I WHITBY FREE, PRESS' WEDNESDAY, SEPT EMBER 24. 1986, PAGE 7 Town requests survey for redisignain g Hwy 12 By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Whitby council has requested the Ministry of Transportation and Communication carry. out a truck destination survey in Whitby and Brooklin to detemine what trucks would vacate Brock St. (Hwy. 12) If Thickson Rd. was designated as Hwy. 12. The rcquest for the survey cornes on the heels of a meeting bet. ween town, region and MTC officiais where it was deterrnined that heavy truck traffic could be rerouted from flrock St. by designating Thlckson Rd. as Hwy. 12. At the samne trne the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management are conducting their own survey to deter. mine what preferences downtown merchants have i removing heavy truck traffic fromn the downtown area. "Baslcally what w're asking them, if they had a choice, what solution would they prefer, " said BIA president Ed Buf- fett. Buffett said the three possibilities the mer- chants will ha offered are developing Durham Regional Rd. 23 as Hwy. Bugelli, Drumm sued by developer Whitby councillors Joe Bugelli and Joe Drumm are being sued .by the president of Grand Oaks Homes Ltd. Ed Hyde, for $175,00 a piece. Both councillors have been served with notice of- intent motions following comments the two councillors made last spring about homes in the Rolling HuIs sub- divisio n and Country Lane Estates, both built by Grand Oaks Homes. At last Monday night's council meeting, councillor Bugelli, speaking for hlmnself and counillor Drumm, said the two councillors wiI continue to speak out on public Issues, despite the legal action. "We wil defend -our rights to express thE views of ourselves and constituents," Bugeli told council. He also informec council that they havi obtained the services o> a lawyer and wiil abide by the court'ç decision. After thr two coun- cillora rr dde remarks regardir g the condition of the '.ew homes in the subd& isions, the town's oper itions committee recaeived a letter from Hyde saying their remarks had affected the sale of homes. "-.sales were going good until certain coun- cillors made rcmarks," stated the letter. 12, although he admitted that possibillty lai remote since it would cost in the neighborhood of $10 million; designating Thickson Rd. as Hwy. 12A and leaving Brock St. as Hwy. 12 thus not losing the designation of Brock S. entirely; or using Thlckson Rd. as a truck bypass. As an example of the third possibillty, Buffett said both Lndsay and Bobcaygeon had by- passes built around the downtown areas and the traffic situation lmn- proved. He said, there was lessa noise and traf- fic whichhI turn attrac- ted moôre developers to the area. Buffett said there was also no loss of tourist traffic, whlch is one of the fears the town has with designating Thickson Rd. as Hwy. 12. Buffett said he could not see the tourist trade going over to Thickson Rd. espcciaily those cars headlng towards Cullen Gardens. Both Lindsay and Bobcaygeon will ha sen- ding the BIA resulta of exactly what happened after and before the by- passes were built. Buffett said Whitby la ln a unique position sin- ce it does not have to construct a bypass with the existence of Thickson Rd. However, for the time haing the town is pur. suing the ideg of moving the designation over to Thickson Rd., which Whitby council has turned down a request for an advanced green light at the intersection of Dundas St. and D'Hillier/Jeffrey Sts., much to Uic chagrin of councillor Joe Bugelli. A report to council hy Uic public works depar- tment recommended thc request ha denied because the intersection did not warrant an ad- vanced green. A traffic count at the intersection carried out by Uic dcpartment showcd that il percent fcwer cars werc making left hand turna in 1986 Uian in 1984. However, accidenta at Uic in- tersection in 1984 totallcd three, while in 1985 Uic total was five si1 deputy director of Public Works, Sarjit Mathara says is not likely to happen in the near future. He saidre-designation involves the MTC and the region and before any kind of designation is placed on Thickson Rd., the region would require money from the and in 1986, two. Councillor Bugelli argued Uic increase in accidenta warrantcd Uic advanced green. "How mnany fatalities do you want to meet Uic warranta? " asked councilor Rugelli. "The count shows there are fewer cars but more than double the acciden- ta in 85/86 ' Bugdlli tricd to have Uic request sent back to Uic town's operations committec for further re*lew, but council ignorcd his plea and agrecd not to instal Uic advance green. Council was also in- formed that a request for an advancc green signal at Uic Highway 2 and Lake Ridge Rd. provincial government to improve Thickson Rd. in order to handie the excess traffic and make it a year round road. Prcsently there la a weîght restriction during the months of March and April. Improvements would also have to ha made at the intersection of (Regional Road 23) in- tersection was denled by Uic Mlnistry of Tran. sportation and Com- munication. The signais are under Uic jurisdic- Baldwin St. in Brooklin and Thickson Rd. for a smoother flow of traffic. Mathara also said there has been talk hat- ween the town, region and the MTC to designate Thickson Rd. as Hwy. 12A, but it la only talk. Before any kind of designation la done the tion of Uic MTC and a traffic count it carricd out indlcated Uic inter- section did not warrant an advanced green. The count by Uic MTC town wants to know what the consequences, If any, would be, thus the rationale for the truck destination sur- vey. It will ha carried out by the MTC at a coat of $20,000 with the town paying half. shows that accidenta at Uic intersection are very minimal, averaging only one a year. Whitby ready for wmnter The Uiought of winter la still a month or s0 away for moat people but Whitby council spent more than $200,000 Iast Monday night in an- ticipation of Uic up- coming season. Whitby council pur. chascd 5,000 tonnes of sait fromn Iroquois Sait Producta Ltd. of Mississauga at a cost of $144,550, a 2.6 percent increase over Iast year's price. The saIt wiIl ha delivcred to Whitby by Aris Haulage Ltd. of Ajax at a cost of $10,500. The amount is a 31 percent increase over Iast ycar's price. But council not only purchased sait ta uine Uic roadways of Uic town during winter. Thrcc thousand tomnes of sand was also pur- chased from Harnden and Klng Construction Ltd. of Cobourg. The supply and delivery of Uic saIt will coat Uic town $14,400, an in- crease of 13 percent over last ycar. The town has also purchascd one Bombar- dier Sidewalk snowplow from Inland Trackcd Eqwipmcnt at a cost of $W,622. The new plow replaces one the town purchased in 1978. 'T 'WE DON'T.CUT CORNERS' y MmrE ~*u5 BUSINESS HOURS & DELIVERY AVAILABILITV MAY VARY AMONG LOCATIONS - CH-ECK WITH VOUR LOCAL STORE. 7OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31186 MEDIUM -3 ITEMS OR MORE SQUARE BOY PIZZA COUPON NOT VALIO WITH ANY OTHEA OFFER ON PIZZA ONLYO PZASmail Medium Large Party g"0 13" 16" 18" 6 Pcs. 12 Pcs. 16 Pcs. 25 Pcs. Basic 4.80. 7.95 9.95 14.00 1 Item 5.30 8.60 11.30 15.10 2 Item 5.75 9.45 12.35 16.20 3 Item 6.10 9.55 13.00 17.25 4 Item 6.50 10.30 14.00 18.30 Extra Cheese .55i .85 1.35 1.50 ýNO HIDDEN COST. . PRICES INCLUDE ALI TAX) BUSINESS HOURS: JMonday-IThursday:. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Friday-Saturday: 11:00Oa.m. - 2:00Oa.m. Sunday: 4:00Op.m. .lMdIh 118 Athols, WH ITBY'80OODunds St. E. (Acrns fom KMartPlaza> 666-3366 434-1111 OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31186 $2080 of1 PARTY - 3 ITEMS OR MORE SQUARE BOY PIZZA COUPON NOT VALIO WITN ANY OTHER OFFER ON PIZZA ONLY PRICESSUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Coun cil nixes advance green lAIE I PIZZA & SUBS CHECK IT OUT! TI1EIFJ.S 010 YOIJR LASI PIZZA MEASURE UP ro SQUARE BOY'S? OURS IN THE PIZZA WARS, SQUARE BOY HAS THE COMPETITION CORNEREDI MORE PIZZA! OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31186 $5 lo5ffi LARGE -3 ITEMS OR MORE SQUARE BOY PIZZA COUPON NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER ON PIZZA ONLYO