BOB EPPING and hIe paîntlng "if 1 dîdn't seiI eggs no ons wouîd visît me." ,Whitby artist tells story through painting BY MMKE JOHNSTON For fiva yaars now local artist Bob Epping has been tellingastories. But the 39-year-old Whitby artist doesn't use thgconventionalrnethod- ha talls tonies throughfls paintings. One day ha was at a farm auction and ha overhaard two farmmrs talklng about how al their friands wera packing up and moving to theacity. Epping said one farmer turned to thé othar and said, that if ha dldn't sali eggs no one would visit him. This story lad to Epping's painting, "If I didn't sali eggs no one would visit me." The picture shows a number of cbickens grazlng on afarm. Epping, who la a teacher at Paul Dwyar Hlgh School ln Oshawa as weli as an antique dealer, currently a a show of hia paintinga at the Visual Arts Center in Bowmanviile. .Ha always iliustrates tonies about farms and country people, and paints on old wood, what ha icas to rater to as folk art style. "As soon as I sea a piaca of wood I have, images. 1 use what the board gives me in terms of cracks and color,"' said Epping during his show in Bowmanvilla. Epping uses mostly pina which ha asys Ian- ds itsalf toa ich ho naycolor. An axampla of using what the wood offers, is a painting on a place of wood which has a crack on ItL That crack becama a perch for a nuniber of robins in a field. Epping, who enjoys painting in the summer whan ha la out of school and in the winter evenings, said he has flot given much thought tobecoming a full-time artist. <"Fuil-tiana would create pressura and, I don't thlnk I could produca if I wasn't doing it for theaenjoyrnant." Epl*g has also had a show of his pottery art in tha Studio Gallery in Oshawa. Tha show wWl be in Bowrnanvilla until Sun- day. Several activities have been planned at Colonel J.E. Farewell Public School for November, Canadian Book Month. Students have been askad to read, or be read to, at least 15 minutes each day for four waaks, Nov. 3 to 28. The shool's annual book fair is belng held thi week until Thur- sday. Storytaller John Sandarson talked to students about the hast available books. The 1986 Children's Book Festival la belng held Nov. 15 to 22 wlth the motto, Where Books Coma From. At Farewell achool, a numbar of visitlng authors wili discuss books and writing with students during book festival week. Ted Plantos, a poat working on the writers- in-tha-achoola project, willl baat the achool Nov. 12, 18, 20, 25 and 27 to dlscuss poetry writing with Gr. 4 and 5 classes. Lyn Cook, author of Secret of Wllow Castle and other books, will ha at the school Nov. 17. Jacquilana Mack, author of Tales about Tales, wlll talk tla students Nov. 21. Maurice Solway, ac- tor-author, will play the violin Nov. 24. David Anderson, actor in the Whole Loaf Theatre, presents "Cranks, Ballads, Broadsides"' Nov. 26. Carol Gabourie Cooper, author of The Anti-Pollutes of Donhar Creek, wil be at the 'chool Nov. 28. Vandals cause $ 1,OOO. damage Vandals causecf ovar The 1974 Ford 800 The vandals also stola $1,000 to a truck aerlal bucket truck had three flares and a fire belonging to McTeague both front and lef t rear extinguisher from the Electric Ltd. durlng the tires slashed with a truck which was in the waekend. knlfe. parking lot NEW& USED OFFICE FURNITURE -BUY- RENT-SELL- LEASE- hiiOffice-Supplies 21 HRWODAV.S. AAXSHP ING U - 68-196- ri .e. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1986, PAGE 21 November events at Sunnycrest by LYNDA MCNABD November avents at Sunmycreit Nurslng Home Includa a trip to Cullan Country Bans for dinner and theatre, the Ontarlon Working Dogs, slngalong wlth the Whitby Ià onasa Club,, Scottlsh Country Dan. cars and Whltby Square Dancers. Mountain Country wlll be entertalnlng at a pub nlgbt. Residants havlng bi r- thdays ln Novamber ara Daisy Crydamman, Lueila Brown, Parla Lute, Elizabeth Hayden, Gfrvln Mulligan, Olive Reesor, Helen Cosens, Emma Watarhouse, Stella' Wood, Mary Summars, Evelyn Hor- nsby and Nora Noble. I BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION Iof OshawaiWhltby "lYou've thought about it, and thoughi about lt and thought about It: Now do somnethlng about t." Cali BIg Brothers todayl 579-2551 ROERS SINGLES TRAVEL CLUB a 1 rUh NO MORE SINGLE SUPPLEMENTSî e WORLDWIDE e NO OBLIGATION TRA L e NO AGE RESTRICTION FOR SINGjLES! NO MEMBERSHIP FEE Sipysand in this coupon and you will receive an invitation 10 attend a , sealprasentation on ail thea benelts ot being *a member of Roger's Travel Singles Club. Let us explain how you cao enjoy tabulous vacatios thoghu the seasons with other singes of ail ages! :i EAS HECK AGE BRACKET18.30 30-50 50-E 1I Postal Coda 1LPhone Number WHITBY MALL OFFICE 5122 Mo. Thr. Fi - Tues..Wed. 9-6 Sui..1 o.5 CORPORATION OFTHE ~"PLANNING TOWN OF WHITBY , DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Wodnesday, Novomber 12,1986,7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building WhltIby, Ontsrio RE: DOWNTOWN WHITBY SECONDARY PLAN STUDY JHI. j [ J- L -JI1 E- Hr1~Jr1Hr1DUN Duscmj T5~jjL~1 [Ur JA~j U~E A secondary plan study of Downtown Whltby, Identif lad on the above map le baing carrlad out by thea Town of Whltby Planning Dapartment. The purposa of the study Is to prapare a Secondary Plan to guidaefthe future growth and developmaent of Downtown Whintby. The Stage Il report contalning proposad Land Use and Transporation Concepts and Polcies willi be presantad at the public meeting of fIne Administrative Commîttea notad aboya. Al l ntarestad persons are Invitad to attend and to submit any wrltten comments by November 19, 1986. Further Information on fIne aboya study may be obtalnad by calllng Mr. Larry Cavanagh or Mr. Bryce Jordan of the Planning Dapartmant aI <416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Diractor of Planning *Corporation of tIne Town of Whitby Book Month at Farewell 1