LETTRS - Way cleared for DRNPHC To the ditir: Last week's infor7. motien the Durham Reglen *Non-Profit Heusing Corporation, in connection . wlth the'Bluegrass Meadows develepmesit, clarifies soine cofuion ralsed at the Whtby coundil meetini of Nov. 10. At this meeting, there were referencei tô "-A Poltical Moyeu. It la now obvions that the revlsed plan was before council te pave the way for the DRNPH Corp. te take legal action in the Bluegrasa Meadows fiasco. Perbapa we wlll now get the ,independent legal opinion that residents have been ad- vocating for the lautfew inonths. We should aise remember that.none of this la delng anything tewards building -oneý single affordable home in Durham Reglon. Perbaps we should renjame this cor- poration, the Durham Reglon Non-Production Housing Corporation. Yeurs sincerely, E.G. Feather Desig change approved .Whltby ceuncil has appreved a design change te a proposed commercial and office developinent at the nor- theast corner of Ontarioe St. E. and Green St. The change te the< design la imlhnted te elevation 0f a corner unit fronting both streets. Counilor Marcel Bruneile, who last week said the original design leoked "eut cf place in the neighborhood," said Monday the revlaed design "set tens the Im- pact a nd appears more ofa heusingastyle." Councillor Jce Bugélli conunented that he saw ne great impact the change. wiil have and asked that in the future, when a design bas te be altered, that staff -look at the impact the design change will have on the neighborhood. The design change caine before council on Monday night, one week after members of the administrative commit- tee had asked that the design be changed. The proposalislate be known as the Whltby Professional Court and la being developed by Steve Wagner. WIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26p.1996.e PAGE 13- Why does DRNPHC want Bluegras? To the Editor: Juat who and what are D.R.N.P.H., and what are thelr goals? Thatisa a question many people ail over the region are asking. From our estimation it would appear that DJR.N.P.H. la an ldentity unto.theinselves, completely separate frorn the reglon, but made Up of appolnted councillors and staff of Durham Region. It also appears they are uslng Reglonal facilities, reglonal* legal departinent, and operatlng on Reglonal time, but still t has nothing todo wlth the Region. The cancellation cf the Bluegrass Meadows non-profit houslng attempt la supposed te be a setback for thegroup -but is it? According to our calculations, D.R.N.P.H. were well aware cf Bluegrasa property restrictions away back ln Junecof tlis year. Why then dldthey choose topursuetis projèct wlth vengeance rather than lookfosultable land elsewhere? Markborough properties maintain the agreement te purchase explred on Oct. .31, 1986 and they are probably right. At that turne D.R.N.P.H. dld not have theiraffaîira or financlng in order. In fact, on Nov. 10, 1986, they were, atml seeklng approval from the Town cf Whl tby for a revised set cf plans. One bas te wonder where they could acquire $M3,000 dollars ln three <aya. If thla rooney camne from the Ontario Houslng, It would be one for the Guinness Bock of Recorda. Gover- nment agencles are ncrmally not noted for speé'd, and the Ontario Government la no ex- ception - e.g. -A letter was senft t the En- vlrornental Mlnlatry on Sept. 8, 1986 and a reply was not recelved until Nov. 6. 'Juat a reply te a letter took nearly two months, se how long would it take te get approval for $630,000? . D.R.N.P.H. la net afffiated with Durbarn Reglen, se the money could'not con- celvably corne frein there. So where? OnIy their hairdresser knows for sure. Bluegrass Meadows residents certalnly cannot be blamed for D.R.N.P.H. failure. Al the legal and blnding facts Were ferwarded te the noniproflt hcusing greup, but apparentiy this was ncttaken seriously. One would be*led te bdlleve there la no other property left ln Whltby, but look arcund, there are acres and acres waltlng for houslng. There -are people waiting fcr affürdable housing and the D.R.N.P.H. Corporation could better serve these persons by attem- ptlng' to acquire lands wlthout1 building restrictions and covenants. Mary McEachen Whitby TRANSPARENT SATIN e a satin-glosa, see-through coating for interior wood surfacs eavallible ln oioar and semeai 'wooà d tones' :, CEN TRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 2q5 Riluon, Rd. S. Oshawa" 728-6809 The M'aster Chef Foods Iand Catering Services of >W itbv Professional catering for al occasions *Dances a Annlversarles oBanqueta e Cocktail parties *Business«s a Conventions *Weddlngs e*Christmas parties In yons'Office orHaill Hot and Cold Buffets Free Consultation WE TARKE CARE 0F EVERYTHING. CALL US. 668-2837 $300 Per Cliid If you- quaiify, your chequeis in the mail. Who Qualifies? Youll automatically receive an advance payment of $300 per chilld if you meet the following conditions: 0 Your net family income in 1985 was $151000 or less, e You have a dependent child or children who will be under 18 years of age on December 31, 1986, e You received a child tax credit this year for that child or those children. * ~Why is the goverament doingths The advance payment, a part of the child tax.credit, is*designed to assigt over 750,000 low-income families with chil1dren. Among' other things, it will reduce the pressure on these families to discount their child tax credit cheque. What about the rest of iny credit? To receive the rest of your 1986 child tax credit simply f111 out the child tax credit f orm on your 1986 income tax return. The maximumn credit per child is $454.00, up from $384.00 ini 1985. And if 1 don'ft qualify for the advance payment? If you received Family Allowance for a child or children this year, you may stili be eligible. for a maximum or partial credit. To find out, simply f111 out the Child Tax Credit form on your 1986 income tax return. For more information See.theinsert in your November Famnily Allowance cheque or contact your nearest district taxation office. (The number and address are in the government pages of your telephone book). 1* Revenue Canada Revenu Canada Heaith and Santé et Bien-être Tation Impôt VV eifare Canada social Canada Canadiâ