Whitby Free Press, 26 Nov 1986, p. 24

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PA~GE 24,.WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 26e 19869 WHITDY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ AD ARRTTIC~LEl C W~LES R 1 UOMILES AVTOTIVE PETS $ale FORASALEF R FOR SAI. SALE TS SIJP PLIE VIKING DRVER, good condition, 100. 668-0880. MATCHINO WOOD collse.,end and hexago nal tables; have goad torege apace; aitl n excellent condition 830.6689762. SKIS - 170, boots - 9, 10»35. Chine cabinet $195. Duncan Phyfe sol, 4 chaira $395. Chest of drawers 0SU.08638. CUSTOM MADE malching living romr and dining room sheers, lvory wlh gold eneraheara, 25 fil. for living room and 10 fi. (or dinng room, excellent condition, 355. Phono 6884150. HlOUSEHOLD FURNITOIRE for ale and mise. Inciades garage "sie Sel. & Sun.,6&7719. Evrying muaI go. ORDER NOW lorXmas. Deilaus meaty cabbage roils- delivered. Phono 427.005 FOR SALE girls figure skates, sica 2, $15. Chiid sized skating hlmet, 17. Phone668-I1lB. ROUND OAK pedestat table for sale, 8 matching chairs, 5 leanes for table, aitlIn excellent con- dtion, asking $1.395 or bost eller for set.rust sali. Ase clarinel forsalie, $100. Cali 683«w38 a GEOTYPE prose-on itierlng 110w n stock et Dickeon Pristlng & Of- ice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sîzes. Why psy more for a amalier sheot a oftlerieng? 603-19w. I4AMMOND lecironie organ, 2 keyboards, automatia rhythm section, tool Inciuded, 3900. High Fideiiiy Speaker system, 70 watts, air suspension, 12"1 woofer, 5'"iidrange, 3" itweoler, brililance control 2"x16"lxll", $160 pair. Pioneer boit drinen tur- niable, magnetIc carrtdge, anti- skaiIng and ovorhang checher wih duel cover, $75. Phone 668- 4098. CHESTERFIELD wiIh matching chair, ose swivel chair, $300, elil deliver. Cali 571-0800. FRIGIDAIRE 301 leciria $love, avocacto green, vory goedi con- dillon. $175. Caeil4334M8. NEyER FORGET TOTURN YOUR I4EADLIGIITS off agalsi Mako your car mono visible on th road wthout the worry of a doad bat- tor. Greatitocking stor. The Iboadighi remInder simpiy piugs m tfus panai $g996 plus Txsln. ciade $? shippingitandiing. VISAIMIC Cobourg, Onario KOA 4W4. Orders ehlpped asonedey. $USSCRIFICE SACRIFICE U3$ .,..,h»WIinga priced for Immoclato liquidation. Al iIems ln stock. 25x40x14 $3.996. 40xx004 $6,50. 48x60x14 $9250. 70x90x24 $21,789. Varlous sizea avliablo up to 120 Il. wide. Foc- tory direct clearance. Serocus 5 buyers oniy. Ali buildings pricod for Immediate deiiveryocali toi- ras 1-800-387-2115 or 1416-858. 2448. MAITRESSES and box aprInga et hall pre. PMcKaon Fumlure, 524 Simca. Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GARRETT NETAL oDETCoRs . Christmas Specials - For more Informaion or searest Dealer. Write: Canadien Mtai Locatars. RR5, Waio@rferd.'Oni. NOE IVO or caii (519) 443-5193 or 1-800-266. W49. Doiroenquirlas Invited. HEAVY EOUPMENT For Sale: Nonember Speciai Teohoma Digger. 13' dapth on 73 Chen. $15000. 1976 690B J.D. Hoe $26,000. Other equipmeni avoulable. J.O. Equipmenn Ltd. 1- 403-447-5252. A-Z PRE. ENOîNEERED BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answars 416) 026-1794. Loave message or celiaci alter 6 p.m. week-ends. Ask for Waily. Free brochures. CANON 31OXL Super 8 mevie camers wth 8.5.- 25.5 mom 200M Ions, excellant condiion, asklng $125 or boat oller. Phono 668l- 2271, ovaninga. HARD WATER PROBLENS? In- troducIng the water sotaner that, doesn't use sait. No more iugglng heany bags of cestiy sait. Other selionera ramone calcium & othor goed for you mixerais. We dont add sait te your waiereor romone benelicial minerais, because ihats ne geed for you. Other solteners lake up lois af reem, use elactriclty. requiro backwashlng, ceai pianty t10ln- Btlu & tee much te maintain. Wo dent. COeil toit free 1-800268- 2650 for heathier, botter tasilng, soit water. CHESTERFIELD suites, Jonesas, soctienais, lesa thon %h prîce. Large o ection. McKeon Fumiure, 524 Simcoo Si. S., Oshawa. 72-5181. NuARC PLATEMAKER, WhIiby Free Press 608-6111. STEEL BUILDING PRE WINTER Faciory Clearanca. Sirsigkt wvii or quonsai styles.. Certain sizos et speciai discounts. Sae thousands. Lmitod quantifies. Phono Pioneer/Econespsn ti f re. 1400-38746896. MIRACLE SPAN FALL SPECIALS Three buildings lait anar from National Show. Exemple: 40x4O comploeowith cdoore 35,299. Oîher sizas te choose roi. Caeil Miracle Span Toi Pros 1-800387- 4910. OFFICE FURNITURE. Sisal store sheining, standards, accosanrios. 18' Fiberglass bout and tar $2,400 boat cifor, S-10 Hall Ion truck cap. Caeil Deug(705) 325- 4233. KITCHEN electrie waiImount globe lght fiture, off white with palntod rose trIm, brown and gold, 85. Pot Ilgiri recesaod collIing iolure, $4. Change tabla, white, $25. Rainbarrei, 35. Eight pins ratings, $20. 6554M8.' USED DESKS, Files, torae cabinet@, tacktng. Office Chaire, Steel adjustablo ahoining, store diapIays, Bairs New & Uaod. 21' Alec Ave,, Woodbridge. Phone (4168518100. Neasr wy. 7 & 400. Mon.-Fn 9-5, St. 10-1. . 60% te 00% OFF. Christmnas docorations, Iights, wroathe, garianda, .omnements, pots, baskets, flowera (elik & plastic), conie rings, arrangements, bir. de. etc. Thoeandu of laems. Rogers Warehouae Lid. (519) 753.3M3. One mile weat of Bran. tford on Hwy. 53. OESKS, CHAIRS, Files, Tables, Parts Bina, Loakers, Matai sheiving, Steraga Cabinets etc. New and Used. Bey or Seai. Rogersa Warehouse Ltd. 1 mile West aI Brnford on Hwy 53 (519) 753-333. SM PHOTOCOPIER -eilder mode. "8-6111. CASH REOISTER - Sweda modal VBA25I. Wiby Fres Press 688- 6111. MATRE68ES AND BOX- SPINGS op 8% 0f f. Tharaectlc, Sleepklng, Bayrest, Burroil. My Dda Store, 116 Brock Si. S., Whtby, 430-O1O. AIRTIGHIT Carmar woodtove, Inserts Intoregular irepace, glase door, gotd hlim, asking $225. Phonent80M5. a SMALL AQUARIUM, hood, liosh, flillr, heater, etc. Willam-Rogers silvrware wiih case, goid rama mineor, mxa-up mirror wlih set- inga, ceramIcs, glass bowi, tees pot, plants and old ait lamp. 430- 0510. ELECTROHOME humidifier, $80. Food processor, Meulnex, hardiy used,S$55. Phone60»1328. H4OMEEloectilogenorator, 000 w, used once, liste ai onor SM,500 SalM$5. 655-3413, aller 5 USEO STORE dispiay racks lir books and carda, Whiiby Fee Pres, 608I-0111. SOFA'& CHAIR $300. Collas table, 335. Siorao stand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Back awîvoi rocker, $00. Tel. Bus. 441- 7889, Home 831-9199. FOR SALE dîette tabla, square, chroma loge, assis 6, oxpanding to sosîSt$. 668-1896. 1606 2-WHEEL DRIVE >BLAZER, metalie gray, charcoal Intorior, mini condition, mustosali. 579- 7250. 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 miles, 6 cyl.. 5 apoed, p.s., p-b.. tli, many extras, $12,400. 655. 4082, aller ô p.m. 1950 OLOS 68 Regency 3W, imer exterier, blua Interior, leaded with options, oniy 86,000 km, weiI malntained, ssking $5.200 car- tiIied. 655-4712. 1979 FORD ILTD. as le. boat elfer. 668-3471. 1979 0ATSUN 310 GX 5 spood, 63,000 original mles, 110w paint, AMIFM alerso, cerlilied sî,boo. Oetil655-896. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caraele, air condition, 90,000 km.. gocd con- dition, $1,200 or bosatofar. Tlophone 068-0765. 1977 HONDA Hatchback, 4 spasd, nsw cîutch, rebuil motor, needa body wortt, $700 or boat of- for. 0608-8528. 1977 DATSUN F10 good angine. body fair, ne rust, vaine job and geed tires, $650 as. Phone 68& 6457. 1978 DATSUN 2ULZ 1 ownar, par- la eniy. As la. Bost aller. 66. 9882. 1976 BUICK CENTURY, 2 deor, VS, automnaiic, PS, PB, AMIFMA, 70,000 mles, goed cendition $850.68-1031 aller 6 p.m. 1973 BUICK Century 350-4 autematie, ps., pli., rad antd tires iestiffit, nsads seme body work, askIng 3400or boat offer, ex le. Phoea723-8303. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ... SU ... SRL JUST CALL 668-6111 SNOW TIRES Iwo Uniroyal steel beiied radiai, P18580 R13,, 300. Two F78-14, 330. Alilires meus- ted on rima. Oeil 668-3418. -- e FOUR VARI lit 14"x6" chrome wire basket, wheels and tour Uniroyel Tiger Paw E70x14 tiras, $200. Four BF. Goodrlch Euro TA. 2351WHR14 on 4 Cheviot hot wirealaumIsum whsals 14"x7" te fil 79 and up Mualangioapri, 80 and up T-BrdlCougar, ait brsnd new, ceai $1200, sailifor $950 flmm. Complote ono new sot <4) Cregar SIS wheoI spinnere, $45. 318 mater (goad), $260. 1980 2251" super siant six and aulomailo transmission good), $250. Phono 655-326. PARTS FOR a 1963 rhall ton truck, 6 cyl. mater, A-I condition, $160. 655-3410. TO BUY OR SELL used auto par- te. Oel 579-5344, ask lor Henry. TRUNKS à FLOORS ropalrad guarenlaad 10 pass safety checka. 655-89866 I DO EXCELLENT body work and peint jobs an everything frem sports cars le dump trucks et a nery reasonablo rate. Alit work dose frem my Pickering home. Oeil Richard for a fresestilmais. 655-8M66Pickering. 1975 DODOE Tradosmen 300 Van, carpet and panel, exiended roof, asking $3,000 or beat citer. 688- 3991, after 6 P.m. 1074 FORD pick up lh Ian F100, $450. 1977 Olda Deuxa 88, drives daiiy. cen be cortified, $850 or oI- for. 1975 Comaro, nesds body werk, runs good, $350 or aller. 723-2818 or 436-6115. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 Mais pupplea, CKC registared, @hots, dewormed and hemeraiaed, goed aiih chlldrsn, nen-sheddlng and non-allergic. $400 ach. Oelil Port Perry (416> 985-3960. POODLE PUPPIES, white miniatures maies 3250. <705)>652- 7236. GERMAN SHERPNEIjD PUPS and eider $175 and up. SCHH Ili aired puppy, 416-727.1110. BEAGLE.- maie, 9 menthe, geod wiIh kida, Asking $100. 668-086. FREE PUPPIES, mIxed broed. Caille & Gannan Shapherd. Oelil 655-6809. INSTRUENTS ACCORDIAN 'ScandaIi', 120 bas, ladies sica, like new, 3900' Iirm. Orges - Lowry -Magie Oenie, Be'. eloctrie,ika sew, 83,000 hirnn. replacement value $S.000. Toi. 55-44W0. HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home sludy'course. ' Fast, easy mthod. GUARAN.- TEEDI Fer FREE Information,- write: Pepular MUSIC SysIome,.ý Studio 36. 3284 Boucherie Read, keiowna, 0.C. Vl Z 2H2. MUSIC LESSONS - Whitby location. Basic piano or iheory_ Iaught. ,Atdults preforred, Reasonable rates. 8666406 aller 4 Pm. PIANO à THEORY lassons. Royai.ý1 Cansatvetery preparatien. Aduila' & children weicoe al Oil Margaret 86661951. ~-.s~WATEDTu ~Ia~ARTICLES, ~FORJSAE« OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, POOL TABLE %"' o 51' with ~ l" ARTICLES & U..OOD/E any mka -Mens only, ana or anae soo blaad ail sc- FOR SALE I 'L M o m . SERVICESI1 hundmed. OltI Rlex wristwdtches csssorlos. $200).6604757 aller 6-- wanted. Aise wanIed Etons pr. fj El FIREWOOD LOOS -mIxed har- LR UTTRVLpeot "Qart etcbo (2 quar e ri& WiiI "' 111Lpreen wQuarerC(25y" qare e r) Wtt dwaod. Deiivered. 12 cord& 6 SPECIAL WINTER HOLIDAY te psy $750 and up for this waich. FR10. iSCU., frosi-tree, excellent card loada, Merriii Barry 705-754- BERMUDA, February O1h ta 131h, Will also bey airaps, crystais, condition $400. Phone evening [B2258. 1987. Enjoy Ihrls reiaxing holiday partstc. fornid wrislwalches. 1- 668-1230. to lur. Speciai Sevinga Avaliabie. 416-0365-7240 or write B. Walsh. <-) MBER FOR SALE - large quan- Cali 1-800-268-209. 17 Oea S. .,Toonoon. EDROOM SUITE inctudes ily of klsia d cbarry, wslnui, ____________ M5A 182. double bed, mattress, box sprino.Ibrav el. hn 19 Eemcon ., ,. u 0000 USEB Fumiture and ap- pillancas. Gel semnething tasaili. Clive John a yl. My Dadas Store. l16 Brook St., S., Whitby, 430. 0561. TYPEWRITER restai, many mekea and modela, by the weehend, week or menih, Disceunts anlablo. Dickqan Prlnting & Office Supplias n the Jax Plaza. Oil us fer busines machine repaira. 683-1068. GIARAGE TO STORE CAR for wInter. Preîorrabiy ln Whliby. 6664495 efter 12 socs. dresser, bureau, beokeaset keadboard, 325. Phase 66&- 7090. FR10 iPROST.FREE), washar, dryer, freezer frost-roaî. Ex- cellent condition. $200-$M0 sach. or $800for the lot. Mol- leUIKenmare. Moina la apar. Imeni, 430-0056. VISIT aur used fumniture warehouse by sppolntmeni. Big aavngs on deaka, chairs.,f liing cabinets,Ic. Collt DIcksos P-in- ting & Office Supplies te arrange an appeinimant la view. 683. 1968. nREG'STOYS Hamamade waeden teya W moatiy Ior young El chiidren. Sele la for 1 dlay f IIoniy. Limited quastiiy. ~ Place - 223 Lupin Drive n El Whitby, Ont. ~ Date -Non. 29M8 Time-lOm.-4 p.. p.m. 1-705-292-99M. ter Holiday and Agriculurai Study Tour t0 ARIZONA and LAS VEGAS, Febraary 151h to 23rd, 1607. Oeil Clara Burt Tranai 1-800- 268-3090. Loi S sou c you do E -r MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL PE-PAINTED S' S HEETS (NOMINAL) UN STOCK$198 ALUNINUM STORM WINDOWS$19 OVER 150 UN STOCK. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 08S. ALUMINUM LADDERS $29 STEP & EXTENSION - IN STOCK. frontet INTRNCE SYSTEM 1189 1- PRE.HUNG INSULATED STEEL, front sq. ALCAN VINYL SIDINO WHITE OR IVORY, V" DOUBLEDOUBLE 4", $5999~ 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE $1 299 SCRATC1IED à DENTE0, OVER 300 UN STOCK 00~*. GARAGE DOORS 101 WOOD & STEEL IN STOCK, ftom e2s9. CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIG FORD Aluminum Sales Ltd. R. R. 3 Brighton, Ont. Mon.-Fil. 7 fl Set. (eu) 4753 0521 8-12 Watch for New Classified Ad Rates ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertlsement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If bilied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be 14c each additional word. however, we accept nio liabiity regarding loss or damage lieror n u t publicaton ayndecoortspcoccupie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12f each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding erros i pulicaionbeynd he cst f te spce ccuied addiionl wrd.such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies-not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ada rmust appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43cper (ne, <No word ads allowed>. ta insert or cancel Emporium Ada. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make 668-6111 -9

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