WHIITBY FREE PRESSe WEDNESDAYe NOVEMBER 199 1986, PAGE,25 'ji it WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ I ~UNCEMENTS ~ fl BUSINESS HELP ~~ES *~à ~ Im~aoe '~~J ~~~INI~G OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WAi41E~ UMtEMPLOYED? The inam- ptoyed Help Centra cen sut <with: Emptayment Caunaeiling <Reaumes, tJnemptoyment tn- surance, Wartners' compen- sation, O.H.i.P. and walfera In- formation, or criais raterrats ta otheragenctea. cati 579-821. j MAN WITH TRUCK wtti detivar fumiture, hetIp yau ta maya, ctean Up back yards and basements and Ormait odd lobs. Very ressonable ratas. cail - 855-8geM. AFTER NOUAS *ABYSITTING. Weekenda, evnnga, amas shopping or emergaocy sitttng avaiteble la my home. $2lhaur. cal Marie 8e8-377e. WILL DO BABYSITTING ta my home. Hat meat supptied. 668- 5578. LET ME INTRODUCE your 3-5 year aid to the magie ot computera. Individuel attention, reasonabta rates. Phone EARLY EXPERIENcES, 723-0542. * MATURE WOMAN wIll do baby- sittiag la hem home iWtlttbyl, Experienced and reaponsible. Have worked wlth chIldren for 8 yeers. 668-1897. DAY CARE avaliabia la my home, babies Included, nutrItiaus meals, spaclous pîsyrooma, la- tormat learalag ectivities. Aak about aur pick-up service, reasonable rates, Ires banny rab- bits tar ail naw comers and plan- ty ai pets ta play with. cati e55- 898". NANNY mIli babysit, day or evaaing la my home. $2 an hour. WtwthWest ares. 433-1519. MATURE WOMEN, eoperienced, masponaibte, dose babysitttng et home or yaum home. Whitby oniy. 888-090 sItarSi. SAIY ITEMS for sate: crib, $30. Htghcham, Sttvercmaaae, $50. Change table wtth tub, $25. DressIng table, $28. Car sate, stro6lea, 84O a. Doubla $trotter, Perego, $100. Fischer Prîce mobile, $12. Engtiah pram, $4. Phone 888-3990. BADY ITEMS, bumgaady carrnage $80, swing cradîs and seat $15, carbed $10, stutted animai mobile $10, change table, bath -lad touage $5each. 888-7518. eM rai, rc ric Newman af Watt- by, wsh ta, announce the engagement oa' Iheir oniy daughtar Kelly Anna Newman ta Robet Stavan Pugh of Pickering. Their meddiag mili take place Dec. 29186 aIi Unted Pentecastal Church, 700 Rîlson Rd. N., Oshawa. CONGRATULATIONS a n your IorthcomIng marriaga. Pleese view Our samplas aI engred wedding Invitations aI yoar taisure ta aur AiaPlaza atone. Dtckson PrIntIng & office sup- plies,883-1988, Dont miss EGANVILLE HOME- COMINO '87, July 31 thru Augual 3. 1987. For paricutars write Eganvliae Homecomiag '87, Box 570, Egenville, Ont. KOJ iTO. TEA AND SALE. The Seination Army Home Leagua. 122 Kant Si., Whitby Miii be holding their An- nuel Tee and Sale. Nov, 29, 1-3 pm Feataad iii be bake goads, craîts, Sit gonds, whie elephant tabte, prcet post sala, Everyona meicorna. PSYCIC LILLY Carda, palm, crystel bail. Euopan, 45 yeara experian- ce. Ifflam on radio and TV. for hem future predfictIonis. Advlce on ait problams. Loue Business if aiîh Femily Affaire U~SER ICESIPresent Future *'GRAMMER fom People Who hae 9 arn. - 9 p.m. graamer la the Ideal pocliet 7 daya a waek roferance books tom business, For appolalment cati «People. $3.95 Pem copy and 533-7782 avattable et Dlckson PrInting & .Otfice Supplias la the Aiax Plaza. Deater iaquiries Iaviîed 883-1988. MTANGER IN TOWN? DATES BALORE. For ait agas and uaattached. Thousanda aI mem- ber arsnxoas la meat pou. Prestige Acquelatances oei lot- e f- res, 1-880-283-9183. Hoama noon -ADULT VIDEOS* * jSPECIAL OFFER - FEATURE FILM $14.95 CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-83-7934 Y<ou neyer hava ta test atone. FOR PULL 00< OR CATALOGUE Shop the ada la the Whitby CALL 1-804-382-5511 Free Froe tom nama ai cana- xxxxxxxx munlty happenings. saler- X XXXXXXXX jalameal ad social avents la" youra 7MANK YOIJ ta the Sacrad Hert WHIT13Y aI Jaas and St. Jade for special FREFhESS tavour rclyad, mlth promnise ta FRE~P~SS pubtIsh. M.A.M. *RECEPTIONtSTITYPIST *BOOKt<ÈEPtNG CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUStNESS *FASHION MERCHANDISNG & DESIGN *HOTEL& RESTAURANT OPERATtONSIMGMT *0OMPUTERtZED BANKtNG & CUSTOMER SERVICE <DENTAL cHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -FinanciltAslistance may be avaltable -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SOHOOL OF BUSINESS EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Leam ta prepare tacome Tex reterna by correspondance, loae Franchise avalabie. Write Tex Time Ser- vices Ltd., 1304 Speers Rd., Oak- ville, Ont. L8L 2X4. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now la tha lrne 10 -train for your class A license. For pre-screening inter- view and lob placement Intor- nwltiOn, contact Merv Omrs Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-00-265-1260. FREE: 198, guide ta study-et- home correspondance Diploma courses tor prestiglous careers: Accounting, Air condillonfing, BookkeepIng, Business, cosmetotogy, Electronics, Legalfledial Secretary, Paychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adetaide West, Toronto, 1. 800-268-1 121. 2 UNFURNISIISO ROOMS ln basemant. Hadyman preterad. Avltabia 22nd Nov, on bus mouta, parking. 888-8474. 2 BEDROOM epertment tomranI. Ceil 655-30281. UNLîMffED INCOML Jota aur mmii order progmmi, morts et home. For more Information ad $100O for postage end handling to J & E Eterprise, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronto, MOS 4r2. EARN TNOU8ANDS maathty guaateed. Work et home. Free Information, aead aalI-addressed stamped envetope ta: BT. LYN- DON ENTERPRISES, PO. Boa 1521, Port Ferry, Ont. LO081iNO. NEEDLEORAFTERSt Excellent incarna potentiel teachIag & aeilng neediecraîts tor Panda StItchcratn. Represeatatîves especistiy noeeddIn amatiar communities. Write Peggy An- derson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Buringion, Ont. L7R 1T5. B.c. CALLItHO GREAT OPPOR- TLITY for 2 tuIiy qualitied Mechanica High Tech. Producama. Ford EccIV Certiîied oppartualty ta eam $32,000 year et $18 hour. Lake City Ford Sales Ltd., 715 Oliver St., Wlliams Lake, .C. V2G l1Mg. DISTRIBUTORS, part lime or fllu time alling aur hlgh quality lins of DISTILLERS, ilters and mater sotteners. For resideatiai & commercial applcations. Be your oma boss and era extra incarne ln this growIng Iaduslry. For more Intormation contact Water Puriiy Syatema, 537 Brant St., Burlington, Ont. L7R 205, (4161 839-0503. tMMEDIATE LOANS & outright grants to Individuals & companias. 98% eligible. Fast. Contidential. Inohouse, PO. Boa 835, Adeaide St., Toronto, Ont. MSC 2K1. UNIQUE GROiJND.FLOOR business opportuaity. Eamn monay white you read. No nisk. No Iaveatory. For Information write: c.R0. Enterprises, Boa 324, Trait, B.C. ViA 4LO, 1-604- 368-3728. OVERWEIGHT? Distnibutors Waated. 100% AIL-Naturel canadian produot. ScientiIic break.throughi No dietingi Ground loor apportunityt Try It yoursell. Lemon tiavoured Iiquid heverage tahea tuat betore bedtIme. Rush $49.95 1 mothas suppty. Chaque, money order, or VISA oumber and eupiry date. Send for Information package or cati Stewart Sherwood, HousaI Sherwood, 497 Main St. East, Hamilton, Ont. IBN 1K8, I1(416) 522-3344. FOR RENT FREE: Drap Into the Dckson Friattng and Office Sappiy store WHITBY - 3 bedroom tomahoasa la theAjalx Plaza and pick ap a $750 par month plus utlties. ras copy af the 1988 Metric Firat and lest month raqutmad. Osteadar. Printed la Imo coloara. 579-3583. lil maesa tor Sendy raiersaca.* 683-1968. ONE ACRE s1tuted on the top af a hli la Pickering ovartooking Kinsale, Graenwood, Aia, Brougham, rookil lakeaend a cisar slght af the Toronto ON Tomar. Park youm lent or bud e cottage.(f i miiiobiela building permit). Onty 575montS for a tant; anty 8250/month tom a cot- tage. Oel 855-8988 Pickerng. STORAGE SPACE location: ec- cassaail Hmy. 7 lest N. aIAia. 5 acree ai parking, excellant tom storing boats, traitera, trucks, campeas, race cams, buss, trac- tons, haavy mechinery, building maearials and other prodacîs. Also Indoor storae availabie. Feacsd proparty with locked gaes, daily eccesa, $150 an- nuaily. Cati 855-8988. FOR RENT hobby shop rlght on Hmy. 7. Excellant tam salasad service aI ski-dooa. lamamomers, cheinsea, smal angines, iraitera, etc. Spray booth and sandbtastng pit on pramisas. Lots ai parking. Hwy. Iontege. $150.00 monthiy. Cai 855-8988. LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT tom mnt. Stuated la a commercial camplea pmeeyntly coalalning many mrk shopa. This Hwy. 7 trontaga lot ta Pickering enebias you ta gins sales and service af heavy machiasry, smeii angines, wsldlag, iandscaping etc. Commercial signa are oermltted. $100.00 montly Includas aaam- plawing, oad mainteane, taxes, lasuranca, lendsaping, advartlsing, etc. A building cen ha erectad on this commercial lot ta suit pour naeds.COeil 855-8988. WORKSHOP FOR SALE. New building lest completed, Insulaed, camant loor, 100 AMP service. Excellent for machins repaîr, waidiag, amatIlangines. aki-doors, landÈcaplag, etc. Situated on e thre(3) acre commercial comptax la Pickering. Hwy. 7 Irontae eoablas you t glyes asies and service mlh ail appropriais signa and driye-in traicl. $9,50.00 cash. Snaw pioiag, mainteance, taxas, lasarance, edvertising. etc. $100.00 manthiy. Oel 8 55-8988. BtG BUCKS ... just a oeil away. Only 2 deys training and you could aara a more thon gaaeroua saaary plus commission making appoinîmeats. Cati Ken aow at 1- PART-TIMb OFFICE mork avalable, aettlng up eppaotmen. ta with our clients over telaphana. For Interview caîl 8W3- 3340. WAITRESS - fllu lima position avalabie immediately. Apply ta person ta Mr. Fiah & Mr. Muffin, 701 Dundas St. W., Whltby. 8UNMASTER equIras a tul-tima cashier and a baking assistant. Phono 888-1177 aller il ar. daiiy. FRAGRANCE à HOSIERY Consultante wanted. Market SEASONS exclusive Replica Pure Parfumes'& aem tashion hoaiary. Eara huadreda, saving others thausads. Spaciai $315 ratait kit $99.1-800-387-7875. BABYSITTER expaiencad, matura lady ta babysit a 3 month aid la aur home (2 blocks lromn tha Oanleaxlat Eldg.l Occusiovai duytime and evaaiag mark. Pieuse cuil belmasa 9 and 5. 668- 1603. TRUCKtNG CAREERS. Diver lob training wth placament halp la avalabla. Complets detalis can ha maiiad tlayas. Phone Rodgars Sohool ai 4181 789-3848 with postal code. RELIABLE BABYSITTER required Wed-Fr., 8-5,* Garden and Bradley, Whitby. Reterencas requimad. Non-amoker pralarmad. Fiasse oeil 888-9759 altter . DRVERS wlth cube or stop van neaded ail day Wedaaadays and Thursdays. Permanent arrangement. 888-111. MEN MOMEN CflUISE SHIP JOBS"I CIIIIIIIIII-EA8ING WOIKEIS-iECK DUEMEIL tAlON EXCELLENT SALAIIES PISJ WOANW TRAIU CARIIIEAN-SOUTH ACIFIE- *ANAMA$-MEBITIRUNJ- Oua ta a consat turnovar ln personnel, thara are siweys jobseavsilsbia wilhthe CRUISE SHIF LINOS. OurCRUISE SHIP EMPLOY- MENT DlIRECTORY will show you hom and mhera ta appty tor ane of thesa high peying and eociting jobs eboarti American cruise shipsl GUARANTEED EMPICYMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS OR VOUA MONEY REFUNDED. ORDER FORM sand ta: CRUISE JOBS DapI H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To ordar pour 1988 CRUISE SHIPEMPLOYMENT DIRECT- ORY, sead oaly $10.00 cash, check or money ordar toaup NAME _______ oaexpoint ADDRESS ----APT*- CITY ___STATE ___ ziP OCCASIONAL daytima baby- aliter neaded for 1 yeam aid. Muet ba able ta driva ta my home (Falliagbrook). Expeiexca raquIrad. 888-9782. Top Notch FOREMANI MANAGER for Wab Offset ptant la the Nagara Penainauta. Experlexca on GOSS Cammunity or Colaur King Prose a muet. Competitive Salary & excellent benelit'plan. Send resume with aalary requlemnenta ta: PFnter, F0O. Bot 523, St. Catharines, OntanloLUR 8V9). A RETIRED HANDY-MAN carpen- ter ta heip buttd amaît cabine & garages la auchange tor hauslng, accommodations, and mesa. Al on a camfpground la Pickering. Calit 855-8988. CHRISTMAS IELPERS aeeded lmmedialaly iii, car for light op- plianca Company. Dutles ta la- clude delivery and display, full and part-lime, sOudants melcome, 97.50 an haur ptus g85 atiomance. Caeil883-3308. DYNAMtC, hard wonking, Carser oriented Individuels naeded as agnicultural marketing rePresontativie- Sales axpanleaca non requIrad. Good attitude, eagemness 15t eaand succaed la raqulred. Aboya average Incoma & lacentive, sead resumne 10 Box, *F" OcA, Bas 451, Oakviiie, Onterlo L8L 5A8, NANNYIOADYS11TER mquired. Loving, matura, energaslc. Mon.- Fr., 8:30-3:30.2 boys agas 1 and 4 years. cal 888-9718. RELIEF CARE-GIVERS NEIEDED. Ohallanging, Inaovatiya program requirea cariag, matura & flexible In- dividuels tb provida tampon. ery, la-home reliaI ta care- givars ai trairaidanily and dia- ablad adute. Speciallzed training milba provided. Compalilive wagea. Flexible houms. For Iurthem staor- mallon caiCARE-GIVER RELIEF, 418-888-583 9Gem.- 12 noon. TENDERS THE CORPORATION 0 THETOWN OFWHITBY TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION 0F A WELL PUMP, PIPING AND MODIFICATIONS TO AN EXISTINO UNDERGROUND STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK AT THE TOWN 0F WHITBY OPERATIONS CENTRE CONTRACT NO. WOO-50 Tenders, asesied ln the envetopes provided which shall be cieariy marked as to contants, wiii be received by Mrs. G. Go sligh, Purchasing Agent, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 2M8, until 2:00 p.m. local lime on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1986 for the construction of the works described beiow. On the samae day, the tenders wiil be opened during s meeting st the above-mantioned sddress. The work comprises ln generai, the suppiy and Installation of s weiî pump, controis, yard piping, eieclricai conduits and ducts, snd the suppty snd Installation of s corrosion protection system for sn underground steel wsler storage tank to serve the Whitby Operations Centre, Inciuding all necesssry clearing , dewatering, excavstion, bedding, backfiiiing, stloring, site restoration snd connections to provide a complets operationsi system. Compiete tender documents may be obtained as-of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1986 f rom Totten Sims Hubicki Associstes, Engineers, Architects and Pianners, 1500 Hopkins Street, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 2C3 on psyment of a deposit of $1500 per contract set. The deposit sa non-ref undsbie. Tender documents may be studied without psyment ai, but msy not be removed from the foiiowiag offices: The Consuiting Engineers' Off ice Durham Construction Association Town of Whitby 627A Wantworth Street East 575 Rosstand Road East Oshawa, Ontario Wtiitby, Ontario LI1H 3V8 LIN 2M8 (416) 728-3391 (416)668-5803 A certified cheque, for the amount as set out ln the Speciticstion Documents must accompsny each bid. The iowest or sny tender wilii fot necesssrity be accepted. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Town of Whitby Engineers Architects and Piannars 575. Rosstand Rosd Easst 1500 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario Whitby, Ontario LIN 2M8 LIN 2C3 (416) 668-9363 I £a..u&.a..aSa:a IwdJk~.5i.,~e...u ~ ~ vY1*1'tl~t ~ ..*~.. ,*~, ~ 1, ~oN jts FOR RENT