WHITBV FREE PRESS9 WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER 3. 19869 PAGE 9 B. SHARE THE FEELING+ THE TWELVE DAI CHRISTMAS CON~I DOWNTOWN WHII The past nine shopping days inc have been filed with fun and ex day featured a special Christmas children decorated Christmas tr town banks,ý a crafî show was Workshop, primary school childr, merchants' stores, a Christmas p was held aI the WhiIby Public Libi fundraising event was held for thi *organizations and charity groups i -à Horse drawn buggy rides, hot carollers also added 10 thé festivili downtown. There are stili .4 of the 12 Days for your shopping enjoyment and Today you can listen 10 the beauti newly formed Whitby Senior Con corner of Brock and Dundas StrE Whitby led by Whitby Senior Pub] Court. Make sure you don't mi Christmas a1 4:30 p.m. today. On Thursday, December 4, Il downtown Whiîby will be putting dressed Christmas windows to be. chitectural Conservancy of Ontari a Iough decision as. many, stores'a Why not corne downitown and favourite? Don'I forgel 10 chec boutiques and speclalty âhops on1 well. PopIn and vsiî Santain hi 12:00 p.m. to, 8:00 p.m. On Frid Santa Claus will be in his workshol to 8:00 p.m. for picturetaking.' wonderland is locaîed at 125 Brt (beslide Celebralions to Go). IT'S A COLOU RING CONTEST! Hey kids, enter the downtown Whitby colouring con- test! Ail you have todo is colour this picture of San- ta's sleigh full of goodies, cut it out and drop if off at Santa's workshop this Saturday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. located at 125 Brock Street South. Please put your namne, age, address and phone nuniber on the back of your picture. Age categories will be between three and five, six and nine and len and twelve. There will be a first, second and third prize in each category and the winners will receive $25, $15, or $10 respectively. Judging will take place within one week after the submîssions. SeothsGood luck kids!1 Se o hsSaturday at Santa's workshop. 301 Byron St. S. Whitby0 NOOE 1:0A~ 666-3070 0 rmtesafo NOV OPN 1:0 AM. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE r mtesafo NEW YEARS MIENU Agnes Disney, 's, ENTREES Satisfy the Season' s 'PRIME RIB o ~Fashionable Haif-Sizes"CLETOSb 9DUCKA'LORANGE Ehr h eeto ss eFLO UNDER DEL REY (STUFFEDWITIIR',BMEAT) 1 AioS., Whitbywhrteseeio iss ALL ENTREFS5ARE SER VED WITHRDA KIWPoTA To 668-4375 0.Providing: 0 o.snlsevc if rpi OR RJCE & CHEk"S, S4LAD & DESSERT Pesn0srie Gf rpi Seatlng TMmes Gi. *'eZYi4i. o - Weekly pc (5:30 - 7:00) (7:00 - 8:30 p.m.) (8:30 - 10:00) STORE IIOLIRS Mon. - Sal. <M Mon. Fri $ à 95Frida.v3 (P <J .aiiinIa', YSOF rINUE IN TBY Liowntown Whitby citement as each event. Day care *ees in the down- ;held in Santa's ren decorated the party for children brary and a major à e various service in the community. apple cider and tes throughout the of Christmas lef t Id entertainment. tiful sounds of the xcert Band at the .eets in downtown ic School's Bruce ss the sounds of le merchants of ýforth their best Sjudged by the Ar- io. Its going to be are going ail out. d pick out your ck; the charinng the sidestrets as ds workshop from Jay, December 5, p from 12: 00 p.m. This lovely little rock Street South hI