WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYo NOVEMBER 26e 1966, PAGE 19 Beauchamp brothe rs gain judo kudos hie gyr Sel 'i1 GIE put pas ski ever La Bei ~Cani at a Japa ,the( ,equa and .year .Beat weel Th ï ror lwal saici He ýy MIKE JOHNSTON Beauchamp is not Re started his judo worried about his future reer at the age of 10 after judo. He possesses en hie enrolled in a an economics degree 4CA program. Then, from the University of practiced in the Waterloo. nnaslumn of St. Pauls Judo skilis flot only hool. belong to the younger roday, 14 years later, Beauchamp in the enn Beauchamp has family, his older brother :grown school gym- Brian is aiso skilled in siums-applying his the art. Ils at international In a Nov. 15-16 comn- petition, Brian placed first in the Ontario Open held in Scarborougli. He competed in the 86-kg class. The 28-year-old was also ranked number one in Canada Iast year. 'Brian doesn't take it Sseriousiy though," commented Glenn as the two brothers began Sreminiscing about the times they had together n Montreai and France where both have gone to train. BRIAN Training, however, is BEAUCHAMP only a part of judo. Beauchamp believes it is aiso a sport which requires a lot of mental uts. preparation. .ast week, "It's not like swim- uchamp returned to ming where you dive in ada after competing the water and you know judo competition in what your time wiil be )an as a member of within a second," said Canadian team. Beuchamp, explaining 'he competition is the finer points of the ia the Olympics sport. is held eveyfour You plan a strategy is,"t explained because you know the uchamp on tlhe night before who your ked opponent will be," hie he 24-year-old, who cniud s i apeted in the '78-kg describing manoeuvres egory, came away 6n cess n the event with an "Iheasatrn rhey pick a guy then you have a better n a division who chance of winning. mpifes gooti "And before a match iniques adsiilîs, " you sometimes asic 1 Beauchamp. yourseif why you should [e showed no signs of- win and you try and dia oiten to figureoutwhy" ~ears ago when he finished fourth in the 1984 Olynipics. Instead he talked about his decision to remain in the sport two more years and hopefully, an ap- pearance in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. "I guess 1'm just taking a chance., I'm certainly not in it for the notoriety." That notoriety is 'almost non-existent in 'Canada where Beauchamp feels the sport has a bad profile. "It1's looked at as a foreign sport here," said Beauchamp, ad- Jing that the judging, whicb is done in a Foreign language, does 2ot help matters. "You certainiy can't suake money at it here, iot like you could in the ;tates." [nerease 3upported *From p. 18 They fear that if tnis rend increases more .nd more financial bur- .ens for recreational rojects wil be placed n municipal councils. The City of Brampton asking ail :unicipalities to endor- * the resolution which MU be passed on to the remier. trating on the upcoming Oiympics. "lEverything you do two years prior to the Oiympics is taken into account," said Beauchamp who spends four to five hours a day GLENN BEAUCHAMP displays the trophy presented to him in Japan for bis superior judo skiiis. The Olympian retur- ned to Montreai on Sun- day night to begin preparation for the 1988 Olympics. Aithough he would lice to train in his bometown there is no faciiity available in Whitby. "I tried to get a judo club started because I know I could produce more Olympie athietes." But with Whitby councii's decision earlier this year not to fuiiy expand the Iroquois recreation faciiity, Beauchamp feels he will not have that opportunity for at least 10 years. For now, he is concen- The» fax bite hurts. You need al] îhc - helpyou can get to prolect your -jy hard-eamed incarne 1 cant heip. Cali me today - KEN LENNOX E netl 434-8400 if SvdicteLited A member Company of the Invostors Group 40 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, SUITE 506 ScuaConsultants SALES-SERVICE-RENTALS-INSTRUCTION CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Full Line of SCUBA Equipment 20-40% DISCOUNT SIIERWOOD Approved AIR STATION DIVE WORLD, division of STARLING POOLS 1645 Dundas St. W., Hwy. 2 686-2831 Whitby 668.3262 training in Montreal, where he bas an apar- tment. But what wili he do af- ter the Oiympics? "lAfter 88-that's it. "But in 1992 I'll still be young enough.. CHRIST1iAS RESERI'ATIONS STILL A VAILABLE NEW YEARSt.z MENU ENTREES *PRIME RIB *DUCKA'L'ORANGE *FLOUNDER DEL REY(STUF- FED WITH CRAB MEAT> SERVED WITH'BAKED POTATOS OR RICE & CHEF'S SALAD DESSERTS ENTERTAINMENT BY: DIck Valleau on the piano Starts 6:30 p.m. Seating Times (5:,10- 7:00) (7: 00 - 8:30 p.m.) (8:30 - 10:00) '~,195incudesi $2 .9 party favors THE OSH.AWA CURLING CLUB' Invites you to attend: - GREYCUPSUNDAY 'k:" at the curling club 226 Bond St. E., Oshawa Sunday, Nov. 30 Watch the game, curi, and enjoy a hot roast beef & chioken buffet n a llcensed envlronment for only $8.50 (includes Instruction, curling & dinner) There wilil also be a draw for a one-year membershlp, (value $229, non-transferable). For more detaIls phone 728-6281. Reservations are necessary. WHITBY SANTA CLAUS'FUND Organized by the Whitby Tigers Running'Club in cooperation with the Whitby Free Press P~ Proceeds for Christmas Gifis to patients of Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital and W~hitby Senior Citizens Homes Make a Donation fo Santa NAME: ADDRESS: TOWN: rÎRcitRqie AMOUNT:[JRcitRqrd Sond choque or Monoy ordor ta: WTRC ciao Ian Barron Motors Mt. 1006 Brock St. S., Whitby