PAGE 6. WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 26s, 1966, WHITBY Bugelli wants town to receive compensation from 0MB Whitby councillor Joe Short Bugelli wants the Town awan to seek, compensation satior for costirincurred if an tatior appealj by a local Bui resident goes as far as theT an * Ontario Municipal sinc< Board liearing. consi Thomas Nicols, owner peal' of a property at 1627 comns Cliarles St., lias twice nment, applied- for minor descr: variances ýto permit judici townhouses.- on' the He property. Botli ap- plicat plications have been added denied by committee, of to adjustinent. datior Nicolg isa appealing hearf the second dental. Adn Whitby planning depar-ý mittt tasient lias recommen- cilior ded that the decision by desci commlttee of adjust- a du ment be upheld by both plican coundil'anid the 0MB. 'Th Another recoinmen- reiliei dation, reected by Bn Bugelli, was that plan- motio ning department and poeiti( the Town ' solicitor - said represent the commit- dollar, tee adjustmnent sliould a werei hearlng be lield by tlie dedtl 0MB. too Co Bugelli learnecl fromn Nie( plnin lector Bob propeo INow Open Mondays. Mdmy'a (h'dy 50% Off streaks Ihighligrhts I andperms t that the 0MB can id costs as compen- on for represen- Dn costa. ugelli suggested that Town ask for costs e administration inittee. couldn't ap- 1a decision by the iittee of adjuat- t, wliich lie .ribed as a "quasi- cial body. " aproposed the ap- tion for costs lie ed as an anxendnxent the recommen- ons, sliould a [ng belield.. 1 Iministrative com- ee cliairman, coun- rMarcel Brunelle, ýibed tlie motion as breat to tlie ap- int. liat's riglit," ed Bugelii. unelle said tlie [n "1prejudices our [on."I But Bugelli, tliousands of irs. in legal fées at stake." He ad- tat such sums were >stly for tlie town. cols obtained tlie erty in July and -~--~ - a then filed application for a minor variance, to permit construction of eight townhouses. Committee- of adjust- ment denied tlie, ap- plication and no appeal was niade. In October, Ni cols filed a second minor variance to allow a six- unit townhouse. That was also. denied by committee. Nicols lias appealed. A planning depar- tment report says the variances requested were not minor. "Five dwelllng units could be properly sited on the property witliout the necessity of any variance.- Attempting to squeeze one more unit onto the property im- pacts three different zoning provision," states tlie report. Short said it was "unlikely" that the 0MB would award costs. But Bugelli said the only way committee can recover costs is by "goingforit." DR. BARRY -VAIL' (middie), Fairman Pubic SchooL At Ieft is superintendent of the French as. a Jack -Upton, manager of transpor- second language program, answers, tation, and Pat Bowman (r), Whitby questions at a meeting. of 'parents of trustee. French immersion students, at E.A. Heard to be immersion school From P. home achools -wtllch were unequipped for ail grades could go to themn.; Theywould be .Whitby Senior' Steve giving-- up rooms Edwards, senior. plan- speciaily designed for ner for the board, saîd art, music, science, in- tliis would return dustrial arts and family Engliali students to studies.1 There is a "sense of equity" if both Frenchi and Engliali programns <5j~qjj ~use the special facilities ~IQ; Includes: *-arcut& d * Tannlng se * FUIl facial * Competeh * Manicure * Pedcure OUR REG. POUC fRICS INCUE A OREAT oIrr lOEA F0 SOMM#E YOU LOVE -at Whitby Senior said ~ C huck Powers, area superintendent. Some schools, sucli as R.A. Sennett, are not made to accommodate dry senior students and ession some class sizes would be tooý small to be Make-up feasible, Edwards said. When asked if immer- ICE $100. sion students could rmain to complete Gae8 at F.M. Heard, P$80.00 Edwards said that A LIOHT LUNCH would mean looking at 15 portables on the site soon. He wasn't sure whether there were suf- ficent washroom facilities to accom- modate tliat many. The Durliam board lista theý capacity for F.M. Heard at 266 students and for Whitby Senior at 412. Ronny Klaassen, who recently chaired a tran- sportation committe for parents in an unsuc- cessful bld to have the board provide busing for Frenchi immersion students, asked about safe dropoff and pick - up at'F.M. Heard. She said the traffic loop the board installed this year at Fairman did not provide a safe answer. A bigger loop would be built at tlie next school, and would be ready by September if there was a decision on the move by January, said Jack Upton manager of transpor- tation. Concerns that. the meeting was "an exer- cise in futility" were expres8ed by 'one parent: "We .'are already perceived of as elitist, hysterical, pusliy parents,"shle said. Brown 'offered assurances it was "'not futile." SHe promised parents a..decision whicli le lioped would be ready by. January following meetings witli the other tliree schools: Whitby Senior, F.M. Heard, and Palmerston. Tliree * hundred students from Frenchi immersion, along witli 1,100 students from the above scliools will be af- fected by proposed changes. A lot of parents will be sorry to have their cliildren leave E.A. Fairman. ý "We've been* really super happy. here," Donna McFarlane said. 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