Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1986, p. 7

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY' NOVEMBER 5. 1986, PAGE 7 Wh"tby resdent accepted at New York UNICEF Whtby's Susan Bisseil willI soon be get- tlng a flrst-hand look at operations of the United SNations International Chldren's Einergency Fund (UNICEF). The '23-year-old student of International relations was recently accepted for a four- montb laternsblp at tbe UNICEF office la New York. The firat Canadian to work at the office, she'l be an assistant to Bar- bara Scbmlidt-Rabmer, development education office at tbe office of Gates to be installed Short arm gates, at a cost o! *90M,00, hould be lnutafled ut the CPR crouulng on Garden street sometime la 1987. That, accordlng te a report fromn the towna public works depar- tmeat whlch bas been lnformed by the Canadian Transport Commission that the croslng warrants tbe gates. The department bas estlmated that the the gates wlll be I1,250. As weIl, the towa wlll have, te psy *3,500 for relocatlng an exlatlng aldewalk. The towa had budgeted *40,000 In the 1986 budget for ts share o! the Installation costs. The remainng amount o! the gates willI be paîd by CPR ($,750.) and the Federal gover- nment ($72,000). The town and CPR will ho responaîble for 50% each o! future town's cos lni Insaliing maintenance costs. Breathmng course offered The Durham Region course, for aduits with Lung Association's bet- empbysemna, cbronic ter breatbing ýcourse bronchitis or severe will begin Nov. 12 at astbnia, consista of Oshawa Geneî,al seV~en twice-weekly Hospital, at no cost. The sessions. Lette r to the editor non-governmnental af- faims. Bisseil wul help to develop UNICEF's. ex- ternal relations strategy as well as share and promote information and development education. 111t'11 deflnitely be a shock," she says of the much-antlcipated ex- perlence, addlng that it wIl afford her a chance "1to get some perspec- tive onwhat I'm dolng." Bisseli may enter graduate studies in la- ternational relations af- ter completlag her in- ternsblp. "F'il know better at the end o! four montbs whether it's wbat I want to do," she says. She says UNICEF workers are extremely skllled individuals wbereas she really "bas no particular sklll to of- fer." However, letters of recommendation, volunteer experience, good academica and'en- tbusiasm was tbe com- bination tbat led to ber acceptance as an intern. Blssell's work witb UNICEF will t on a voluntary basis, so sbe bas to corne up witb tbe Susan Bisseli funds for ber expenses. Sbe bas managed the rent for ber residence in tbe Brooklyn area of New York but applied for fundlng assistance from various organizations, lacluding tbe Town of Witby. She bas been largely unsuc- £essful. Trinfity College, where sbe la pursuing a degree in international relations witb a major in political science, bas comnitted $300 to ber internsbip. She wlll be lecturlag at tbe college upon ber return and says sbe la willlag to do tbe same for any la- terestedgroup. Bisseil says sbe wasn't even aware of UNICEF until about four years ago. Her volunteer work began about a year and a bal ago after sbe spent a ybear la PuertoRico to learn Spanlsb. She admits she was 44sbocked" at wbat she aaw there, witb obvious class distinctions. She believes tbat about five percent o! the population "live wel" wbile about 75 percent are in casario, or gover- rnmentbhousing. Bisseil declded tben that sbe wanted bands- on experience with volunteer organizations -that aid developing countries. After the 1985 summer spent in researcb for tbe House of Commons commit- tees la Ottawa, a Unliersity o! Toronto professor suggested Ox- ford. Famine Relief (OXFAM) as one iuch organization. .Meyer Brownstone, chairman at tbe Toronto office of OXFAM, got Bisseil on tbe writing staff of OXFAM news- despite wbat Bissel describes as ber lack of a specific skill. OXFAM, sbe says, bas very specific requirements of the in- dividuals who xnay make ita small staff, lit- tie space to work in and littie rnoney to work wlth. «"That's the way you want to see. an organization like that," says Bisseil, noting that the money ls being spent in. the right place. She adds that OXFAM1 also will direct contributions to wberever aid location the contributo; wishes. That's something UNICEF, more politically influeed, can't do, says Biseil.' Bisseil became in- volved with UNICEF Ontario at the Toronto office which has full- time members. She tock training and seminars and visited schools to discusUNICEF. She says there la vir- tually no inrormation in Durbam Reglon about UNICEF. She notes that studenta, just as when she attended Anderson CVI, probably know lit- tie about the organization, since there is no local com- mittee. She herself neyer- knew about the UNICEF boxes carried by studenta la other areas on Halloween. She, says students in Toronto: are well- acqualnted with UNICEF and its projec- ta la other countries. She credits the 44progressive" Toronto Board of Education for that program. "4Lots o! people would love it,11 she says of a UNICEF programn in Durham Region. 5 iUk flE la now avallable et: CENTrRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER " Coll mdCetoi 23 " Super Ouallty Wood Coatinge * 'UNPARALLELEO PERFORMANCE!"ý 295 Rilson Rtd. S.. Oshawa 728-8809. from pg. 4 posure to pltcL wonder hbow se' Of these officiais were ever elected to office. Was it apatlhy, lack. Of knowledge of tbelr ward representative or were they tocobusy tovote on election day?? Whatever the reason, next election we mnust be more aware and gzet out te vote. This wil boep- fuly 'put some mucb needed new blood on our town coundil. Tbe residenta of Blue Grass Meadows bave not given up nor wil tbey give up tbelr op- position to the DNPHC's proposedi project. If we do, a precedent will be set and otber aras. of Witby will find tbem- selves la tbe same situation. Mrs. P. Miler Whitbv THE CORPORATION 0F ~ THETOWNOFWHITBY QUOTATION Q86-22 JANITORIAL SERVICES OPERATIONS CENTRE Quotatons wil! be recelved by Mrs. Gal Gosleigh, Purchaslng Agent, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 19, 1986 for the provislonof janitorlal services at the Town of Whltby Operations Centre durlng 1987 and 1988. Speolficatio'ns and quotation forms are avallable at the Town of Whltby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whttby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarlly ac- cepted. Mrs. Gall Goslelgh, Purchaslng Agent GOSPEL SINO featuring THE MASTERS TRIO WHITBY SENIOR PÙBLIC SOHOOL SUN DAY NOVEM BER 9, 6 P.M. -EVERYONE WELCOME- SPONSORED BY Whltby ChristianAssembly -TOTALUN is a pre-authorized Uine of credit of up to $50,000 or more that can be used at any time for any reason you wish. 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Find out more about TOTAL UNE todlay at your nearest National Trust branch listed in the White Pages. When you need a loan, TOTAL LUNE is ail you need. CIRRUS- s afegsecerd naoIa 0fCIRRUS Sylem nsrc, Introducing - - -- - ----fr- -- ---- - US A- ato- lVitoiaad re- - -tc Cmpn OSHAWA 32 Smcoe St. S. 723-5207 PICKERING Pickering Super Centre WHITBY AJAX -352 Brock St. S. 666-1800 Harwood Place Mail S. -308 Dundas St. S. 668-932 683-7344

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