PAGE ?o., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST .6.1I9A6, WHITBY FREE PRESS SIX PIECE ktolien nook set with COMMERCIAL typa freezer atorege tntor 2 banchas, Shefer 8 Il long wlut 2 lding coverod Ix long wierIng Otefin, 2 tocranwcmrsoJa.'5 yoara new, 8$M. Phone 43-1060 sknew1,00cPopesOOr Jn 6 MODEL TRAtN SET, HO Gauga, 70 fi. track, 4x8 tabla, engna, 12 cars, buildings, good startar sat, $200 lrm. Cati 7238969, ater 5 p.m. 1040 PETER butt codai atrtp 16 boat and motor, $1,000. 1970 l'ardlop camper,eo»ps 8. liae fumaceanmd add-a-room by wtree, $1,500. 8 cu. ni. Woodgroln frooar, 8200. Phono 808-2702. CHOCOLATE BROWN tuxedo style dbtalQn Sker sofa bed. ex- celtent condition, $S00new, sasorlîce $375. Solld pns and pins vesser moli top desk, top con bo ramonsd for a fit surface, ex caltent condition, sacrifice $40. 35 gallon aquarium, complets wth Ilglt, flters, grava, plants, Itan and stand, $90. Phone 728- 7744. GLASS and chrmms collas tabla, 3 tier, $150. Dehumidllar, dark brown, $80. Wcksr cottes tabla, $20. Pictureous lace dlock, $25. Phone 4276592. CARPElS, two 9x00, one 11x13, $30 iach. Football halmt, $15. Fine gallon 11h tank wth ac- cassortes, $23. Ulquor bar for rec room, $50. Phone 579-9167. SPANISH style hesterlistd and chatr, custom made, one 0f a ktnd, $50. tmported Europsan chandellsr, $460. Oit on cannas watt panting ram Mexico and tramne, $200. Cati6866-9288. FOR SALE dInIng room auite, sottd wlnut, approx. 80 yeara otd, 9 places, tobetoveitetn. @ton, buffet, china cabinet, 5 aida chairs ond 1i omschair, lcom- ptetoy reftnlabed tnctuding ne% uphoftered ctoth soat&), prtce à 15o or boas faler. Tel. Oô&. 2461. INStOE DOOR 28x8, Inciuding hardware, $25. tneide door, 26x80 lncluding hardware, $23. Con. croîs dura step singe rIsr, $38. Fins 24x24 patio siabs, $2.50 each. Portable siectrIc hsehoard heaafr, $15. Patform rocker, gold vatour, $1W0. End tabe, colonial style, $25. Two sets bathroom tapa, new, $15 sadti. 16236770. CUSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- poeasets, $30. Plions 666-0295. ADMIRAL rldge and tone, gotd, good condition, $700. Soiid Wood triple dresser wth nanIty section, $100. Two steel ahelesn, $25 eadh. 666.4046. BICYCLE - boyas 3 spesd, ln ex- cltant condition, 20 loch whesis, suitabte fors9year oid, $60. Phase 66-9480. GRAIN CONVEVOR, Uitie Giont, 25 i. on wlieats, $095. Phions 655 8000. 14 FOOT mahagany Fteotwisg sastboot, $450. Threo ton chlan hotef, 8100. Boat anclier, $25. Lfthond golf cubs ond cait. $15. Water akits, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cont liook for rolng toge, $30. Hooner,83. Pick axe, 825. Phono 433-4689. Si DININQ roors chira, excelent condition, 80 oci. Rock malle kitchon sot, 4 chaire, $195. Cor- ner cabinet, $75. Soltd Waod dreser and mrror, W6. Oaki rooking chair, $50. Antique dtntng rooro table, 2 leovea, $1600. Bookoheif, 815. Phonoe814M. ROERT SATEMAN prifnIa, dl Muta Saons, museum framed, $750. Buffalo Af Ambosette, 8$0. Phono 668-8828. CHILD'S swImming pool, 2 It. deep and 86fi.ln diamstsr, pain. lad galnantzad set, drain piug. safety consr, $99. Phone 666. 1764 FOR SALE 30" eiectrtc toos, anocodo green, good condition, $100. Phone 80489. CUSTOM MADE contemporary fonsoet and two chairs, ex- celent condition, coat 1,8(00 new, »akng $M5. Atar 5 pro., 427-79U. TV STAND, $15. Sterea stand, $25. HIFI record ployer, $W. Cati aftorS p.m.,6684032. -PLEASE READ- When the advertlsed item la sotd, dispoaed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the item wilIl h deemed ta have been sod and a commission witt be charged based on 1THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated belaw, regardiesa If price la stated with "best offer". If the item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTES and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wil appîy payable in advance of publication of the iraI ad. The ahane minimum charge witl be applied to te final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Al adver- tisemenla must be placed on an exclusive bois wth te WHITBY FREE PRESS and runsat least one montit if flot sold. RATES If artce eIss otd t: 5% of adnerttsext price uopta 8400.0 2% or bace aner 1400.00 EXAMPLE: Ssld Item adnerttsext fer $150.00. Commission due $7.50 1 minimum charge Is 87.50) Privote adnertising onlyt Pleone sotify tbe Whitby Free Press lmmediately wben item is sold Bo tiraI we may deinte it from tse faUaowlng issue. AIl ado nat fitting the Emporium guidelines willt ho treated and charged per week on regutar clasified adsoan a pre-paid basin sucb an: services, help wanted, clthilng, meat estate, and pemsonal message typa ado, or ado not quoting price or quantity. Prinute clasnlfied ado may appear in Ue Emporium section under oppropriate beudings. ALL ADS WtLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SEMTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AD9 TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.liaox200 Wbttby, LIN SSI lfit. doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVEiI TO: t35 Brsck St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Buying ori laboha,,.. 5» l phm Ne.-e hm~ "tO, ase dmes e Se esaîsiiUN» ' ame, Yen 4- 1 ae le u- -n0xahw W le a e#t 5te5 MW 70v. pU emea nulev er,*" Owuo e et WHITSY FREE PRESS PRAM, threo-Inone, $120. GM toveeeat, $40. Change fable, $40. 1970 SUICK Skytarit (parts) grill, Att tikenew, Youth bel, 8$0, humpar, tIllen., cyi. heada, Pionse44497. $220. Oshawa, 436-0280. t4tGH CHAIR made in taiy, eeit radilnas,840, Cati 80&87209 onytime. 12 FOOT aooden sotihoot ready for taunohlng, $30. Phionse6OÃ"& 2767. FOR SALE 1964 Sonaire 1200, sloops 8, tone, 2 way ridge, tolait, dining abeitar, complety equippsd, Immoculafs condition, osking$8,000. Cati Bruce 8fi66- NEW & USED CAR BUYS RgAD ..SUT,..SILL JUST CALL 668-6111 1978 COMET ô cp., for parts, goot mofor, transmiasion, rasr end, complote cor,$20. Phone 665%1M. MOTORSI, Dodgo, GM, Toyota, Hondaont Ford, 8150 Oci. Four good ires, $25 euht. Excellant aIndoava for garage, &hiop or greeshoaso, 5 fhl x81i.4 fh s Offi, $45 os. Fine cors for poa, $25 en. f75 Dodge, GMC, Clieny, 74 Oodge, Ford Truck). CatI Tod, 655- 4949, anytimo. FOUR aimait new sisal radiale, P205l75R15FR78115, $180. Fine new Goodyear Wrangtar radiaIs P19675R15, SM0. On@ new Edeibrock 8P2P aiumInum Intake manifld and kit for amaîl bock Cherotet, $201). Four almoat new luminuro star spoke aheots, ô boit f0111litJoanese trucks ond tome Chona, 875 eadb. Compltee usod rear wlndaw tounera for Camaro and Firebird, 825. Phono 65-3266. 1981 FORD 'h ton, excellant 1072 PONTIAC Paiflonnu, 77,000 condition, cruls controt, cap, mîtea ariginai, ln runntng con- $5,200certified. 576-6592. dtton, extra body poana anailabto, SM00 acertified, Cati Peul 008- lU8 FOR tfUfl 81 Iwo dl?1532, allersô pr. four apeed, holchback, AMIFM casette, aunroof. 4000 mulsa, $2,150. Phon&6684338. 1078 DODOGETradeaman 300 Van, carpef and panai, sntendsd roof, aakIng $3,000 or bast cfifer. 668- 3991, aller 6 pm. 1978 BIICK LTD 403 engins, 82,000 mle., etsctric aunrool, toadetl, $2,995. Cati 5794142, ef- fer 6 p.m. 1977 HONDA hatchboctt, as t, newty rebutît motor, SM0. Plhons 1976 CHRYSLER CORDODA pe., phb., air condtttontng, $8W0 or boat citer. CatI 655-3178. 190 GMC Mk ton van, runa but needs body woult or good for par- te, $2W. Phone 685-493, anaer 6 P.m. 1975 DODUE Club Cab, M. ton heany duty, automattc, good atiapa, 59,000 original mitea, bulit for 5th wheat traiter, crulse con- trot, extra air comprasoor and tank for tires, extra gaa tank, $300. Phono 6553006. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original mitas, 4 cyt.. 2 door, nOw brakea, cam allaIt and rockers, $260 or besf cller.8668-5060. 1978 CHEVY non 20, caatomlzed, bed, bobosx, cafpet, htgh bock bucket osais, AMJFM casotte aterso, mage att around and new brakea, tIarse and traiter hltch, neada body aorit, eotd as le, $1,400. Catt 4331579, 1974 HORNET for sala, bas 1976 motor 232 (40,000 mlas), rebuilt trans., new starter, body rutt, good runnlng, as ta $500. Phone 668-9519. 1972 PINTO, cdean Innîda, body good, needa mînor repaira, $700 or boast offar. CatI 86687925. 196U CHEVIELLIE, four new tiras and senerat brand new parts, Mi0. Phonoe681955, aak for Dan. 1937 CHEVROLEr 2 door, Coachi Sedan, 50% restorad tramn ground up, ait parts original and complets, manuels ond extra parts, 83,500. Phonoe68-2744. In thi a world, theres alwaya roors for ons mors. Califyour W«Corne Wagon Hostaus nos', Phono 666-2482 ;eFCON FUSED?É Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out -on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; @have an article to seil; and, shavea specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months>. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance hefore the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mun- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that nu newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could you get three months advertisîng for only $7,50? When your article selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. 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