PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1986, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS.ON FROMPG.E With summer almost over and school just around the corner the Town of Whitby will be losing three employees fromn the tourist infor- mation centre. Through the 1986 federal Student Em- ployment Experience Developmrent Program, the centre hlred the three students to handle inquiries and give out information on the many tourist areas in town. The three students are Kamal Curry, a Fren- ch/Japanese- studies major at York Univer- sity, Bernadette Butler a French translation major and political science major at York U_niversity and Julie Emm an advertising administration student- at Durham Coliege and a German Transiator. During the 17 weeks at the centre, the three students assisted ap- proximateiy 16,000 visitors who came to Whitby f rom ail parts of the worid giving' the SEE PG. 22 CLOSING OUT SAILE RENNIES Flowers & Gifts 55 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-3833 EVERYTHING MUST GO! 40-60% OFF All 1n Store Merchandise e Baby Glfts *Glftware eAli SIIk Arrangements *Weddlng Accessorles *Chrlstmas Glfts and Decorations FLORAL INQUIRIES WELCOME a laa*i l li Ill 0l 1 a* 1.ulaa Ma *11.1-u11I mo"mHm LENNUX CHANGE TO THE _____ = AND RECEIVE UPTO $1000,0 m FOR VOUR OLD FURNACE - Change to the Lennox Pulse and - recelve Up 10 $1000.00 for your old - 7 j furnace, trade-ln based on age of the m existing furnace. $1000.00 for a new furance and reduclng $100.00 per M year thereafter. The Pulse saves up to - 50%. m u& Students leave Centre The Durham Region Family YMCA fali programs will soon be getting underway and if you're looking for something to break up your routine or a fun way to get back into shape you shouid pick up a brochure today. This year's program features something for just about everyone. There are programs for chiidren and pre- schoolers, art classes, )oding takes its tol Flc Spencer rented a five gallon vacuum and estimated that he em- ptied it 12 times just to suck up the sewage that had been absorbed by the wall-to-wali car- peting in his basement famlly room. "The carpeting, the dry wali, the paneiling, ail of it wili have to go just to get rid of *the smel," said Spencer on Thursday. He said he was still compiiing a list of ail the things that had been destroyed. Inciuded on that list is everything from a television set and electronie arcade game to ski boots, a closet ful of childrén's toys and even the Spencer's wed- ding album. - "I'ni insured for everything right up to the bult except for fiooding caused by sewer back-up," said Spencer. Spencer is hoping he wiil be abie to recoup the damages from the region and is planning to organize- victims of flooding in an effort to try and get some action. "I think there shouid be -a disaster fund or somnething for ail the people that are in the samne boat trying to dlean-up this mess. We're having a meeting as soon as possible so we can get organized and sit down and present our problems to the town and the region, said Spencer. Anyone wishing to join Spencer in his efforts can contact hlm at 668-5770. "I've had it," said flood victim Jack Bird. The Lupin Dr. resident said this is the fourth or fifth time he and his family have been the victims of sanitary sewer flooding and he feels it is time the region did something to upgrade the sanitary sewer system in Whitby's East Ward. "I'm not going to be satisifed until I geL whatever action it wilI take to stop this from happening again ... They can say it's because of the heavy rainfaîl but that doesn't account for the other three or four times this has hap- pened. As far as I'm concerned there's a fiaw in the system. I have to assume it's just under- engineered, " said Bird. The Birds have oniy. had a problem with fiooding since 1980 which he said is when Colege Downs sub- division was comp!eted to the north of hlm. Hle said a new pumping station was built on Burns St. to accom- modate the new homes but the station and the sewer lines "are not adequate to handie the ioad." However, according to Tweivetrees the system is not under. engineered. "I'm not aware of any shortcomings in the design of the. system. We had three inches of rain and that's a hell of a rainfail," said Twelvetrees. FROM PG. 4 to!ss Cuin ay meaningfui way to prevent Decom from settling in Whitby. Furthermore, iL is our concern that if Decom does settie here, what prevents therm from ap- plying for an on site in- cinerator? We suggest that Council should draft the appropriate legfislation now, in order to prevent this, and hopefully avoiding future problems. He said that regional works crews are, in- vestigating and reviewing ail areas to ensure that the system is adequate to handle the population growth. According to Gerry Emm, however, there may be some room for improvement. "People are sick and tired of this probiem and they want us to do something Lo correct it. .. .A lot of these sewers were designed to handie only s0 much population and our population is exploding. We've got to reassess the situation," said Emm. Deeom r IL is the Coaittion's position that the 1 politicai _football is in Councii's possession and whatever play they 1 decide to use will work, t if they want it to. Mr. Attersley and Councillors, we look forward to your written response. Sincerely, Demnis Fox 1 Joan Piiniuk Reps. for the Citizen's Research Coalition craft and hobby workshops,'fitness and sports and many other diversions for aduits. Inciuded in the children's program are gymnastics, pre-baliet lessons, craft-making, cartooning, computer, babysitting classes and other specially designec enrichment programs Parents with pre-school aged chiidren wiil want to know more about sessions like Tot and SEE PG. 11 -C0nsumers, Oaa m Dealer aml HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LTD. OSHA A *I 723-068 ;66-811 " Office Foinis & Supplies " Calculators 0 Printing O(ffioe 0 Accountants Supplies 0 Desk Accssois CHECK OUR EVERYDA Y LOW PRICES COMPLETE UNE 0F BRAND NAME OFFICE FURNITURE & FILE SYSTEMS IIIFZ ý ei.68-16 Floo d victim Dave Spencer Lots to do at MCA this fal i 0