Whitby Free Press, 10 Sep 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER i10, 1 986, PAGE 25 WHJTBY'S MOST WIDELY RÉAD LOT&ARTICLES ~ *,ARTICLý S BUSINESS CAEE CNW1 O UNDI~ FOR SALE FOR SALE OGPPOIIr~UNITIESI Q TRMINING ~ EVENTSS FOR ALL VOUA Graphlc Signe, LOST white caf, black ftl sara, GIRL'S STRAWBERRY Shortcake U8 SACRIFICE 88 Sacrifice $$ UNLIMITED INCOME. join our CHINA DOLL maklng wlth arila Slikacrooning, Pstripping, etc. top of hoad, in Michael Blvii. aras, bike for sale. Cal 68-943. Buildings Spectaf cffer. Prlced Mail order Program, moit i ~ 1~S~ITMarg Jacobsen, day and ovening Cali Jim 660-9832. August 25.066-2246. low for Immediate clearance. homo. For mors Information sendi classes avaitaie, beglann g lest ONE USED 100 amp. eîectric aer- 30a4<tsî4, $4653; 46x80x16, $1.00 for postage and haadfiag i ~ i i ei ISplomber. 41".55.8M0 UNEMPLOYED? Thse Unem- LOST cat, fomale, decIBwOd, vice panel, complote mît h itrip 39,25 IS1M2,3085; f nopr e o 9P (Dagmar). ptydHopCnfoca sti orange, white and bfack, In switchoa,S$W. PhaneO8"534. 70a140x24. $20,872. Complote StsfatinM, TorontoM6084T2. -COMPUER ______________ EmlyetCu 'n oeed nesnoe.Cl WORD PROCESSING 60.09 asifabte o f0120' mvie, aurlous 'LEGAUIMEDIdEAL SEC. ASSOCIATED FORD OWNERS Rosumos, Unompioymovt in. MICRO. FURNACE apaco ega bayera oniy, vo prIce shoppera, HOUSEWIVES, moihors noeded RECAEPTOiTTPS At iEodMruy hw0 s ra n c e , W o r ir ra ' C o m p n . h e a te r a ao o a y o u m o n y , d o a't b o g u ra te e d to m B ai p ric e s . C a i~ m m d i te y 1 0, s o l l o y s a n d g ifla R B KE E P N O C LRS I h o o d S a d y S e t 1 sation, O.H.t.P. and woifaro laIn oti h ododryosioa. fe .0.844 r(1)80 af homo parties. Cati (519) 258. *ACOUNTEING6USIESS 7120ongFord S Thoahi ieFor 14. fomaioorcrsa ofuai 1 A . a "~I 683-2038. 6262. 7905. .nwma fomaio ca10ii7741 otitor agoacies. Cati 579-1821. C HilaC DER TYPEWRITER rovial, many *eý SYHC rREADER Mmakos and modela, by the PalavCed A]dloson meehend, weok or month. lait probtoma of lits. Nem toi Discounts avattoble. Olcissor auhmRgo ra. This Priaiing & Office Supplies ln the gitdlady Sas appoared on Ajax Plaza. Cati us for businesr T.V. 95% accurate. machine repaira. 683-1908 436-6419 __________ ULfl SNS-1 FRE6: Drop Int the Dicirsor PIANO LESSONS special allen- Priating and Office Supply stora lion g lev te beginvera. For more In the Ajax Plaza and picis up a Information cati 655-4207T fine copy of tire 180 Matric Culandar. PriRxted an imo colours. MUSIC TEACHER - Royal Con. Il maisn for handy rlaince servaiory prepuralion. accepling 683-1968. students for piano and ihoory. Margeae 666-1951. ~CHILD CAREI doiàËICATIOAL g SERVICES uj.R IESICES 1 PULL OR PART-TIME chili cura avaltabte ln my home, vutrilloos IGRAMMER for people mho haie snacks and lunches. Colt 868. trommr" sa the Ideal pocket 4981. eferonce booki for business îoopia. $3.95 per copy and ivailabie ai Dictison Pulntivg & FULL-TIME habysiiting avoulable. 211 ico Supplies la the Ajax Plaza. Movdsy to Frlday, my home. Ot. )saler laqutries Invited 683-1968. toîcreeti area. Other chîhdren. ____________ Phono 000&2938. COURSES F ~AUT0O11TIVEI - e ý- RR/PAIARTS MOCKING LESSONS for begin. ers anrd advanced, ptoatlag ser- CAP FOR PICK UP trucki, 8 fi., ice aise avaitabto. Darling witsie ataminurn, wood Inside. iestgnsIn WhIiby. Cell 60.917. suie-I windows, eucellent con- _____________ dition, M18. 600.3951 or 579- 5»09. FOKA R T_1 BEGIN ERS & TRADE OR 8ELL 1975 Spittire, IADVANCEDI neetis sors. body moiti besi ai- Classes beginnIng feu. 68&7404. Sept. 22 at Country 1973 PONTIAC Lauirontan -VO, 2 Lan. Folk Art, door, p.e. ph. tom mîteage, gaod Brookiin ares. Cati for condition, mas moul skig S000 more Information. Phone 66&5.50 655-485W Limited enroiment S ANNONCEMNTS PROP à 51(60 repaire - fast sou- vice, fIbergiasa supplies -resin. matI, dlots and acetono - WEST SVSTEM EPOXY -mirnou finish MARTHA XAVIER boat peint. Roypieu Oshawa Former EMPLOYEE frmi Glass -Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579. Canadiean .Heur Fashiona,M 1433. Whltby, miahes f0 melcomeM location aI Hoir Cuîttng ADN G Plac, Braalin 656-4119. AND SUPPLIES )NORATULATIONS on yaur rthcoming morriago. Pises, MISTER TRIME im aur samptes of eagroaod ,udulng Invitations ai your Ev.rgrnen Prunîng sura inOur Aiax Plaza store. New Landocaping,1 ckson Priai iag & Office Sup- Complote Lawn à es, 683-1968. Gardon Maintenance _________725-3300 GA RAGE_- RAlGE SALE Soiurday, Sept. FOR CLASSIFIED and Sunday, Sept. 14, 704 ADVERTISING gdley Ou., Whitby, 9 ara. to 5 CAIL 668-6111 %JFOR RENT iDalxO' GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W motai hatido $175. Plus 10.000 gondenlng producta, greal prices. Sonii $2 for ltopacti. Western Wter Farma. 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.d. V6B 3N9. (646826636. 1HEROES 0f the B6ble" coloaring book anaitabto ai Dictisan Prin- ing & Office Supplies, Aax Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer Inqirtes Inaitaid. HARO WATER PROBLEMB? In- lroductng the msfer sofiover that domani une sai. Ha more iuggtng heavy bagsaf costiy sai. OlSor safievers reoae calcium avnd other good.for.you minorais. 66e doni suaddsti fayour mater or removo bevoficiat minerais. because ihats vol good for you. Othor sofienors tako up lots of room, ose etectricIiy, roquire backmavhing, coat pioniy tlaIla niait and 100 mach to maintain. We dont. Colt toit free 1-800-268. 2658 for hoalihier, boiter tastlng ctoanor.washtng mater. DELUXE COMMODE chair, remooahle arma, ful-swing mheels. braises os 001 front wheels, foot resta, as nam cosi $400. aaking $215. Phone 668- 5040ý AIRSPAN BUILDINGS. Slraighi. watt and curvad malt steel buildings, ait sizes, apociai prices for earty detiverir. Cati Arapan Buildings (416) 336-3454. PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL on ait steel buildings. Ouavsei 40x6O $6.995. stralghimati 30a50 $7,152, oihor sizos avaliabto. Cati Miracle Steel1-1400-387-4910. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovesoata, secf lovais, oesa thon th price. Large seloction. McKeev Furviture, 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181, M4 ARAB MARE. 7 yoara, chaent- inai, blond mavo and lait, 1lBtiran ENJOY TAX BENIEFITS of seilf emptoymeat tram yoxr oma home, reprissent manufactares ni Water Distlltrs (rom $149.50, ex- clusive torrltorp, vo franchise fes or contracta, moet bhawaare and concerned with focal mater purity, excellent earnings for ac- tive people. Write for detoits: L.B.H. Industries, 116 Viceroy C. 9. Concord, Ont, L4K 2M3 14161 661-1142. STRATIEOIC METALS are baing slockpiad morldmîde. BetlOe firal ln your aisea o cash in on big profits Detuils STRATS, 304-60 Voniga St _.Toronto. Canada M5E 1 H5 DATES GALOPE. For ail ages and onallached Thosandsofu mamri bers anîos Io moal yo Prestige Acquaintancas cali toit- tien 1800263-9163 Hours n000 tli 80PM AOULT VIDEOS For VIDEO ORDERS ONLY CALL FR66 1.800-6637934 THIS WEEKS EPECIAL S$19.95 TO ORDER OUR FULL COLOR CATALOGUE ai $395 CALL 1-604-382-5511I HELP US LEOALLY adopi a baby plasi. Wo miii provide a 100100. cariag home and opportuaitiets for a chlis future hoppinoas. If you or anyono 006 knam can assiat us iIh oui search. pleosa cati Denise or Brian ai (410) 731. 0319. URINE - Erallsa Guarnees ramonaI of urine etains, odora MERCHANDISING& DESIGN i *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -FInunciai Assistance may hoavoulable -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO FREE: 1906 guida 10 nludyat- home correspondence Diploma courses for prastiglous carears: Accounting, Air condilionIng. Bookkenying. Business, Cosmalology, Eivclronics, Lgalicudial Secroary, Psychology, Travel, Granion (5A) 263 Adolaida West, Toronto, 1. 8002681121. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 hoars of Instruction, vnt clava November 15-22. Contact South. western Ontario Schooi 0f Aoc. Iloneering, P.0. Box 145, In- nerklp, Ont. NOJ iMO. (519) 469. 3938,(i519) 537-2115. AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMI LY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND! CEDAR VALLEY RESOAT, Orano, Hwy 35-115, Clarkeo, dih Con. cession, heautifut campground. season $635. Campgrouad 1-786. 2562. Toronto office 651-5754. -1 %y le h. In le ls N4~1i A unique grouping 0f turn 0f the century homes un the heart of Down(own Whitby. C3 zoning, sultable for aimost any business venture, boutiques. professionai offices. dm îics, restaurant, etc. October occupancy. f rom 9 to 4,000 sq. f(t. Cali1: BILL LITTLE 668-5011 9 a.m..5 p.. MATTRESSES and boa aprings ai hait price. McKeev Furniture, 524 Stmcoo Sftreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. BUILDINGS - Spectai Clearance. 20x24 f i. $2.300. 24x24 fi. $2,600. 28x36 fi. $3,900. 32x36 fi. S4,300. 36x48 fi. $6,400 and 40x6OfI., $8,100. Caîl 985-7930. RUSTV SMELLY WATER? New technoiogy for treating mater ai the source ni fers wmou ta taucet protection throoghout avilie water system. No sait or messy chemicais, see the rasuits mîth our 6 moth triai offer. Goote "Barry Kinch Kenaheek, Ont Thanks again for pnliout01a systam thut reotia 40ev mOal yoo say ril l For clear, swaal, mater cati 1800268-2656, area 807 catil1800-624-4344, iYouIl 0e gtad you did.l GEOTYPE preson itrerîvg nom n stocks ai Dckssan Pristivo 6 0f- lice Soupies in the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selaction ot styles avd sizes Why pay more for a smaller sheet ni lteternol 683-1968, MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Warkshirl s 32.75, mortipants $3.50, workboois $15. For calog, aovd $2 (raimbursod irai ondori: Mtttary Surplus, Boa 243, Si. Timothoo, Ouebec JOS IXO. HARDWOOD LOGS for fromood, 12 cord toada dottoorod, 705754- 2258. Morrili Barry. VISIT aur used turniluro marohouve by appoivimeal. Big. savings on dosks, chairs. iing cabinets. etc. Cali Dicksan Prin tivO & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appalimen oat f 01w.683. 1968. A.Z PRE. ENG. Buildings. Nem types, steel & wood, quonsef, ctaddlng, for rue value, action and ansmora (416) 020.179.4. Leave message or coleci aller 6 p.m. meekoada. Ask for Waliy. Free brochures. 200 DIFFERENT eleclronic hob. by kilss aaltsbte. Writo Duotock Eloctrovico, PO. Boa 190 Lonsrir, Ont. K1(0011(.$2 for catlogue. Include ad for 10% discount (613) 2593400. STEEL BUILDING %h price sale. Buy ove hailding ai raguts, prIco gel double tenglis for 50% more. Phone PionoerEconospen caitecl for Informaton f416) 678- 1585. USED DESKS, files. storage cabinets. stackIvg office chairs, steel adiostabto sholvlvg, store dîspiapa. Blairs Nem and Uaed. 21 Aia Ave., Woadbrldge. Phono (416) 851-8100, vear Hmy. 7 and 400, Mon-Fri. 95, Sai. 10-1. )IN IIPL/iY & CLA Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. the Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper me day before they cari be changed or cancelled. 7LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; (2t each ad- litional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Wd to your Chargex or Visa account. Picase have your >Ir-i. Visa card ready when calling. If biiled - $6.00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the fîrst 1 00 words; 12r eaciî additional word. IN*MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,(X(t for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 43o per lîne (No mord 011.. .utowed) BOX NUMIBEIIS: Box numbers are availabie ut an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whithy Free Press wili make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding ioss or damage aileged (o arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibié for box number replies flot called for within 30odays. I)EAI)LINES: Monday noon-prior to publication (o insert orr cancet Ciassified Ads. F'riday noon prior to publication (o insert or cancel Emporium Ads. C'ALI, 668-6111 r,~rar, niO~ irOe.ne u.- fronn cuaerergadiens af alaîn se ltor, r 7575-258gef Frie brochure. CT DtIrtbutng, Boa 2220, London, -R O S e WNE Ont. NA 4E3. FDfl J 1jBYRENTI FURNI5NEO ROOM suifabto for A:UNYI/ 1FLORDA marktng au tudon a tate, van- WANTED cabapplos. 728916. VACATION amoker. igisi kîtchon and tauadr5r __________________ V. RENTALSI priautoes, 5150 parking. noar local bus roule, .800. WANTED 1800 cc ongine for Dol O sua 610 station wagon ln good IF O I A ruuning onder. Cati 43348830aller m A -1" HOUSESI 6 pm 10OMobile HomesI d FOR SALEI __________________ Clearwater- Throe beiroonn mobile homos. Heated pools. EMPLOYMENT tonnals, close ta bealchos and LGHM o oo etr o major attractions, chlldron home bult lv 1830, codai. hanid WANTED moîcome. uesa thon motet oee.dsate n en 01 ý ýro a staHeoaodni mantdfodreinu HANOS-ON Generai Manager romi 683-5503_ Isptiteon.my$11.000.y5for2pou seoka position icading 1 sectn31u0 6535 business oqutty, tocated Ilatamtiri cnmmunity. Soles, markitlng COMMERCIAL(M CA production backgrond, fa n:FRLAI ~ PUOH S' ctioned la ail compony arasa.SAT, O FS Devoioped dtoostioutran- sterabie managoniai akuis. John Misalasauga, Ont. L4Y 118. PE R O ME -3 IL ATTENTION CRAFTERS, Finois, RotlalWhoesaie catalogue of cmiiavtad florisis' supplies, wickor and ali lamloera. $2 irfundahiot: Homards, 170 Joseph Satzman, Dartrfioulh, N.S. B3B 1 Le, (902) 463-7a57. BRIGHTON APPLEFEST Sept. 25 10 28. 600f BarBO, Carroit Baker Show, Street MaIl, Arts and Crut. la Show, Boat Crises, Museum Tours, Come, onjoy. Information 1613) 475-1407. HOME SWEET HOME. canada.s Country reproductions Shaw and Sais. Rprodactians of l1tth con. Iury Ontario furnîshiagosand decoatIas accossortes, Etoro, Ont., Sept. 13.14. For dotaits ses Toranto Star Casolifeds No. 410 Antilques àArt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANO OTHERS n the matter of t he Estate of Victoria Teresa Clode, deceased. All creditors and others havlng claims aga)nst (ho Estate of Victoria Teresa Clode, late of the Town of Wfhitby, ln the Regionai MunIcipaIity of Durham, who died on or about the 26th day of Oc- tober, 1983, are required 10 file the particutars of such dlaims with (ho un- dersIgned solicitors for the said Estate on or before the 4th day of Oc- lober, 1986. AND take notice that affter the last day narmed, the 8880(8 of (ho said Estate, wiil be distributed among (he persons hereto entitied having regard oniy (o the claims of which (ho Ad- mInIstrator of the Estate being Clarence James Lytie shali have notice. DATED at Haliburton, Ontario (his 2th day of September, 1986 by BISHOP AND ROGERS, Barrlstors and $ollcitors, P.O. Box 472, Haliburton, Ontario, KOM iSO. Solicitors for (ho Ad- minIstrator of (ho Estate of VICTORIAN TERESA CLO DE. 1

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