOn Skitarsofa bed. as- cellenf condition, $M0 new, sacrifice $375. Solid pins and pîne veer roll top dask, top cas ba remonmd for allani surface, an- celleni condition, sacrifice $40. 35 gallon aquarium, comple wth Ilgh. flutera, gravai, plants, f18h and sanad, $9. Phase 728 7744. BICYCLE - boys 3 spoad, In ex colent condition, 20 Inch wheais, suifeblo for9gyearoid, $80. Phono 608948. GRAIN CONVEYOR, Ufle GlanI, 25 i. os whmle. $695. Phase 05 am0. 14 FOOT mahogasy FieefwIng sallbaat, $4W. Thras ton chais halmi, $100. Boasf acher, $25. Lft-hasd gof clubsansd car, $15. Waier Mlle, $4. Barbaque, $15. Cent hoai for mlIng loge, $3. Hoover, $30.Pick sxe, $25. Phone 4334W9. & DININO reais chaire, excellent condition, $0 @eh. Rock mapia ilichen set, 4 chaire, $195. Cor- ner cabinel, $75. Bauld woad dresser and mIrrar, $S6. Oai rocklng chair, $6. Antique dtIsIg romr table, 2 eavas, $100. Bookaheif, $15. Phase 0834.008 UNIQUE ose ofaekInd ladies 14k yeiiaw and whie gald dlamaond and sapphl ru ring, &IreaS, set wluh il full ouf dîsmonea and 10 sp- phures, cas ba sois as dinner or engagement ring, eppralssd $1,200, akIig $900. Aisa l boughl as engagemenf ring 2 epeolally made weddlng banda thal iil her aide of ring, $200. Phase 8342, Roger. -PLEASJ± KEAL- When the advertised item is sold. dispceed of, or unavaitable for whatever reuson, tise item wiIl be deamed to have bees sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED) PRICE as ilustrated balow, regardiesa il price Io stâted with 'best offer'. If tise item la NOT SOLD, or disposed nf, lthe ad will be innf for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 37.50 wiil apply payable in advsnce of publication of the flrt ad. Tisa above minimum charge will be applied ta tise final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. AUl adver. isemenia muai be placed on an exclunive basis wilh tise WHITBY FREE PRESS and rua ai leaat one month i sot soid. RATES tif article is soidi: S% of adverlised price up to $40,.00 of aibalance aver $400.0 EXAOPLE: cM Iem sdvertised fer 8150.00. Commission due 91.00 mimm mcharge ia 87.50) Privais advertisisg onlyf Please notify lise Wiitby Free Presa Immodiatly wisen Item ta sold n Iht we may delele il from fthe folowing issue. Ail adas ol fil ting tise Emporium guidelines wlll h lreated and charged per week as regular ciassifted &dsosna prepaid basis such as: ervces, help wanfed, clotiig, rosi estale. ami personal messasge typa aids, or ada sot quolisg price or quatily. Privole ciassified ada may appear in lise Emporium section under appropriale iseadings. ALL ADS Wl LL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAILADS TO: FREE PRESSEMPORIUM P.O. Box M0 Whiby. LIN 580 If isdouit ci: 66"4111 OR DELIVERTO: 131 Break Sf. N. Whtby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1970 mUICK Skylerlc (parts> grill, PRA, three-In-one, $120. GM bumper, tailflons, cyl. heade, CHILO'S SWlmmlng pool, 2 fi. loveseaf, $40. Change table, $40. $220. Oshawa, 436-0280. deep end 8 fi. ln diametar, pain- Ait l 1km sw. Youth bed, $80. ____________ Ind alvnizd seel.dran Dua. Phone 4346947.- saiety conar, $99. Phono 66&. 1784. FOR SALE 30" mecirlo tone, anacado grsen, good condîIton, $100. Phase 008M.049 CUSTOM MADE conlemfparary loeseai and fwo chaire, x- cellent condtion, cosi $1.800 sew, asklng $65. Affar 5 pis., 42779M0. NION CHAIR madie In taiy, 5sf reclines, $40. Calii 6087209 anylime. CRIB. moifrss and bumper pari, white, $75. Plastic t01101 traîner. looks Ilie misialor o llel, $5. Childa coar seel, muii-poaition, gnod la 40 Ibo., $35. ChIds cor booster s05, adds 6" la hoight, good t1070 ha., $15. Allomemsara 2'h years aid or leus and are ln excellent condition, no ripe or tears, noihisg la broken. Phono 66&.5925. T.V. STAND, $15. Sieoo stand, ___________ M2. HI-FI rscord ployer.$, 0.Ciii offer ôpm., 084032. IRAILERNJ 12 FOOT waoden saliboat resdy for lauschIng, $300. Phone 000- 2787. FOR SALE 1904 Bonaire 1200, loapa 8, slave, 2 way iidg, tllet, dining ehelier, compiteiy equIpped, Immaculsie condition, asking $8,000. Cali Bruce ai68. 1965. NEW & USED CAR BUYS RIAD ...8SUY...SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 pick-up, good condition, $100 or basf atier. 008W4770. 1970 COMET a cyl., for parts, good mtai, transmission, rear end, complets car,1$200. Phono 655-3m0. MOTOR101S, Dodge, GM, Toyota, Honda and Ford, $150 mch. Four good ires, $25 each. Excelent Windows for garage. &hop or greenhouse, ô fi x 8 fi, 4 fi xuS f, $45 os. Fins cars for parts, $26 «. (75 Dadge, GMC, Chmvy, 74 Docige, Ford Truck). Cai Ted, &Il& 4949, anyrtime. FOUR aimoat new aimai radiais, P20VIIIAR151FR7815, $160. Fine sew Goodyear Wrangior radiais Pl9578R18, $40. Osa 5mw Edelbrock SP2P aiumInum Iniais manIfoid ami iii for small block Chenroiet.$, $0.Four aimoaf sew aluminum star spoks wheelm, O bait laiti ailJapenema trucks and soma Chevs. $75 «ach. Complts usad rmur indow (onre for Camaroand Firobrd, $2. Phono 858-M0. ~7ILES ~ILE~l ~FORSAI.E~LE 1981 FORD 'à ton, eucellent condition, crulsa contiml, cap, $5,200certilied. 8784592. 1981 CONCORD. 2 door, 4 cyl. sutomailo, ps., p.b., excellent condition, $3,475 certiiled. Cuit 433-1531, Oshawa, anytîme. 1910 HONDA CIVIC, aunroci, AMIFM erosaie 600or bout oifer. M8.440. 1978 BUICK L1D 403 angine, 82,00 mles, elecirie sunrooi, ioaded, $2,995. Cuit 5794142, ai. tarea p.m. 1977 OLOS Cula5s Salon, con- soie buckeis, good shape, easy Io cartliy, 81,600. Phonoe68-. 0188. 19m7HONDA haichback, as la. $1,000. Fiions 06852. 1077 DODGE window oan, low mleaga, good tires, fair body, excellant ronfler, $1,000 or boast reasonabia citer. 578319, waakdays sitar 8 p.m., waakende anytima. 1976 CHAYSLER CORDOBA ps., p., air condiiioslng, SM0 or boas f oer. Cauit658.3178. 1976 ANC GREMLIN, one ownar, standard' 6 cylindar, tran- smission, as sa $500, 6680159, weakands anytIme, waakdays ai. ter 5 p.m. 1975 0050E Club Cab, ;4 ton heay duiy, auomaiic, good shape, 59,000 original miles, buili for 5Sh aheai traiter, croisa con- trot, entra air compreosor and tank for tires, extra gas tank, $3000. Phono 65523000. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original milan, 4 cyl., 2 door, naw brakas, cam shaht and rockars, $260 or basi oliar. 6085060. 1975 CHEVY van 20, ouaiomlzed, bed. Icabox, ompet, htgh back bucket sass, AMIFM causaette alermo, mage ail around and new braicea, fares and traller htch, needs body worlc, aold su le, $1,400. Cuiii 433-1579.. 1974 HORNET fcr sale, hau 1976 moior 232 (40,000 miles), rebut irans., naw atarar, body mi , good runnlng, aslai. 0.Phono 608.9519. 1072 PINTO, oiens Inaida, body good, needa minor repaira, $700 or boatsf ali. Caii 68ff7925. 197 PONTIAC Parsienne, 77,000 milsa original, sn rusnlsg con- dîtion, etra body partseaval".i $2M uneertlimd. Cail Paul 00 1632,aitarera.. 1M09CHIEVELLEtour new fire and saveraI brand naw paria, $300.Phone 66611.195,ask for Dan. tn tbis world, thores elwaya room for osa more. Cali your W.Icomo Wagon Hostess now. Phone 666-2482 4!wCON FUSED?.> Don't put off advertising ini the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Dont miss out -on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: sare a private advertiser; shave an article to seil; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details) Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months) A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell wthin three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to$400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. 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