Whitby Free Press, 17 Sep 1986, p. 25

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HOUSECLEANINO, herd working FULL.TIME babysltting avalabte, and rattabte. reteronces. 68- Mosday la Frtday, my home, 01. 1139. tercreek ores. Other chItdren. Phose 66.2938. UNEMPLOYED? The Usem- played Hetp Castre cas asess with., Employmest Caensellng, L T & Resumes, Lnemptaymesl In- I F U D surance, Warkeru' Compen. salian, O.I.P. and welters ln- BLACKIC MALE LAIS 18100 on the formation, or criais referrate ta rtght ear, tost ince September 1, ather agenctea. Cati 579-1821. AaalPickerisg ares, reward af- feraid .683-1995. PYHCREADER ________ PamadCard. Advtaseon £ ~ G RG MalprabiemaoftIlfe. NewltoM u!. SAE i DOurham Regon von. ThisM gtfitedy haneappeared on1 T.V. 95% accurata. GARAGE SALE Sturday Sep. 436-6419 tomber 20, 9 a.m.tue6 pm.22 Rosseau Crees Whttby, ÀOM FlhI< CATflki GARAG SA LE ltar ..orth@.k. UNLIMITED INCOME. Jars aur malt order pmogrem, warlr et home, For more information eend $11.00) for postage end handttng la J & E Enferprise, Bax 39-P, Station M. Toronto, M68 4T2. JUST PEACHY - Tamn your rnaturel skiffs Inia profil as e rewardIng hobby or carear. Training provldad wiih ruptdty eupending home and baby fashiona com- pany. Car requIrad. Being your awn boss lu iust peach. (416)1652- 3561. WANTED FIVE Enierprising per- sans promole cunsumer produc- la glît Items. Radios, iewetries, bostonles Ibru metwork marketing. Isanciat reward unlmitad. Write Geneil Com- pany, PO. Bau 162, Port Credit, Ont. L5G 4L7. lqif SERVICES 1 chan, denoffice, nursery, worlrsfop, car hobbylat or N I athleel ncludingltheatre posters s P R O 1"GRAMMER for people wha hale and'paînlings. Big, malf, sew, grammer" la the Ideal pockei o onw l n eyod refrece oo fo bsinss Saturday, Seplember 20, Susday, MEET SOMEOE NEWI Wrlf e people. $3.95 par copy and September 21, 9 ar..lac 3 p.m. Personai Acquasitance Service, aval fabfe ai Dlckaon Prlning & 609 Bradfey Or., west off Garden The Pastoral Instituts, 240-15 Office Supplias ln the Ajax Plaza. . Ave. S.W., Calgary. T2R 0P7. Sln. Deaer Inquiries Invited 683-1968. St. ____________ ce 1967 we have lnlroduced lhouraasds for frIendshtp or AUTOMTIVE marriage. ADULT VIDEOS FOUR UNIROYAL Tigerpaw ForVIDEOORDERSONLY MARHAXAVER P19575R15 an new GMC rIms, CALLFREE ParTMXAVE Rm complets wtth hub cap and trirn I 800-863-7534 Carmadie 1LOEir Feaose rings, 6,000 mites, $250. Cati 668- THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Canad, ihe artasweîome 1076or 655-4773. $1995 WI l ___________________ TO ORDER OUR PULL her custamers ta Mr sew COLOR CATALOGUE foaetnasiet Mr Cuting 1Place, Booklln 655-4119. AUTOMOBILES et S395CALL I0iI0.IFR SALE 0005xxxx~Ix5xuxxx CONGRATULATIONS on your DATES GALORE. For al ges and forthcomisg marriage. Mlase 1985 PONTIAC 600 LE This unattached. Thousands of mem- vtew aur samptes of engraved aporty tookisg 2 fore Sedan la bers esulous lo meet yue. Weddtsg-, Invitaions et your lly equIpped wth VO fuel Injec- Prestige Acqualnances calt bu- leisure ln aur Aa Plaza store, ion engîne, wlth Sagie G.T. ires f ree 1.600263.9163. Hours nous Olcksan PrInttng & Office Sup- ait season, as had regular main. tIlle p.m. piiea,63-1968. tenance, 32,500 kms., mastty _____________ _____________________ hlghway driven, certif led, $13,200. Cait aller 5 p.m. 571- COMING ~0630. dv TANN 1980 TURBO Trans Arn 70000 ___________ CHINA DOLLe~aklng wilM artiel miles, auto. sterea, air, PW, O SK Merg Jacabsees.day and eveslng cruise, puise sipers, $4,500 cer- TAN G classes attlable, begIning lest tfied.Catt 668-1076or8554773. O UC S seek af September. 4164554M806 %È*ETOURîS (Dagmnar). TRADE OR SELL 1975 amlir FLAMBORO ANTIQUE show "the boat astique show ln the cous. try. 400 dealers, 10,000 bupers. Cotecors, Ihis le ose show pou cant afard ta miss. Sel., Sept. 20 9 ont. la 4 p.m., $2. Earty.blrd admission ram 5 p.m. riday, $20 por persan. Caurtclttte Park, att Hsy. 6 soar Hamilton. 12 km. south aI Hsy 401 or 12 km. north -of Hwy. 403. VENDORS WANTED for the 400 Market, Otarios nesest and mosI successtat market. 25,000 people Sel. and Sun. Loch-up $300 monthly. Inelde spots 7051 ï436-1010or (705) 728-3313. '$1,000 TROUT Derby. FlsM for the $1.000 rout plus keep shat pou catch. $5 par pote plus 25C par Inch. Aso .B.0. beel dinner. Att proceede, Sheiburne Minor Hockey. Salurday, Sept. 27, Sas- day, Sept. 28,68 a.m. 10 6 p.n. Sun needs soma body work, boat oaI fer. 68-7404. 1973 PONTIAC Laurentios - V8, 2 door, ps., p.b., tas mleage, good condition, ruse vieil, askisg $600. Phase 668-6040. SUPPLIES PROP & SKEO repaire - fast ser- vice. ibeglans supplies - resis, malt, daIM aand acelone - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - mirror finish bout pint. Rayppex - Oshawa Glass - Fibre, 341 Durhamt St. 579- 1433. Lffl~AL RIN TRUMENT S Vajiley art, Hwy.89, imiles-0 BEAUTIFUL 6 Il. Grand piano. ouasl of Sheiburno. Information rasewuod, 7 ears nid. Aisu (519) 925-5717. Hammond organ. Can he sees aI 201 Masos Dr., WhiIbp. Have lu ses ta appreciala. ARTICLES FOR RENT 7SiT TVPEWRITER rentai, many .. LIVESTOCKI mekes end models, by the ç weekend, week or month. Discounts avaitabte. Dickson M. ARAS MARE, 7 peurs, chant- PrInilng & OItfice Supplies ln the nul, blond mane and tait, 16 han- Aa Plaza. Cati us for business ds, EngIlisM.Aiso ose singie bar- machins repairs. 683-1968. s ratr 7574-28 *WORO PROCESSING *LEGALIMEOICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTiTYPIST *BOOKKEEPIN0 CLERK *ACCOUINTINGIBUSI NESS *PASHION MERCHANIiING& DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZEO BANKîNG & CUSTOMER SERVICE -DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Pinarrcial Assistance May ha avaitabie -Job Placement Assistance TO RONTO SCHOOLOF BUSINESS FREE: 1808 guide la stady-at- home correspondance Dipioma courses for prestiglous carears: Accountisg, Air condilionisg. Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetotogy. Elecironics, Legulilediai Secretary, Psychoiogy, Travel, Grunton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1. u00-268-1 121. EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Leurs Inconte Tee preparution or basic bookkaeping by correspondance. Free brochures, so obligation, U & R Correspondance Schoot, 207. 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, ARTICLES ARTICLESR CEamq 1FRSL FOR SL EOT PARMI 3 PTH sood lot squip. COLOUR CAVALCADE. Saeathe CHESTERFIELD suites, CEDAR VALLEY RESOAT, Oroso, ment. Wnches 25-125 HP. Chip- lakes and the Hghlands aI lovessats, sectlosals, tess thas r4sy. 35-115, Clarke, 4th Con- pars 9" cupacity. Park ilt 4,000 HaiuansCausty bursîIsg silM ½o price. Large setectios. cession, beautitul campgrousd, tbs. Knuckle Boom Loaders. the f iery cotours of santsm. McKeen Fursilura, 524 Simcoe tesson $635. Campgroand 1.768. Munelle Sales. Carlas Pace Special fait rates. Cati Shirley or St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. 2562. Torono office651-5754. t<7C3S3.(013) 257-1661. Steve ai Rabys Collages, R.R.2, _____________ -Minden, Ont. K0M 2K0 17051 489._____________ MICRO FURNACE space ege 2193. THVITAMIN PLACECO AG healer seves pou monay, donIt be "We Sait Par Lees". 96e aeeeaA tait In the cotd ardar yours today. "HEROES of the Bible" cuiourlng Canadien Company saltsg _____________ 83-2636. book avaiiabie et Dickson Pris- qalt Canadien ma.. ing & Office Supplies, Aaxo AISN rdcs Cati or PRIVATE SALE tireItlinte adeer- MATTRESSES and bon sprtngs at Plaza. 683-1968. Dealer Inqulrles vieil us. WATIINS praducle Ised, beautilul 3 bedroont hall price. McKeen Pursiare, 524 Isviîed. evaleabte. 250 Stevenson Rd. Lakefront collage an Shados Simcos StreetlSoutM, Oshawa. 0-__________--6,on-wu-, Ont. 7284004. Lake, 10 mine, front Cabacosk. 725-5181. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New Collage as ait the amesilies ut Iachnatogy for trsattsg saler et PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL on home plus cellng ta floor BUILDINGS - Spactat Cearance. the source offers seiltol faucet ait steel buildings. Ouoset treptace, sisaclous letngroom, 20x24 fi. $2.300. 24x24 fi. $2.600. protection lroaghout estire 40X60 $8.995, slretghtsaII 30X50 dln159 roont and sunroont, 28x36 fil. $3.900. 32x386fI. S4,300. saler systent. Na sait or nressy $7.152, aIMer elces metalbe. Cali $74.900. Phone Oshawa 723-7658. 36x48 fil. $6.400 and 40x60fil.. chernicats, ses the resuits wiIh Miracle Steel 1-800-387-4910. No agents pisase. $8.100. Cail 985-7930. NORITAKE CHINA for Christ- mast Ordor nos and saes$$$ on ait recont patterns. Pleasa spsclfy pour Raritake China pet- lare noms and sumber. Pur price tlot, shape referesce guide, sMip- pIng dotlts, send Ioday stemped net-addresssad business ennslop to Aleanders, 158hVastess Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4N 1W2. DELUXE COMMODE chair. ramovabis arms. tait-swing sheels, brakos an bath front shoees, foot reste, as ses cost $400, askisg $215. Phase 888- 5040. GEOTYPE pross-on ltleriso nos sn stock al Dcksan PrIstiso & Of. ice Supplias ln the Aise Shop- ping Plaza. Large sataclion oI aîtes and izas. Why psy mure for asmsailer sheet oI lettering? 683-1968. $$5 STEEL Buildings 55$ Variou tizas available, doampie 30050x14 $4.990; 46060016 $9,960, aqutpped with large doors. Due la imtld quanîllies and tas prices soriaus bayers onty sli sues many dollars. We start by paping for pour caii. Act sus und sans 1-600-387-2115. VISIT our used lurnitune saretrouse by appinîment. Big. savinge on desks, chairs, fling cabinets, etc. Cati Dicksos PrIn- isg & Office Supplies lu arrange as appointment lu vies. 683- 1968. BROOKLIN.WHIT9Y Minor Hockey Isant iackat. manss size 46, nes. $50. Phone 668-8575. Our 6 munth trial aller. Osola: "Barry t<tnch - Keniabeek, Ont. Thanke egain for putling ouI a systern thaI reatiy dos hat par say Itlu. Paor clear, sseat, saler - cai 1-800-268-2656, ores 807 calti 1-800-624-4344. IouIt be gtad yaa did.) HARDWOOD LOOS for firesood, 12 cord loade deîiverad, 705-754. 2258, Merriti Barry. TREES TREES TREES. Donit miss Forasîry Show for smal soodiol management. Oclubar 3, 4, 5. Petasasa National Furestry Instituts. Write Sltoiiog86, Chaik River, Ont. KOJ IJO. CLOSINO OUT SALE complote ceremlc shop supplies. Duncan Lina Equlymesî. muids, disptays, sIc. Nos unlil ait ls sotd. 9.4 Ear- thworks Ceramics. Huntsville, 7051 769-6322. TROUBLE srapping coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dîmes and quar- lors quickty, eauslyl Send $8.96 plus 63C tan ta Pennp-Rotler. Bou 405. Fort Eria, Ont. L2A 5N2. HARO WATER PROBLEM5? In. troduclsg the saler soflener Ihat dosant useo sait. No mare tuggtng avy baga ut coatly sait. Other sotesers remove calcium and aIMer good.for.pou mineaes. 96e don'I edd sait ta pour saler or ramone beneflIclel minerais, because It s ol good for pou. Other sofleners tekse p lts of ruant, use eleclrtcity, requtre baclrwashleg, cout ptenly tlats- 81.11 and tas mach ta meintln. 96e don't. Cati tatI trac 1-800-268- 265M for Melier, botter footing clesner.waeshng scIer. Ou .000thAniesSale STEEL BUILDING 14 prie sale. Buy ose building et regeler prico gel double lenglM fer 6W% more. Phose PtoneerEcaoepan cattect for Infomaton 416(6878- 1585. USED DESKS. files, sturage cabinets, slacking office chairs, steel adiastabte shetvng, store disptays. Blairs New and lJsed, 21 Atau Ave., Woodbrldge. Phase (416) 851-8100, sear Hwy. 7 and 400, Mus.-Fni. 9-5 SaI.10-1. SEARS CRAFTSMAN electronlo auto scrottsr sas, ntuIt-seed. cost $199 ses, stIti ln carton, asking $125. Phase 666-8575. 60 ACRE good farmtand, fle drutned, Hlghway 12 off Myrtie. 655-3536. APARMMETS/ CONDGS FOR RENT FOR RENT Pickering Village. second Itoor 3 bedraom apar- Imnent, wllh large eat-is kitchen, 58751mos1M plus hydro. Pieass cuit for more InformaItion and ap- poinîm-ent lu vies, 683-4160. O UEEN SIZE saterbed, 6 mosths aid, super mollonlens, boakcase headbourd, $460 or besi oiter.~ I ORlN 666-1176. ROOM FOR RENT sn private hume ln central WhItby localion, TO olmate, son smaker, use af it- ~ chenpartilty furnished, parking. WANTED 1800 cc enginse for Dat. _____________ sun 610 station wagon ln good runnIng order. Cati 4338830 aller F O I A WANTED boys hockey gioves,~ R NASL Cooperalis and aibos pads for 10 S - und Il peur aid boys. Cai666. I FLORI A I 4861._____ 10 Mobile Homos * WANTED brown or white Border Ctearwuter- Three bedroom Colite puppy. Phose 4361680 aI- mobile homes. Heated pools, ter 4 p.m. ten nis close la beaches and major attractions, chttdren seicame. less than motet rGOOnt>683-5503 FREE: Drop nIa the ichson " ES A Printisg and Ofitce Sappiy stores ORRN n the Aax Plaza and pick up a lree COpy of the 1968 Mstric SINGLE EXECUTIVE offices, Calendur. Printed ln two cotaurs. secreîarîaîîoîîîce services Il makes for handy reference. avuitebte, downtown Oshawa 683-1968, loction, office vies af Ciy and Lake, large reception aroalbourd - * room, $399 up. Mr. Brown, 519- GAARDENINGI 4434 MISTER TRIM help Evergroen PrUnIng yoùr New Landacaplng, Complote Lawn & Heart Garden Maintenance Fund 725-3300 P1C -COUNTRY ORCHARD PickYourOwnApples Saturday & Sunday, 10-4 only. WEEKDAY SPECIAL - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE I (20 lb. bag> Tuesday-Friday, 10-4:30 WEST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 (Nexi to Culen Gardens) M tiM'ilziiM ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the fîrst Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whîtby Free Press wtll not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah aileged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additional word. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 forthe f ir- rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12t each additionai word. I)EAINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43o per uine (No word dds aliowed) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WJiDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 PAGE 25 WHJTBY'S MOST WIDELY READ

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