AUCTION SALE SAT., AUGUST 23 11:00A.M. Consîgnmant sale at the Communîty Centre ln Columbus, Regional Rd. 2, North of Oshawa. 1977 Omega, 1972 750 Suzuki motorcycle, 12 ft. flberglass boat with 6 h.p. motor, Argo 6 whaai A.T.V., ridlng mowers, lawn and garden equlp- ment, gas barbecue, o11 stova with pipes, Phlilps pInball machine, welght lifting aqulpment, Vlc 20 computer and ac- cessorles, old Coke sign and cooler, fMing cabinet; oak office chair, 7 drawer office desk, freezers, frldge, stovas, dlshwasher, Raîngette, Good Eurekae uprlght vacuum, beds, 5 pc. sec- tional sofa, buffet, sofa beds, 4 po. wlckar set, ,console color T.V. with remote control, stareo, antique washstand, rocklng chair, oc- cassional tables, Singer machine wlth table and stool, floor lamp, dressing table and some dîshes. Sealers,, T.V. game and many more, househoid Items. Raser- ve bld on some Items. Terms cash or good chaque. To conslgn your sale cal Censignments Welcome Sale Mà anaged And Sold By GARRY K. POWELL AUCTION AUCTION SALE SAT., AUGUST 23 S6:00 PM. At Odd Feliows Hall, Port Perry. OpposIte Lake Scugog Lumber. PartIal astate and added conslgnment, furnîture, antiques, accordian, workbench and tools, large and small applan- cas, aiectrlc typawrîter, deaka, beddlng and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 656-8073 LARGE CLEARANCE &CONSIGNMENT AUCTION <FR1., AUG. 22 10:00 A.M. Approx. 40 tractors, Gars and trucks and over 200 places et equipment ln- cluding John Deare Crawler, Ford fork Ilft, payioader, and PTO sawmlll. WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT HWY. NO. 6, WIARTON (519)5341838 A CARIEER IN TRUcCING. Tran- spori drivea needed. Now ta tae *'me la train for your cosa A lîcensa. For pre.acranlnÎg Inter* vlew and lob pacamentIinfor- mation, contact Marn on.s Tran- aport Drivai Traintng, Biampton MOLLY MAID lta accaptivg ap- plications for mature reaponsIbte people ta train for rofesianai HouaakaepIng In Whitby. cati O00.2144. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INO. REQU IRES RNA For Supervisory position, part-time Inights, ln the Ajax area. Cail for appoin- tmenti Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. FULL & PART-TIME POSITIONS Available Immedlately For CAR WASH, GAS BAR AN.D LUBE BAY Appiy ln person to Dave at: Potro Canada 1602 Dundas9 St. East WhItby LOOKING FOR A CAREER UN. K ADVERTISU NG? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skills; *Has ambition and self confidence; ls eager to iearn; e18 capable of earning an above average I ncome; *And is not afraid to work for It. if you possess these qualitles drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuli-tîme. Car necessary. Start lm. mediately. Corne ln to our office anytime Monday through Friday,, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Breck St. N., Whitby. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Requres Homemak ers, H.C.A./Nurse Aide for private duty, Institutlonai work, cholce of own shifts. Caîl for appointment, Monday to Frlday. -1 433-1494 FULL-TIME OR par-Ime niles people wanted In Piclterlng. Aax area. cati 705-778-3432. MATURE, RELIABLE pereon ta ilookaller my house and 2 year olda white 1 wortt, atari Septera- bér, reterencea. 7239474. LOVîNa. MATURE babyalter for Infant la coma ta my home In Brookdin aiea. fuîltime, lavg-lerm poaition, eîarllng Iv end ai Oc- tober. muai have reerencas. non- emalcera only. 0884706. NO.1 IN FASIIION FUN - euc- cesafut Home Pariy Company In chldiena fashlona naw hIrtng fait niles reprosenlatlvea. Foi detalte contact Puily-Taga, PO. Box 58, Burtînglon, Ont. L7R 3XB. 410)336-150. STAFF PHYSIOTHERAPtSTfS>: Two %oPiolnaiiy motIvated Fhyslattteraplale aie iaquired for aur modem, weil equIpped phyaiattierapy depariment. Rainy River Valey Heaith Caro Facililes. voc. la a progressive lhree hoapitai comptex located Iv Onaro'& Beautifut Sunsat Coun- try aiavg thte CanadallJ.S. border whlch attarda rawarding camser and lt@festyle nppoitunfiliaa. Satary begIva et SM.0tOyî. (basic), plus recognition for an- parence, pus possible $10000 grant. pus camprahenaive bavalitI package. Applications may be iorwarded iv confidence la: Javel Lamberi, Drector af Phyalalharapy, 110 Victoria Av., Fort Francea. Ont, Canada PgA 2877 t807 2743261. MANAGER TRAINEE. Candidate muat be aggreaaIva, bard worlcng, Intelligent and tran- erabie. collage or univaraity degrea a definite aaaet, w. provida an excellent opportunIty for advancement as watt ns a good saaary and benefifa. Pieaae aubml your reaume In paraon la Aveco Financiai Services, 209 DundaSt. E., No. 204, Whtby. IMMEDIATE OPENINO5 persons la do tetephone wortt froin our Oshiawa location, fuit and pari. lim aaaiabie, hauriy wage plus bonusea. For Information calti 436-1555. CLEANER WANTED for Brookiin area, car îequIred, apray.buff en- parience requlred, tartilm- madiateiy, fuiltime nighta, $210 parweak 10 atari. 427-0539. PEOPLE TO PACK appiea. Cati 859-2474. IROKEAS wth reliabte tractora ta, run Ontarto and Osabec onty. Paid ai 70%. Low rates for com- pany. fuel and Inauranca. J.E. Thompaon Tranapoit, Surington, Ont. 14300-26340M9. TRUOKINO CAREERS. Driver lob training with pacement heip ln avaitabie. Compote datalta con be maiied ta you. Phone Rodgera Schooi et (416) 769-3546 with postai code. MA CHERIE Homne Fattion Shows Eat. 197&. Joinour tuc- caasfut famlty of repreaentatlvee n preaenllng qually lingerie and loungewear atI n-home partes for women. île fun, lia eaay. I l'& profitable, Caliltait-fiee 1800-2n3 9183. CLEVELANDS HOUSE Rasait ta preaentiy accepllng appications for ampioymenl In ait aroesfor the period of Sept. 1 ta Oct. 19, 19M, $5 per four plue bonua and fine mcmr and board te being ai- fered for *Il poaitiona. Eperien. ce in dealiig wlh people ta preterrad in moat arasa. ln- tareated applîcanta attouid con- tact Nil Palan ai (705) 7653171 ns acon an possible. Let 4e:B1uegrass >Meadows PAGE 18. WEDNFSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1986, WHITBY-FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Reid" CLASSIFi'EDý ADS- We are certainiy not Isorry for that. agreement as some of the best members in the co-op are members who are subsidized though, I wouid dare anyone without prior knowledge to tell the difference. To give one somethlng for nothlng ls to rob one of their dignlty. concept aflows them to contribute fairiy and to hoid their head high. It 15 not the non-profit part that causes the chaos but rather the way in which it is put into prac- tise. E.W.C. has 4-4 bedroom units with l1h baths and garage at a cost of $401. There are 41-3 bedroom units with garage for $393 mon- thiy. There are 10-3 bedroom imita with car- ports for $388 monthly. We -also have 35-2 bedroom units with reserved parking ln conveniently located lots. We' do our own troubleshoeting, plan the strategy and resolve the situation in the best interest of the co-op as ýa whole. We expeet and encourage participation by ail members and theugh we have a small number who feel they're smarter than the rest of us because they do nothing yet reap the benefits cf our efforts (they wiil soon get the shockof their lives) we believe we are one cf the most successful ce-eps in the nation if net num- ber one. Our members differ in many ways rapging from ethnic through religious te political and financiai backgrounds. However, ail differen- ces are put aside la the interest of the whele. We have those who are unable te heip out for health or: other reasons however we do our best te help those people out i what ever way we can. It-is the ones I referred te earlier that we try te encourage te par- ticipate or meve. Having had a job deiivering preducts deor te deor in the Ot- tawa area where there are a large number of fuiiy funded housing trajets I have seen at fir- st hand the resuit cf un-' controlied projects. There is most certainiy a higher crime rate and the generai condition of the units rapidly deteriorates from day one. They breed irresponsibility. I offer a case In point. The divorced mether was* on mothers ailowance, the boyfriend drove taxi for cash whiie ceilecting U.I.C., the daugher and her live-in boyfriend who was on welfare and werked for cash for a local furniture company aise iived there admaidst the, engoing -parade of everything from drug trafficers te just plain drunks. I serviced the area for two years and was able te, observe the golngs on cf a wide variety of abuses cf the public housing secter. One particularly stormy day.- ln January I trudged through twe feet of snow te find a note on the door stating that they had gene te Hawaii for twe weeks. There were some units in the project te coin a phrase "1yeu couid of eaten off the floor" however they were the exception and net the rule. There is another saying that says "if dicipline is net ap- piied from within, then it shah cerne from FROM PG, 5 .>BHifiSwan sle.They had te manuai swltch, and ail that stf.Interestlag., Sinasheil, that's how the Aphids are taking ever the planet. Today the huperpeepie race; tomorrow, th.- ants. Whlch la aise why your wlfe was late get- ting home hast Friday nlght. No, she isn't piaying foetale wlth the boes. The train was late bacause the Aphids got scared in the rate. 1 FROM PG. 14 Scoreboard STANDINGS - As of August 14 TEAM GP W Merrick Homes 2 1 Gus Brown 2 1 Brooklin Sio-Pltch 2 1 Snowden Rubber Ind. 2 1 Whltby Audio 2 1 FROM PG. 5 PTS 2 2 2 2 2 Lynde House revisited Is there a way eut cf this very expensive impasse? 1 think se. There is stihi time fer reasonable minda te find the neutral greund where ail sides can la winners. As Yogi Bera once said, "It ain't over 'tII it's over." without",. Some of the projects I have seen are neither diciplined from within or from without. Once again I will state that I ar n tesupport of the residents, ln their- fight against fully sub- sidlzed housing however I feel they're being overly stubborn if they do net take a look at the ce-cO wav. John R. McellUan. FROM PG. 14 Soccer Oshawa Turul wil play hosta te the Durham Regien Youth Soccer League play-off final te be piayed at the Oshawa Civic Compiex on Saturday, September 2o. Kick-off Urne is stili te ba set but a rain date wil be Sunday, Septem- ber 21. Isyour cash flow. -4 riat? The Bonotls GI BarlerAnd Master Trade *Master Trade acts as your broker, publiclzing your of ferings and puttlng you ln touch wlth other fims who need what you have, and have what you need. Through our trade brokers we are constantly explorlng new markets foi you. 'Master Trade becomes an active dîstributor for your products or services. Our listing service and periodlc bulletins advertlse you. 'Master Trade Improves your cash f iow by selling your product at prevaiiing prices. Your actual cash ln- vestment Is your wholesale or production cost. 'Master Trade aliows you to use existing Inventories, representing cash you have already commltted, to buy goods and services you need. We make these unproductive assets profitable. 'Master Trade generates new profits, sInce we Increase sales without increaslng sales expense. 'Master Trade reduces accounts receivable and bad debts:. Immediate payment for your product or service s credlted to your account. 'Master Trade provides detailed statements each month showing the purchase and sales by your cempany for the prevlous month. Accounts are reconclied on a daily basîs. Barter is smarter O Cail Now MASTER TRADE 4ft A Division of Metro Trading Systems Ltd. 3208 LENWORTH DR. MISSISSAUGA, QNT L4X 2G2 LS TELEPHONE: (416) 625-0750 1 %b.ý