WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNI3SDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1986, PAGE 17 Minimum distance set for travel grant By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Wbltby council bas set a minimum distance residents must travel before receiving a tran- Legions From Pg. 9 declicatian ceremony at which a com- memorative plaque was unveiled in the library. "'This gif t f rom the Canadian Legion brings the total funds received for aur dedicatian pragram ta date from area businesses, service clubs, professionals and concerned citizens ta $170,000. "As you know, we are aiming for one million dollars so mucb more wark needs to bie done," added the president. According ta Garland, the coilege was only able ta help haîf of the students seeking finan- cial assistance tbrough sportatian grant from the town. Whitby residents will only be able to receive 50 percent of their fran- sportation costs if they are travelling to an event more than 480 km. (round trip) (rom the town. And anly if the resident, amateur sport or cultural group has earned the right ta par- don ate to college its bursary program last year. The college's bursary and scholarship program la aimed at rectifying tbat problem. "There are still many college dedication areas available to interested organizations and in- dividuals and we en- courage others ta follow the excellent example of the Legion in assisting aur deserving students. A beautiful plaque will recagnize your con- tribution," said Garland. Joining Branch 112 of Whitby and Branch 152 of Broaklin in the $20,000 Legion donation were branches in Oshawa, Bowmanvile, Port New principal chosen Ron Coward bas been named principal of Whitby's new public school. Naw principal at West Lynde, he will have dual respansibilities for the remnainder of the school year. The transfer to Pringle Creek Public Sc- haal will be effective July 1, 1987. Pringle Creek is expected ta open September, 198. 107 ambulance cails During the week en- ding October 16 the Whitby Ambulance Ser- vice responded ta a total of 107 calls including tbree emergencies resulting from motor vehicle accidents in whlch six people had ta be taken to hospital. Other emergency calîs during the week included six calîs for heart related problems, seven cails for injuries sustained in (ails, two calis for patients suf- fering from stroke and five cails for seizure. SA total of 13 patients were transported for ather medical problems including emnergency transfers and 17 calîs of a non-emergency statua were received mostly for transfers from one medical facility ta another or home rom the hospital. The service also provided 33 standbys ta area services. The number ta caîl for ambulance -service in Whitby is 723-5232. Whitby fire cails From Pg. 16 Beach, third bouse. Assistance to ambulan- ce. 9:50 p.m. - Taunton Rd. at Witby Works Dept. yard. Car ac- cident. OCT. 16 2:15 a.m. - 22 Hickory St. Building cail - detec- tor activated. 3:44 p.m. -704 Gilbert St. W. Assistance ta ambulance. OCT. 17 1:33 a.m. - 1003Dun- das St. E. Garbage fire. 10: 03 a.m. - 708 Clarence Dr. Medical aid. 8:22 p.m. - corner of Dundas St. & Thickson Rd. Veicle accident. 10: 48 p.m. - 507 Euclid St. Assistance to am- bulance. 7:54 p.m. - 40 Hawley Cres. Building call - damage $500. OCT. 18 9:36 p.m. - 305 Dunlop St. W. Building caîl - needless. OCT. 19 8:07 a.m. - 209Dundas St. E. Building caîl - sprinler activated. 2:35 p.m.- 116 St. Peter St. Check caîl. 10: 36 p.m. -1125 Burns St. E. Building cail - alarms ringing. OCT. 20 7:12 arn. - Thickson Rd. & Taunton Rd. Two trucks, three cars, motor vebicle accident. 7:42 arn. - Ingleborough Dr. Rub- bish (ire. Perry, Uxbridge, Ajax, Claremront and Bay Ridges. ticipate in a sport or cultural event as representatives of the town. Grants will be refused ta groups or individuals travelling to an in- vitational event. The ammendinent to the tawn's policy camne as a resuit of requests received by the Parks and Recreatian depar- tment (rom community sports groups and organizations request- ing financial assistance when travelling to neighbouring com- munities to the town. Parks and Recreation departrnent head, Larry Morrow, said a boun- dary had to be defined around Whitby. The distance would caver rougbly Brock- ville ta the east, London to the west and North Bay tai the north. A total of 50 percent of the transportation costs will be granted to those who qualify up toaa maximum of $1,500 for teams and $500 for in- dividuals. The town will only present its grant after ail provincial, federal and organizational grants have been deducted from the cost of the trip. Fifty percent of the town's transportation grant will be presented before the trip and only after a detailed expense and budget account has been presented ta the town. Then the rernaining 50 percent wil be paid after the town bas received a written brief report of the event. YOU ALWAYS GET THE1 Stop at Midas Muff ler and Brake Shops and we'Ii perform a f ree, no obligation brake systemn inspection. If your car needs repairs, you'II get a prof essional brake job f rom a Midas Brake Specialist. He's specially trained on brakes, so you know when they're f ixed, they're f ixed right. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO* lnspect yourvehicle's brake system at no charge. REAR DRUM " resurface your brake drum, " instali premîum quality bra shoes FRONT DISC e resurface your brake rotors e install premium quality disc pads s dlean and repack front wheel bearings Midas disc brake pads and brake shoes are guaranteed for as long as you own your car.* * 'The costalf addillonal components and labour required ta restore brake system'to Ils proper operation s flot lncluded. *S5ervice charge of $995 per axIe. Guarantee does flot cover the cost of additional brake systemn components and labour requlred to restore the brale sys- tem to ils proper operation. If you do flot authorize this service, you will receive, non-installed, non-guaranteed replace- ment brake shoes or diso brake pads. TOP GUNS 1650 Kingston Road, Pickering 686-3707 1220 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-1065 227 Sîmcoe St. South, Oshawa 576-8111 FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING oCUSTOM eREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY e*REFINISHING A large setection ot Victorian partour f urniture availabte 413 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY-668-5481 1 1 ýke is