Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY3O, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Brooklin Mason John' Gregg elected Grand Master Brooklln Mason John (Jack) Gregg bas bien elected bo the office of Dlstrlcty Deputy Grand Master, te third higestputopen bo Masoninthe province. Gregg, Who gas been a mdhber0f he t. ZMon Lodge No. 391ln Brooklin since 19U9, was elected bo the post at the Annual Communication 0f the Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Canada ln the Province of Ontario beld recently at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. A former Worshlpfull Master 0f the Brooklin Lodge, Gregg wlI preside over the' 15 lodges In Ontario District for a term 0of one year. Durlng tbat period be le obliged bo visit eacb 0f those Iodgee at leut once bo eure that Mason policles are carried out unlformly througbout the district. ~a&n runoImmn ATTERSLEY TIR.E SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS -BRAKES-SHOCKS- -TUNE-UPS- -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUNDAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY OSHAWA 668-3356 571-3400 Gregg describes the Masons as a morally based organization devoted tb building, a bitter comunlty by maklng bitter people. "O0ur objective le not to make men good but tb make goodnmen bitter,"1 eald the Deputy District Grand Master. Altbough the Masons were at one time con- sldered a secret organization, Gregg sald they are today a blghly visible comn- munlty organization. In addition bo their works Of communlty binevolence the Masons contribute bo a national fund for the hearing im- paired and every year the Interest from the fund le donated bo researchbinto deafness. The Brooklln Lodge, whlch le the tird oldeat ln Ontario District and celebrated itsls Uth an- nlversary bn 1977, bas 105 membern, 85 of wblch are active. R ERITAGE FLOOR FASHIONS REYURNIS WIlM tHE ORIGINAL 3100% DUPOIiT 15 Sq.LON LIVING ROOM DIIOROOM AND HALL OR STAIRS ...- - As.. . .bl .- SHOPAT --IN TEREST FOR 12 MOS. TO QUALIFIED BUYERS ~ INSTALLATION WITH LIFETIME GUARANTEE ~ A M/FM PORTABLE RADIO WITH EVERY PURCHASE Antron NÎlon, ;;0018, S rri r, Coronsl, Commercial Dvsion 60.72n5 SEE SAMPLES IN VOUR HOME OR OFFICE THIS OFFER LIMITED TO SHOP AT HOME BUVERSI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED "fltKIIAGEt' A TKWTED NAME IN CARPET; Fai il HEINET RBEAR BAYE~AE UNTRB 7 (Government Llcensed / Giovernment Approved> NURSERY SCHOOL For Childreri 2 to 5 Years OId Presents OP-EN HOUSE '86 DATE: Thurs., Auguet 14186 TIME: 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. ADDRESS: 309 Beech St. W. Off of Brook behlnd StokleyslCoby -oppartunlty tao eaur achool -aur close curriculum ta muet the teachers end enjoy the dloplays -appartunlty ta rSgster your chlld et reasaonable prices -rsfreshments wIIl b. served We wilI be lookingforward f0 seeing you ai pur centre FOR MORE INFORMATION .or8ý2) PLEASE CALL O Shopping spree For one minute on Saturday mornlng, Wbltby's Brock St. IGA was tbe scene of a mad dash as Catby Ouellette and ber motber Sbaryn tore up the ales on a free shopping spree courtesy of the Whltby Optimias and tbe IGA. In just one minute the pair ffilhed two cars of grocerles wortb $«0. According bo organizer John Marre the Optimista sbopping epree raffle ralsed 2,000 for the club's local youth projects. Tbe wlnners are sein bers wltb IGA manager Joe Glover and Optizalet presldent Gerry Aalbers. Free Press Staff Phoo Oshawa man charged with assaults Durbam Reglonal Police have arrested an Osbawa man after be broke int two Wbltby apartments and assaulted tbreepeople. Police report the man brokeinb an apartment at 408 Byron St. S. around 6 a.m. Tuesday noinng and aseaultid a man inside the apar- tment. Tbe man recelved minor injuries. Tbe suspect- tben broke into an apartment next door and aeeaulted a man and a woman. Tbe woman recelved a eut on ber forehead and tbe man recelved minor Injuries. Cbarged wltb two counts of break and en- ter, misohief and tbre counts 0 f assault leg Darrin Misels, 21, of Overbanlc Dr. Âai9s iready for September tours By MAION JRWIN Tbe montb of Septem- ber wiiisSetwo bouse boure in tbe Town of Wbltby. Tbese are bing presented, by three arganizations Ib tbe munlclpallty to ralse funde and give exposure for tbe work tbîy do. Tbe tiret tour whi be held from 12 noon b 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sep- tembir 13 by the Durbam Reglon Famlly Y.M.C.A. and tbe Bap- tiet Leadership Education Centre on Taunton Rd. Tbe joinlng of forces for these N'a organizations le par- ticularly appropriate as both are deeply involved bn tbe training of people for leadership roles and botb have religlous foundations. The Young Men's Cbristian Association (Y.M.C.A.) was founded by 5frMGoreWilams adevotdCrsinn London, England bn 1844. On Novembir 25, 1851 the firet Y.M.C.A. in Nortb Ani,ca was founded ib Montreal. During the industrial revolution this organization for young men was based on Cbristian principles wltb the pbilosapby bing tbat a strong bealthy person requlred a bealthy mind and spirit as well as a bealtby body. Before the organization was one year old Its activities were broadened b nmen- tal as viii as spiritual anes. Tbis equality le deplcted lb tbm emblem of the Y.M.C.A. Over tbe yeare the need wau recagnlzed by tbe Y.M.C.A. far an en- vironnient far familles bo grow and learn snd develop togetber. Therefore, Most Y.M.C.A.'e bave -iaw canverted bo family Y's and are open b ail per- sons of ail ages. In Wbltby a family Y.M.C.A. vas establlsbed in 1964 un- der tbe leadership af Joan Bridge and several other citizens of tbe town. Now, 22 years Inter and, under the leadership of our second general manager, Mr-. Fraser Stewart, wbo followed Mr-. Ron Hup- field, Wbtby's Y le strong and stili growlng and nov eerving ail of the Durbam. Reglan based on local com- munlty neede. Yautb and aduit leadersblp training bas been and always vi b a prlorlty bn the Y.M.C.A. bath bn actual programmlng (Coun- chalr ib Tralning/Leadere bn Training programs) and bn basic ekMliasd values taugbt tbrougbout al af aur caurses and ser- vices offered. Infor- mation regardlng the many typesof programe and commninty ser- vices affered ta the Reglon le avallable by calling the Y office bn Y.M.C.A. le obtained from several sources vblcb Include gaver- ument contracte, fee for service prograMmng, United Way funde, financlal developreent snd speclal projecte. It le bbt tbls latter category that the proceeds from the Heritage Trail Houai Tourvhil go. Tbe Durbam Farnlly Yproudly etates that "they wii not willingly refuse programmlng bo anyone based on their babulity b pay," asys NEW USED OFFICE FÜRNITURE -BUY-RENT-SELL-LEASE-. coicLon priki fin & Office Supplies Fl 001) A x 1 H OPFI 1 %G P L 1ý 1 A E t E FI 0M 1,ý6H ri L U ri l 1 MAIWI -1 -- .%A a 1 diRBIen mqp AL à% IPSO

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