PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIWR 10, 1986; WHITBY FREE PRESS Artist Don Ilian at Station Gallery Artist's work "tu be seen" Toronto artist Don Holnian is baving a show of bis selected prints at the Station Gallery this montb. Holman, born in Kansas City but now a Canadian citizen, works as a printmaker, par- ticularly in the field of lithography and bis war-m and colourful images refleet the artist's ap- preciation of nature and the world around him. "Images and thougts about the world around me ail blend together formning an impression within my mind. "I draw on these impressions that have filtered into my niemory and through anotber filter, lithograpby, 1 reassemble themn into a per- sonal visual language... My work is to be seen. It is pre-verbal and resides in the spirit," explains the artist. Holman bas exhibited bis work in galleries in Canada, the United States and Europe and he is the founder of tbe litbography studtio at Open Studio in Toronto. He is currently a senior tutor in the fine arts studio at Scarborougb College and bas lectured at Memnorial University, Ontario College of Art and the Cape Dorset Printsbop. Homan's work is represented in nuinerous private and public collections including Sbell Oul, Toronto Dominion Bank and Esso Resources, Canada Limited, Tbe Art Bank of Canada, Memorial University Art Gallery and Whitby Ar- ts Inc. Tbe artist's show continues at tihe Station Gallery until September 28. Holman wiii give a lecture Tbursday, September 18 at 8 p.m. and will also conduct a litbograpby worksbop Sep- ternber 27 and 28 fromn 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. For more information, about Don Holman's show you can call the Station Gallery at 668-4185. Town surpasses 85 development Tbe Town of Whitby million worth of perrnits doubled permits issued bas already surpassed for ail of 1985. for industry. last year's record One of the bighligbts As of August 31 of tbis building permit total of tbis month's report year tbe town bad baving issued $689 from tbe Public Works issued $6.6 million in in- million wortb of permits Department is that, for dustrial permits as op- as of August 31. the same time last year, posed to last year wben Thse town issued $68,1 the town bas.rnore than s3i1 million in permits 'So tear along this dotted line. Send in this portion and receive a * free catalogue. Bring in this * portion and take a free test drive. I Name: IStreet: ity1: Postal Code:_______ had been lssued. "Industry just keeps coming into the town," said Mayor Bob Atter- sley, wbo noted tbat tise industry la very diver- sified. Anotber welcome sight in tbis year's reports la tise number of apartment units being built. Mayor Attersley said $1.7 million wortb of permits bhave been taken out by tbe Sorichetti brotisers to build 16 units on Regen- cy Cres. Commercial permitE issued for tbe montls totalled $1.2 million witli most of tisat figure being eaten up by a commer- cial development on Tbickson Rd. N., nortb of Dundas St. E. However, commercial permits are down tbis year wben compared ta last year. This year, as of August, tise town bad issued $4.5 million in commercial permits as opposed ta last year ai tbe same tisse vien $7.5 million in commercial permits bad been issued. But, once again tise lion's abare of thse per- mits have been issued for residential buildings. The town issued $4,5 million wortb of residential permits in August bringing tiss years total ta $54.7 million. By thse Sme time last year the town bad issued $37.7 million SEE PG. 9