PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 5,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Southwest Whitby development is ready to boom: developer Thç construction- of a gas bar and donut shop at the corner of Tbilkson Rd. S and Con- sumnors drive can oniy open up the door to fur- ther dovelopment la test ares of the town, possibly even a hotel, says s Wbtby businessman. Don Rogers,' who Don Rogers, owns Signet Slgns and aboutoelght acres of land ln the ares, ia building the servie conter wth hopes test it wIl lesd to an influx of prostigious idustres tothe area. Ail of Whltby la developing excopt this ares," said Rogers, who notes that the ares is centrailly located ln town for any Inciustry. Ho said development i the ares bas been dormant for about ten years but with the ser- vice conter completed it will ha like "gttlng your footitho door."1 That foot ln the door may one day lesd to s hotel, he ssys. "I would rather see a hotel bore than at Brock St.,,, said Rogers wbo idicsted ho la making inqures about abotel. The town is currently doing studios forsa hotei to ha built at the Brock St./401 Interchange, but Rogers would like to see a hotel bult in the Thlckson Rd. S. ares flrst. "I'm looklng atsahotel ln the ares because as a landowner I thlnk it is a btter location," said Rogers. Another person who blleves the service station wlIlbo a catalyst' for tee area Is Whitby esst ward counciilor Joe Drunin. Drumni said ho sees a boom happening i the ares and noted that about four studios -have been carried out on the* ares whlch may have led to a stail on development i the ares. Ho siso sald at one time thore wss talk of a GO station belng built In the ares, whlch ho called a good ides. "lIt is Insane to have just the one station at Brock," ssid Drumni. "The ,government should either put a GO station there or s parking lot wlth buses to take people to 'the station at Brock St.,," saidDruxm. Ho noted thst current plans cail for a second gas station to ha bufit st the Consuniers Dr. snd Thickson Intersection. BUT 'while both Drumni and Rogers were veiry optiniistlc for the future of'the ares, there is a. negative side-DECOM , .Drumm said that If the DECOM waste trsn- sfer station is approved, it will curtail lndustry going intothat area. Rogers also'said ho was against DECOM but said it would have no effect on the gas station and donut store because of the distance separating the two. Rogers said the one- acre service conter wlll house a Country Style Donut Store and a DX galstation. Ho oxpects construc- tion h o eflnisbed by esrly 1987. Two new bus shelters may soon ha goig up in Whitby. Operations commlttee approved the low tender of $7,253 from Skyberg Il 1,1 III I Il I I I III I I I Il I Il I I I I I Il I I I I I I I Le e *' s. SAVE wi l ower heatfng Smd. carrfer.high effkfiency defiversi* SAVE Wbi no paynian or Interest chargs lii1 Apil. 1907 (il paid in ful by April 1, 1967). Buy a arrlerdeluxe nattraf gassiurrvaca no*wand ifs yourdsflpring, with no psy- menf sor fNance chargeaThon psy Mqchmaame n nfutl (by Aptif 11987) or thome canvenlent mofthfy tlan Cam for dotuJI&a " SUPur-effclun - Slash your basing bils nowf " Fumou Carder quuflt - for Yeats of confortabie and refiabe service. " Notfh Amicua bfglt ofeCtion Se therea a »m oftiresperfect for your homne. Get complt* detafis on ouf' no-payneet&ba-plngoet flMINQ k- AIR CONWITIONING, LTD. (IYIAWAWHITBYaJAe 5CK use-111s83575 Aluminuni Products Ltd. of Weston toi con- struct the twè shelters. Tbey wilbo locatedsat the soutbwest corner of Anderson -snd Dundas Sts. and the, corner of Dundas and Cochrane Whltby coundil wil vote on the recommen- dation this Monday night. The other iewl,,.d fro m p.. 5 sors, most notable McDonalds, w ho, collectiveiy, are spending millions. Without question, McDonalds and the others are ln It for the spinoff pu blicity of their own Invoivement. They are uslng their best business acumnen ta promote the Man In Motion World Tour and thereby Increase their own- profile. While some may view this as an Intrusion of crass commer-, ciallsm Into an otherwise squeaky dlean enterprise, l'm In full support- If business finds that charity pays, then everybody wins. Back on tho streets of Whltby, three Bell Canada vehicles proceed past the four corners at 7:35 a.m. announcing over an excessively loud public address systemr that Hansen is only three minutes behind. The announcement Is interspersed with the rock recording "Man *in Motion", composed specially ln honor of Hansen's indomîtable determination. Right on schedule, amid the flashing of police"lights and surrounded by cyciists, joggers and nother wheel-chair athiete, Rick Hansen rolled through Whitby- and rolied into the collective memory of those few hundred who came ta share a cold gray morning with yet another of Canada's strange succession of handicap. ped heroes. .Rlck Hansen's World Tour wlll be a hard act to follow. His legacy may not be as great as Terry Fox, but Terry died In the effort and It was the outpouring of grief that arose from his Ililness and death that Imprinted hlm forever ln the hearts of Canadians. But RIck Hansen Is very much alive and very healthy- and that's what the Man in Motion Worid Tour Is al about Only two applications received Not too many people i Whitby took mucb notice of a desdline that came and went Oct. 31. The desdiine was for appoitmnents to five boards and cominittees i the Town of Whitby. The board /commit- F CANADIAN HOME THERAPY LTD. 24 HOUA HOME SERVICE tees were fenceviewers, the Groveside cemetery board, the Local Archi- tectural Conservation Advisory Committee, plumbers' board of examiners and the property standards commitee. According to town clerk Don McKay, as of last Tuesdsy, two ap- plications- had been received by the town, s low number since some of tee appolntments are psid positions. i'or instance, fen- ceviewers review mat- ters relatig to fonce heights. McKay ssid the board is usuaily cailed in if council cannot han- die tee probiem. An honorarlumn of $20 a day la paid, but the board bas not met in four yesrs. The cemotery board, which administers cemeteries in tee town, LACAC, 1wblch promotes tee conser- vation 0f heritage, and tee plumbers board of examiners are non-paid positions. The property stan- dards comrnittee mem- bors are paid $30 per meeting sttended, although, agai, McKsy said tee comniittee hasn't met i two yesrs. Each sppointment wil last for three yesrs. 185 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONTARIO UiN 4H3 Totephons (416) 430-00U9 Toronto (416) 674-0576 24 Hour Emergoncy No. (416) 4332534 ICE-O-GRIP ldi- B»e FOR CANES AND CRUTCHES O U -Makesewelking ln lau & snow caler. -Easy instefallan: 2 screws to, tighten. -5 Staffless steel pronge for exra grip. 'Fils aIl standard canes & crut cffts. -Ffip-up easlly when flot in cse. OBUS'Formo, a unique Medicel Device for the treatment of bac*kdiscomfort. THIS LOCATION WILL PROVIDE AWIDE RANGE 0F CONVALESCENT AND REHABILITATION, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE IN ADDITION TO OUR PRESENT HOME OXYÃ"EN AND RESPIRATORY THà Â~PY SERVICE Two new bus shelters for town HndnSok Iimited JAMES R. YANCH, 8.8c., C.G.>. Gordon F. Sedgewtcic, C.A., Managing Patner of 1the Oshawa office of DeloItie Haskings & Selle, la pieased ta annaunce ha1 James R. Yanch, B.Sc., C.G.A., hie joinad our FIrm and wiliiba In charge of our Insolvency depariment. Jim hie msny years experlence In the lnsolvency field and ob talned hie trustees licence In 1983. JIm lesa Iffetime resident aof1the are&. Delotfe Hat ns & Selle LlmIted ta able ta offer bth Indlyduals and bsînessas 1the rfght combi nation af skiffs and experince In deaftng with &Ilf1Ifnanclai prabteme. 0ur finenclal expertise fln- cludes businesua revlews, cefvershlp snd bankreptcy services, agent for secured credîfors and fnanolal consultate. CUT N' DRY NEW LOCATIO0N 116 ATHOL ST., WHUTBY 668«0891 1 PAY ZiD EU- il O-Li