Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1986, p. 22

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AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 6 11:00 A.M. The property of MAR- CELLO CANCELLIERE of Harmony Rd. N. and 6th concession (watch for signa). Tools, vehicies, furniture, sheep, 1973 GMC 4x4 C/W Myers plow, Mastercraft 5 h.p. riding lawnmower, 1976 Chevette, dirt bike, 1977 Camaro, 2 h.p. air com- pressor, 2 ton chain hoist, welding torches, air tools (guns rackets, etc.) 3 skl-doo motors, 1 TNT 340 ski-doo, 1 12 h.p. Elan snowmoblie, heaters, V4 h.p. motor, 6 aluminum windows, 32 (t. aluni, extension lad- der, approx. 20 good tires, 1 new P235 R15 tire, rims, approx. 15 twindie windows .up to 8 ft. long, 5 new gas uine hoses 17' long, work benches, 2 large yard lites, 3 7 ft. commercial heaters, Porter 'cable radial arm saw, turn 3 ft. 2 man chain saw, Elto 25 h.p. outboard motor, 3 h.p. O.B. motor, cement clamps, 5 h.p. roto-tiller, pressure pump, 40' TV tower, 7 pc. chrome suite, 18 cu. ft. freezer, wringer washer, 60 cup coffea perp, bar stools, walnut desk, secretary chair, adding m/c, 2 port typewriters, leather chesterfleld & chair, sq. glass coffee table, firepiace, tools, 2 B&W T.V.'s, 2 pc. French provincial chesterfieid, 3 pc. French provincial - coffee & end tables, 6 pc. walnut bedroom suite, stereo & bar cab, toaster oven, dishes, pots & pans, etc., 1 ram wth papers, 5 sheep, approx. 200 cedar rails, select Ion of children's boys, games, books, etc., ladies size 7 rolierskates, games for computer, Adam computer & sof- tware, wicker planter, Vita master massage unît, Rival meat suicer, Sunbeamn 9 speed bien- der, Sunbeam 12 speed mixer, Phiiiips food processor c/w extra biades, Beaumark self- cieaning range. NOTE TIME: il a.m., good sale, something for everyone, plan to attend. ROSS MOLEAN - AUCTIONEER 576-7550 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., SEPT. 9 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Britain Rd. Pine chesi of drawers, Oak dlnlng chairs, antique dressers, 4x8 pool table, 3 photocopiers, chester- fields, colo T.V.'s, desk, wardrobes, dînette suite, hall tree, coffee & end tables, quantity 0f an- tique picture frames, tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 13 11:00 A.M. Conslgnment auction of good antique furniture, collectible dishes & other Items, to be held ai the Communlty Centre ln Columbus. Sale consis of Canadian Centennial Winchester rifle, oak gabeleg table, pine tables, mentie dlock, oc- casional tables, trunks, what-not sheif, smoker stand,* wood f ramed sheving mirror, pr. Spauldlng vases, several pcs. green glassware, Strictlend jug, hot oven basin, Avon articles, Meto suger bowi, Opera Marie trinket box, Moose jug, Stoke Shoat English candy dlsh, Monax sugar basin, silver pcs., Nor- man Rockweil plate, dripping dish, Bacchus cake plate, Stsuma peacock plate, cor- nflour pcs., Vaseline vase, Abe Lincoln plate, strawberry cookie jer, old tins, tools,. pictures (Rockweil), & trames, appie peeler, wicker, scaies, oli lemp (green wibh hobnail shadle), commode set, pickie crock, etc. Other items to be soid Include new cerd table & chairs, brase table wlth glass top, assorbed lampe, step iadder, humidifier, orange shag rug, books, hospital bed, varlous sizes of pottary & f lower pots, aquarium stand, Andirons, metai toys, & many more Items to come. Sale managed and sold by: GARRV K. POWELL AUCTIONS Reserve on some Items. Terme cash or cheque with proper I.D. Con- signments weicome. To Inquire or consign cail: 416>655-4185 NEED EXTRA MONEY? CARRIER! Her'se an opportunlty ta ers mvnsy tor thos thIngn youvs always want- sd. A new bîke. clohes, sparts sqvipmsnt. slereo set, or the Ihousanda ot ather nssds you may de- sire. Just a phone caîl will brIng pou ait the Information, Chreck It outi CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 8 10:00 A.M. Consignimenb sale et McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Metal shop equlpmenbt rom RON PAYNE, Bobcaygeon. 5 ton press with square tipco punch and die, hoider and spere punch, plate benders and jack, 12 speed H.D. drill press, 4 speed drill press, Lin- coin welder, accassories and rod, grinder polisher, air compressors, bar &tube bander, Makita cul off saw, metel eheets, machine vice, stocks & dies, Hilmore tube ben- der & spere forme, 5 ton tour jack & bar, torch set, tubutar pipe bendIng machine with forme, box bender, hydraiic plate & bar bender, industriel rubbar mette, vices, large quantity of dies, parts cabinets, roue A tire place curtains, 14 sheets tempered glass, hand tools etc. GOOD SHOP EQUIPMENT, aiso consigned Ford 8N trac- tor wlth blade, 3 point post hole auger, 3 point disc, 65 Mercury 2 ton truck, 7 Volvo tires, hay condîtioner, tant trailar, box trailer, 15 fi. boat motor & trailer, 14 fi. fibergiase boat, 80 Yamaha 650 epecial bike, 18 h.p. wheelhorse trac- tor cab, mower, blower, biade, harrows, disc & plow, 16 h.p. Sears trac- tor with biowar, 79 Ford Fairmont station wagon, 75 Ford 500 truck with 18' van, 82 Suzuki oniy 8100 kim., allils chalmars 302 balar, Ford Ferguson 3 furrow 3 point plow, 75 Ford Maverlck, 76 Toyota Corola, 3 h.p. angines, many tools. 10 a.m. sharp with big items f r- st - MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY FULL-TIME OR part-lime sales peaple wanted ln Pickcering, Ajax area. Cali 705-778-3432. A CAREER IN TRUcKING. Tran- sport drivera needed. Nowwla the time ta train for ynur clans A licence, For pre-screening Inter- view and lob placement Intôr- matin, contact Merv Orr's Tran. spart Driver Training, Brampton 1.800265-1280. NATIONAL FLOOR Cars Cam- pany espanding ln thes area. Lootcing for sales personnel. For appoinîment cai 723-3412. LICENSED OPERATOAS tor crawler crases, track and rubber tirs toaders aperators requlrsd, gond wage, muet be espariencsd. (4186)784-0132. EXCEPTIONAL Management op- portunity If ynu quailfy, you wili recoins $2.000 per month while ln school. $30000 par ysar aftpr graduation. Sales and management expeience heîptut. For appoistmsnt cati 723-3412. MECHANIO tor aeriai wnrk plaitorma, esperience wth hydrallcn, gos and propane as asset. gond wages end benetits. Ontario SkyRsach Ltd.. 248 Kingston Rd. W.. Ajax, 418-8 3380. THE CORPORATION 0F S THETOWNOFWHITBY SPARKS AND RECREATION J:T DEPARTMENT REQUIRES STEMPORARY DAVTIME AQUATIC STAFF SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER Applîcants must have the followlng qualifications: PAAT-TIME sales hslp needed for pins and oak turnîture store, su- perience preterred. cali 886-1331, betwaen 10 arn. and 6 p. DABYSITTER REOUIAED Mon- day la Friday, 7:30 arn. ta 5 p.m., 2 girls, 4 mantas and 2 years, nan-3moher. Phlonse 5-8842. ~3J~E~RS ~3j~~jRS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE) SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACTORS Provide Grounds Maintenance -[a- cluding Snow Removal Services for a 2 year period at the Land Registry Office, 400 Centre St reet, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 170 Seaied Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on FRIDAY, SEPTEM- BER 19, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the-Ontarlo Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For furiher in- formation regardlng the Tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- drese, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. ITHE CHEF FUNCTION OF vouRs OD sTO CARRY VOUS CONTRACTORS Roof Repairs on Kit- chen No. 1 ai the Psychlatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. (bulît up type) TENDER NO. ORI-86- 166 Sealed Tenders wili be received until 2:00 p.m. Local lime on - THURSDAY, SEP- TEMBER 18, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Oriliia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For furthar in- formation regardlng the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- fice et the aboya ad- dress, belephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. n thîs worid. thsres aiways room for ons mors. Cal/ your We/coms Wagon Hosfess now. Phase 666-24l82 FROM PG. 8 Board day care Whitby's Most WidelyRead ICA sI flI PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,198.6, WHITBY FREE PRESS AD'-S FROM PC. 10 Information centre, girls an opportunity 10 use their skills in tran- slation. The three were also involved in a Whitby advertising and marketing study as welI as a downtown feasibiiity study. The grant prograni was co-ordinated under the management of Jane Doidge, Prograni Consultant, Department of Employment and Immigration Canada and Lucie Rondeau, the fulI-time tourist clerk who operates the tourist centre year round. Ron- deau said the girls did a tremendous job. This was the first year the tourist centre became involved ln the prograni said Rondeau, who, after the students return to school, will run the centre by herself though she admittedeil won't be as busy as it;is during the summer months. Next year, Rondeau said the centre will again try to hire three or four students, The students are hired by the town but are paid under a grant from the federel government. Three weeks ago the Whitby tourist centre welcomed its 100,0oth visitor since il opened in 1982 et its present location on Dundas St. at Centennial Park. Myrtie News Church Services - will resumne on Sunday, Sept. 14 et 1: 30lead by the Rev. Ian McCrury. 4H Club - The Myrtle Weed Eaters held their final meeting on August 20 at the home of Jerry and Jean Stachow, who are the leaders. An achievemnent day presentation will be held on Sept. 5Sand 6. Darrel Wade is tb be congratulated on coming second in the 4H judging conipetilion beld at Wilson's Sales Barn in Uxbridge. Community BridaI Shower - On Thursday, Sept. il a comznunlty sbower wlll be held for Jenice Couperthwaite and Henry Osinga. It starts at 8p.m. Christian Youth Group - A Commissioning Ser- vice for Jarnie Tiffen, e youth minister will be beld et Burns Presbyteriaa Cburch in Ashburn on Sept. 7 at 7:30 p.m. A speclel invitation toeattend goes out to ail young people and Ibeir parents, Jamnie recently took a group of local young people 10 Canada's Wonder-land to hear Amy Grant, e well- known gospel singer. To find out more about the ac- tivities of Ibis group calI Jemie Tiffen at 668-5757. Musicel Honours - Congratulations are extended 10 Janet Stacho%# on receiving Firsl Class Honoure in ber grade nine piano exame and ber grade five harmony exenis. Tbe wbole comniunity is proud of' ber eccomplishments. Square Dance Club - Tbe first meeting of the season will be beld on Sept. 17 in Myrtle Cburcb Hall. Bfi Robinson wlll egain be teaching and everyone interested in having fun and getting exer- cise et the sanie lime is invited 10 attend. A special invitation is extended to gentlemen as Ibese always seernilo be ln short supply. There is no age lirait and anyone who cen walk cen leara. Interested people sbould cail Mrs. John Hamer 655-4492. Bronze Cross Red Cross/Royal Lite Instructor Flrst Aid C.P.R. Applications may be picked up i h ioul Park Complex and addressed to theatnino Carolyn Allan. Association, and the On- tario Secondary School Teachers' Federation; Murphy said. Start-up costs at Aldon plus minor capital expenses were covered by a $50,000 grant froni the Ministry of Conxmunity and Social Services. Aldon, altbough licen- sed for 32 children, will begin small, increasing its staff from one super- visor and one teacher, as needed, Because the centre must earn its own money in order t0 pay staff and other ex- penses, it will be unable to offer care for infants in the beginning. Since regulations require one staff member for every three infants, this is the most expensive care. It is also the area of biggest demand, Mur- phy said. Aithough the board of education bas no finan- ciel involvement with the centre it acts as a kindly uncle, dispensing low rent which includes custodial service, and offering expertise and purchasing advantages. The whole idea of the workplace daycare cen- tre carne about as a resuit of a recommen- dation, four years ago, frorn the Durham board's affirmative ac- tion committee. The present 12 directors for Schoolhouse Playcare are ail Durham board employees, except for Trustee Murphy. .The centre has received generous donations froni the Federated 1Women Teachers' Association of Ontario, the Durham Elementary Teachers' "We hope that school programe get involved as they have at Cen- tral," Murphy said. There, family studies' nstudents have worked off some credits for their course of studies by working a certain nuniber of days et the daycare centre. The art students decorated the roonis and botb music and drame students have entertained the children. Harwood is interested in supplying food ser- vices 10 the chldren at Aldon, Murphy said.' Fuil-time care et the centre is offered bel- ween 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, from Septemnher t10 June. Anyone wishing fur- ther information about the Schoolhouse Playcare Centre of Durham should contact1 either Lorna Murphy (839-3884) for Aldon, or Phyllis Reddick (723- 1453) for Central. et the Iroquois the attention of

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