PAGE' 4, WEDNESDAYi, NDVEMBER 26, 19E8 6, WItBY ÃFRkE PÊRESS wh t yPubllshed evory Wednesclay DOUQ AN DERSON. By 677209 Ontarlo imc. Publisher MAURICE PIFHER 131 Bro k Str oet North -M na e VOICI 0F THE COUNTY TOWN P-0. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Advortislng Manager The mail boxes go lu, regardless As Whitby residents have learned recently, Canada Post Is forging ahead with the Installation of, community mail boxes ln new subdivisions despite whatever objections have been raised. The Town refused municipal consent for t he 52' (now 55)ý sites for the boxes i n Whitby sub- divisions, as council obJected to the "adverse" impact on existing residents and the absence of Input, from af fected residents on the location of te boxes. However, Whitby councillors endorsed the concept of the community mail boxes ln fut 'ure subdivisions as' long as potential home buyers knew that the boxeswouid be part of sub- division designs. It would appear that Whitby is only one 0f a few communities that have so farvoiced some protest ln favor of door-to-deli1very, (something that Canada. Post president Don Là nder says is cor- tainly preferable, but not possible). Theý City of Nepean has even undertaken legal proceedings against Canada.-Post, arguing that the Canada Post policy, part of a plan to make service more cost-effective, is discriminatory. Robert McGarry, president of the national letter carrier union, also describes the community boxes as discriminatory against anyone who lives ln new subdivisions. 0f course, the community boxes represent a loss 0f jobs for carriers, but the union also has complaints that the boxes will reduce nearby property values, cause traffic hazards and other problems - Including visits by dogs to.the posts which support the boxes. There was to have been Town input Into the location of the boxes ln subdivisions, but as a planning report noted, -agreed locations were of- ten ignored by contractors. Let's hope the Town has more success as It seeks to ensure that litter dlean-up and winter snow removal is carried out at thesites. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Whyis council in a hurry to mov e Lynde ousie?9 *To Uic Editor: Rccently Doug An- derson in, bis' coiumn "On the other side of the fence" céommented in an excellent way on the most recent decision of Whitby Council to, donate <yes, freed) aur beritage to a private and profitable establishmnent, Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village. Len Cullen finally got 'Ibis bouse," the name of which, Lyn- de House, was already. on bis expansion plan long befare the historical socicty. was first made aware of this fact. John Sewell, writing in The Globe andMail last summer, asked'the following question: Is this n community with historical roots? You bet. Corne and see them foryourselve~We keep them preserved, ouf of harms' way at Cullen Gardens was the an- swcr. Now counicil has not anly precluded the out- corne of the historical society's ,feasibiiity study, wbicb -15 partly funded by the Province of Ontario under the community ,facilities,- improvement pragram. The museum facility ta 6e improved upon was the Lyndellfouse, so that it could be an ap- propriate rnusewn facility. Town cauncil did their utmost ta undo that'study. 'They had the building mnovcd. Why was council in such a hurry? And in such a hurry every step along the way ta Cullen Gar- dens? July 1, 1986 was Mr. Len Cullen's To the Edîtor: I read with interest the news item and editorial in the Nov, 12 edition of yaur paper, suggesting that the name of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital be changed ta Wbitby General Hospital. As an histarian wha bas spent 25 years researcbing and writing -about the istary of this cammtiunity. I feel it wauld be a great mistake ta remave Dr. Ruddy's name ram the hospital be spent 25 years of bis life working to establish. It is truc that the original name in the planning stages was "Whitby - General Hospital," but it was this same board of governors wbo named the hospital after Dr. Ruddy as a tribute ta bis leadership deadline. May 1987 is also Mr. LUn Culen's deadline for the grand apening of bis expansion af wbich the Lynde House 15 part. Was it the deadline that had ta be met which caused council to act again sa, quickly ta donate Lynde Hanse ta Cullen. Gar- It is important for any cammunity ta bonar those wha have made a significant contribution ta its develapment, and wrang ta wipe their names from the record just because a generatian inter they are remembered -by a minarity rather' than a majarity of the cam- munity's citizens. The crux of the issue, as it appears ta me, is ta have the word "Witby" appear in the hospitai's name ta identify it with this community. You say now that people don't realize there is a bospital in Witby and go to Ajax-Pickering or Oshawa hospitals in- stead. Also the point is made that "Dr. j.0. Ruddy General Hospital" is too long and canfusing a name. I believe there is a way that the Wbitby name can be used ,witbout sacrificing Dr. Ruddy's name, as bas been proposed,. A look at the current Canadian .bospital directory shows how this can be donc. In this book, anc will find listed, the Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, the Red Lake More letters p. 7,13 dens on Nov. 10? The second question concerna that preser- vation of this unique structure. Wby does council nat designate tbe building NOW, if in- deed council is so con- ccrned witb tbe preser- vatian of Lynde'Hanse? 'ro aesignate in under the Ontaria Heritage Act after the owner bas "fixed it Up" daes nat guarantee preservatian. As Mr. Anderson pain- ted -out, the bouse is not only significant outside but also inside. The in- side then could be ac- conxmodated t whatever use, perbaps anotber Grannys Place, if tbeinside has not been designated.' The third question concerna the intention of tbe donor, Wittingtan Praperties, Labiaws. It is my understanding based an reliable infor- mation tbat the bouse bad neyer been in any real danger of demolition. Was not the bouse donated by Loblaws (Weston Faads) ta thc people of Wbitby as part of their beritage? Since tbe hanse is now in thc ban- ds of a private In- dividual, tbislandmark is no longer enjoying the tawn's original cam- m 'tment -preservation in perpetuity, yes, caun- cil said that. Why docs council not use gaod judgment befare making ail these decisions regarding Lynde Hanse. Yau do not move the bouse first and then ask yourself ail those pertinent questions. The last question con-' cerna Uic words men- tianied by certain in- dividuals:fiscal respon- sibility. 'Were not, pli> financial Issues solvèd- once the ]hanse woiild beS at the Miniature' Village? Wby ail af a sudden is council so reluctant ta spend' the money. Back in Sep- tember 1985 Uic ar- See p. 7 Reémoving Ruddy name a mistake Policy le Wbtby Free Press la always iooklng for lettera to the editor and welcomea letters on any Issues thà t concern its readera. While thie paper reservea the rlght to reject or edit any ltters for publication, a letter that la short and ho the point la most lIkely to appear on our edihorlal page In- tact. Mlthough flot ail lapea can be addresaed hi a short latter, the beat la one of about 300 words or legs. Ai lJettera te tie editor must be algned and accompanled by a phone number for the edltor'a Information. Lettera may be sent 10: The Editor, Whltby Fr4e Press, 131 Brock Street Nor- tbh Whtby, Ont., LUN 5SI. Wlth 285 yards of ribbon already cut, is it possible that Mayor Bob will have another record-breaking year in '86?