PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS Thnornton stili number 3 By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Whitby school trustees Pat Bowman and Ian Brown attempted to change the priority list the board wanted to establish for upgrading of general purpose rooms in elesnentary schools, Monday night, but the opposition was too strong. The general purpose room for Dr. Robert Thornton Public ýSchool will remain at the number three position after Greenbank and Sir John A. MacDonald, The listing whicb resulted in the Whitby school's being third was the priority set by an ad hoc committee whose purpose was to review the status of the general purpose rooms in ail schools, not his, Jim Russell, superintendent of plant said. On hearing that Bownian accused fellow trustees of making a political decision rather than one based on consultations witb staff. Louise Farr, Pickering trustee, said the committee had looked at the program and the program needs as well as on where the enrolment was going to be shifting. Sir John A. MacDonald had a smaller G.P. rooni than Dr. Robert Thornton, she said. 0 WE PAY YOUR 125 DEDUCTIBLE () (ASK for detalia. Drive ln only) ui OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 14186 < RCKBCKSLIDERS rm895naîe -J > INSURANCE AUTO GLASS SERVICES 1047 Slmcoe St. S. 403 Brock St. S. OSHAWA WHITBY ;$723-4937 608-3449 (Open Sat. by appointment only) Whitby man injured at GM A Witby man rec eived a cut to tbe top of bis head wbile working on a robotic welder at the number two plant of General Motors on Oct. 26. Ian Black, 31, of 9 Blemount Crt. was programming the robotic welder when it pivoted and bit hlmn on the head. He was taken to Oshawa General Hospital wbere he was treated. Ndw is a good time to buy a Phillips M icrowave ...... Andwellgive youtis quart wail ldock to prove it. (A $49.9- va lue) Whenyupurchas Philips M icrowave betwen Sept. 2nd and Nov. 29198a6, Philipswiiisend you thisQuartz watt clock, at absoiutety f0 extra charge. 3se any eOven id1 - M ~ The Chef's Favourite for SmaiI Meals Model MW153MT .15 itres of oven space a 35 minute tilner *Removable glass tray e Dual cooking modes *One-touch door release * nterior oven light *Simple touch controls e Complete with turnlable f0 ensure every meal is cooked evenly. 12993-00 The Chef's Favourite for Dinners Model MW413E a 38.2 litre capacity e Stirrer fan cooking system a099 minute, 99 second timer e il cooking levels a Removable glass tray a Easy. clean oven e 3-stage timer e 3-stage temperature cooking e Auto defrost e Auto start-up to 12 hours e Clock and clear function .Digital readout dsplay 0$499@0 The Chef's Favourite for Simple Meals Model MW253E " 15 litre capsciîy* Stirrer tan cooking system for even cooking* 3-stage timer cooking a Programmable detrost a Clock and Clear functions - Accurate electronic timer *Variable power selection e Digitat readout display e 99 minute. 99 second timer *Maximum power output of 5b Watts *Removable glass tray. $4M;AQ ,00 less $20 manufacturers rebats '279 UNLY M PHILIpS 76 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 12), Brookliri tel 655-3306 Don Crupi prepares a pizza in bis newly openecl pizza store. F're Press Staff Photo Crupi store moves east to Whitby Don Crupi. may be only 22, but he's already got years of ex- perience behind birn as be opens Whitby's newest pizza store. Witb Mayor Bob Attersley on hand to make it officiai with a ribbon-cutting, Crupizza opened its doors at 1121 Dundas St. E. last week, carrying the Crupi piz- za tradition in an easterly direc- tion. Don's father, Robert, has been in the bakery business fer 35 years. He operates the Crupi Bros. Bakery in Toronto as well as two pizza stores, one in Toron- to and one in Markham. "I've been working in the business since I was il years old," says Don, a graduate in math from York University. "But this is the first one MIl run my way."t He also plans to open stores in Ajax, Oshawa, Pickering and Scarborough, part of what he says will be the Crupi Foods Founda "tion. AIl wilI be located in suburban areas similar to the store in Whitby. lHe and fiancee Margaret Miranda, a marketing graduate from Seneca College, are enthusiastic 'about their location near Anderson CVI as well as near residential and commercial areas. In addition to pizza of ah 'sizes, Crupizza offers ponzarotti and carious pasta specialties. The store also delivers but the price is half wben picked up. Pizza, as always, is the big at- traction, says Don. "It's con- venient, fast, hot, tasty," is bow he explains pizza popularity. And headmits he hiniseif isý the best advertisement for bis product becatise he eats "a lot of pizza." Crupizza (430-0200) also plans to have school pizza days, to help with fundraising, and hopes to sponsor local sports team, part of a goal to be a "conmunity piz- zeria." Report on reciprocal insurance put on hold The Town of Whitby will have to wait a little longer to find out if reciprical insurance is the answer to bigb in- surance rates. The town was prepared to study reciprical insurance but have put tbat study on bold following an an- nouncement from tbe Ministry of Municipal Affairs that it will be looking into municipal insurance dlaims and the effectiveness of reciprical insurance. However, .the niinistry's study will not be finished by Dec. 15 - the date the town will renew its insurance. Last year, the towný- insurance costs in-. creased by 130 percent.