PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22.1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Henry Hawks in third in junior league fôootball By THAVIS LINDGREN With a winning record to their. credit, the Junior Henry Hawks football team appears to be headed for a berth in league playoffs. They have played five games this season and have a record of 3-2 with an early season loss to Uxbridge and a reent loss to Paul Dwyer. Their six points total has put them i n third in their nine team division. "We have a winnîng record up tili now- and I'm pretty sure we will make it to the playoffs. It's just a matter of who plays the toughest in the playoffs," said Dan McCluskey, coach of the Junior Hawks. The playoffs consist of the top six teams out of the division and so far some of the power teams appear to be Ux- bridge and Paul Dwyer, according to Mc- Cluskey. The Henry offense is '-playingý a tough game with 'many smooth plays, -he said and they have very strong players in the quarter- back and runningback positions. "IWe are making a few serious errors but we are improving every week,'- added Mc- Cluskey. The Hawks next game was to have been played Tuesday,,October 21 in Pickering. Resuits were not available at deadline. Hawks seniors 3-2. From Pg. 15 between two of the top teams in the LOSSA division, Henry came out on top with a 13-E win. Paul Dwyer's very strong offense was stymied by a very agressive Henry defen- se and Henry's offense produced two touch- downs -.from Bart Slichter and Jason Dear. IlWe have' a very strong defense and when our offense is moving it is moving fast," said coach Pat Pucknell after the game., Pucknell said the teams to beat in the division this year are Pickering and Donevan. In the playoffs the top six teams out of nine qualify for the LOSSA round. "I'm not too sure about a repeating LOSSA championship but we're shooting for * ANNOUNCEMENTS * RECEPTION CARDS * INVITATIONS * THANK YOU CARDS GRAND OPENINO RIM'S TAEKWON-DO SCHOOL Instructor: Mir. RIm.Song Rock *Formerly World Champion *Conched for World & Inernational Champlonshîpe Intnlational Instrucor *Self defanse Consultant *41h Degrea Black Belt :*Featured on Global TV "Tha'a Lits" *Presently the Prealdant of the Ontario TAEKWON.DO Association of Blackr Boll LARGESI TAEKWON-DO SCHOOL IN ONTARIO WATCH FOR 2ND ANNIVERSARY AJAX TAEKWON.DO CHAMPIONSHIP NOV. 1188 AT PICKERING HIGH SCHOOL AJAX TAEI<WON.OO SCHOOL 156HARWOOD AVE. AJAx 683-1555 RIMSTAEKWON.DO 44 BOND ST., BOND TOWERS SUITE4lo 436.6581 that third spot," added Pucknell. The next game was to be playedin Pickering yesterday. g Brooklin Whitby Atom 'BB' Reps travelled to O Pickering on Thanksgiving Day and The Henry Street Hawks Senior Football defeated the home team team hosted the Paul Dwyer Saints in LOSSA 5-0 in an outstanding action last Thursday and came away vic- team effort. Brodie Richards and B.J. Prout had two goals each for Whitby with Josh Ford netting the other. Jamie Pawluk and Ford -added two assista, single assists went to Mike Lefranier, Paul Le Clair, Kirk Rodrigues and David Mitchell. Jesse Wilson and Roy Kennedy played very well in goal to record the shut-out. Atom Reps From Pg. 15 Cameron Poland. Earlier in the same day Whitby defeated Oshawa Bruins 5-1 on goals by Poland (2), Richards, Le Clair, and Prout. In a return match with Oshawa Bruins, Whitby feil behind 2-0 then staged a late comeback when Derek Young scored two third G imn period goals to tie the game. For the second The Henry St. cheerleaders are seen here time this season, Whitby doing. one of their many routines. The tied the game in the last cheerleadera entertained the crowd durlng minute with the ______________________ goaltender on the bench. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN0F WHITBY AVAILABLE BANQUET/MEETING HALLS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Town of Whitby has a number of Community Centres with halls and rooma which are availabie for banquets, parties, receptions and meetings etc. The foiiowing' facilities are availabie during business hours and aiso evenings, seven days a week: Heydenshore Pavillon Water Street, Whitby Centenniai Building 416 Centre Street S., Whitby Regai Room Gold Room Brooklin Community Centre Casseis Road East, Brooklin capacity 350 persons, bar and bartender service, 530 persons, no bar, chairs oniy capacity 135 persons, bar and bartender service, 200 persons, no bar, chairs only capacity 50 persons, bar and bartender service, 75 persons, no bar, chairs oniy upper hall capacity 125 persons, bar and bartender service, iower hall capaciiy 85 persons, bar and bartender service. These facilities are ideal locations to celebrate the Festive Season. For f urther Information cali 668-5803, ext. 293. 1Whitby fire cails The following 26 calîs were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for the seven day period from 8 a.m. Monday, October 13 un- tii 8 a.m. Monday, Oc- tober 20. OCT. 3 No calls reported. OCT. 14 1:21 ar. .- 110 Bowrnan Ave. Building eall - damage $3,000. 1:56 a.m. - 525 Mary St. E. Check call - odour. 1:49 p.m. - 307 Byron St. N. Grease fire - damage $3,000. 5:05 pi.r. - 1450 Hopkins St. Vehicle ac- cident. 7:08 p. m. -3355 Brock St. N. Assistance to am- bulance, 7:17 p.m. - Anderson St. & Rossland Rd. Motor vehicle accident. OCT. 15 8*.31 a.m. - 39 Sawdon Dr. Resuscitator. 9:09 a.m. - 6 Pritchard Crt. Assistance to am- bulance, 1:25 p.m. - Gordon St. Assistance to ambulan- ce. 1: 51 p.m. - Byron & Chestnut Sts. Assistance to ambulance. 6:39 'p.m. - 401 Reynolds St. Building caîl - detector'activated. 8:33 p.m. -pastborne See Pg.l17 SKATE EXCHANGE SNEW & USED SKATES I SKATE13LADE REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES * C.C.M. BAUER LARGE SELECTION HOURS: Mon.-FrI. Me.6.519 Bay Sports M 8 Brook Rd. S., Pickering.~ DAY & EVENING CLASSES 40isopiOFFICE SUPPLIES 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, Ont là 683-1968 ý*Wl/