Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY. JULY 23, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Redistribution in Whitby has, parties scrambling RyMIKEJOHNSTON Free Press Staff A new bil recentiy passed by the provincial government bas created a new rldlng ln the Town of Whitby. The Representation Act, Dassed on July 10, combines the towns of Ajax and Pickering to form Durham West wbile Wbltby and a part of Oshawa nortb of Klng St., west of Rltson Rd. and soutb of Taunton wlll forse the new rldlng of Durbam Centre. Durham East wlIl contain Oshawa and Wbltby north of Taunton Rd., the town of We'll Videotape Your Weddmng *Proleeelonal Flnmhed Product. High OualIty Equipmant.Excîra Copie& AvllbleOne Fm. Showlng If you Dont lave A VOR.. Packages ranglng f rom full day coverage from Invitation to reception or just ceremony. REASONABLE PRICES PRI7MPR, D ATUNS videa productin speclalists OSHAWA CENTRE 2nd Floor Unit 259 (ebovezeiiers) KING& STEVENSON 728-9565. STrRAWIBERRIESi PICK YOUR OWN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Zdjano»wiz READY PICKED Newcastle, the township of Scugog and from Vie- torla-Haliburton the township of Manvers. Wltb the new boun- darles taking effect on Augugt 30, ail three par- ties are~ clambering te f11 the vacancy created by the new ridlng. "It's going to malté it lnterestlng in Oshawa and Whtby," sald Con- servative Durham West president Jerry Moskaiuk. Moskaiuk said the initial meeting of the conservation in the new riding la tentativeiy scheduled for August 26. He said a constitution wll have te ha drawn up for the new rldlng after which an executive can be eiected. Moskaiuk blmseif wii vacate his seat . as President of Durbam West and wil run for the presidency of Durham Centre. He sald the new bul passed by the Uàberal governinent, in reality makes ail rldlngs non- existent. Ail the rldlngs in Ontario wili have to SEE PAGE 8 bu-Imm or Special VLitor Ivonne De-Icaza la seen here cutting a cake wltb Mayor Bob Attersiey. De-Icaza la the 100,000 visiter to the Wbltby Information Cen- tre. Tbe town bonoured ber wltb souvenirs nd akey tethe town. Free Press Staff Photo Golf course proposai opposed The Durham Reglon FleId Naturallsa have Rennîes iaunched a campalgn Flowes & (îfts againat a proposai to Floers& Cfis build agolf coursein the More than a. Lynde Shores Conser- flower Shop vation Aa. 655-833 The proposai was firat 655833 presented to theCLOCA executive committee this sprlng by a com- ALLANNUAL z , BOX PLANTS [% per box W. stîli have a large varlety of quallty plants. Annuals & Perrenals î 427-2525 BAYL NUEROC ~IICOUADrive a Utte & Save a Lot Open 8 !.m.-8 p.m. Monday thru Saturday fromn 9 a.m.-a p.m. Sunday pany callilng Itseif Lyn- de Shores Gof Cub Ltd. and Goif Management Group. Accordlng to CLOCA chief ad- ministrator Bill Cam- pbell, it la just one of many proposais dta reguariy cross bis desk, proposais wblch the executive commlttee bas a responslbililty te entertain regardiess of tbelr merlt. "This bappens wltb ail our properties. People come te us and say 'I've got tbls idea I want te bounce off you.' Tbe executive commit- tee was approacbed witb the Idea of a goif course but lt's the responsibility of tbe commlttee»obear tbese proposais. It bas no par- ticular status beyond that. I'Normaily. if a proposai bas menit it will be referred back te staff for furtber study but this proposai basn't even made it to step one," sald Campbel iast week. However, accordlng te David Rucb, a mens- ber of the Durham Region Field Naturallsts and editor of a newsietter entitled "lFrlends of Lynde Shores", the proposa may ha belng treated' more serlously by CLOCA officiais than Campbells remarks In- -dicate. The golf management group flrst met wltb the CLOCA executive- in May, according te Ruch and was lnvlted back for a second meeting in June. Wbat exactiy was dlscussedi, bowever, la not known because CLOCA executive meetings are private. Rucb sald the minutes of that second meeting show only tbat there were confidientialiItems deait witb. "4We're concerned. Tbere's no barmin I CLOCA 'hearing these proposais but 1I-can't heip ,thinklng that if CLOCAbhad no intention of going througb wltb It they wouldn't have in- vlted thegoup back te a second meeting," sanid Ruch wbo ls aise, an em- pioyee worklng under a temporary contract with CLOCA. Ruch and other mens- bers of the Durham Region ' Fild Naturallats launcbed the newsietter te raise public awareness about the importance of Lynde Shores as a willife and nature preserve. Accor- ding te Rucb, Lynde Shores la probabiy the most environmentaily significant and valuabie property under SEE PAGE 8 Charges dropped Second degree mur- der cbarges bave been drepped agalnst two women in connection with the death of Waiter Clark Major of Brookiin in 1962. The cbarges against the two, Elizabeth -Ann Fisher, 27, of Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa and Janet Fisher, 26, of Scarborougb, were dropped as a prelinilnary bearing In- te the murder got un- derway. in Wbltby Provincili court, Frlday. A ban on publication bas been piaced on tbe prelfimlnary hearing by Judge Dobbs. Major, 52, of Ashburn Rd. was killed wbile trylng te step a number of persens from stealing tires from bis property In the eariy mornlng bours of August 7, 190. Tbe prelimlnary hearing la expected te continue today and wrap up Friday. Cbarged wlth second degree murder are Fred Fisher, 32, 0f 100 White Oaks Crt., Whltby, Raiph Warren Fisher, 33, of Toronte and Donald McCoy, 36, aiso of Toronto. Danny Huntington, 51, of Tbornton Rd. N., Osbawa, la aise cbarged with accessery after the fact te second degree murder and possession over $20... Green Pea & Snow Peau Ready For Plcklng 66)to)8 -5 509 For 'More Information Bring Containers or Purchaoeat Farm N.W; CORNER OF TAUNTON AND CORONATION RDS.

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