PAGE 89 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26,'198661 WHITBV FREE PRESS USC moves from relief to self -help orgarnzation Contrary, to popular belief the Unitarian Service Committee (USC) is flot associated with the Unitarian Church or any other church. It is one of Canada's oldest non- government organiza- tionai charities. "The naine can be a problem, especially when we try and raise funds because people think we are connected with'the church," said Pat PhilHipe, a program officer for USC. She was in Durham Region recently, conducting a media blitz to druin up support, for the organlzation's fun- draising. The organization was founded by Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova in 1945, she said. Dr. Hitsch- manova experienced j hunger durlng World War 11, explained Phillips, and, a Czechoslovakian refu- gee, she made ber way to Boston where she was helped by tbe Unitarian Church. Dr. Hitschamanova, with support from the Unitarians, started the organization to help vlc- tdma of the war and It bas grown to assist vic- tims of poverty in un- derdeveloped countries. just answers' the symn- ptoms." As an example, she told of a group of far- mers in Bangladesh who were helped by USC. "Farmers, or sharecroppers, .have Iess than one acre of land with usually Up to 20 members ln a farnlly to feed, " said Phillips. Because of poor land conditions, the farmers can only produce a crop one-third of the year, but with loans froin USC, - agriculture production was in- creased. For just $15, the far- 'Relief doesin't ask why people are poor' YJ~Z~OUNG CHILDREN in Bangladesh are erigt ~iZ a ada J read and write thaaks to the efforts of USC. USC la currently in the midst of its annual fundralsing campaign, hoping to raise $3,365,000 to support self-help progranis in six countries ln Africa and Asia. "We act as a fundlng agency,"l said Pblllips explaining the robe of USC i those countries. "We're there tobhelp the poor through agencies already there." Started as a relief agency, USC la now bebpig people to hebp themselves. "lWe have gone from relief to self-help," said Phillips. "Relief doesn't ask why people are poor, it mers purchased a tred- dle pump that will last 10 years and increase tbeircérops three times. "The pump allows bim to irrigate the land and produce tbree crops a year," said Phlllps. "The reason farmers can't go to batiks in the country," she con- tinued,.las that the i- terest rate is around 200 percent. '.And, assures The best way ta ensure that yaur furnace is sa fe is ta have it checked, periodically by a registered heating cantractor. A quic k check can reveal small problems, befare they become large problems. A blocked chimney or faulty furnace can cause seriQus health problemns and even. death by allowing carbon manoxide gas to spili into yaur home. Also, if there isn't suifficient household air for proper furnace combustion, exhaust gases may be prevented tram rising up the chimney, and leak back into your home. This can occur when the fireplace, kitchen fan or Cther air exhausting appliances are o perated in a hame. If you're a homneowner, it's your responisi- bility ta see that your furnace is properly mraintained. A safe furnace makes your home, a healthier place ta be. O For more information, contact your natural gas, ail, or propane supplier. Or, phone a registered heating contractor near you. A message tram the Fuels Safety Branch of the Min istry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. Mlnistry of C7onsumner and Commercial Relations (OÀtario Minister, Hon. Monte Kwinter Premier, Hon. David Peterson I I Pat Phillips Phillips, the farmers always pay back the $15. USC also gets natives of the countries invoived in >the, self-help prograras. "In' each country we have a locali represen- tative who is very much involved," she said. And that person is brought over to Canada should he or she require training. It also gives theni a chance to see how the money is raised. "People should give because they are obligated, not out of sympathy. Wbat hap- pens to two-thlrds of the world's population wll affect Canada," said Phillips.' Rezonmg application for vet dlinic received A * rezoning ap- plication bas been made to establisb a veterinary clinic in a commercial plaza on Rossland Rd. E., at Anderson. The application, if ap- proved, would permit the chlI n a commer- cial zone. The applicant, Fallingbrook Glen Square Ltd., is now ereçting the plaza. A unit within the plaza would be used for the clinic. The clinic would provide examination, diagnostic and propbylactic services including medical and surgical treatment to animais, according to a Whitby planning depar-L tinent report. Boarding of animais would not be permitted. The plaza is also to have units for a doctor, dentist, conirenience' store, hair stylist, cleaner and pizz store. Dinin,ç Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-2222 CHINESE F000 BUFFET DAILY salad bar Ineiuded) ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH$5..25 D:INNER $8.99 REGULAR MENU ALSO AVAILABLE (Canadien cuisine & Bo.Bo piattaru> TAKE-OUT & DELIVERY A Neglected Furnace Can Be Dangerous.,