Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYe-DECEMBER 39 19869 PAGE 29 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ OOMSCOMMERILBUSINESSHEPHP FOR SALEMRENT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES AUT FURNISHED ROOM fer reni. Suite mature working Christian persan, inon-amoker>. Use ot faclities,> parking avallable. 870Iweek. Cuit 688442. PRIVATE SALE. Prime ares, 3 bedroara brick bungalow near soheois & churches, gleamIng hardwood fieors, 11An batha, rec. roara plus ample faciiities for ln.iaw apartment. Move In con- 1dition. 728-4455. WHITIY - 3 bedroose townitouse $760 par monlh plus utililIes. FlIrsen d test monlh raquIrad. ONE ACRE sltuated on the top af a hIli ln Pickering averiaakIng KInsale, Graenwaad, Ajax, Brougham, Brookin lake and a clar aighl af thre Toronto ON Towar. Park yeur lent or buiid a collage. (l will abtain building permit)l. Oniy S7fimonth for a lent; oniy S2501monlh for a col- lage. Cait 655-896 Pickerivg. STORAGE $PACE location: ac- ceas off Hwy. 7 jusi N. of Ajax. 5 acres af parking, excellent for slaring bouts, traitera, trucks, campae, race cara, buses, trac- tara, heavy mactrInery, building maleriais and ather producta. Aise Indear alarage available. Fenced -preperty wlh iocked gales,' daiiy accue, $150 an- nuaiiy. Coui 655-896. FOR RENT hobby sIrop right on Hwy. 7. Excellant for sales and service et eki-doo, lawnmowera, chainawa, Ormait angines, traitera, etc. Spray boolh and aavdbiaatiug pif an promises. Lots ai parking. Hwy. frenlage. S81800montitly. Cat 655-696. LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT for rani. Sltusisd In s commercial cumplex prsentiy centaInIng msny work shopa. Thins Hwy. 7 ronage lot In Pickering enabies youut l in sales and service af Iraavyr machInery, amati angines, wadng, iandscaping etc. Commercial signa ara permited. $100.00 munihly lnciudes snaw- piowIng. read maintenance, taxes, Insurance, landacaping, ariertiolng, etc. A bulding can bearected on titis commercial ilo lut suit yaur noeds. Cail 65-6966. WORKSNOP FOR SALE. New bulding lual cempleted, Insulafed, cernent floor, 100 AMP service. Ecullent for machina repair. weiding. ornai angines, eki-doara, iandscapIng, etc. Silualed on a three (3) acre commercial. campisu ln Pikering. ilwy. 7 frantage enbles yeu ta give sasies and service wiih ait appropriaIesisgne and cdrive-in treitlle. $9,50000 cash. Snow piawlng, maintenance, faxas, Insurance, adertietng, eic. $100.00 montly. FREE STORAGE & parking for heavy machInery, aquipment, farm trepiements, rsefors, buldozers, backhoeas.leaders. trillera, fieas, snow piews, In- dusîriat aqlpment, building maferili, . lIrewaod. nwmobiies, oraiangines. dump trucks, gradors, tracfor- trillera, etc. AIsoaaalable for ravI commercial lttaand workhops frum SlSOimenth and up. Att buldings Insulaled, cemenf fleera and heavy hydre. Lecatad uans very large commer- cial cempiso wth ovar ena mile of Hwy. 7 rontaga In Pckerng lusi North or the Aiax shopping Cenfre. Thils excellent location enabias you la gins sales and srvices of ail mechanicai Items. Pianly cf drive-In traffic and ail approprasasigne permissible. 6558M6. "ORAMMER for peopla whe hale grummerl 1 Iotae Ideai pockaI relrnce baok for business peupla. 83.95 par copy and avslabte ai IcGidin Prinling & OllIce Supplies In theAasePiaza. D.01erinquiries Iniled 663-1968. ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE! SIRE The classIffied pagea are for everyone ,whether you are selllng or buying PLACE YOUR AD TODAYI WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111l SALES1 f-ayur0 'Weart jnd AUCTIONS FUN FOR TI-E WHOLE FAM ILY ATTENDONETHIS WVEEKENDI 'COMPUTERS -WORD PROCESSING *LEGALIMEOiCAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTIFYPIST -BOOKKÈEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FA5HION MERCHANDISING I& DESIGN *HOTEL& RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUITERIZED BANKING &OUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTALCHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Financial Assisance mfay be analiabie -Job Placemsnt Assistanca TORONTO SCHOOL OF~ A CAREER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now la thie lime ta train for your ciasa A license. For pr-creening Inter- view and lob placement infor- mation, contact Merv Orras Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1400-265-1260. FREE, 1986 guide ta atudy-at- home correspondance Dipioma courses for pretligiaus cameera: Accounling, Air conditioning. Bookkeeping, Business, coametoiogy, Eiectronfics, Legailediai 5ecretsry. Paychoiogy, Travei, Oranton (5A) 263 Adeiside West, Tarante, 1- 800-268-1121. EXCELLENT CAREER Opportun. files avaiiabie. EnrolilIn the Hard- wood Lumber Inspection 18.week prograra aponsored by the Canada Empioymenl Centre, et air Sanlord Fleming cotieges Haliburlon Campus. Prograra starta Feb. 2. For more Inter- mation ceil (705 4571080. BD To CARRY YOUR IR A NA OU NO9 UNLIMITEO INCOME. Jein aur Mail arder prograro, mark et home. For moeaInformation sendi 81.00 for postage end handling la J & E Enterprisa, Bau 39-P. Station M,Toronto, MOS 4T2. GRANDPARENTS ins your grandchiid a Iietlme glît - a Ragislered Educatian Savinga Plan *Tan shellered dollars t*6 psy for their pSsl secendsry aducation *Savinga Insured by c.D.î.c.* a von-prolit Fexedalion eslabiishsd lu 1965. For prospec- tus and complote Information ceil (416)>363-5231. DEVELOPMENT oI unique ap- presefi te marketing popular books prevIdes oppartunIty fer aupone ta eam unilmited Incame. No risI, No foe. Jelu test- grawing organizat ion. Free In- formation. 1-204-523-4430. Box 1473, Killamey, Man. R0K 100. IMMEDIATE LOANS & eulrlghl gravis te Individuels & cempavias. 98% eligibie. Fast. Confidentil. Infahouse, PO. Bau 835, Adeiside Si., Tarante, Ont. M5t2 2K1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F, MILTON CYRIL HEMBLING, late of the Town of Whitby, Regional Municipallty of Durham. ALL PERSONS having dlaims agaînst the Estate of MILTON CYRIL HEMBLING, late of the Town of Whitby, Regional Munlcipaiity 0f Durham, w!1o died on or about the 17th, day 0f May, 1986 are hereby notlfied to send particulars of saee 0 the underslgned on or before 3lst day of December, 1986, after which date the Estate will be distrIbuted with regard only 10 the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the underslgned shah flot be lhable to any person whose dlaim they shahl not thon have notice. DATED the 121h, day of November, 1986. Administrators of the Estate of Milton Cyril Hembling dlo STEIN & PRICE Barristers & Solicitors, 459 Bond St. E., P.O. Box 781 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M9 LIOHTNHOUSEKEEPiNO, reliabis, Mature humemaker ia bu Ihere for Independent, hundicepperl teenager. 8 s.m. - 10 s.m. & 3 pr.. - 5 p.m. weekdsys. Bair-Burns ares. 430-037. Evenluos. AEWARDINQ POSITION FOR PART-TIME ATTENDENTICARE WORKER Malurily, nursIng-ttundenl experience, ad Care requIred. Toassis15 pîyslcaily itandlcapped adule living in WhiI- bylAsolPickaring ares. Flexible houra, car iflowavce & compatitinu wagus. Con- tact J. Louffun, Ourtiam Rugby CIreshrire Homes. 576-2112. ATTENTION: Parants - teachare - Day-Care Assstants. Woridbook.- chiidcraft needa YOU now for s apeciai 8-8 wuek Promotion. 10 heure - $100 pur weak. 1a haurs $200 par week. No auperlence necassary, Fre training pronided. Eam Christmas dollars. Cati cellect London 519> 657. 1891. Toronto 4161 624-5774. CASHIER, 10-lime position for self-serve gis bar In Aax. Cali evings. 855-8986. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR requirnd for CCNA naional office. Toron- le. Sirong commuvIly uewapaper background. Public relaions, communications, organizaf ion, administration ablitlis essential. Efective June 1, 1987. Wiln: J. Baker-Pearce, ion 280 Allon, Oni. LOM 1lAD. MATURE BABYSITTER required ln my Whlby home. Mon-Fni. 20- 25 Ira, for 3 girls. Starting Jan. Cait l688-7810. CAMERA STRIPPERIPLATE. MAKER requIred by largo Eastern Ontario prinling compnny. ldeaily yen have minimum 5 ynar e. parience. We aller gond wagon & bunefis, including profil uharino & modern work environmenn. Lucaied ln prime ouldoor recru- ahaonai ares. Wrile tKen Watts, Pnrformance Priniing. 65 Lamne Si., Smih Falls, Ontario K7A 4T1. RELIABLE BABYSITTER required Wud.-Fri., 8-5, Gardon and Bradley, WhItby beginning Jan. 87. References requirud. Non- smeker preferred. Please cati 6689759 aller 6. OVERSEAS POSITION&. Hun- dreds of top paying positions. At- trnclive benulils. Ail c- cupatlons. Free deluila. Overseas Empieyment Servicss, Depi. WA, Bon 460, Mount Royal, Ouebec H3P3c7. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob training wlh pacument heip la ansilabie. Complote dutails can be maiied ta you. Pane Rodgara Schnol ai (416,769-3546 wth postal code. EXPIERIENCEO REPORTERI PHOTOORAPHER requlred. Ex. penience iv tayasi and design precudures. Satary & boeufil package. Chance for advan- cement. Appty: Reporter, Box 1629, Espsvela, Onlaria POP 1idO. LOVINO CAR! requIred for 6 moulh aid 8:30 - 5 weekdays frm Jan. SIh. My home Myrtie or your hame Braoklln, Norh-Central Whlby. von-ameker wth rufoencas proferrud. 650-4824. A RETIREO HANDY-MAN carpen- ter te Ieip buitd amali calmne & garages ln euchanga for housing, accommodations, andi meals. Ail an a campground lu Pckering. dali 6555-8966. REPORTER requireri by large Eastern Ont, publirher. Minimum 1 year enynrience. Job involunu neyerai publications, including 2 weeklinn. Car requireri. dem- petliive waoes, encollent tringo bonefllsIx cludlng profil sharing. Send rosume la Jerry Hud- dionlon, The Record News, F.. Sou 158, Smilla Filis, Oni. K7A riTl (613) 283-3182. DRIVERS wiil cube'or Stop van neederi ail day Worimsdayx and Thurndays. Permanent arrangement. 668-611 f. AN AD THURS. DEC. 4 6:30 at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER R.R. 2LINDSAY Property of J. GAMSBY,, FENELON FALLS. Fur- niture, appliances, some antiques & ishes. Gold 2 door f roat. free refrigerator & 24" gold range, Inglis dryer, Hitachi mini washer, oId buffet, 4 matching press back chairs, 3 parlour tables, antique pressback rocking chair, square dining table, trunks, good chester- field & chair. LOCAL HOUSEFULL OWNERS MOVING. 5,po. blonde oak bedroomn suite, green 2 door frost f ree fridge, 24" stove, mat- ohing Viking automatic washer &.dryer, freezer, Hoover spin washer, 8 pac. modem dining suite, 20 Hp Chrysler outboard motor & tanks, 5 PC. modern bedroom s8uite <lueS 111<8 new), console colour televsIeon, con- sole stereo, D.P. desk, deluxe chrome suite, guitar, vacuum, bird bath,- antique organ, relning chair, lampe, & dishes. For Information cali McLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY 324-2783 SAT. DEC. 6 11 A.M. Property of Morgan Driveaway, Lindsay. 19- Sth Wheel Floats for house trailers, buildings or many uses. Shop tools & equipment, office equipment. Information 1 (705) 324-2783. McI.ean 1 (705) 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTION MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS Workshlrts $2.75, work- pante $3.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send $2 (rimbursed f irst order>: MllItary Surplus Box 243 St. Timohee, Quebea JOS IXO AUCTION SALE SAT. DEC. 6 il A.M. At Kahn Country Auc- tions, 3 miles North of Hwy. 401 on Brock Rd. (exit 399), Pickering, Ont., large clearing auc- tion of antique & modern funiture, good selection 0f collectable glass & china, plus many primitives, and lots of bric-a-brac romoved from several estates and private sources f0 feature over 300 items. Terms cash or choque (wlth l.d.). No reserve. Snack-bar open. G &H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985-8161 E REG ISTERED NURSES $28,400 - $329500 With the MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whltby Psychiatrlc Hospital, you Mili organize, direct and supervise staff and act as team leader, charge nurse and nurse therapiat on ail tours of duty; fun- ction effectlvely as an Integral member of!a multidlsciplinary health care team. Location: Whitby. Qualifications: Current regîistration as a nurse ln Ontario; advanced preparation ln psychiatric nur- psychiatrlc nursing an asset, but knowiedge of psychiatric principles and Interventions wlll be consIdered; excellent communication and Inter- personal skilîs; ability 10 work shifts. Area of Soarch: Within commuting distance of WhItby. Please send applcatlonlresume, quollng file HL25-70186, by Dec. 29,1986 to: Ministry of Health, Reglonal Personnel Admlnistrator, Human Resources Branch, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario, Li N Equality of Opportunlty for Employment SOntario Public Service 1 1 '1_ Il 'l ma

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