PAGE- 149 WEDNESDAYs, NOVEMBER 269-1996, WHITBY FREE PRES Gro up opposes tritium transportation-on 401i A, citizens' group Is opposlng .' ,Ontario Hydro's plan ta tran- sport . tritium con- taminated heavy water from ,the .Pickering nulear power plant ta Darllngtan. Transportation of the tritium is expected ta begin in May. Trucks carrying the water wil travel along the 401 tbrough Pickering, Ajax, Witby, Oshawa and Newcastle. Tran- sportation from the Bruce station is expec- ted to begin in 1988. Durham Nucear Awareness wants On- tario Hydro ta build removal. facilities at ail nuclear reactors. "I've seen their trucks and. they're im- pressive but the space sbuttle was impressive as weil. There la always the chance of an ac- cident," said spokesman Jeff Bracket at a news conference last Wednesday. A spokesmanfor the Pickering plant-said the equlpment bas been tested under adverse conditions and la safe. Tritlum Ils a radioac- tive by-product of the CANDU reactor systemn. The group said that as littie as one-bllliontb of a gram may cause can- cer iflIngested. Tbey are also attemn- pting to get local coun- cilors involved in their fight. Members of. the group will be going before local councîla asking them ta dlaailow the transportation of tritium througli their city or town. They will also be asking councilors ta endorse a resolution that Ontario Hydro build separate remnoval facilities. The group believes the $200 mnillion it would cost ta bulld such facilities -at Pickering and Bruce is "peanuta ta Ontario Hydro. " >But the spokesnian for the plant said. the cost involved in such a project would ha exor-' bitant. They alsa expressed concerns - that the, production of tritium is contributlng to the nuclear arma race. The groupý believea that the tritium produced by Ontario' Hydro will free up tritium produced in America- for military purposes.. "«It's drawing Canada into tbe armns race tbrough the back door," said one member. Jaycees Seek more members Whitby Jaycees will be holding a memnber- sbip drive at noon, Nov. 30, at Sheriff's Manor on Byron St. S. Mayor Bob Attersley will attend the meeting at whicb club members wil explain activities of Jaycees toward com- munity development and fellowshlp. Ja'ycees, for.imen18 ta ,401.* noiwhavé". about- 20 members as well as five senators <over 40) and. tbree ie nembers. A.COMMUNI1Y SERVICE PROJECT National Council of JewisF, Women of Canada H IGHWAY EMERGENCY [J A Life-Saver For Sranded Motorisîs' InAyEmergency On The Road E Mechanical, Medical, Melearoogical CI Affix The Banner To Yaur Windows And Wait Far HeIp In The Safely Of Your Car 5.0PrKtAdd Provincial Sales Tex 5 5.0 frKl e for Postage and Hafldllflg Banners Make a Thoughtful and Useful Glut Il Far Family & Friends E Far Business Assaciales And Custamprs Wlnter 18 Hore - Be Preparod For Any Car Emergency To OrderYour Bannersl Calil (416) 665-8251 or complote this form Visa accepted. Pieuse Bond-CALLPOLICE Emsrgsncy Bannersa 80$5.00 EWcosed la choque 0 S$______ .money order o-S_______ Add M5e for postae e xd andllng g_______ Add Porvînclal Sales Tex, _______ whereappllcable g_____$ __ Name Address____________ City Province ____Postal Code____ Phoneo-bus. home- Mail order form and cheque to: NCJW-BANNERS 1111 Finch Avenue . Ste. 401 Downsview, Ontario M3J2E5 New furniture ROBERT LINDSEY is one of the, donation by Whitby Jaycees and residents of Fafrview Lodge nursing Jaycettes. With Robert are Jaycee home who will soon be enjoying new president Rick Roberts and Jaycette furniture, similar to the chair in president Nancy McDowell. which he is seated, after a $1,500 PAW""closes loophole M dog bylaw A Witby resident who beat the ToWnof Whitby's dog control bylaw on a tecbnicality bas forced the- Pickering-Ajax-Wbltby (PAW) Animal> Contrai Committee ta revise tbe bylaw ta close the loophole. Members of tbe com- mittee were told at a meetiglast Wednesday tbat» charges were dismlased against -tbe resident.. The charge, keepig more than two dogs lnas dwelling was dlsmlaaed wben the resident told the presidlng judge tbat he kept bis dogs ln the backyard. To prevent that tecbnicality, the com- mittee bas re-worked the bylaw 50 that no resident shail keep more tban two dogs in or about a dwelling unit. Councillor Ross Bat- ten, who la chairman of the committee, said the bylaw la a tool to use when more than two dogs il aa dwelling are creating problems. The bylaW also ap- plies ta Pickering and Ajax.