Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 21

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WITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNFSDAY. JUT.Y 30, 1986 PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAINTING à DECORATINO profesalonst boudud worlfmsn- ehlp, reolale and commarclsr, fIre ustmatea. Caîl &3W4277 or 008.712. *EANtVII PAINTING, enfeuf or, Ittrlor, drywail, free ecflmatcs. 433-7M0 or 728-2078. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candiewicking, Coun- ted Cross-stItch, Erff- broidery and Crewei. We aven, do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Join In the fun. Have a Creatîve Cîrcle ciass ln your home. Teaching you to stit- 'ch Is easy. Book now and receve a Fres 1GOft. Cail: Nadine, 666&1490 SERVICES 'GRAMMER for peuple wha hale, îrsmmer" la the Ideaf pockef efemunce bock for busînese sople. $3.95 per cupy aud vsllable at DIction Prlnllng & Iffice Supplies ln fhe Ajax Place. lealer luqulrles lnvlfed 8831968 R«E. Drop lufo the DIction Irlnflng sud Office Suppîr sfore 1 the Ajax Plaza sud pIck up a. ,s copy of fhe 1986 Mafrie sfeudar. Prlnted lu heu cafoura. Smoas for hsndy refereme. 83-19U8. (PEWRITER rentai, many akua sud moae, by the eekeud, weelt or moulh. icussveifabie. DIckeon Inllug & Office Supplies lu the an Plaza. CatI us for business achine repaira. 683-1968 A~NOUCMENTS )NGRATIILATIONS on your rfhcoming marrlsge. Pisas ew aur simples 0f eugrened eddlng Invitations if your sure lu aur Ajax Place ilote. rkeon FrlnfIng & Office Sup. e,683.196. 5PESONLS uTES GALORE Foasftages sud attcched. Thausanda of mem- ru snlous ta meut yuu. eafige Acqusîntances cailtoit1. e 1-00-26-9163. Haute noon INE - Ersi Guaranlees IaVat 0f urtue @sta, odote m carputa regardtess o> aan il Frse btachura. C. trtbftIng. Box 2220, London, f. INSA 4E3. GARAGE SALE Balurdcy, Augual 2.9 &m~. t14 p.m., 19 McOIllllvary Court, Whllby. 1978 ACADIAN Western car, good body, ruse welt, nuuestsar- ter, aaklng »W0. 571-1844. PROP à SKEG repars.- fasf ser- vice, fîbergîas supplies -.mrin, matI, clulh and acetoxe - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - mîrror finish buat peint. Rayplux - Oshawa Glss. -Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579. 1433. E ISRTRIM *Evergreen Prunngl *New Landocpng,l *Complot@ LawnI *Gardon MaIntenance OR. à IIIMAIIL W.. PERCY stu pfesWae0anounce the blrlh of thulr sou Raid Aluxanuder bom July 23, 190, welghlug 7 Iba. 9 o. Broîhur to Kathryn Evs. Pruud graudparests are Mr. & Mms. ER. 9waln arnd Mr. & Mr*. MD. Percy. Warmust thsuka 10 Dr. Speer, Or. lowalafuy, Dr. Oulnaud the nur- eing ulsîf of Osawa Osoural Hospitl. TWtNS, Pst, Jlm sud Sarah Shupherd welcome sale strvil of (Jack)> Frcderfck Jacob, ô Iba. 11 oz. and (Peer)Ptur Dougls, ô Ibo. 9 oz. IBom July 21, 1900; Speîl thsnka ta Dr. Tramblsy aud nursing staff of malamlly wsrd of ÂAiaxctuerng HospitsI. SINGLE TEACHEA raquIresacs. commodafion wthiu 45 mitnute drlvIng dttance 0f Ajax, wauid prafer unfurntshed place with parkitng, wsnfed by Auguat 15. Phone 41) 831-4447 or (705)>457- 3155, cottecf. (fMCODMATION AJAX - prafesuiosai mata ta chure large apertmeut wth ecmie. Call Paf, 031-33U3. NEWI Encttsng &ffCanadian nef- sont marteltg opporfusîtyt Esrn bg money on fine lavis, no ceIttsg raqutred. Stamped un- velape ta OM. Mauketng En- lerprf eue, Box 1483, Sakatoou, Suat. 87K< 3F?. UNIQUE PAINTINQoIUSINESS. Eans excellent Iscome fuît or parf.ltme prtntfng bueisesa carda sud pramotfian producla tram your home. Equtpmeul,lnentory and tratstsg. $W95. Signet 1400. 203-489. Give gifts and J and help a child Cunial linlefCaada W)4 443 Mt. PlasantRd. Trmnfo, Ouf. M4S 2L8 f »2-68464 iîb,1C. ll2W26M14) SPECIALS GALQREI The Framlng Centre 668-4521 I 10 Mobile Homes Ciearwafer - Three bedroom. mobil homs. Hatedpoul,' olteunl,'nIcloseftobeaches andl iffretracions, chldreni welcoule. (esa fhon motei ronmi. 683.5503 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orono, Hwy. 35-115, Clarke, 4th Con- cession, baufiful campground, season $635. Campgrouud 1-788- 2562. Toronto office 651-5754. BOOK NOW. Wu sf111 have lmlted apeufuge tram Auguet 9. Greft SavInge tram Auguet le. 800k now for Labour Day, cnet 40 housekeplug cottages on Sout Lake, tn-ground and wsdlug Poofl, super pfsygrounde, babyslttlng, miniatura golf, feu- nie, For rse brochureaocil (705) 28&.2361 or wrl te Hoapiftity Inn, R.R.11, Minden, KOM 21<0. HOUSEKEEPINO COTTAGES, BShotug Lte, Vs pli eSep. fomber, Idéeatfor famifllac sud senIors, reduced rate& Augeaf, ssudy beech. The Homenead Coftage Rusorl, Hwy. 35, R.R.2, Mtnden, Ont. KOM 2K0 (705>)489. 25W0. (ZARTENT/ COfOS FORRENT WHITBY DOWNTOWN oute bedroom, SM8. Bachalor, SM3. Adulfte only. 1-491-7742, sltar ô po.. ONE DEDROOM APARTMENT lu ameil Whllby bulding. Adule outy. Includes frldge, alove, hydro sud parltIng. CabI e TV sud laundry facIlIties avalable. Phase 866372 belweu 9:30 &.m. and 5 p.m. LEASE OPPOATUNITY 1500 sq. fI. avallabi a tmmediatuty, just sarth of Woolco Mailios Thîctean Rd.. goad traIt loai.d- posure sud parttng, $12 set wlth gaod aerme, Theresa Leseurd 0084171 orOSO-1821, CIVEAWAY PICES. Muet bu sotd. tnefrueuf, ratîrameut, Muikata 1050 acoma, coaeou river, terlIng cf $14.500, 93,000 dawn, 83M a weet, 8% Intesaît, Juel 20 mInutes north of O0,lllis. 60@seonds off Hwy. il. Excellent loction, gocd rocde, tow tcxes, hydra, phane, good waler, &p- proved for bulding, Malte an of. fer (705) 0872840. c i z E 1 l , ., A TC E *. RIC E WIT~NIN~NG OR ALE FOR SALE *COMPUTERS -WORD 13PROCESSING I LEGALIMEDItAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKI<EEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERCHANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Fnanclal Asîsfance may be avaîlable -Job Plaemntn Assisfance TORONTO SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS FREE: 1986 guide la study*aî* home correspondance Dîploma courses for presîIlîus careers: Accountîng, Air condlîonîng, Bookkeeplng, Business, Cosmefology, Electofoncs, LegelîMediel Secrefsry, Psychoîogy, Travel, Granlon (5A) 283 Adealde West, Toronto, 1- 800-268-1121. BECOME AN Aucîloneer, 85 hours of Instruction. Neuf clas Aug. 9 f0 16. Coufacf South. western Ontarlo School of Aoc- tloneerlng, (519) 489-3938, (519) 5372115. PO. Box 145, lnnerklp, Ont. NOJ 1iMO. S8SIACNIFICE 38 Sacrifieflu8 buldIngs specf loffer. Prlced f ow for Immedlate ctearance. 28n40n14 $3,900. 48n90n18 $9,600, 70080024 016,300. Com. plot@e wlth lergs docte. 0f her aîzée aallable tla 1201 sIda. Surloue buyara uuty. No pre choppera. Gusrauteod towasf prîces. 0.11 f ree 1400-387-8148 or (416282&M2. NORITAKE CHINA Shop af-home Service. StarI or add la your sel wllh ferrifie dscounts on al recent paltterns. Pleane npeclfy your Norîfake Chna pattlern name and number. For prîce Ilst, shape reference guide, shlpplng delails, send foday sfamped self- addressed business envelope f0 Aleanders Jusl Norlake, 158 Wanless Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4N 1 W2. TROUBLE wrapplng coins? Wrap penies, nickels, dîmes and quar- fera qulckly, easslyl Send $8.96 plus 6U fax f0 Penny-Rafler, Bon 405, Fort Erle, Onf. L2A 5N2. MIRACLE SPAN Sprlug Sale. Exemple 32x40 $3,742, 40n100 $9,138, alher sîxes la choute from, ail buildings are complete wllh doors. Cal fal-frea 1-800. 387-4910. USED DESKS, files, storage cabinefts, sfacklng office chairs, steel adjuslable shelvlng, store dlsplays. BlaIrs New and Used, 21 Alen Ave., Woodbrldge. Phone f416> 851-8100, near I-wy. 7 and 400, Mon.-Fr. 9-5, Sat. 101. CLOSINO-OUT SALE complet@ ceramtc $hop, suppliles, squlp. ment, mol de, glaces, shelulng, ec. July 28 lhru Aug. 2, 2 lu 4. Earth works Ceramîca, Han. favlle, (CM) 786432. GEOTYPE proes-on iefferlng naw lu stock et Dictaun Prlntlng & Of- fice Supplies lu the Aan Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of sfyles-sud sizes. Why psy more for a soualier sheet of lefferng? 683-1968. BUIfLDINGS - Speclal Clearance. 20x24 fif. $2,300. 24x24 fif. $2,600. 28x38 fif. $3,900. 32x38 fI. $4.300. 36x48 f. $6,400 sud 40x6 fi., $8,100. Oei l 985-7930. AtASPAN BUILDINGS. Sfrslghl- wsll and curvad wali steef buIfdIngs, cff stzas, speolet prce for @Mty delivery. Cali Airapan Buildings, 41)330.454l. MATTRESSES sud bon opringsaie hait prîce. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoa Sftreef South, Oshawa. 725-5181. HAAID WATER PROBLEMS? tn- truduclng the wafar soffanaer that douent use sait. No mors Iugglug hecvy baga of custfy sait. Other soffesera ramone calcium sud other gocd-fur-you minéae. Wa don't sdd bcat fayour waer or ramone benefiltat mineraIs, becouse thîtà nul gocd for ycu. Oter coffener akIe up fots cf rocm, use fluctrlclfy, require bacctwashng, cost pteuty to tn- éfait sud toc muot 10 malutatu, We don't. 0.11f toit free 140.268- 26M0 for husîthier, butter fiting clesuar-wuthlug water, 1HEROES uftIhe Bible" colourlug book avallable aI Dlcksou Prîn- flng & Office Supplies, Aax Place, 683-1968. Deafer Inquies luvifed. STEELA-DEAL Otousel buldings - 28% off - sans thousand, - wse Itruduotng new alratghf.watl buildings spécial Itfroduofory prces ltmlted lIme offer, Phase Plouser BuldIngs Collecl<416)678-1585. A-Z BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quansel, cladding, for true value, action sud îvswers (416)>628-1794. Leave message or caileot afler 6 p.m. evenlngs, weetends, ask tht Wally. Fra brochure. NEW POATABLE band sawmlile. Thrau modula fa chocse fram. WAtt saw 18' fa, 30" dîsmular aogi, prlcsd at$80,015 sud sp. Calif or crflae for brochure, Eusrcraft Mfg., R.R.1, Basice, Ont. L4M 4Y8, (705)>720-3293. TWO 12 PT. Huseman double dock dlopisy caeaafr cocfed compraseor, Onu 12 lit. Tyler freezer dtepIay ceeu waler cool cd camprassor. 8.0. Dyck' Met Markt, (706728U33, " p.m. VISIT Our used furnifure warehouse by appolulment. Big savingi ou deska, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. COei l cksan Frin. tlng & Office Supplies ta arrange an appainfmenf f0 vlew. 683. 1968. 10Xl0 GAEENHOUSE $149. 100WMutai Hafide, 8175. Plus 10,000 gcrduulng produole. Great prlces. Sand 82 for lsfo.peck. Western Water Frams, 1244 Seymour Street, Vaucouver, B.C. VOS 3N9. (504)082408M. CHESTERFIELD suifes, laveseaf s, îectlonais, lasftheu 'h pice, Large selectiIan, McKeen FuroIlure, 524 Simncoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. RETIAINO? AduIf commasity, duel rafIrameut or weetuud mrntf, cflub house. heled pool, sew manufscturad or atte-bulît homes, 831,000 fa,800,000, eales also avaltabte, Sand for brochura@ sud fulltlle tf phase for appoltmeul 10 view, Tumberry Estatte, R.R.3, Wlsghem, NOG 2W0 <519) 357- 2037. MANU FACTURER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDING $,5999.q 8 colous, 1,500In tick.......- <rom îq ALUMINUM STORM 000 RS $7 1,5W lnstock......................<from $7 9 PATIO DOORS WoVnl& AlumInum $~2l9 50 In sfock .........................f rom $23 111 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 2SOiuilock.......................<from $259 GARAGE DOORS Wood &Steeilunstock-.........from $149,9 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & Aiuminum $ pq 9 500 lu stock...................... frOm s q. fI. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agrîculurai Steel 589q 4,000 sheetsIn stok .........<from 3 9- WmT. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. ;R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon.-Fri. D51A7t 8-5 (613) -475-0521 s"' ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caliing. If bilied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box nunibers, lay of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiil flot be 14e each additionai word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage libable aiur forblshafadiolur ypgephetaTH, Epub-l7.0 orth fran10 oad,12 ecorleedtforsethotypograpohica i frwrdn ýrros i pulictio beondthecos ofthespae ocuped ddiionl wrd.such replies. We will flot be responsible for box nuznber )y the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adiiniwr.replies not called for within 30 days. rhe Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- .eject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert )ne day before they can be changed or canceiled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ,LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES. 43; per lina. <No word ads allowed). t neto aclEpnmAs litional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad. CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The WhitbyEree Press will make 668-6111 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., AUGUST 1 6:00 P.M. Thrae miles est of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on <ha Lindsay Little Britain Rd, 7 place mahogany dining room suite, wainut dining room table, ovai top trunks, round oak pedestai tabla new), 4 pressback chairs (reproductIon), Sim- plIcIty automatic washer <avocado), goid Viking dryer, wainut china cabinet, pine bed, oak buffet, 5 h.p. Viking gar- den tiller, 6 h.p. John Deer riding iawnmower, 12 h.p. Masaey Ferguson riding Iawnmower with snow blower, Massey Farguson 35 diesel trac- tor, 15 Iffbargiase boat with 45 h.p. outboard motor and traliar, 1979 Chrysier New Port, quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RA. LITTLE BRITAIN 77f2103 AUCTION SALE SPECIAL ESTATE ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE SALE HOLIDAY MON DAY AUGUST 4AT ôP.M. At the KInsmen Com- munIty Centre, 109 Coibourne St. W., Oshawa. ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLES: Ger- man made grandfather dlock, triple welght drîven and self winding. Hall seat of 1/4cut oak, bevoiied glass mIrror and carvad crown head. Paquegnat mantle dlock "Berlin". Plant table - Empira style ribbion mahogany. Victorien sofa. Olde Engllah 9 kt. gold, ladies ring with 17 Jewoliad watch. SmalI secretary dask. Newhaven glngerbread dlock with aiarm. Bacheior's chast havlng Queen Anne legs; Buiiseya finger 'Iamp. Ladies gruen 14 kt. gold watch. Pins blanket box. Laather top pedistal dask. Paîrpoint nut dlsh. PLUS numerous othar articles of Interest. Doors open at 12 noon for viewlng. Over 150 lots of quality antiques and collectables. Plan to at- tend. Terms ara cash or approvad choqua. Snack bar on the promises. DALESMITH à GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE PO. BOX 1007 STATION 1B' OSHAWA, ONT. L1J SY9 LUSTED FARM SWEET COAN- Now tI end of September Pickad Fresh Daiiy. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 pan., 7 days a week. Weekende two locations: Hwy. 12, Myrti. Station à The Ferm, Mudake Rd., Myrtis Station. "Beat Tha Mob Grab A Cob 855-3563

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