Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1986, p. 25

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WFIITBY FýREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1986, PAGE 25 Whitby's Most WideIy Read > CLA551F1FD ADS fww VENTS ~ TUNITES ~JFWHINEJIJTTE MUSIC LESSONS- Whtby WHITBY YACHT CLUB Indoor UNLIMITRO INCOME. Join aur ROOM FOR RENT neai, fuiiy fur- DETSN SLSPSTO location. Basic piano or thoory Yard Sala. Sel. Nov. 15, 9 am.- 4 mail ordar program, work ai nished room wllh colour TV.. imdVRISNSALESopanigSI:tara, I DSRA MLW IHTMCA taught. Adulte proerred. pm. Go off Baslne Rd. ai 0en- home. For mare Information tmnd parking, spaclous grounids, $60 mdltopngsf-are, IDSRAMLW IG EC NC Roasonabia misa. 688406 aler troncs ta Dr Ruddy Hoapilae nd $1.00 for postage and handling par weak, moala and iaundry experlnCe flot essentiel. Whlby A major manufacturer of Paper Products 4p.foiow algn. la J & E Enterpris, Bax 39P, coaning aiso, avalabia. Cai 855. Fre Prss,6fll . rqie uife nutiiMlwih pm.E - TE A ..Te oa Staion M, Toronto, MSS 4T2. 8968. rqie ulfe nutilMlwl ArCOMETO l iTHEFair.The yl____________ ____________ TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob Mechanic. Agricualarai Windor Pirhorse&FRIVATE ROOM for ranI. -Whitby- training wilh placement help la. You muet have completed the requlred appren- AUOMTVE WrIdcalrasoior home on&i EARN THOUSANDS monihiy aras. Par lurihar lnIa cai 430- avaitable. Complote dliascan ticeshlp program and have had lit Ieast 2 years ex- REPAIR/PARTS ofame loir nd 5guaranteod. Worlc et home. Fre 04014. Schlet 1411 8.35oe8 wi r perienceInmitaceoprdtonqup ebion aercul ur aNdv 12.Information, Bond aaif.sddreassd Shoo maidlayo.6hoo od76n9ainennc4o6podctoneqip T UORSL edatpa. ExhinetionPlcoron. ov. 13-2.tampod envoue tot: B.T.LYN. postai code. ment. t. Cali 5795344, ask for Henry. formation cail 416( 3934400. 2, NENPor Por, PO. B ox -frcmettv a nda xeln t___________ ickets 8a1so avaliabie throu2h 121IorEFryOt.LO HO OUSESI benefltls package. Please repiy In writing to: BASS. Q F'O REPET CARPENTERINANDYMAN 'ta Harry Lndgren ARE________________________ assîstI n rstoration aI century MacMillan Bathurst Imc. ~WANTEDTOI ARE YOUMAICINO WNAT you'r homo. Muet have good carponlry, P.Bx10 ae t CAMELOT HUNTINO FRE. WORTH?. Looking for arioua WHITDY .3 bodraam tawnhuo paî'ntlin and oihor skIlis and hoPO o 50 ae t BUY/RENT 8SERVE-FPr a Wondortui Hunt an people who havas buming dosiro $760 por monlh pus utiitio. al 0wr olldpnoly hty n.LN5 hanitfulsalued taoe e ar 5.00nr orco lPrsi -and lest monlh requIrod. Cati Doug Andrson ai 8884111tb, nt l S7 laiuring trong fiying phoasafts WANTED passenger doar, cargo in naturel habtai. Advanco bock- door, for 77 GMC Van end parts. Ing, R.R. 4 Chaslo16(5191 363- Cali 4304M0. 3548. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED. Any mahe. Ove or ans hundred. Oid ROLEX wnstwatchos wan. r P R O A S led. Also wanled Estons "Quarter Century', square wristwalches 25 yrs. servIcio. Wiii pay $200 xxxxxxnsxxxxnxxasnaaxusna andup for ihis walch. WiiI 8180» ADULTVIDEOS boy strapa, crystls, pats, etc. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY for aId writwaiches. (48) 305- OPPER 7240 or write B. Walhr 173 OUR PEATURE ILM AT $14.95 Oueen S. E., Tornto, Ont. M5A CALL TOLLPFREE TO ORDER 182. 1-800->b1137934 TO ORDER OUR PULLCOLOR CATALOGUE AT $3.95 AUTOM BILES CALL 1-604382-5511 FORSAL nxxxxnxxxanaannaanaax DATES GALORE. For ail agos and 1985 JIMMY SIERRA CLA88IC untlachod. Thousands of mom- 2W, 15,000 km, aut, pa, pb, P. br aniaus ta mot yau. hslc, sereo lii, uisewiprs, Prsige Acquainances oeil toit- auvrool, nase bru, warranly. f rea 80.8.93.Husnn $13.300 carl. Cail688k11078. tlepm ili tHEVETrE wlh AMIPM casetesunroof, new ires, 'i A f l brakes, aprInga and pint lob, car A M HI AE Ilk new. $2,995. csrtified. 19786 LE SERVICESI Grsmlin, good winlsr csu, needa worl, $28. as l. Cal 282.3926 for Garry or Disnsallier 5 pm. DAY CARE aalable In ny homo, 1-1 ... 4-15 , O 1979FORD LTD.as , boat aller. 6683471. 1Sa CHàEV NOVA, Ilght brown, standard. As la $750 Whtby 668 3864. 1976 CHEVETFE Î-0 AulamatIa, 2 door, oniy 39,000 mite, certIfiod, va rusi. apare ires. new radiatar, muaI ho seen, 868-M58. 1971 FIRESIRD goad condIlIon $700. Phone 4300559. 87 GMC pick Up truck wicab. Rune good. 6 cyl. standard. $300 s l. 688.1028. moals, spaclous pisyroora, ln formai esmIng actIvilios. Ask about a ur pickup service, roasanablo rates, free bunny rab bita for ail now camersa nd plan. ty af pals la play with. Cali 655 89U. FREE.' Drap lnIa the DIckson Printing and Office Sappiy store n the Alax Plaza and pick up9 free copy 0f the 1988 Mtici Caiendar. Printod In iwo colaurs.:. Il makos -for handy refronco. CONGRATULATIONS on your i;ARDNNG forhcoming marriago. Fiasse ~ANDSISUPPLIES view aur sampios af engranod, wodding invitations ai your _______________ loiure In aur Alan Piaza store. Dickson Pnting & Offica Sup. IT RM ________________ SERVICE SUPPLIES ciean-ups and PUPPIES: Whitesminiature maie. Reasonable prices. $28. (705 6527236. 725-3300 Classified Ads Are People Movers they move people 'Into homes and apartments in new nelghbourhoods. If you're thinking of buying, sellng or renting, advertise in "Whitby's Most Widely Read" Classified section. WHITBY FREE PRES 668-6111 hoath & nutritonalIndustry. Training providd oeil Margeae McCann ITOSi 8746726. UNIQUE BUSINESS OPPORTUN. ITY. Eam $35-Ses por hoar pro. duclng business cercla and pro. matIonalItems. Pullimipar- Mime. Equipmont. Invonlory, training $4978. Colt for infor- mation 95 weekdasa(418) 238- 1388. ENJOY TAX BENEFITS aI self- empioyment rom your awn homo, reprosant marculgolures aI Wsior istIllera lronm $249.50, os- clusive lerriiory, no f ranchise faos or contracta, muaI bo owaro and concornad wth local walor purity, excollent esmilnga for ac- tive people, Wrtt for dolals:, LBN. Industries, 116 vicoroy C 0, Concord, Ont. L4K 2M3 418) 661-1142. NEEDLECRAFTERSI Excellent incomo potentiel ieschIng & seiiing noodiecrafts for Panda Stitchcraft. Roprosentativos especiaiiy neoded In amaler commanities. Write.Peggy An- derson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Burlingan, Ont. L7R 175. COUNTRY HOME for ront. Locatod ln Pickering narth of Aisx on 75 acres creoh, encllant for harees, or hobby farm. LoIs of parking. Snas pldwing and main- tenance Inciudod. 2 bodrooms, weilIinsuialod, largo ail glass living roam, 3 Pc. bath, largo kit- chon, artisian saler, gardon facilitlis. $550 montly. neotiablo, refrences a mueI. Cail 655-8966. RENT - Groonwood Village, 2, bodroam, 5 applisncos,j Country kitchen. Avaliable 'Jan. 87 - Apr. 88.683063 RiERNE STORAGE SPACE location: ac- cass off Hsy. 7 luat N. aI Aax. 5 acros of parking. excelent for etorIng boats, traloers, trucks, campors, race cars, buses, trac- tons. heavy machinory, building mitlaasand' alhar produnlo. Aiso Indoor storago avalablo. Foncad property wiIh iocked gales, dsily accoas, $186 an. nuaiiy. Cal 8855-8966. f~~~AREEI UL FfI RENTI TYPEWRITER renIai msny $ maka and modela, by theo weekend, sook or month. TRAINING Discounts avalsablo Dickan FOR__________________ Printing & Office Supplies in iho Alax Plaza. C811 us for business TRAVE&TOIRîSM machineorepaire.883.1968 A CAREER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- sport drivers neaded. Nos s9 the ime ta train for your Clans A liconsa. For pra.screvng Inier- view and lob placement Infar- matlon, contact Merv Orra Tran. spart Driver Training, Brampon 18002851280. BECOME A CARRIERI Hro's an opportunity ta' oarn money for Ihose ihIngs youvo aiways want- ed. A now bike,.ciolhes, aortlaocuipllOill, nierea aet or tha tIhouaands 0f . her noads you raay de- sire. Jusi a phono cail wiii bring yau ail Iho information. Check il auti CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS \JFOSALERENT ~'~TRAVEL WSERVICESCE Commercial, In high trilc aroa n papular vacation country, suit- able for fast Iood, fuel Or accom- madalion. Ecllent opporunIly. Cail BiI Payne, Real Estais, Min- don (705 286-3124. BUILDING FOR SALE Miracle Span Fai Spocials. Threo buidingsiloft ovor from National Show. Example: 4OX40 COMPietO with doare $5,299. Other sela chooso fram. Cai Miracle Span tlilrea 1800387-4910. CLAIRE BURT TRAVEL prsonts SIghtsooing & Nature Siudy Ad- venture 10 EÇUADOR & GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, Peb. 91h -22nd. Spociai Savinga Avalabie until Nov. 201h. Cali 1800288- 3090. CLAIR BURT TRAVEL faluras Life & Agriculurai Study Tour la AuSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAN D and FUJI, Peb. 3rd la March 4th. Spociai SavInga -avalabîs untl Nov. 201h. Call 180D-26&.3090. FLUMBERIFITTER. Esporiencod n high.riso apartmonîs. Service & ropair. Salary ta bo detormIned based an years & oxporiencO. Cail i 811SmIth (416) 8731906. CHILO CARI andior Devoiop. mental Worhrs. A nos group homo for auiilaIc persoasboing proposod in Casaera la naw aoakIng applicants for folaowIng positions: Ovemiohi, Sieopover, Pa,1time Program Assistance. Experience wlh dovlopmentliy dIsablod persoa wouid ho an assai but not essentil. Masse submIi a resumo and refroncos ta: Scott's Place, Bon 339, Mapie, Onlarlo, L0J 1E0. Atention: Susan Ropa, Program DIrctor. ' LOG HOME buidors waniod: prossionsi crsttsmonlsomon requIrod for Industry leader ln Handcratod Log Homes, en- collent romunrslan, year round building season commence April 1987, appiy In strîctoat conlIdon- ce to Timathy J. Bulock (705 4688-2121,466-2505. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Weldors. Carpontera, Eioc- triciana, Plumbera, Management, Mach., Mach., Drivera, Oporalara, Entry . isvelidegreed Up ta $32ffOhur. (308 382-3700 Trans. CantInentl Job Soarch, PIE MEN WGMEN CRUISE SHIP JOBS1! CCK8-CINB WOIIERS-DECK HAJIBS-IEAIIAJI.U-BTN- BIERS-IIENERAL LAU9U EXCELLENT SALAIES PLUS WBRW TRVEU CARIUIEAN-SOUTN PACIFIC- BAIAMA8-MEDITIIRANEAN- AIASKA Due o 10aconstant turnover ln personnel, there are aiways jobs availabio wiih the CRUISE SHIP LINOS. OurCRUISE SHIF EMPLOY- MENT DIRECTORYwiii show you how and where toaopply for ona oI these high paying and anciting lobs aboard American cruise shipsi GUARANTEEO EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 90 OAVS OR YOUR MONEY REPUNDED. ORDER PORM send 10: CRUJISE JOBS Depi H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To ordar your 1986 CRUISE SHIP EMPLOVMENT DIRECT- ORY, send oniy $10.00 cash, check or money ardar iodlayl NAME_______ _ ADDRESS ----APT- CITY ___STATE___ ZIP DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DRP 2187 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Seaied Tenders wIii be received at the office of the Chiel of Police, 77 centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 1000 hours, Thursday, November 20,1986, for the suppiy and deiivery of Police For- ce Vehicies. Tender forme may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent T. Mc- Cagherty, beiween 0800 and, 1700 hours, Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any Tend er quotation not necesiariiy accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief 0f Police. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are Invited to Install Zone Control Valves at the Jaililn WHîTBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 227 Sealed Tenders wIii be received untIi 2:00 p.m. Local time on THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER 27, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtainied f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Oriiiia District Office, 24 James St. E., pO. Box 790, Oriiiia, Ontario. L3V 8K7 Note: For furîher In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders 0f- flce aI the above ad- dress, teiephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessar- -Ily accepted. z PaRrItJPaCrlGf) GENERAL, PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for emnergency and minor repairs Includ- Ing plumbing, heat- ing, electrIcai, car- pentry, septic tank service and generai contractIng services at various locations ln Squires Beach, Pickering, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 220 Sealed Tenders wiii be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on WEDNESDAY, NOV- EMBER 19,1986. Tender Documents may be obtai ned f rom the Ontario Ministry of Governiment Ser- vices, OrIllila District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Oriiiia, Ontario. LM 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders 0f- lice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender flot necessar- iiy accepted. 3 1

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