Whitby Free Press, 12 Nov 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 241 WEflNESDAY., NOVEMBER L2, 1906, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~FI[DAD~ USED DESKS; filée; aorage qebinets, siackivg office chairs, at>F ~adjualable eheiving, store dispiays. Blars New and Ueed, 21 Aies Ave., Woodbridge. Phase' (416) 851-8100. near Hwy. 7 end 400, MonFri. 9-5, St. 10-1. $50,000 WORTH of gond butcher end grocery equlpmeni going et hait price. Dyck's Food Mart, 150 Coler St., Barrie, Ontarin L4M 1 H7<(705) 728-5339. CUSTOM MADE matcbing living rnom and dinlng rnom shoera, lvnry with gold aversheera, 25 I. for living' ornm and 10 fi. for ' dinling room, excellent condition, SM5. Phone 68&5180. $$SACRIIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ buildings prlced for Immediale liquidation. Ail Items in stock. 26n40x14 83,996. 40x6Oxl4 $86,500. 48x80x14 $9,250. 70x9Ox24 $21,789. Varinue sizes avallable Up ta 120 fI. aide. Fac- tory direct clearance. Serinua buyere only. Ail builinga priced fnr Immeiale delivery cail tol. freo 1.80:37.2115 or 1418-858- 2448. ROUND OAK pedesial table for sale, 6 matchlng chairs, 5 leaves for table, ail ln encollent con- dlion, asklng $1.395 or boat cffer for sol, muei seif. Alan clarinel for sale, $100. Cali 8836838.0 GEOTYPE preson letterlng nom n stock el Dckssan Prinlng & 0f- ice Supplies ln theAa Shop- ping Plaza. Large sefection nf styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smaller sheot of letoring? 883.18. HAMMOND eloctranlc argan, 2 keyboards, aulomnatin rhythm section, Binail nladed, $900. -ilgh Fidelity apeakter system, 70 matas, air suspension, 121 woofer, 5" mldrange, 3' tweeter, brillance contrai 28'x16'lxll 1, $160 pair. Pioneer bell drIven fur- niable, magneilo carridge, anti. skating and overhang checker wlih duet nover, $78. Phono 868- 4098. CHESTERFIELD wilh mainhlng chair, anaeivel chair, 8300, mili deliver. Calil871-0888. FRIGIDAIRE 30' electric afove, avocado green, Vary gnad con. dllon, $175. COeil433-4889. LOVESEAT plush maierlal In brown and beige. $200 or boni of- fer. Liko oew. Simpsonn eara humidifier, 23 Plno, $40 or beat offer. Beautlivne heany duiy masseger wllh stand brand nea, $60 or boaf oifer. 68.80afler 5. OLO WR8TWATCHES WANTED. Any malte. One or ana hundred. Oid ROLEX wrlstwaches wan- ted. Also wanted Entons 'Guarter Century' square arletwathea (25 yrs. service). Wi pay $200 andup for ibis match. 00111 aiea buy siraps, crysials, parts, etc. for ai d alsatches. 416) 365- 7240 or write B. Walsh,. 173 Oseen St. E., Toranin, Ont. MSA 1S2. SNOW 8LOWER, tan meed osiers, sallsanding uni, marier miner, mudders and rimn, essar- iment of Iniertocklng bricks, 1 single bed & dresser, 1 fur coas aize 14.68-87396. MATTRESSES and box eprIngs ai hall prIce. MoKeon Fumiisre, 524 Simca. Street Mouth, Oshawa. 7255181. HOMELITE oloctrin genorsar, 800 a, used once, liste ai aver $500,oui$350. 855-3413, afior 5 p.m.0 HARD WATER PROBLEMS? In- troduclng the mafor saffanor ibsi daosn't use soii. No mare iugglng boavy baga of caetiysaIt. Other mflonors reoae calcium and aibor good.for.yos minorais. W* danit add sai ta your mator or ramnons beneficial minorais, becauso thtas ot fgood for you. Other safieners laito Up lots of room, use *lotricIty, requirs bacltmaaing, co&LRptny laIn- atlland too, mucb ta maintain. W. dont. Oeil toit fr5. 1-800-268- 2666 for beeliblor, botterliasting cieansr.asabing waser. CANON 31OXL Super 8 mavie caerar&lth 8.5 - 25.5 mm 200M Ions, encllant condition, asking $125 or boat aller. Phono8686- 2271,evnIngs.0 LAWN SWEEPER Lambert 26" ad)usisblo hoighi, eucellent con- dItian (hardly used), rtalis for $100 - a borgain ai $80. Phase 855-4990. GOOD USED Furnilure and sp- pitances. Gai somoihIng io 801, Givo John a yeti. My Dad'a Store, 118 Brack St., S., Wbltby, 430- 0561. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Worltshiris $2.75, marispanis $3.50, maricboois $15. Par ceislag, tend $2 (relmbursed frst order): Mlltary Surplus, Bou 243, St. Timalbeo, Quebon JOS iXO. NuARC PLATEMAKER, Whtby Fre0 Press 686111. CHESTERFIELD suites, »ansais, sectIonals, Ions than 1k prie. Largo slectIan. MoKeen Fumilture, 524 Blmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. 4e4 Wsinster Pendulums $26, Quartz Moements, Berometern, Ennlroien, Baeos, Pons Sois, Banis-Siai Musicls. Digitale, Discount Pricesi Free catalaguet Marco Sates, 888Selkirkt, Vas. couver, .C. VIP 4J5. 14W84) 281- 4245. GUN BARGAINSU Bave up ta, 40% by subscriblng ta, "The Gunrennor" The Canadien mas- thiy nemnpaper listing, bundreds af nolused, modern and antique firearmn for sale or trade. But)- acriptlon $17 yosr. Guvruvner, Box 585K< Lethbridge, Atta. TIJ 3Z4. ampte $1.W0. STEEL BUILDING PRE.WIHTER Fectary clearance. Stralgbl mal or quansst styles. Certain sizen ai secilidiscounts. Bave ihousanris. Llmled quantity. Phono PlonnorlEcanaspan tolifree. 18003876896. NEVER FORGET TO TURN YOUR HEADLUGHTS off againt Malte yaur car mono visible on the rand mithout the morry af a dead bai- tory. Great siocklng stuffer. The headlIgf\I raminder sImply piugs Int fuse psnelt$9.95 plus TaxsIn- clude $2 shlppingthavdling. ViSAIM/C Cobourg, Ontsrio KOA 4W4. Ordera shlpped same day. FOR SALE giris figure sltates, size 2, $15. ObIliri ezed skating heimet, $7. Phone 668-1116. KITCHEN otecirlo malimount globe ilght fIxture, off mhie lih paInted rose rIm, braonasd goid, $5. Pot igbt recessed celilvg flturs. $4. Change table, white, 825. RaInbarrel, $5. Eighi pins rallings, $20.855-4882. 0 CASH REGISTER - Bmoda model VBA251. WhItby Fr00 Pionas 888- 6111. WOOD TABLE and 5 upholniored chairs $525, portable follet $25, Cedur chesi $325, 2 church bon- chos 8100 each, 4-ploce double bedroom e st iih mlrrared desis, stoal and hlghboy drenser $525. Wood table milh pull oui beaves, china cabinet and 4 chairs $525. Prîces negotiabie. 888-8684. VISIT aur used furIturo marhouse by appoinimeni. Big savlrgs an desks, chairs, fillng cabinets, etc. Oeil Dicksan Prin- ing & Office Supplies la arrange an eppaintmonl la vlem. 683- 1988. FOR SALE dMet1e table, square, chrome legs, sose6, expanding ta agat 8, $5.68-81896. e 3M PHOTOCOPIER -aider modei. 6B-61 11. ENTRNCE SYSTEM PRE-HUHO NSULATED STEEL, (ram AIRTIGHT Canvor monritovo, Inss(nia rogular fireplace, glesn door, gaid trlm, asking $225. Phone 888-0053. e LSHAPED CHESTERFIELD, 7 seaier, gond for cottage or roc. raom $200.7286700. ELECTROHOME humidiflir. $60. Fond proconnor, Moulines, hardly unod, $55. Phone 688-.1328. e MATTRESSES AND BOX. SPRINGSup ta 50% off. Therepedlc, Sleopklng, Bayresf, Burreil. My Dad's Store, 118 Brocok Si. S.. Wlfby, 430-0581. USED STORE display rcks for books and carde, Wbliby Free Fress, 868-811. LAPEL PINS: Enamel, gnld, lilvor buse, 2 calaurs. 250 - 81.25 each. $49 set up, 50% deposit, blance C.0.0. Gardon Lundy Llmiiod 5. 2485 Lancanter, Ottawa, Ont. Ki B MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL 13 99 PRE.PAINTED S' SHEETS (NOMINAL) IN STOCK$ FROMen ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS$1 9 OVER 150 IN STOCK, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 08.a ALUMINUM LADDERS $2 9 STEP à EXTENSION - IN STOCK. trameu Il189U, ALCAN VINYL SIDINO 59 WHITE OR IVORY, V' DOUBLEDOUBLE 4", $9 DOUBLES' q 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE $199 SCRATCHED à DENTED. OVER 300 IH STOCK es0. GARAGE DOORS 12099 WOOD à STEEL IN STOCK, tramen CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIGFORD Aîumînum Sales Ltd. R. R. 3 Brighton, Ont. Mon.-Fri. 8-5 (613)4750521 SOFA à CHAIR $300. Cotfe table, $35. Sieoe stand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Black emIvol ronker, $90. Toi. Bus. 441- 7880, Home 831.9199. 0 BUILDING FOR SAL. Miracle Spas FaitiSpeclala. Three buildings lofti avor rom National Show. Example: 40x40 complote aith doors $5.299. Othor sizes ta, chooce from. Oelil Miracle Span ialttree 1-800-387-4910. WATER PROBLEMS? on- troduclng Nom Tochnlgy for ireatIng meuse & clniems, offering souce la faucet protection ibraughaui ontIre mater system. RUSTY . . .SMELLY . . . BAD TATNG . .. WATER, bectoria. stalning, & mare. Ha sait or moey chomicals ... mantenan- ce free. Se the reeulte for yaur- soif altb aur 8.mavth trial affor. Oelil noa tollfraeo14300268.2656 or arie Azen Water Purification Systoas, 203-1030 Kamata Rd.. Miessssauga, Ont. Arn oode 807 cati -4184624-4344 clloot>., BOYS HOCKEY EOUIPMENT. Skates size 7,$15; Coapereil pan- le $10, helmel miih mask $20. holmet alihoul mask 810, foot- bal belmet $18 aiso reciior chsir ailh heator and vibrator $45, round ktchen table gond con- dition $20, rallor skates sîze 7 $20. 5799167. AIR-TIOHT stove, 2-poare aid, M50; Culligan mater sofloner, S30; 10 gallon aquarium & stand, $25; queon-slze dusi ruile, $20. 6881891. TYPEWRITER rentai, many maltesasd modela, by the aeekend. aeek or monih Discounts avallable. Dcksar. PrIntIng & Oftice Supplies ln the Aa Plaza. Oeil us for business machine repaire. 883-1988. 1985 DODUE CHARGER, 4 cyl., 2.2L, 5 speed, air, pe, pb, AMIFM sieres, awhie mals, Immaculate condition, 2,000 ighaay miles, lady drIven, 8,595. COleifl 8484 or 888-200. 1885 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 miles, 6 cyl., 5 speed, PS., p.b., filti, msny exiras, $12,400. 855- 4682, after8 pm. a 19800105S98 Regency 350, nilver exieriar, blue Inierior, loaded wllb options, only 86,000 km, wel malntainod, anking $5,200 cor- ilflod. 855-4712. 1980 OMEGA $3,000, 4 door, 78,000 km, new peint, certiiied, manual trannmssion, vo rusi, Vit, 2.5Loengins, 1 awnor.888l580. 1979) FORD LTD. an 15, bonI affor. 68"371. 1979 DATSUN 310 GX 0 npeed, 83,000 original miles, new paint, AMIFM siOreo, certli ed $2,450. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., gond can- dllon, $1,200 or boni 0(1er. Toiephono 888.765. 1977 HONDA Haichback, 4 spsed? nom cluich, robulIt mnior, needs body mark, $700 or bosi of- fer. 808-8528. 1977 OAT8UN F10 gnnd ongino, bndy (air, vo runi, valve lob end gond tiren, $850 as . Phono 688 8457. 1978 VALIANT an ln $500. Very iam mloeage. 1974 Caugar, pb, air, sierea In gaad condition, $500 as le.t68-.2323 aller 4 p.m. 1973 BUICK Ceniury 350-4 aulumatlc, ps., phb., mad and tiren test fait, needs same body maris, esklng $40 or boni cifer, as la. Phono 7234.833 1972 PONTIAC Venure 8300. as na or boni citer. 434-1838. 1907 FORD GALAXY, 5OOXL, convertible, ps, pb, robulIt 289 malar, AMIFM cassette mltb oqulilzer. nom tires, braes. car- pet pus mare, certif led $5.500 or trado. 728-0700. 1995 81G RED. Boat offor. 68.3. 7234. 1978 DOOGE Tredesmen 300 Van, carpet and pavot, extended roof, asklng $3,000 or boat affor, 66&. 3991, aftor8 pre. 1974 FORD pick Up 'là 10n F100, $450. 1977 Oide Delta 88, driven daliy, cao bu cortified, $M5 or of- fer. 1975 Camara, noods body mark, runs gaod, SM5 or 0f for. 723-2818 or 438"115. 1987 GMC pick up track aicab. Runs gond. 6 cyl. standard. $300 asl.68.-1026. SHOW TIRES ima Uviroyal steel boliod radial, P185180 R13, $60. Tmo steel bolted radial, GR78-15, $W. Tma F78-14, $30. Ail tires mounieon rimnOCali 886&3418. FOUR VARI fit 14'x6" chromo mire basket wbeels and four Uslroysi Tger Pam E70x14 tires, $200. Four 8.F. Gondrich Eura TA. 23516OHR14 on 4 Cheviot hat mire aiumlnum mbheeis 14"x7" io fit 79 and Up MustengiCaprI, 80 and Up T-BrdlCnugar, ail brand nom, coal $1200. Bell for $950 (Inn. Complete ave nom set (4) Cragar SIS aheel spinners, $45. 318 mainr (gond>, 8250. 1980 225" auper niant six and automeailo transmission (gond), $250. Phone 855-3266. PARTS FOR a 1983 heif tan truckt, 8 cyl. malor, A-i conditian, $150. 655-3410. 2 CHEVETTE snow tiren and nimn Ilile nem. 2 - P235-15 ennamttres os rima for Fard W-ion. Best af- fer. 855.3257. TO SUY OR SELL used auto par. te, Oel .579.5344, ask for Henry. ACCORDIAN 'Scandailli', 120 base, ladies size, lise nea, $900 finv, Orges.- Lowry Magie Genle 88', eleciriz, like nom. $3,000firm, replacement value $5.000.Teli 655-4480. MUSIC LESSONS - Whltby location. Basic piano or tbeory taughi. Adulte prferrod. Reasabio rates. 666-4060 after 4 pm. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, S maie puppies. CKC reglstored, shois, demarmed and bamersised, good wlth oblidran, rnnn.sheddlng and non-allergie, 8400 oacb. Oeil Purt Perry <418> 985%1960. POODLE PUPPIES, mhite .miniatures maes$ 250. (705>8652. 7238. DISCOVERY GRAMPIAN 20, lisai lInerlor, 0' besd mam, sloops 5 adulte, hoad, extensive Invontory. Sale family boat. $18,500 negotilble. 888.3243. 1981 OUTBOARD MERCURY, 115 HP, power tit, trira, complote miib gouges, cavirole and 10 galion gas tank. Asltlng $2700. Bic SaIlboard, brerd nom, coni $799. Bellt5$M. 0010er prjoci, 10' BSasFies, tunnet haut, kid boast, still I n craie. Cosi $975, sefi 0550. 1 deplh sounder, complote alib tranaducer $200. 728-6700. Classified Ads Are People Movers .they move People Into homes and apartments trn new nelghbourhoods. if you're thlnklng of buying, seîlng or réentîng, advertîse In "Whltby's Most WideIy Read" Cîassified section. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111, 2-YEAR OLD REGISTERED Quar- ter Staillian, Bay, profosslanally trained for ReInivg. 7-Year Old Regleterad ihproughbrod Goling 15.2, Bay, Trillilur Cir- cuit. BracobrIdge (705) 845-4354 atler9 p.m, PURESRED SIMMENTAL SALE, Sunday, Nov. 23/561 p.m. 52 bead oI brod coas, helfere, bull calvea, JERICO 2X Influence. JERICHO FARM, Part Perry 41) 9884109. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ...RUY .UU JUST CALL 668,6111 1 Watch for.New 1, Classified Ad Rates to be Announced Soon ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertîsement for errors on the first Visa card ready when cailing. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no llability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic TS ETS-$70 o h is 10wrs 2 ah alleged to arise throughfailure or delay in forwardlng errors in publication beyond the cost of thse space occupied diRtUS, A THl 70 o h is 0 words;1ec such replies. We will ot be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of thse first insertion. dinlwr. replies-not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50owords; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43o pet line. (No word adsallowed>. to insert or cancel Emporium Adi. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 M"

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