Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1986, p. 23

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PRESSe WEDNE6DAY, DECEMBER 3.. 1986, PAGE 23 GORD CARROLL, vice for the John Brotherhood rink from Whitby, deivers during the Sun Life bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club over the weekend. The Brotherhood rmnk, was eliminated in the quarter-finals. Free Press photo mMari*posa over"Witby FROM PAGE 21 *ilkinson and Rita ÃŽounke each had aSssts. t M'ariposa overcame ~e W hitby Junior B eam 6-3 in a game played at the. Oakwood anena. Whltby led 6-3 at ana point but Mariposa roared back ta win 9-7. Leanne' Muir led Whitby wlth two goals. Jodi 'Sinden, Angle Been, Stacy Guymen, Jennifer Cooper and Nancy Teasdale ýhad single goals for Whitby. Whitby petite B team lost 9-6 to Mississauga on Saturday. Mary Beth Challoner had two goals and two assists while Kim Guymer had two goals and three assists ta lead the Whitby at- tack. Leslie Grenon had a goal while Uisa Drake hadaà goal and an assist. Picking up* assists were Kim Mathers, Shannon Bolton, Nicole Bleau and Michelle De Vries. On Sunday, the Whit- by petiteB team beat Barrielin exhibition. Drake' led the way with three goals and an assist la the 6-2 Whitby triumph. Chaloner scored two goals and Grenon ihad thc ather.' Kelly Pnoudfoot had a good game in net, her first at that position. Nicole Bieau had two assists and Leanne Capcland, one. Whitby tween B team lost ta Mississauga in another game. LONG DISTANCE "Reaching out ta touch someone" ap- pears to be a frequent practice for many Canadians. According ta Statistica Canada, in June 1986, 165 million long distance calls were made in Canada. SMALL BUSINESS S What's the largest job creation source? Small *>~ business, says Statistica Canada. Between 1978 and 1982 smal businesses with iess than five employees generated 52 per cent of "' ail new jobs in the private sector. Denis O'Connor schS1 news By LIZ ARUTA The iast of the scheduled college visits was on Nov. 27. A Sheridan College represen- tative hosted another seminar for Gr. 13, 12 and il students. Sheridan is noted for arts and crafts programs. 1 hope that ail the College Nights were a heip to those looking for a schooi ta suit their needs. On Dec. 3, 4 and 5 the drama departmenl will be presenting their production of Black Comedy. Corne and see what happens when the lights go out when they are not supposed. ta! Tickets are bemng sold for the cost of $3. 1 hope everyone cornes out ta see the play, a lot of hard work has been put into it by aur Drama Club. Our school is affering a job as a Hause of Commans page. This is for any bilingual maie or female student graduating fromn Gr. 13. For anyone who plans ta attend Carleton University or the University of Ottawa, this sounds like a good job, bath for expenience and knowledge. On Nov. 20 we had a DO'C-a-Thon assem- bly. The three highest money collectors were awarded sums of $200, $150 and $100. Other prizes were given out to those whosenames were entered for the draw. Some of the prizes were gift certificates, a walkman, a bicycle, and much more. This day also recognized the organizers of the walk and the parents and ather volunteers who helped out. In sports, our school is now into the volleyball season for the girls and the basket- bail season for the boys. The midgetgirls' tryauts were weli-attended, making the choice very hard for coach Preece. Our junior girls are looking good for now and coach Boyd and coach Flynn have high hopes for the girls. Bath our junior and midget boys basketball teams have been selected and bath coaches are working hard ta get themn ready for their tough season. The hockey team losL ta a strong Ajax team by a score of 5-3 on Friday 2î. Despite a few defensive errors aur team played very well. Goal scorers were Eddie Day with one and Kurt Yaskow with twa. Corridor -C ap e rs By MARY MCEACIIERN Cali T25M6 with items for this column The annual meeting and election of officers of CARA will be at Westminster United Chur- ch on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. Some or ail of Durham Board of Education trustees fromn Whitby wil be on hand ta, explain about the new Kendalwood school or any other schooi- related concerns, such as registration. OVERCROWDING There wil be a meeting at Whltby Senior Public School concerning overcrowding at Dr. Robert Thornton Sehool. Plan ta attend Dec. 9. KIRBY-VANESSA BREAK-INS Klrby and Vanessa homeowners have ex- perienced a numbén of break-irsisnl the last couple of weeks. Thrýee in anc day took place between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. in broad daylight. This is disgusting and anlinvasion of people's privacy. The residents are con- sidening forming a Neighbonhood Watch pnogram. It really works. Neighbonhaod Watch teaches people ta be more aware of thein neighbon's habits and ta report anything that seems amiss. The Corridor Area Ratepayens Association will sponsor any group wlthin the anea. If Kinby and anea people nequire any help to organize,-contact Anita Stungess, 433-0443. Anita la an expert in the Neighborhood Watch orgallization field. LIGHT THE CHRISTMAS TREE The Christmas Tree light bulb drive on Saturday was à, sparkling success. John Buchanan and I did aur bit for the Whitby Heant and Stroke Foundation. In less than a hall houn, ail oun box of bulbs wene gone. It was a beautiful day and cveryone was so kind and considerate. The tree at the fire hall. la Whltby la spectacular. Ail persons involved had the opportunity ta, light the tree while hclping sponsor worthwhile'organizations. Way ta go Whltbyi1 WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 7-'Advent Il- Bible Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., llghting of the advent candies - Sunday church school & nursery sermon: "God's Option"; Sunday, Dec. 14 - Advent III - White Gift Sunday; Sunday, Dec. 21 - Advent IV - Christmas Sunday; 10:15 a.m. an aid fashioned carol sing; 10:30 a.m. festival ser- vice of wonship; 7 p.m. the traditional service ofcarols and lessons for Christmas, a beautiful community service of canais and candies; Wednesday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve worship 7 p.m. family Christmas celebration; il p.m. festival service of holy communion. For more information on Westminster ad- vent and Christmas wonship experiences, cal 723-6442. K-MART EXPANSION PLAN, K-Mart in Whitby-la considering an expan- sion. The plans of the pnoposed addition will be shown ta area residents on Monday Dec. 8 at 125 Northview Avenue at 7:30 p.m. Flyingcarpe.ts' INTRODUCING for hearing DELICIOUS KNOBBY'S PIZZA impaired Classrooms with 0/ hearing impaired 3 O F F students may soon have OFF "flying carpets." 3 0 ý% The Dunham Voice for A L L IZZASHearing Impaired ding these carpets be ONE IGH ONL: TURSAY, EC.4thpravided for hearing ONE IGH ONL: TURSDY, EC. thimpaired students who have been integrated in- HOURS: Mon. - Wed. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. ta negulan classrooms. The rectangle of car- Thurs. - Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. pet would be large BREAFASTONLY- EVRYSUDAYenough ta fit under the BREAFASTON Y - VER SUNDAYdesks of about eight 9 A. M. - 2:30 P. M. students. The hearing impaired student with a BREAKFAST SPECIAL phonic car would sit in the centre. $2.991ncudes ail coffes The carpet is inten- ded ta cut down on vibrations the student E gets, sa that he may STARUBURGER more easily differen- tiate between sounds. When the student 900 Brook St. N.passu oàhge WHIBY668-3711~ grade, the carpet le z2y up with him. VER L&a aa *., '1Àivàuà CORPORATION OFTHE PLANNING TOWNOFWHITBY DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Wedneaday, December 10, 1986,7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whltby, Ontario Re: Downtown Whitby Secéondary Plan Study li jr ILl~ -- Fil~ 1 1rr11r .r i I -Ji iL : I i IL~{1 IL7- At the above noted public meeting, the second Stage Il report for the Down- town Secondary Plan Study wiii be presented. The report wiii address commente recelved ta the f Irait Stage 1l réport. It wIii aiso recommend Land Use and Transportation Concepts and Polcies to guide the future growth a n d deveiopment of the area shown on the map aboya. Further Information on the above study may be obtained by caliing Mr. Larry Cavanagh or Mr. Bryce Jordan of the Planning Department at (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director Ã"f Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby

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