PAGE 6, WEDNIISDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS, AUTO GUIDE Cold weather starting Keeping your automobile in good shape makes good motoring sense. It can also help insure that you won't have to pull out your battery booster câbles this winter. Here are some basic maintenance tips, developed by The Gates Rubber Company, that will help you make sure your car starts promptly. 1.) Keep the gas tank full. This pre- vents condensation of moisture in the tank, which leads to fuel line freeze-up.' 2.) Use the correct grade of winter motor oil for your area of the country. Most vehicle manufacturers recomn- mend a IOW-30 multi-viscosity oil. 3.) Consider a minor tuneup, in- cluding checks of the charging and starting systemns, spark plugs and ig- nition wires. Wet or cold winter wea- ther increases deficiencies in ignition components, and worn spark plugs easily require twice the electricity as new ones. 4.) Have the battery checked for electrolyte level, even if it's a "main- tenance-free" type. Some of these bat- teries must be- checked with a voltmeter. A battery at 00F produces less than 50 percent of the power it has at 80F, and requires twice as much power to crank the engine. 5.) Check the condition, tightness and cleanliness of the battery posts. The electrical resistance that develops when a battery cable terminal is loose or badly corroded can easily cause a no-start problem. 6fRust, seeping antifreeze and just plain old crud in- the cooling system can cause your engine to crank slug- gishly or flot at ail. The system should be flushed out and new coolant added every other year. 7.) Auxiliary heaters such as oul heaters, coolant heaters and battery heaters are used in many northern states, and cao often be usefuil else- where. Engine block heaters wil help qtarting in moderately cold climates. 8.) Check ail V-belts, says 'Gates, especially the alternator drive. The a- ternator should carry most of the elec- trical load, thereby reserving battery power for starting the engine and operating emergency accessories. j SERVING DURHAM SINCE 1963 Where "customer service is being very satisfied!" Sales, Service, Parts, Leasing 1201 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY * 668-5846 What keeps, the Hatchback in frontP N~obody has ever created a more practical car design than the Honda Civic Hatchback. For 1987, the Honda Civic Hatchback continues to offer more interior room and comfort than you expect atitis modest price. Plus Honda's new warrant>' that covers major componients for up 10 5years or 80,000kilometres. Best of ail, thse Civic Hatchback is stili fun to drive, whether it's off to, the corner store for groceries, or off to thse lake for a holiday. Making a good idea even better. That 's sehat keeps thse Civic Hatchback oui in front. Corne in soon and test-drive one for yourself. SWHITBY- OSHAWAHO D 1110 Dundas St. E. Whltby Ajax, Pickering 686«1 745 The '87 Honda Accord is a seamless blend of in- telligence and excitement, luxury and value, family car and fine performer. To its precise rationality, add two surprises. Space. More that you'd expect in all the places you need. it. And handling. The kind a driving enthusiast would expect to find in a sports car. Overaîl, add the precision quality of Honda engineering. Listening to the desires of those who sit behind the wheel led Honda to break with the conventional wisdom that suggested a family car couldn't be anything other than a car for the family. As an expression of style and versatiity, you'il be hard pressed to find a better fit than the Accord S Hatch- back. When you include even passing mention of its passing lane performance, it becomes impossible to beat. This Accord accom- plishes three jobs, al of them weil. Its appearance, from front, rear or side, is a pleasing flow of contem- porary lines. Its power and performan- ce, from such items as the Honda 4 wheel double wish- boue suspension and the 1955cc 12 valve single overhead cam engine, is a unique expression of Honda engineering. And its interior, from the split fold-down rear seat back to the high-visibility instrument panel, is a page from the text book on con- venience. ý ... . . . .. Effortless performance for sprint or marathon is the hallmnark of every Ac- cord. Patient attention to luxurious detail, inside and out, is amply demonstrated by notable standard features such as power assisted ventilated front disc brakes, reclining front bucket seats, retractable halogen headlights and much more. Notable Standard' Features include: oRetractable Headlights. Improves aerodynamics, by reducing wind resistan- ce. Also protecta headlights from stones and road debris. when not in use. eHalogen Headlights. Provide a whiter, brighter light for better visibility during night time driving. .Reclining Front Bucket Seats. With adjustable headrests for increased comfort and convenience. @Electromc Warning System. Monitors the vehicle operation alerting the driver to things such as door ajar, trunk open or a burned out brakelight. *Remote Fuel Filer Door, Hatch/Trunk Release. For added con- venience and extra security (Lockable on Sedans only). oChild-Proof Rear Door Locks. A thoughtful safety feature designed so children cannot acciden- taily open rear doors. (Sedan models only). @Digital Quartz Clock for easy reading of the time during night and daytime drivixig. eColumn Mounted Con- trois. The controls for the lights and wipers are con- veniently placed on either side of the steering colurnn..- '87 Honda Accord Whltby, Oshawa 666«1 772 mur" &4e£&22:z-