rAGE 16~, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS SIX PIECE klchann ook ami wthh olorae undor 2 hanchas, COMMERCIAL typa freezer covered n long waarIng Olatin, 2 Shoaler, 8 Il. long ciii 2 aiidlsg yoare 00W, SM9. Phono 4&1W. doms ,new comprossor Jas. '8 _____________________ askIng $1,800 Phonoe8685060 SOLID INE and pino vanear ral top deek, top cas ha ramanad for a fiai surface, oscelant con- dition, sacrItIca, $400. Phono 728- 7744. 1040 PETER bul codar trIp 18' boat and motor, $1,000. 1970 Hsrdlop camper, sloops 8. ha. tumaco and add-a.coom by whei, 31,500. 8 ou. fi. wocdgrein freezer, 320. Phonoe066-2702. ONE WINDOW with oloras 27x38, $30. ingls dtyar, $115. Bolo roller skates, size 8, $25. Bo'o sataes, size 6 and 7, $20 pair. Corpol uodorlay for 3 rooms, $40 Five galion 118h tank wiIh ighl, 322. Musical ciarînet dih casa, $0. Filue wth case, $75. Colt 579-9167, aller 5 p. GLASS and Chromo cottao tabla, 3 lier, $150. Ohumiditiar, dark brawn, $80. WIcker cotiae table, $20. Piclrooos lace dlock, $25. Phono 42746592. CARPETS, Ico 9010, ana 11x13, $30 ascii, Football hoimet, $15. Five galion fisii tank wilh Oc, cessarias, $23. Liquar bar for tac room, $50. Phone 5799167. INSIDE DOOR 28x50, inciudiog iiardware, $25. Innido door. 26x80 nciuding hardware, $23. Con- craIe dora slep single risar, $38. Fiva 24x24 patio siabs, 82.50 aach, Portable aiectric boseboard heaier, $15. Pittorm rocker, goid elaur, $100. End table, colonil style, $25. Two nets bathroom laps, new. $15 eacii. 16236770. DARK BROWN broadioom wIIh underpad. 10014 approo.. very good condition. $40. Steel i. Beam. 16 Il. with 2 suports, $30. Tca white Hobooli table lampa, colonial, 10" high, $5 pair. Kil- chen eiacli waiiciock, $2. Waiimouol globe Iight Ilture, aif cwhle wiuh painted roae trim, brosso end goid, $5. Pot ight racessad caiibng tiolora, $4. Change table, white, $30. Rais- harrow, $5. Eighl pino raiiings ciii 7 i. handrali, $35. 011 pain. ting, 52x26", rosIoas, Ships In Sunsal, teak trame, $25. Phona 665-4682. CUSTOM MADE drapas, 2 com- plote sets, $300. Phone 68-0295. ADMIRAL trIdge and slave, goid, gaad condition, $700. Saiid wood tripla dresser wliii vanity section, $100. Two steel straives, $25 aach, 668-4046. BICYCLE - boys 3 spaod, ln os- cellent condition, 20 loch wheats, sultahia for 9 yaar aid, $W0. Phone 668-948. GRAIN CONVEYOR, Ltta OGlant, 25 fla n cheels, 0695. Phono 655- 8000. 14 FOOT mahogany FioetwIng ailboat, $1450. Throo ton chain halai, $100. Boat anohar, 325. Lofthand golf clubs and cari, $15. Waiar aklus, $45. Barbaque, 315. Cool hoak for roiing loge, 330. Hoover, $3. Pick axa, $25. Phono 433.4M8. 8 DINING room chaire, excellent condition, 340 @&ch. Rock mapia kilahos sot, 4 chaire, $105. Cor- ner cabinet, $75. Bauid wood drosser and mirror, $55. Oak rocking chair, $50. Astiqua dining coorn tahle, 2 loavas, $180. Bookoholi, $15. Phono 6834663. ROBERT SATEMAN prInte,. dia Muta Swans, musoum tramed, $750. Bufalo AI Ambosolae, $900. Phono 668-8526. CHILDOS swimming pool, 2 fil. deep and 86i.I l dametar, pain- ted gaivaoizad steel, drain plug, sataty caver. $99. Phone 666- 1784. FOR SALE 30" siaclrIc slave, avocado green, goori condition, $100. Phoneo668-M480 CUSTOM MADE contomporary lavosoat and Ico chaire, ex- cellent condition, coot 31,800 new, »aking MW5. Attr 5 p.m., 4277Z56. 1084 KIRBY vacuum, ail attach- mente, goad condition, $400. Phono 085-3958. -PLEASE READ- When the advertmoed Item la sotd, dlsposed of, or unavailable for "laever reanon. [he item wilI ho deemed ta have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVEIITISED PRI(E as illiustrated below. regardions if price ls slaled with -bonI offer. If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of. [ho ad will bo ron for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 will apply payable in advance of publication of 'Ihe firaI ad. The ahove minimum charge will ho applied tu [ho final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advor- tisemenla muât ho placod on an exclusivo hais wllh [ho WHITI3Y FREE PRESS and run at bonIt ose month if sol nold. RATES (if article lasoeld t: 5% of advertlsed price ap te 8490.0o 2% of balance os'erI400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed ftac 315006. Commissndaue$7.50 (minimums charge i1.$7.50) Private advertlaing onlyl Please notify te Whtby Free Presimmediately when Item ia sold so [bat we may detete It fram tho followlsg Issue. Ail adsnsot fitting tho Emparium gidelins will ho treated and charged per week as regular clasnified adn an a pre-paid basin such as: services, help wasted, clo[hing, real estate, and pernonal message type adn, or adia sot quoting prico or quantity. Private clansified adn may appear in [he Emporium section under appropriate hoadinga. ALL ADS WtLL GO WN CASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFtED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whtby. LIN SS1 Ifin.dobt catI 668-6111 OR DELI 131 B Wh LIVsER TOi rock St. N. Vhltby, Ost. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PRAM, hre-In-ano, $120. GM lovoseal, $40. Change table, $40. 1070 DUICIC Bkyiark (parts) grill. Att likm now. Vouthf hd, $80. bomper, tlilelns, cyi. haads, Phase 4346047. $220. Oshawa, 436.280. HMGH CHAIR madeoIn Itly, $st rocîloos. $40. Coui 608-7269 anytimo. GENDRON baby carnage for sole, askiog $30 or hoast otiar. Phone 668-3043. 12 FOOT wooan aaiboaî roady for iaunching, $300. PhoneOÃ"&66 2767. FOR SALE 1984 Banaira 1200j sieeps 8, slave. 2 cay fridga, tolait, din109 shoitar, compileiy equippad, immaculala condition, asking $6.000. Cati BroceaiB 668- 1965. 1978 C0ME? 8 cpi., for parts, good motor, transmission, roar end, complote car, $200. Phono 655-3m0. MOTORS, Oodgo, GM, Toyota, Honda end Ford, $150 oach. Four good tire.825 oach. Excelent windows for garage, shop or groenhouso, 5 ftIx 8 il. 4 ft aOit., $45 s. FIve cars for partso,$250 ai. 75 Oodgo, GMC, Chovy, 74 Oodge, Ford Truck). Coui Ted, M&5 4040, anylimo. FOUR VARI ii 14x6 chrome wira basket whaais and fbar UnIroyal TIgar Paw E70xl4 tires, $200. Four BF. Gà odrich Euo T.A. 23518OHR14 00 4 Cheviot hot wire alumInuro whaois 14"x7" ta ft 70 and up Musanglapri, 80 and Up T-BrdiCaugar, al brand n0w, casl $1200, sai tor $050 flrm. Complata ana nec soi (4) Cragar SIS whaal apinnars, $45. 318 molor goodi, $250. 1980 225" super aient six and autamaiic transmission igood), $250. Phone 655-3266. FOUR almoal 00w steel radiaIs, P205#75RI1FR78115, 160W. Fîva soc Goodyear Wcangior radIais P105175R15, $40. O000 50W Edaibrook SP2P aiumlnom Inlsko msnIfoid and kil for email blocks Chovroil, $20. Four almoat now aiumInum setar apoko chaula, 6 bailtît il Japanoeotrucksanad somo Choya, 875 o«Ch. Phone 655-3268. ouyintg orIlin le' -,a. ge y" ute boy ke44ais~ Beale"Mo"a #w mmasaiet ai ome bs. Yo deel Ne»va0 eby W> eo'. o48eW W"10 . sy sdoeke61avs.er om et g *raq5d t gra mqsa ge mi owla" MW 4aSo a. p Mn .0. , 000hae RaoesA eAldala twe e W»On,. otuacaa. CIse"o.o, lla te oei" ans.ed d s tledwie la ral OMtnt niel buoe. ntesM" ey wiay ot be et yo-<daanw. 668-6111 WNITOY FREE PRESS ~FORSAIE~LE ~FORSAIE~LE 1981 FORD W ton, encollent condition, croise contrat, cap, $5,200 carliiled. 576-6592. 1981 FORD ESCORT, two door, tour speed, hatchhack, AMIFM casselle, sanroof, 56,000 miles, $2,150. Phone 668-6336. 1981 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyl., automatic, ps., phb., excellant condition, S2,900. Cail 433-1531, Oshawa, anytlma. 1978 OODGE Tradasman 300 Van, carpat and panai, eotendad roof, asking $3.000 or hast sitar. 688. 3991, alttar 6 p.m. 1978 BUICK LTD 403 angina, 82,000 milas, alaciric sunroot, loadad, $2,995. Colt 579"142, ai. tar 6 P.m. 1977 DATSUN F10 good engina, body fair, no rost, valva lob and good tiras, $65 as sa. Phonae68- 6457. 1977 HONDA halcitback, as la, nawly robuilt motor, $80. Phono 668-8528. 1976 CHRYBLER CORDODA ps., phb., air condiloning, $800 or hast sitar. Colt 655-3176. 1970 OMO 44 ton van, tuas bat tioode body work or good tor par- ta, $250. Phono 6554938, afttr 6 p.m. 1975 HONDA CIVtC tor parts, raconditionad haad, naw altar- nator, $125 takas ihe whaie car. 668-5900attar 5p.m. 1075 DOOGE Club Cab, 3¾ ton haavy daty, automatil, good shape, 59,000 original miles, but lot Sih eheal traier, crisa con- trai, axtra air compressor and tank for tiras, extra gas tank, $3000. Phona 655-3006. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original milas, 4 cyi., 2 door, naw brakas, cam shaht and rockers, $200 or best otter. 6U.5060. 1074 HORNET tor sale, kas 1976 motor 232 (40,000 milas), rehut trans., new starter, body ruti, good runvlng, as s$50. Phone 668-9519. 1075 CHEVY van 20, cusiamnizod, bed, Icabas, carpet, high baok bookat soate, AMIFM cassette alaroo, magaeail around and 00W brakes, fiares and traiter Ihlich, naïode body worc, aoid sao la, $1,400. Cali 433-1570. 1072 PINTO, clean insida, body good, neada minor repaira, $700 or boat cittar. Coul6887925. 1072 PONTIAC Parasienna, 77,000 muaes arIginai, Is runnIng cas- dition, extra body parta available, SM0 uncartiiiod. Colt Paul M&8 1632, afttrOp.m. 1M6 CHEVIELLIE, four now tiras and sarat brasd new parts, SM0. Phono 666-1955, 88k for Oan. 1037 CHEVROLET 2 doom, Coach' Sodas, 50% roatarod tram gmound up, ail paria original and complote, manuala and mxira parta, $3,500. Phono 668.2744. 4!pCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out -on our low advertising rates just because. you have If you: -are a private advertiser; -have an article to seli; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will selI, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? Wlîen yotà r article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is:- 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do eall 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally.1 e -7 - -... ................................... 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the Ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whiiby Free Press.1 . dont forge[l b înciudeyoor phone numiv-r 1 enclose $7.511 toCover the minimum charge. Charge $7.501 te my Visa account. tard No. No me- ipeseprîsti Addreas MAIL TO: lsp. Ilote WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Postal Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if ynur article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABI.E. :Advertised - Pru-.- UplIo $ 151) $ 2001 $ :îuu $ 4(X) $ 510 $ 700 $ M)70 $ 900 $1.000o j $2.000 $3,000 $4.000 $5.000 and up Total Amount Payable $ 7,50 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 I32.00 S52.00 S72.00 $92.00 1100.00 1 FT FRuEE PRESS Emporium Ade will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions.