PAGE 2. WEINESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1986q, WHITEw Region 'derelict' says Stoner Durham Region lias beeri "derelict" in not putting aside funding for waste management, says Pickering coun- cillor Norab toner. Stoner says the reglon wiii soon have to deal with the "politicai and financial probiemsl' that wiil arise when a site is needed. "We are about to be buried under a rnound of garbage uniess we do something," added Whitby councillor Tom Edwards at iast week's meeting of regional council. "We don'thave provision for our gar- bage disposai now. " Newcastle councillor Pauline Beal began discussion when she neted that Halton Region had spent milions looking unsuc- cessfully for a landfill1 site. "Is that what we have te face? " she asked. "Yes, we're going to be, don't kid yeurself," said Stoner, neting that it wii l ase cest Durham Region 'la good deal of rntney." Whitby ceuncillor Gerry Emm, the region's works commit- tee chairman, said that, unlike Halton, Durham was in a different situation because Metro Toronto was involved See p. 21 MIRTRIM. Wait UntilDark FINE performances help to guy Roat, played with evil relish by distingulsh the Whitby's Little Graham Gautier, confronts Susie, Theatre production of the thriller the blind woman, played superbly by Wait Until Dark, to resuine this Jane Loveday. Henry Schregardus Thursday, Frlday and Saturday directs. For tickets, eall 668-1171 or night at the Whitby Centennial 668-806. building on Centre St. S. Above bad LAWN & GARDEN SNERVICE iNow bokng flauUly d eavestreugli cleanlng U Reasonable prices. I 725-300 * By Mike Johnston Fearirtg that tbe Coming soon SBrooklin Home Town Guistmas ' Watich For More Detadas restoration and ann ual eperatien of the Lynde House would cost Whit- by taxpayers $1 million dollars over the next five years, Whitby council bas given ownership ef the house te Cullen Gardens. The decision was made Monday nigbt by council te transfer ownersbip to Cullen Gardens fellowing. a meeting last week witb the Witby Historical Society. At the meeting, coun- ilors were told that the society's number one mandate was a com- munity museum for Whitby and that they would be willing te manage the Lynde House on a contract basis with the town and report annually to town council. Council was also made aware that witbout the society's in- volvement, tbey would be in no position teob- tain provincial and federai grants. "'There wiil be ne grants avaiable Unfless the society was in- volved. And witbeut the grants the five-year cest to taxpayers would be $1,084,000," said court- ciilor Ross Batten. "I think it is wise and prudent to accept the of- fer cf Cullen Gardens.,"l The Figures were supplieua iy the society which showed that it weuld cost $250,ooo- te restore the house and $160,000 to operate on an annual basis. Council had asked Len Cullen, owner of Cuilen Gardens te enter inte a long-term lease with the town, but Culien, in a letter te council, said he could net support that idea as it would be an "incumberance on cm' property.". Before the motion was read by councillor Je Bugeili, each ceuncillor stood and gave bis tbeugbts on the move and not ahl of tbem were in favoreofit. Ceuncillor Joe Druznm said that ceun- ci] knew tbere would be a bigh cost involved when the'decisien was made te move the bouse te Cullen Gardens. "There should be rtc price on a priceless eb- ject and we are giving away a prlceless eb- ject," saidDrumm.1 "The tewn preserves bistery itself. Tbere is a price te pay and I believe we sbould pay tbe price." said Drurrm. Ceuncilor Gerry Ertm aise epposed tbe move, cencurring witb Drumm's remarks and adding tbat there is ne guarantee tbe bouse will remain as a historic ar- tifact. Cullen Garden$ bas reserveci tbe rigbt te alter tbe interior of tbe bouse if it is net finan- cially viable after tbree years. Members of tbe Wbit- by Historical Society believe the bouse was te be given te Cullen Gar- dens tbe moment tbe tewn decided te move the bouse te tbe Whitby INSURA'NC E COSTS SOARINGI! BEFORE YOU RENEW YOUR AUTO OR HOME INSURANCE, CALL AND COMPARE.... For a complota Inaurance revIew, cati and arrange a mutuaiiy convenient appointment ..0f course there la no obligation PETER DI LELLO 24 RESOLUTE CRESCENT N WHITBY August 15 to Buy any of the November 29, foilowIng new 1986 Stihl chain saws: SUhl 011 AVEG, 024 Supen Wood Boue, 028 Super, 034 AVEO. 038 Magnum, WO Form Boa@ end 056 Magnum. UV. ISend 21'bors only. 986se GET THI$ FRJEE! DURHAM EQUIPMENT-RENTALS 1230 DUNA-- ST. E. (Speedy Auto Plaza) WH ITBY 668-0880 . - A auk-N..F