PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER J i986. WITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read E?( ASSIFF D ? 1 DELUVERY PERSON for r uainl hrpssnewspapers - att day ensa (2roularart.IrnOil ~and Thureday, rate nagoîlabîs. Aime osltons)caîl Susuen Anderson aI 668- H OME HELPER Are you a mibture per- son, Interested In workIng with a profeasionai nursing service, providing meai preperation, cieaning and other househoid duties for our clients? Applican- ts shouid be wlilling 10 participate ln a 3 day training course and orientation and be avalaibe 10 work e variety of shifts. Please calil: COMCARE 571-3501 INTEAEST N YOUTH OR SPOR- TS? Shars your enthusiasm as a volunteer leader 2 hours weekiy, Oclober 10, April t sports or girls sel-Improvement progrsms In Whtby, Oshawa or Bowmanviiie that are opersted by the Eastvtew Boys and Gls Club. Trainng provlded and enrchIng expertan- ce. Cail Extension Program do Ordinslor, 7285125. CARPENTER/HANDYMAN tb assit In rssorslion of century home. Must have good carpenlry, painting and other akilis and be able ta work semi-independently. Cali Ooug Anderson et 666"111 or 668.5040. BABYSITTEA rsquired for 3 boys, 8, 4 and 4 montha, In Whtby. muat have valid Onlarto drivers ticeese, caitI 667213. $1 4.16. $1 5.66 per hour The MINiSTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospitai, has two regular part-tlme positions lm- medlateiy avalabie, one to work with neurologicaiiy Impalred psychiatrlc patients, and the other to work with the iong-term outpatient population. You wiii carry out functionai assesements;,deslgn and impiement Individual and group rehablItation programs. The part-time positions carry an excellent benefit package. Location: Whitby. Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of oc- cupationai therapy normaiiy acquired through formai training at an accredIted OT achool; demonstrated' abIlity to pianladminster an OT program; abiity to function as a member of a multldiscipiinary team. Piesse send applicstionlresumne, quoting fils H L25-36186, by Oct. 23, 1986 to: Regionai Person- nel AdmInistrator, Personnel Services, Human Resourcesý and Personnel Oeveiopment Branch, P.O. Box 613, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S9. Equslity of Opportunity for Empioymsnt )Public Service ASSISTANT TO THE MANAGER Part-tlme sales ex- perienced assistant requlred for Inew self- service storage facIlty ln Ajax. If you are reliabie and like working with people please cail: 479-3838. WANTED: cteantng lady wth own transportation, needed for coun- try house, 2 days e coeUr 10 do generai cteaning, taundry and pick up chidran tram school, non-amoker, reterences requIred. PO. Box 20, Whtby, Ont. UiN 5sS. Attn: J.B. TRUCIINO cAREERS. Driver lob trainIvg with pacement helipls avalubie. Compile details cun be maliad tb you. Phone Rodgers School et (416) 7693546 wiih postai code. AMBITIOUS WHOLESALES cen- ted province cIde, Stress-O-Test, t'a nec. le afun, il's IrrIsIstable, uniimited markret (depertment & variely stores, health ilflirtns shops, bars, alc.i., terriftc incarne potentiel. Repiy ta C. Watts, PO. Bou 422, Parts, Ont. N3L 3T5. A CAREER IN TRUCKINo. Tran- sport drivers neadad. Now lbh Ime ta train for your clasA Ilcense. For prsacreenfing Inter- view ad lob piacement intor. malion, contact Marv Orrs Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 14300265-1260. VENDO0A WANTEO for the 400 Marktet, Ontaros eewest and Most auccassfut Market. 25,000 people Sut. and Sun. Lock-up SM0 monthly. Inside spot s (705) 436-1010 or (705) 728-3313. MA CHEIlE Home Fashion Shows Est. 1975. Join*aur tue- coet ut famlly of representatIves In presenting quallty tingerte and loungewarat In-home parties for women. Itetfun, Ite efy. lyat profitable. celt toi-bas 1-800-2n3 9103. I~JAÀ~1THE CORPORATION OF REQUIRES MANAGER 0F FACILITIES - PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMVENT This new position wIii oversee the maintenance services of severai departmental buildings. Working under the direction of the Deputy Direc- tor of the Department, helshe wiii develop processes and standards In such areas as: operational planning, human resource management, financlai control, and building cieanIng/maintenance. As Manager, you wili coor- dinate the development of a computerized energy control and monitor system aiong with an automated preventative maintenance system. QUALIFICATIONS: The successfui candidate shouid have compiete post secondary education n a field of electricai/mechanicai engineering or faciiity management and be familier wth building systems. Applicants may be considered who have extensive practicai experience, technical under- standing and faciiity management experience. Applicants shouid have a minimum of three (3) years managementlsupervisory experience with famiiiarity ln the operation of recreationai com- munity centres, artifilciel ce rinks, indoor and out- door pools, and other recreationai facilities being a definite asset. Please forward your detaiied resume, ln confiden- ce, not later than Friday, October 24th, 1986, to: Wm. H. Walace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C.,P. Adm., Administrator, The Corporation-of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Note: We thank ail those who appiy but advise that applications wiIll ot be acknowiedged. Persons to be interviewed wiil be notified by Monday, November lth, 1986. IF you are iooking for a rewarding career WE have e limted amount of openings ln: A recession proof industry as weli as aproduct that everybody wants, needs & must have. That product Is F00D. We offer: @Full training program. @Company vehicie. *Earnings ln excess of $flOOIweek. *Opportunities for fast advancement ln management. @Weekiy and monthly bonuses. *incentive programs. *Repeat sales. If this sounds Ilke the opportunity you are looking for and are serlous about earnlng a good income cali-us today ai: 576-3300-01 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. la :a w4ooreffllll. AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 2 6:30 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Estate sale - appliances, good furniture, some an- tiques, console color television, pump organ, dining room suite, brass bedroom suites, good chesterfleids, wallunits, dIshes, etc. Good sale. 6:30 sharp. To list your sale cal 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. il 12:30 P.M. Clearing auction of household contents, the property of MRS. OLIVE MCCOY, 20 Princess St. (opposite United Chur- ch), Brooklin, Ont. Partial lisI to Include as foilows: superb honey oak rol top desk, pine harvest table, 8 pc. oak dining set, 3 pc. wainut bedroom set, sofa & chair sets, kitchen set, Victorien chest of drawers, set of kitchen chairs, oak rockers, standing & table iamps; occ. tables & chairs, silverware set, smaii ep-, pliances, quilts, mentie dlock, quantily of glass & china, wicker pienters, hall trees, oil paintings (by Mrs. McCoy), mirrors, greniteware, crocks, R.C.A. color T.V., Westinghouse f ridge, freezer, 2 stoves, G.E. dryer, washer, iawn fur- niture, iawn mower, gar- den tools, & other misc. items. Terms cash or cheque (with I.D.) No reserve. Mrs. McCoy has gone to senior citizens home. Refreshments availabie. G &H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985.8161 CONSIGNIMENT SALE SAT., OCT. 18 10:00 AM. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Con- sign by Oct. 4. Accepting tractors, f erm machinery, vehicles, snowmobiles, 3 wheeiers, recreation vehicies, construction machInery or tools, shop tools, rldlng iawn trac- tors, etc. Bring 10 barn or phone 324-2783 ~~OYMENTYýENT ~D~A11'D ID X AD NURSING CARE We specielîze ln care of our patients ln their own home. Our carefuiiy screened, insured and ex- perienced nurses, compenions and homemakersl are eavailabie for fuil-time, part-lime or live-in nur- sing cere. Avaliabie 24 hours. -~THE CORPORATION 0F :~THE TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES ACCOUNTING CLERK 111I. TREASURY DEPARTMVENT Applications wIii be received by the undersIgned for the above position until Friday, October lth, 1986 t 12:00 noon. Duties 10 Include Internai audit programs, account analysis and reconciliation, fînancli statement preparation, grant applications, systems analysis and Letters of Credit and subdivision security. Qualifications: Completion of intermediate level of a recognized accountlng program. Five years experience ln a municipal computerlzed financiai accountIng environment wlii be considered an asset. Appicants shouid possess strong Inter- personai skiiis and have a keen sense of accuracy, thoroughness and detail. Saiary rate - $21,.454.00 - $24,380.00 Please submit your detaiied resume Indicating education, experience, references, etc., 10: Wm. H. Walace, A.M.CT.,C.MC.,P.Adm., AdmInIstrator, * The Corporation 0f the Town of WhItby, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Note: We thank ai l those who appiy but advise that applications will not be acknowiedged. Persons 10 be Interviewed wIil be notified by Friday, October 241h, 1988. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., OCT. 3 8:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Brtain Rd. The property of MR. HAR- TLAND G. NUGENT of Fenelon Fals, plus others. 9 pc. wainut dining room suite, Gingerbread dlock, oak buffet, 12 cu. ft. freezer, washstand dresser com- bination, antique seltee & 2 matching chairs, an- tique dressers, brasa bed, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, parlour tables, washstands, 2 door goid refridgerator, Seth Thomas mantie dlock, EnglIsh achool dlock, 2 air conditioners, quantity of depression glass, pic. ture frames, tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS SALE SAT., OCT. 4 11:00 A.M. At FENELON WELDING, Fenelon Fells, on Hwy. 121 at north end. Com- piete shop equlpment, Lincoln diesel portable welder, 77 GMC service truck (58,000 miles), 4,000 lb. forklIft, 4,000 lb. ib crane, 81 Pontiac, Boiens riding lawn trac- tor, Case tractor- with loader, matai lathe driliprees, 30 ton hydraulic arbour press, 25 ton x 48" promeaum brake press, 35 ton Iron- worker, 5 h.p. Compair air compressor (nea'rly new), 7"x12" Emerson band 'saw , Rigid 300 pipe threader, Makita 12" cul off saw, 6"xlO hand shear, 36"xl6OA power rouler, hand bender 112 ton electric hoist, Hobart 450 amp mig stick weider, 250 amp tig stick weider, 250 and 225 amp Lincoln weiders, 200 amp milier mig gun, spray guns, torches, pipe dies, 15,000 cu.- ft. smokeeter, chain hoista, clamps, dies, hydraullo & screw jacks, vises, hand grinders, work banches, rouler conveyers, some tools. NOTE: equipment in excellent condition. No reserve, owner giving up business. Lunch available. Terma cash or approved cheque or 25% cash deposit balance on pick up. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY AUCTION SALE FR1., OCT. 10 10:00 A.M. Ontarlos largeat farm machlnery conslgnment sale, Norwich, Ont. (Sale conducted 2nd Frlday each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus al types 0f-farm equlpment. Conslgnments welcome. For more Information cali (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093 Propretors K.S. HAMULEOKI à SONS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., OCT. 7 6:30 P.M. Three mles east of Lttle Brîtain or 7 mles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little BrItain Rd. 2 double buiis-eye beds, builiseye dresser, por- table & console color T.V.s single & double box sprlng & mattresses, modern dressers & chest of drawers, brown Viking 2 door fridge & 30" stove, gold MayTag dryer, Inglis spin washer, Morris chair, swing mirror, parlour tables, odd wooden kitchen chairs, chesterfieids, quantity of modern fur- nIture, electricai ap- pliances, tools, china& glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 THIEF FUNCTIONF YUR BD STO CARRY VOUR