WHITBY FREE PRESS9 WEDNESDAV, NOYEMBER 19y The Twelve Days Of! Chri*stmas 19B69 PAGE 11 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 TRIM A TBEE CONTEST This is the first day of the twelve days of Christmas. Corne sbare in the excitenient of the Trini A Tree Contest. Partlcipating downtown banks bave generously donated Christmnas trees to be decorated by the cbildren of local day care centres. You can watcb the children carefully put up their handrnade Cbristrnas decorations on this rnorning. Eacb tree will be judgèd In the afternoon by the Witby Jaycettes and the winning day care centre will be awarded a prize. li TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 DECORATING SANTA'S WORKSHOP Santals beadquarters will be located at 125 Irock Street South this Chrstmas. You are invited for a sneak preview to see it being transforrned into bis worksbop while Santals helpers busiiy put on the finishing toucbes before his arrivai on Thursday. Corne ini and enjoy a cup of bot cider between 10: 00 and 2: 00 today. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 AN OLD FASHIONED CRAFT SHOW AND DEMONSTRATION Local craftspeople will be demonstrating and selling uniue and old fashioned craf ts in Santals Worksbop. Enjoy this unique opportunity between 10:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. and bavea cup of bot apple cider while you watch tbe dernonstration. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 SANTA'S WORKSHOP Today is your first chance to bave your picture taken with Old Saint Nick. Santa will be in bis workshop between 12:00 & 8:00 p.m. Get your voucher for a free picture frorn one of the friendly downtown merchants. L CANADIAN HOME THERAPY LTO. 24 HOUA HOME SERVICE New lime of reliable, cost-effective wheelchafrs for institutional and rentai use. 1000 Series wheelchairs are widely accepted. Wideiy accepted by Institutions, Individuel users' and as a rentai chair. The most Important features are combined ln a reliabie, cost-effectlve design. Corne ln or cail and taik to one of our heipful and courteousýstaff!1 185 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 4H3 -Telephone (416) 430-0039 Toronto (416) 674-0576 24 Hour Emsrgency No. (416)>433-2534 THIS LOCATION WILL PROVIDE A WIDE RANGE 0F CONVALESCENT AND REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES AND SERVICE IN ADDITION TO OUA PRESENT HOME OXYCIEN AND AESPIAATOAY THERAPY SERVICE B