Whitby Free Press, 29 Oct 1986, p. 28

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RAGTE 20. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986ý WHITBY FREE PREPSS Lct ARICLES ARTICLES 10MRSALE FRSL CANON 31OXL Super 8 monte COMMERCIAL typa réfer, camera alSh 8.5.- 25.5 mm 20Cm Shoafor, 8 ft. long with 2 litding tans, excellent coodito, asklng doora, oaa comprsar JaLn. '85, $125 or hoastofar. Phone 66 aakt ng $1800. Phono 508-500. 2271, eveniog$. ______________ LAWN SWEEPER Lambert 26" adixtabla helght, excellent con- dllon lhacdly uaadl, etalle for $100 - a bargaîn at $8. Phone 6554990. ' 201 COLOR TV tabla madle, Soltd Biats, $145. Hammod electronlc argan, 2 keyboards, automatia cythm esection, etoatl ncluded, $900. Hlgb Fldellty speaker aystam, 70 watts, ac suspension, 12' woofe, 5" mîdrange, 3" tweeter, bctllance contcol 28xl1*'xll", $160 pai. Plonear bait drtvan tuntabla, magnettc cetidga, atiekatlng and oehang checkec wtts dusi cov8r, $75. Phone 888.4098. KITCHEN lectric wallmount globe 1951 tînltuca, att white with palntd csa tlm, bown and gold, $5. Pot lgt recessed celllng ituce, $4. Change table, whte, $25. Ralobaccel, $5. Eght pin. ralltngs, $20.655-M82. CUSTOM MADE malchlng living oonm and dlnlog raom shaacs, inory wth gold anersboars, 25 ItL foc living roamn and 10 ttL toc diniog room, excellent condition, $650. Phonae6&5180. ROUND OAK pdestat tabla toc sale, 8 miatchlog chairs, 5 leanas toc tabla, ail In excellant con- dlln, asklng $1.395 or hast ottar for set, muet sai. Also ciaclnaO foc sale, $100. Clt 683o63. HOMELITE' .lectrccgenecator, 000 w, uaed once, listeaetanar $M0,oit $35. 855-3413, atec 5 P.m. SOFA 'à CHAIR $30. .Cofte table, $35, Steren stand, $75. orange tub chaic, $75. Biack sabot crocker, $90. Ti. Blus. 441- 7889, Home 8319199. FOR SALE girls tigure skas, elza 2, $15. Chlld sizad sksllng hlmet, $7. Phonea6881116. ONE SET maplaaood bunk bad, comploe e ath postura boards & mttess, $1M. Coli 6084480. AIRTIONT Carroor woodalnva, Inserts Into regular fraplaca, glass don, gold trim, asklog $225. Phone 88-.003 ELECTROHOME humidifier, $6. Food procepsor, Moulnes, hardly uaed, $55. Phone 8681326. FRIGIDAIRE 30" lacîrle alan., avocado graen, vary good con- dtlan, $175. Colt 4334689. FOR SALE b.d sofa, aleeps 2, wllh 2 machlng chairs, black and gray tweed, $150. Dinalla tabla, square, chroma lag98, seat. O. ex- pandlng 10saisi8,8$55.68-1896. CHESTERFIELD wllh malChiog chair, one swlvel chair, $300, alîl delîver. Caîl 571-080. MTiMUSIAL INSTRUMNTS ACORIN Scandall', 120 bas, ladieasîze, lik. naw, $900 11cm. Organ.- Lowry 'Mage OSale 88, elacîrlo, 1k naw, $3,000 ficm, raplacemant value $5,000. Tel. 855-4480. PEREGO PRAM navy blue, larga wheete, lika new, $150. Phone 68-5915. HAROWOOD.cclp wlth mattcess, maple finish, excelent condition and moislafety standards, matchîng changa tabla with tub. Tha sel foc $125. Cal 68483306. BABY STEMS tac sale: crtb, $3. tlghcht.r Sllvrcossa, $5. Changa fable alh tub, $25. Ocsslng table, $25. Car soste, Strate., $40 ea. Double stcollac, Pecago, $100. Fscher Pcb. mobile, $12. Engllah pcam, $40. Phonea688-.32W. -PLEASE READ- When thse advertised item tosoid, dispnod 0i f, or unavailable for whatever reason, thse item wiUl be deemed to have been sold anda commission wlll he clsarged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustraied beow, regardlea if price là siated wih 'best offer", If thse Item la NÃ"T SOLO, or disposed of, thse ad will be ru for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 will apply payable in advance of publication nf the irst ad. Tho ahove minimum charge wilI be applied taultse final commission due. Maximum commission: $100000. Ait advor. tlooments must ho placed on an exclusive bonis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai lasat one montis if flot sold. RATES (19 article lh sold): S% of adveried prîce up te, $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item adverUesed for 915.0. Caminsseoa due1.50 t(minimums charge ta1.0 Privote advertiig onlyl Pleas, noify thse Whilby Free PresImmedlaiely wben Item la eîd gon Uai we may deleto it fram the folnawing issue. All ads nt ftting te Emporium guidelinea wiIl h ireated and charged par week as regular clasaifled adsoan a pre-pald baala soch as: services, heîp wanied, coing, real esiate, end peronoal message type adls, or ads ont quoting price or qusntity., Privato ctassified ads msy appear linlth Emporium section under oppropriale boadingo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAILADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bas 2%0 Whitby. LIN 551 If hi deubi cal: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Broèk St. N. Whiby, On0. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. NEED To K NOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cali Phono 668-8943 Our botesso ahi bcbng gitosnd gtetiigs, alorg wiih elptul commonily information. hec. UNom a lea ada ~ "mct4 ih@"ea ~Yunaq l#mmum e ual un%&e an a *5ae e& aie .. nule MSAI -i my u et NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ..IUV. ..SILL JUST CALL 668-6111l SIMLe Th ipesolution to cleanlng storag e problemns lnteatcadgarage Is a' Classltled Ad. 1REEP REERESS .........268611 PETS&I SUPPLIES jMINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, .5 . maie puppies, CKC meglstered, shaots, dewacmed and *homeraiaed, gond aIth chIldren, j non-aheddlng and non.altargic, $400 ach. CoiltPort Ferry 4161 985-396W. PA RTS FOR a 1963 hal ton truck, 8 cyt. moto,, A-i condttion, $150. 655-3410. SNOW TIRtES two Uroyal steel haited radial, P185180 R13, $60. Tao steel belled radiat, 0R78.15, $50. Tao F78-14, $30. Ait tires mountad on rims. Cati 868-3418. FOUR VARI fit 14"x6" chrome wire basket wheels and four Uniroyat iger Paw E70n14 tiras, $200. Four B.F. Gxadrlch Exco T.A. 2356OHRt14 on 4 Cheviot hat aire aiumlnum awheele 14"x7" to lit 79 and up Mustanglaipri, 60 and up T.BrdtCougar, ail brand new, coat $1200, eai tfor $950 f 1cm. Comptai.on. nea aet (4) Cragar SIS aheel apinners, $45. 318 motorlloodl, $250. 1980 225" super alant six and automatin transmission (good), $250. Phone 655-3266. AUTOIIIES FRSALE 198S JEEP RENEGA DE 8,000 1837 OHIVROLIT 2 door, 0oach mles, 8 cyt., S spoed, psB., phý, Sodan, 50% roctored froro tilt, many atras, 3$12,400. 655 ground up, ait part@ originat end 4882, aller 6 p.m. complet@,' manuateanmd estra parte, 83,800. Phonoe0882744. four apeed, hatctsback, AMIFM casset. aunroaf, 56,000 mles, $2,150. Phone Me68. 1980 CLOS 98 Regency 350, alîver eolerlor, blue Interlor, lnaded wlth optionns, only 88,000 km, well malnlalnad, asklng $5,200 car- tlfled. &554712. 1978 DOoETradesmao 300 Van, carpet aod panai, extended coot, asktogS33,000 or hoastaller. 66&. 399 1, ater 6 p.m. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., good co-. dIllon. $1.200 or best cifer. Taiepboa 68.0765. . -- 1977 DATSUN F10 goad angine, body tlc, no cust, valve job and good tires, $850 as la. Phone 868- 8457. 1977 HONDA Hatchback, 4 speed, oew clucS, rebut motar, needs body aock, $700oncbhast at- lac. 6688528. 1970 CHRYSLER COROOA p.s., phb., air condltiontog, $600 or hoast nfer. Colt 855.3176. 197a OMO »A ton van, rune but needs body aoetx or g00d for Par te, $250. Pthone 8564938,@fiter ô P.m. 1974 FORD pick up Wk tan F100, $450.,1977 Olda Delta 88, drtnen daily, cao ho ceclllted, $850 or ct- fer. 1975 Camera, needa body work, ruos good, $350 Or aller. 723.28180r438.115. 1973 BUICIC Century 350.4 aulomnatlc, ps., phb., rad and tires aest lu, needs somne body worb, asklng $400 or bhastaller, as le. Phone 723.833 1I FUNCTION OF YOUR GODYIS TOCARRYOURI IRRAIN AROUNOI CON FUSED Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you. have questions. 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