Parking ,-willl ha prohibited on both aides of Taunton Rd. in the vlcinity of the McLean Auction Centre In Whit- by. Durham regional council passed the by- law iast week. A rezoning ap- plication had been made earlier tins year by Rosa McLean to permit the existing use of an auc- tion hall as an exception to the agricultural zone. At a public meeting, residents asked about parking provisions during auctions. The Town of Whitby suggested Wo the region that parking not be perxitted o >n the northi aside of Taunton Rd., Denis O'Connor school news. by LIZ ARUTA This week I have a lot of information for al ofyoMso hold tight. Frt of al, every year at Denis O'Connor Hlgh School a yearbook contest is held. This contest Is for students who wish to enter a design whlch they hope wil ha chosen as the cover of the book for that year. This year's winner was Siobhan Wood, who, for her entry, will also receive $25. Marc Richards also entered a cover picture but did not win?, however, because ina was also well done, it wiil be placed elaewhere in the book. He received $10 for his effort. On Nov. 2, Kevin White, Paul McCarney and Bernadette Heard represented DO'C in the Rick Hansen."Mfin In Motion Tour." The t.hree ran fr or 0kilometres aloniaside Rick. ÂII in ail, the experience was both fun and wor- thwile for thethreestudents and for ail those who participated ini the Ajax-Pickering leg of his tour. In sports, our curling teama have been busy. Pat Kirby's team beat Sean Moshenka's with a score of 6-2. Maria Mikac's team defeated Brian Arnoba's by a close score of 2-1. A special thanks goes out to Gord Thompson for his instructions. On Oct. 30, our girls basketball teama held a double header against Paul Dwyer Higli Sehool. Our junior girls won easlly with a score of 26-19. Leading the scoring were our Fisher twins, with Heidi nétting 10 and Heike w ith 8, Our midgets were overconie by a good Dwyer team. The score was 24-13 at the end of the fourth quarter. In their second league game, our hockey team defeated Eastdaie Coilegiate by a close score of 4-3. Steven Murphy,- Mike Murphy and Harry Chow each played a strong game in net. Goal scorers were Tom Devereaux, Jamie Laprieux, Ed Day and Tom Torrna. Our boys hockey teap played their ffist league game agaimst Harwood Secondary Sch ool and lost a tough one by a score of 5-3. Scorers were Rob Busky, Tom Torma, and Barry Murphy wlth one each. Though our field hockey team's seascin is over, we can by very proud of their accom- pllshments. On Oct 23, our girls competed i the DYSSA Tournatnent. The girls came away with a forth. place finish. Margot Jeiliman shail get speclil attention as she was leagüe high scorer, as weil as coach Elynnand the rest of the team. *The winners of the recent paper airpiane contest were as follows: Lee Ana Hardy with a tinie of 7.8 seconds, Kevin White with 6.35, Brian Van Hezewjk, 6.25; John Forshaw, 5.55. Even though the prizes were not very grand, those who entered had a great tume. Wth the heip of Mr. Cameron, everything weat off without a hitch. DO'C hosted a nioween dlan- ce. To get into the spirit of Halloween a discount of $1 was offered to those wearing a costume to the dance.. Also on Oct. 31, DO'C students wore their costumes and prizes were given out to the best -costumes In each grade. ALidfinaily, we at DO'C experienced an ex- tra day of rest and relaxation. Nov. 10, the day before Remenibrance Day, was a P.D. day. We were allowed a day of solitude and remembrance for those who died for us in wà r. I hope ail of you not only used this tume to have fun, but to reflect on the lives of those who gave us the freedom to live today. A.ward winner TRUDY WILSON of :IR 1, Ashburn, holds her, award given Nov. 1 by the Durham West Junior Farmers as top press reporter of ail 4H clubs in the Durham West area. Trudy la a member of the South Ontario 4H Club. Cancer unit exceeds 1986,goal The Souths Durhami unit of the Canadian Cancer Society bas sur- pasaed its goal for the 1985-86 fiscal year ended Sept. 30. Witby exceeded ità goal of $U,000 as a total of $83,000 waa returned to thse society. Thse Wbitby Kiwanis Club ran a bike ride 12 Days of Christmas Fromp. 9 for kids at tChelilbrary. The party will be held twice througis the day, «'Santa'a Workabop"' froni 10 to 11:30 a.m. and open for visita and from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25. A Christmas movies, will craft show and demon- be ahown and crafts will atration will be held in be made. The deadline thse workasop the for registration is Nov.- following day, Wed- 28. nesday, from 10 a.m. to On Dec. 2, tise banka 5 p.m will be putting out boxes Tisuraday, Nov. 27, la to accept toys from actually the first day shoppera in the toy drive when Santa wil ha in for the needy. Toys can the workshop. The kids ha handed in until Dec. can get their picture 23. taken with Santa froni On Wednesday, Dec. 3 noon to 8 p.m., as long, the Whltby Senior 'Con- as their parents have a cert Band wlll ha down- store voucher. The towa to play at the four workshop will also ha cornera (Dundas and open Friday, Nov. 28, Brock Sts.), hatween noon to 8p.m. 4:3Oand5:30p.m. Primary achool studen- A window-dressing ta from Wintby wil ha contest for downtown downtown Nov. 28 to businesses wlll eha eld decorate the stores of Dec. 4. Judging of businesses in the after- stores with beat Christ- noon. mas display in the win- On Saturciay, Nov. 29 dows will take place. Wi11 eha eld a uiu Santa's workahop will bulb excuange evîQue again ha open Dec. 4, The BIA has invited noon to 8p.m. area chaiity The workshop is again organizations, 65 ina ai, open Friday, Dec. 5, downtown. They W;1l ha noon to 8 p.m. and wiil handing out colored agam haeopen Saturday, Christmas bulba in Dec. 6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., retuma for donations the day of the parade. given and those The Santa Claus receiving buiba are to parade completes the exchange them with the Twelve Day wite buiba on the celebration. The parade town's Christmsas tree. starts at 10 a.m., wlth The more colorfui'the the County Town tree becomes, thse more Singera and Whitby's Town Crier on the BIA float. The singera and donations have been Witby Senior Concert given. Band wil ha dowintown after thé parade. Tis special day wiil A contest wil ha heid also have carollers and during the Twelve Days, hot ider as well as hor- to win a trip, for two to se-drawn buggy rides Las Vegas,' courteay through town. Wesîl>y's World 'of The Twelve Daya Travel. The daw wil resume Monday, Dec. 1 ha held Dec. 20. Tickets with a Christmas party are available in atomes. which returned $10,000. Beta Sigma Phi sorority returned $10,552 -from the sale of daffo-dils. The society says ef- forts of area captaina and reaidential can- vassers also contributed to these uccesaful cani- paign. Dump From p. 2 with a landfill site sear- ch. Metro owns the Brock Road landfill site in Pickering. Stoner said Metro had aiready begun "drawing thse legal uines" over a future Ian- dfill site in Durham Region. Metro is not ia- volving the region in ts search, she aaid. Brock mayor Allan McPhall said the region can't begin to locate a site until tise province provides the guidelines. "«It's. almost im- possible whèn the province is not clear about the ules," be said. Regionà l chairman Gary Herrema said he had looked over poten- tial sites for a landfill site during a helicopter tour of the region, but he did not identify the areas. Chief administrative officer, Don Evans is preparing a report on a landfiil site search. From p. 16 sonnel. However, for thse ap- proximately 900 eiementary fran- cophone atudents FLEC wiil ha responsible for providing facilities and programming, and for deciding on wbo can ha admitted, Lagroix said. FLEC wWl also make arrangements for pur- chasing services froni Frencis-language secon- dary achonla outside the WHIE<Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESUAY, Parking prohibited region as there are none in Durhami. Currentiy, the board has 22 secondary students attending Mon- signor de Charbonnel tisrough a purchase agreement with the Metro Toronto Sepamate Board and 130 secon- damy students attending Etienne Bruie tuirougis a purchase of service from the Durham Board of Education, which in turn has purcisased that service frons Norths *York Board Of Education. The latter agreement la a leftover from pre- Bull 30: days when separate boards did not have fuil funding for secondary scisools. When the present Durhsamiseparate achool students at Etienne Bruie graduate, thia service will no longer ha purchaaed from the public board. from Garrard Rd. west to tihe limita of tihe McLean property at 870 Taunton Rd. E. Thse region's works committee, however, recommended no parking on both saides of the road. A works committee report stated that neighboring residents had com- plained about the danger of exiting from their driveways with veincles parked along tise*shoulder. With no parking on the shoulders, residents would have a clear view of traffic in the 80 km/hr. apeed zone on the road. Br~k1in Byines By DETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cali 655-3679 wlth'items for this column Last week, this colusan had gone to press before I heard about the fire bomblng of the phone booth downtown. I hope that none of my readers think that I condone such terrorist actions, that maliciously destroy property, not to mention endangering life and limb. I doii't. Such actions are completely irresponsible and the perpetrators should be deait with severely. ,. What I was alluding to last week was the harmless pranks played by midnight maraudera whose victims took an equal deliglit in trylng to trick the cuiprits in return. The best of these have carried down through the years and still provide use with a chuckle or two. One of those incidents I heard about from my father. A bunch of husky young lads dragged a farm wagon fromn one farmn to the nhext (a fair distance) where they dlsmantled it, carried it piece by plece to the barn roof and reassenibled it. When they were finlshed, one of their number, who unknown to them was the owner of the wagon, laughingly ordered, "Ail right lads, we've had our fun, now let's take'er backi1" 0f course, everyone with a rural background is familiar with the old backhouse caper in which the object was to push over this forerunner -of the modemn bathroom. Every once in a while an enter- prising owner, anticipating this dastardly deed would plan a uine of defence. A popular method was to move the edifice a few feet over leaving a particularly odiferous booby trap. I'm sure there's more than one gen- tleman in the community who feil for that when he was a boy. Nowadays wagons and outhouses are as scarce as penny candy treats but surely young people haven't changed so much that if they Must, release their excesenergy in hi- jinks, they can't use a little ingenuity and come up with something that woi'ld give us al a laugh. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Frosty's Froiic, by the United Church women takes place this Saturday, Nov. 15 and Il to 3. There wiil be baklng, crafts, a country store and many other interesting tables to peruse. Plan on staying.for lunch when the Tes Room wili feature homemade soup and sandwiches plus sinfuiiy delicious littie squares, ail for $3.50. No matter what *the weather, you will be able to pick upi some In. teresting glfts In the friendly waârmth of the Christian Education building. Next Saturday, Brooklin lQay Nursey at 14 Church St., across from Mitchell Lumber, wiii hoid its ffrst annuai Bazaar. Take the chlldren to this one as there are fun activities pianned for thém such as face painting as weli as giving them an opportunlty to do, a littie shopping of their own. For the aduits there wlli bc crafts, homemade candy and baklng and a white elephant table. It runs from 10 to 4 and everyone is welcome. F'ASHiObi SHOW Ashburn Scouting Group Committee wrnl present a fashion show and sale of Weekenidér Ladies Wear at Burns Presbyterian Church hall on thursday, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. These are versatile wash and wear fashions designed for the everyday, woman. Tickets are $4 per person and are' avallable at'the Ashburn General Store or by calling 655-4101 or 655-884. Cash, cheque or Visa wiil be accepted for purchases. Proceeds go to assist Ashburn Scouting ac- tivities. M ii school board is elected q 1