PAGE 20. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1986. WHIT13Y FREE PRESS ~~FGRSI.E~SAEORRT~ CANON 31OXL Super 8 moole COMMERCIAL type freezer, camera cith 8.5.- 25.5 mm 200m Shoater, 8 fil long ciIh 2 aîiding eons, excellant condItion, anklng tsars, nec comprosaor Jan. 85, $125 or boat aller, Phone 666- ankIng $1,80(l Phonoe881k500. 2271. eveoIngs. ______________ LAWN SWEEPER Lambert 26" adlastabie heighl, excelent con- dtllas hardiy unedi, relaili for $10- a bargain at $80. Phone 855.4990. 20"1 COLOR TV table modie, Slît Stale, $145. Hammond elecîronlo orges, 2 keybaards, aulomatic rhythm section, stool Inciaderi, $900. Hlgh Fideiiiy speaker syatem, 70 watts, air nuspension, 12" coofer, 6" midrange, 3" tweeter, brillilance contrat 28"1"xll", $190 pair. Planeer bellt riven tamiabie, magnetic cerridge, anti.akallng and anerhang checker wth tuei cover, $75. Phone 668409. KITCHEN eiectlc waimounl globe ighl inlure, off chite clth palnted rose trim, brown ant gold, $5. Potilighl recennet ceiling ixiare, $4. Change table, white, $25. Rainbarrel, $5. Eighl pins ralinga, $20. 655-4682. FOR SALE two sets aI plnch plealet drapes, fll length o ' wite and 12' aide, beige. In ex- cellent condition, $50 eadh. 434- 7977. ROUND OAK< pedestai table for sale, 6 mtching chairs, 5S baves tor tabe, aItl n encellent con- ditlon, asklng $1.395 or beat aller for sel, muet seai. Alsa clarinel for sale, $150. Cali 683-6638. HOMELITE electria generelor, SOI0 w, uaed once, liste at over $500 seil $35. 655-3413, efler 5 p.m. SOFA à CHAIR $30. Cole table, $35. Sterea siand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Black acinel racker, $90. Tel. Bas. 441- 7869, Home 831-9199. FOR SALE girls figure skates, euze 2, $15. Chiid sized nkating heimet, $7. Phone 666-1118. ONE SET mapecood bunk bets, complets ciIh posture boards& malireas, $15. Cou 668-4480. AIRTIONT Cermor coodstooe, Inserts lnIa reguier trepiace, glana door, gaid trim, esking $225. Phone 68-0053. ELECTROHOME humidIfier. $60. Food processor, Moulioeo, hardly used, $55. Phone 868-1328. FRIGIDAIRE 30" elecîrlo stove. evocada green, very good con- ditIon, $225. Cali 433-4689. FOR SALE bed sala, seeps 2, wllh 2 malching chairs, black and grey tweed, $150. Dinelie table, square, chrome legs, assis 6, os- pandlng tonneai,. $55. 88-1896. MUSICAL (M INTRUENTSI ACCORDIAN 'Scandallil', 120 base, ladies aize, Ilke nec, $900 flrm. Organ - Lowry 'Maglu Gante 88', eiectric, like nec, $3.000 llrm, replacement value $5.000. Tel. 655-4480. PEREGO PRAM naoy blue, large wheels, Ilkm new, $150. Phone 888-5915. TWIN STROLLER Silveroresl, for sale, $85, llkm new. Joii7 lamper on stand, $10. Baby car seat, $5. Cali 8687810. BABY ITEMS for sale: crIb, $30. Highchair, Siiercrasse, $5. Change table wth tub, $25. Dressing table, $25. Car oseais, Stroiee, $40 es. Double airolier, Perega, $100. Fischer PrIce mobile, $12. English pram, $40. Phone 668-3990. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item la aold, dlsposed of, or unavaliable for whatevar reason. thse item cili be deamed ta have boas soid and a comrmission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as iiiustrated beiow, regardiess if price la staied witb «'bast offer- If the item is NOT SOLD. or disposed of. the ad wiIi ba rua for i MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wiii appiy payable in advance of publication 0f the first ad. The above minimum charge wiii ba appliid ta the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- tisements must be piaced o an exclusive banis with the WHITISY FREE PRESS and rua ai least one month if no( soid. RATES (ifIarticle là soldi: of a evertised prie op ta $400.00 2% nf balanceanar $40.00 EXAMIPI.ESold Item adveriised fer$ 150.00.t*om mission due $7.506(i mnimum charge i. $7,5o) Private odvartlsing onlyl Pleasa notify thse Whitby Free Press immadlateiy ahen item Is sold 80 tisaI we may delete it fram tise following issue. Ail ados not fittilng thea Emporium guidelines wiii be trealed and charged par week as regular ciasalfled adsoan a pre-paid basin such as: services, balp wantad, ciatising. real asiate, and personai mesoage type adn. or adsn fot quoiing prîce or quantity. Prîvale ctasolfied adn may appear in the Emporium section under appropriale beadings . ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSFîED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM F..Bonx26S Whiiby, Li N SSi If ln doabt caii: 668-611il OR DELI VER TO: 131 Break St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YoUR NEW 1COMMUNITY? Coul <Î cm? oq k Phono 668-8943 Or hosiosu cilii hrng g tband trooliogo. aloog ciih hoîpfl commuriti formaLon puying I o.r * Ilin rumb# 89 le n.« .., enlm o ma ta e m me hOa'f Pha. 1.0«Nae .a.pued Mon Sa . gi mdmol= .tne mmmd ce S84 le don., te 0 oIu.hd d hMlod y e PW éà del th ey oc 0e et noa.dnnl. 668-6111 WHITUY FREE PRESS NEW & USED CAR B UYS READ...BU . .. SELL JUSTCALL 668-6111 SIMPLE!~ The simple solution to cleanlng storage problemns n the atlc and garage se a Classifled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS .......668-6111 MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 maie puppios, CKC registered, shats, dewormed and homeralaed, good wlth chldran, non.shmdding and non-allergic, $400 ach. Ceil Port Ferry (418) 985-3960. PARTS FOR e 1963 hallton truck, 6 cyl. motor, A-I condition, $150. 855-3410. 1970 COMET 6 cyl., for parte, gaod motor, transmission, rear end, complote car, S20. Phono 855-30M. FOUR VARI fit 14x6" chrome cire basket cheels and four Uniroyal Tiger Faw E70xl4 tires, $200. Four BF. Goodrlch Euro TA. 2356OHR14 on 4 Chevotolat cire aiuminum chemin 14x7" la fit 79 and up MunanglCapri, 80 and up T.BirdiCougar, ail brend nec, coni $1200, soi for $950 flrm. Compete ane nec net 14) Cragar SIS wheei spInners, $45. 318 moloriboodi, $250. 1980 225" super iant six and automalic transmission (good), $250. Phone 655-3266. 198 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 1937 CHEVROLET 2 tsar, Coach miles, 8 cyl., 5 speat, ps., p.b., Sadan. .95% retred from MIi, meny etras, $12,400. 655- ground up a&Il parta original and 4882, after6 p.m. complota, manuals and extra parts, $3,5W. Phaseo6682744. 1981 FORD ESCORT, two door, four apeed, hatchback, AMIFM cassette, aunroof, 560000 milan, $2.150. Phone 66843f6. 1980 OLOS 98 Regency 350. sloaer eolerior, blue Inleriar, iaadod cvlih options, only 86,000 km. weii malntained, asking $5200 cr III led. 855-4712. 1978 DOOGE Tradesman 300 Van, carpet and panel, oolended roof, aaking $3000 or beat aller. 8660. 3991, aflerO pm. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., good con. dition, $1,200 or boai ofter. Telephone68.0765. 1977 DATSUN F10 goad angine, body lair. no ruaI, valve lob and g00d tires, $650 as la. Phone 6M8. 6457. 1977 HONDA Haichback, 4 spned, newclcitch, rebut malor, needa body cork, $700 or boni al- fer. 668-8528. 1970 CHà YBLER CORDORA p.e., p.b., air candtoning, $600 or beat aller. Coul 655-3176. 1978 OMC 'A ton van, rune but noeeds body work or good for par. te, $250. Phase i655.493, alier 8 p.m. 1974 FORD pick up 'h ton F100, $450. 1977 Olda Delta 88, driven daliy, can be cnrtifled, $850 or ai. fer. 1975 Camearo.nedn body work, rune gond. $350 or aller. 723-2818 or 438-6115. 1973 BUICK Ceniury 350.4 aulomallo, p..., p.b., rad and tires lest tll, needa some body cork, asklng $400 or beat aller, as s., Phone 723-8303. 1072 PONTIAC Paraienne, 77.000 mlles orIginal, ln runniog .con- dition, etra body panle analtable, $20 uncerlilied. Cail Paul M&8 1532, aller ô p.m. THîE CIENCTION OF YOUR BODY0 IS 10 CARRY VOUR BRAINAROUND 4!CON FUSED?9 Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sini- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our, low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, ahave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more detailsi. 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